What keeps bringing you back?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Simple question really, what keeps making you continue to tune in to WWE programming despite the constant moaning and complaining at the quality of the product? I'll admit it, im one of those RAW cynics that sit there in the comment section Monday Nights saying im not going to be watching next Monday. But next Monday comes and *sigh* im there with a beer watching a programme I continue to critisize. My main and probably for the past few weeks only reason for continuously tuning in is Kevin Owens.

Kevin Owens is the one superstar that gets me hooked and interested. As soon as there's a segment no matter who's involved whether that be Triple H and Stephanie having an in-ring promo or R-Truth and Jack Swagger having a pointless snoozefest, im waiting for that sick theme intro of Owens' to hit and for him to cockily walk his way down to the ring. His current feud with Ambrose and for some reason Ziggler (Don't get that) is amazing. The announce table powerbomb moment where once he'd put Dean through it and he stood there sadistaclly enjoying what he had done was so sick and twisted it reminded me of heel Viper Orton of his good days. He's just such good TV, shame RAW truly isn't just the KO Show. So what's your reasoning? And please dont lie and say that you dont watch because if you dont, why are you on this thread?
the fact that there is not a viable alternative. :shrug:

I watch the network a lot, but even the best OLD content still feels old. As much as I dislike the direction of RAW and Smackdown, it actually has seemed like WWE is trying a little harder lately. Also the thought of seeing Kevin Owens, Sammy Zayn, Somoa Joe, and Finn Balor on Wrestlemania (I know all of them aren't likely for this year) kinda makes me mark out a little on the inside.
I pay for the WWE Network to watch old PPV events, so I watch the PPV events since I get them free. I haven't actually watched a RAW or SmackDown episode in it's entirety in well over a year. There's just nothing interesting going on now. All the guys who should be headlining are midcarders or below, and the guys who should be in the midcard or below are getting the massive pushes.

WWE lost my interest by refusing to be patient. Their tactics for pushing a guy are, "We need this guy at the top NOW!!!!", strapping a rocket to their back, and shooting them to the top before they're ready. NXT and the youth movement killed wrestling for me. It's all about every young guy being an unbeatable god and every veteran talent being made to look like a pathetic, incompetent loser. WWE doesn't understand that you create the future by BUILDING on the present, not by tearing it down.
Nostalgia and the hope that the product rounds a corner and enters another renaissance period of creative bounty. I've been holding my breath for a new attitude or golden age era where wrestling enters the mainstream again for quite some time.

Most of my close friends stopped watching wrestling nearly 15 years ago when Austin turned heel at Mania X7. Since then I've gone to forums such as these as outlets to have people to talk to about wrestling, and express my opinions and discuss the art.

I keep going back waiting for it to get excellent again so I can share it with other people. For years, I look up wrestling sites in incognito mode, hiding my interest as if it's some shameful thing. People generally made fun of me or thought I was some kind of moron or pervert for liking wrestling.

These days I don't hide it and I don't give a crap. My girlfriend knows, the first one who has known since high school. I don't hide it or act embarrassed. Maybe it's because I'm older, I'm not sure. All I know is I want to see WWE get excellent again because wrestling can do that. It can tell amazing stories and feature diverse complex characters like any entertainment platform.

NXT has given me a huge hope for the future. If that's what WWE looks like under Triple H, then sign me up. I was a wrestling kid. My first pet fish was named Hulk Hogan. My uncle gave me a suplex every Christmas morning until I got too big. My friends and I tried it a home (which you shouldn't) and beat the crap out of each other over tin foil and cardboard belts on mattress and rope rings. I still have scars from hardcore matches.

I keep watching because I don't want to lose that sense of wonder it gave me as a kid, I want to be able to share that with people and my family some day.
Nothing, I don't watch the weekly programming anymore, they've burned everything that did keep me coming back.

I keep up on this site and watch a ppv here or there to keep current on what's going on, so if they ever decide to stop jamming Roman Cena down everyone's throat, I'll be able to jump back in without being clueless.
Simple question really, what keeps making you continue to tune in to WWE programming despite the constant moaning and complaining at the quality of the product? I'll admit it, im one of those RAW cynics that sit there in the comment section Monday Nights saying im not going to be watching next Monday. But next Monday comes and *sigh* im there with a beer watching a programme I continue to critisize. My main and probably for the past few weeks only reason for continuously tuning in is Kevin Owens.

Kevin Owens is the one superstar that gets me hooked and interested. As soon as there's a segment no matter who's involved whether that be Triple H and Stephanie having an in-ring promo or R-Truth and Jack Swagger having a pointless snoozefest, im waiting for that sick theme intro of Owens' to hit and for him to cockily walk his way down to the ring. His current feud with Ambrose and for some reason Ziggler (Don't get that) is amazing. The announce table powerbomb moment where once he'd put Dean through it and he stood there sadistaclly enjoying what he had done was so sick and twisted it reminded me of heel Viper Orton of his good days. He's just such good TV, shame RAW truly isn't just the KO Show. So what's your reasoning? And please dont lie and say that you dont watch because if you dont, why are you on this thread?

Alright, just to clear you out, we (the IWC, including you, me amongst the many others) do complain but not the entire product. We have different perspectives and different verdicts. While some of you want Sasha Banks to be the Divas champion, I would fancy Becky Lynch, the underdog to be the champ. Is that wrong in it?

Said that, we don't complain the entire product. Certain aspects are bad of course, certain storylines are irrational for weeks or even maybe for months but there are other things to enjoy. I do get frustrated when my favourite guy gets buried (such as Bad News Barrett) but that never made me lose interest in Seth Rollins being the World Champion.

In a nutshell, I still see things that fancy my thoughts. After all it's a three hour show and if I complain the whole 3 hours of product, I'm mentally unstable, aren't I?
Nothing, I don't watch the weekly programming anymore, they've burned everything that did keep me coming back.

Pretty much this. I haven't watched a WWE show since Royal Rumble 2013. I have sort of kept up to date by skimming over results on the dirt sheets to see if it becomes a program worth watching again, or very occasionally watching a clip of something that happens that people swear "is absolutely amazing and I need to see", but more often than not I end up pretty disappointed by that.

Aside from, I see the WWE stuff that appears in Botchamania, and that's about my extent for their content that I've seen in the last three years.

Could I come back? There's a possibility, but it's not likely. I don't typically have a lot of time to dedicate to wrestling any more, and when other companies are putting on incredible shows like today's Wrestle Kingdom, it's hard to justify spending what time I do have on something like WWE. With two of my top three guys supposedly making the jump from NJPW to WWE though.. we'll have to see what happens.
I basically see WWE for the following reasons:

1》 The only viable option in India to see wrestling is WWE and i love wrestling so thats why!

2》 For my favorite wrestlers like Cesaro, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Kevin Owens, Finn Balor, Paige, Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks, Bayley, Samoa Joe etc :rolleyes:

If someone complains about everything WWE does, then he/she must leave it because there is nothing left of their interest..... I still have interest in WWE due to my favorite wrestlers....I have complaints with WWE's booking and underutilization of some talented wrestlers... For example my complaints of 2015 were Reigns' Royal Rumble win, Wyatt's loss to Underataker at Survivor Series, lamely booked Divas Division, Ambrose as sidekick of Reigns etc.... :disappointed:
Simple question really, what keeps making you continue to tune in to WWE programming despite the constant moaning and complaining at the quality of the product? I'll admit it, im one of those RAW cynics that sit there in the comment section Monday Nights saying im not going to be watching next Monday. But next Monday comes and *sigh* im there with a beer watching a programme I continue to critisize. My main and probably for the past few weeks only reason for continuously tuning in is Kevin Owens.

Kevin Owens is the one superstar that gets me hooked and interested. As soon as there's a segment no matter who's involved whether that be Triple H and Stephanie having an in-ring promo or R-Truth and Jack Swagger having a pointless snoozefest, im waiting for that sick theme intro of Owens' to hit and for him to cockily walk his way down to the ring. His current feud with Ambrose and for some reason Ziggler (Don't get that) is amazing. The announce table powerbomb moment where once he'd put Dean through it and he stood there sadistaclly enjoying what he had done was so sick and twisted it reminded me of heel Viper Orton of his good days. He's just such good TV, shame RAW truly isn't just the KO Show. So what's your reasoning? And please dont lie and say that you dont watch because if you dont, why are you on this thread?

Many people here moan only because it is considered cool to bag everything. They secretly love WWE, yet are too gutless to say this, because then they will be bagged by other people here.

I keep coming back because I always find something or someone new to watch. The roster grows bigger every year, so I like to see how new stars perform. Also, I always find an interesting match or storyline.

Also, it is loyalty. You shouldn't just walk out on a bad marriage, you stick it out to see if it gets better. You ride through the hard times, so that when the good times come, they taste even sweeter.
The Rumble/Road to Wrestlemania is the main one. It's my reason to return to the forums the past two years in a row. It is without doubt the hypest time of the wrestling year. And it's got pretty intense this year with the news that the title is on the line instead.

The second would be constant influx of new talent. I found myself having to catch up on the Shield. Then the Wyatts. Then NXT and the new women's generation this year. The change in certain gimmicks. It's one of those "Wrestling stays the same, but wrestling is always changing" kind of deals.
Many people here moan only because it is considered cool to bag everything. They secretly love WWE, yet are too gutless to say this, because then they will be bagged by other people here.

Hahahahahhaha. *Cole voice activated* Vintage d_henderson1810 ! @ secretly love WWE

Jokes aside though, how can everyone with a viewpoint similar to the OP be "secretly in love" with the WWE ? The WWE is not some taboo thing with which people would rather only be secretly in love with. Some of our most favourite wrestlers of all time and most cherished childhood role models have been IN the WWE, or rather, THE WWE. From Chris Jericho to CM Punk to Shawn Michaels to Bret Hart to Austin and Rock. That being said, wouldn't it make one feel good/proud about loving the WWE?

I keep coming back because I always find something or someone new to watch. The roster grows bigger every year, so I like to see how new stars perform. Also, I always find an interesting match or storyline.

Exactly. This is what the OP and others need to realize. Sure, the WWE has been a big pile of garbage for quite a few years now. But the roster in the last two years has comprised of some of the most wonderful athletes/wrestlers one could want on a wrestling roster..from Seth Rollins to Daniel Bryan to Cesaro, Kevin Owens, and Randy Orton.

Kevin Owens, right now, is IMO the most interesting/must-see thing in the WWE. So yeah, one could totally enjoy the Ziggler-Ambrose-Owens storyline.

Also, it is loyalty. You shouldn't just walk out on a bad marriage, you stick it out to see if it gets better. You ride through the hard times, so that when the good times come, they taste even sweeter.

Spoken like a real man!

But, being inexperienced and yet wise as I am, I like to think that some marriages are better turned into null and void! Hah.
Nothing I haven't watched it regularly for years, every time I try to it bores the shit out of me. They still haven't lifted their game. I prefer TNA/ROH/NJPW.
Honestly. Routine and nostalgia. I have been watching WWE on TV since I was a kid in the mid eighties. It brings back memories of my father and grandfather watching WrestleMania or Maple Leaf Wrestling, etc with me growing up. In later years it was Raw, Shotgun Saturday night, plus WCW, ECW whatever we could find on TV.

Just out of rountine, if I see wrestling on TV I stop and watch. I PVR Raw weekly. The wrestlers may have changed, storylines may have been recycled or mailed in, but, my love has stayed the same
I actually haven't watched Raw or Smackdown since YouTube cracked down on show uploads, and frankly, I'm not too beat up over it. I still watch the ppv's, but that's more of an excuse to hang out with a specific group of friends once a month. I don't give up entirely on WWE because there is still a lot of talent I'm invested in, but I'm fatigued at seeing poor creative and insulting storytelling. So, I'm comfortably able to enjoy WWE's program once a month, as I'm generally provided with at least one or two great matches and I get to skip the weekly insults to my intelligence.

All the while, I get my wrestling fix through old footage, and the upcoming season of Lucha Underground. If creative offers something truly worthwhile from the top to bottom of a Monday night on a consistent basis, I'll be a little more diligent in finding a way to watch Raw. (May even have to involve getting cable. Yuck.)
I genuinely enjoy the product. I am not one that constantly nitpicks it or say I don't watch it. I do not watch all 3 hours of it because basketball will always be my first love over pro wrestling. But I do enjoy watching it with my 8 year old son. I respectfully admire that the content is more appropriate for his age than it was 18 years ago.

There are storylines that I find annoying, yes. I thought the Goldust/Marlena/Val Venis storyline in which Terri was found in the bed with Val was terrible. Or how Trish Stratus allowed her character to be degraded. That stuff wasn't innovative or edgy. The Vince McMahon divorce angle. There are those moments where WWE sweeps things under the rug as if the audience is that naive. If characters like Undertaker or Kane were to debut today, many would find it silly. There are many undercard guys that would've been great in the territories and WWE back then.

I just find alternatives to watch like LU. It sure beats the hell out of continuously criticizing the product which I generally don't or saying; "I don't watch WWE" despite being regular posters. Injuries to key workers changes everything. It likely changed up WM and every PPV and direction of Raw for 3-4 months. Then more stars getting injured. So in that aspect I give creative a break.
Despite some stuff I'm not a fan of, it's pretty entertaining. I've been watching wrestling since I was a kid.

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