What Is Your Stance On...

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
farting in a relationship? Is it taboo to you? Or, do you just treat it as a natural occurrence?

Personally, I mean, in past relationships, I haven't tried to make an effort to squeeze one out in front of my girlfriend. But, young women want to be around their boyfriends for significant amounts of time, which kind of cuts into your personal time.
If your girlfriend says you can fart, you can fart....Question is if she wants to queef, are you going to allow her to do so.
I never really understood the allure of this. People actually have this as a positive aspect of a mate.

Seriously?? really??

its rude to do around anyone. So why would I do something rude around my girl?? I wouldnt.
i wouldnt either,like NorCal said it is rude to do it around anyone.

I would try my hardest to keep it in even though people say that is bad for you to do.

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