What is your favourite gimmick match?

What is the best gimmick match?

  • Ladder

  • HIAC

  • Cage

  • TLC

  • Elimination Chamber

  • Other

  • None. Gimmick matches suck

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Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
I thought about this during last nights ladder match. I love a great ladder match, and last night was no exception. However, I was wondering which do I like better, Ladder matches or HIAC? I figured ladder matches as they seem to be more of a midcard staple as opposed to HIAC. Razor/Shawn really set the bar for the IC title being opposed in a lader match. Whereas HIAC genuinely feels like a main event staple to me. Whatever, regardless of my opinion, what is the best gimmick match?

Elimination Chamber
Cage Match
None, gimmicks suck
Initially, I was wowed by the Hell in a Cell structure, but then, when the Elimination Chamber match was revealed, that was something out of this world, and up till today, I look forward to seeing it take place.

I do hope the Fast Lane PPV is a throwaway before Mania and the Elimination Chamber match can be moved to another PPV slot which makes it worth something again. Possibly make it the Main Event of SummerSlam, if possible. Now that would definitely be worth watching,lMO.
@Larisano, would you like to see the Chamber used on an annual basis or make rare appearances as deemed necessary? If use regularly during the calendar year maybe Survivor Series or Battleground would be fitting events. The match works in with each and in the case of Battleground could provide a significant gimmick.
@Larisano, would you like to see the Chamber used on an annual basis or make rare appearances as deemed necessary? If use regularly during the calendar year maybe Survivor Series or Battleground would be fitting events. The match works in with each and in the case of Battleground could provide a significant gimmick.

First off, I'd love if the WWE put out 8/9 PPVs per year instead of the current bloated amount.
Ppl rave about NXT but they have only about what 4/5 PPV Specials to work towards which cuts out crap and rushed storylines unlike the Main Roster.

As for the Elimination Chamber... I'd absolutely enjoy it if they put a KotR styled tournament that is done in a way that it comes down to 6 Guys fighting it out for the WWE WHC perhaps. I'm sure something like that being done with an air of unpredictability would greatly interest fans and really be a good option outside of Mania season.

I'd say 1 per year, but if neccessary in a story, then it can be done to suit.

I'm still holding out for 6-man Tag EC match... they really had the opportunity with the SHIELD vs the Wyatt family :disappointed: ...
My match was always Hell in a Cell until the Elimination Chamber made its debut and that just blew me away. Like Larisano said, it's probably the only gimmick match that I always look forward to, no matter who's competing in it. I kind of wish they would treat the EC match like they used to treat HIAC, meaning it's only used in RARE occasions for the biggest angles.
Ladder has been a consistent favorite of mine. From the days of HBK vs Razor to Ziggler vs Harper last night of the gimmick matches ladder's a easy winner for me. And if it wasn't already great enough then the MITB matches just pushes it way over the top.
I think ladder/TLC matches are the most exciting. Truthfully, I love them all. Most of the big gimmicks such as HIAC, the Chamber, Ladder, and TLC matches are great. They usually all deliver. But the most freedom and creativity, I think, come from the Ladder and TLC matches, which I'll classify as the same thing, because they basically are.
Hell In A Cell really isn't anything different from 1980s old school NWA Cage Matches, which were always WAY more violent than anything WWE did back then. Likewise Elimination Chamber is just WWE's sanitized version of War Games.

Only certain types of wrestlers can do Ladder Matches. TLC takes that to a new level with the No DQ style violence and weaponry use, they are typically for me way more entertaining.

Still my Fav gimmick match is easy .... I QUIT - You have typically work under NO DQ rules meaning weapons, outside help, etc is all fair game, and you have to mix brawling with technical wrestling typically to force the submission. After the early 90s when main event stars starting losing regular matches via submission (almost unheard of in the 80s) this lost a bit of it's luster but even still the intensity it takes to pull off this match along with the brutality and high spots makes it an instant classic almost any time it is used, and due to the intensity required it's only pulled out for the most hated of feuds.

From Blanchard-Magnum to Hart-Austin and beyond, this match always delivers a great mix of emotion, brutal brawling, and (usually) at least some great technical skill. Plus the endings are typically classic. Who can forget Austin, blood dripping from his bald head, passing out from the pain after trying for what seemed like forever to escape Brett Hart's sharpshooter, or the unmitigated violence of Magnum TA breaking a wooden chair into splinters and forcing them into Tully Blanchard's head as he screamed in pain, or even more recent bouts like S-Slam 06 where a battered Ric Flair threatened to bludgeon Maria with a barbed wire bat if an incapacitated (but refusing to quit) Mick Foley didn't get up and fight or submit once and for and all....

Nothing beats a great I QUIT match, especially as a major feud ender.
Iron Man matches are the best. You got 1 hour to score the most points. Feels like any other sport. Would love to see more 30-minute Iron-man matches. Give them to people like Ziggler/Miz/Ambrose/Rollins/Bryan etc who can wrestle. I would love to see one of these end some feuds in the future.
Elimination Chamber. What is the fascination with wrestlers using tables and chairs? It was cool when a wrestler would randomly pull out a chair and deck someone when it made sense, but what is the purpose of dozens of chains and tables lying around? Why wouldn't you just put more brutal weapons there instead of a table that breaks someones' fall? I'm not for dangers to the wrestlers, but having dozens of foreign objects sitting around that used to be special/situational is kind of ridiculous to me.
Ladder matches are my favorite in any capacity. Great overall matches like Michaels vs Hall, great story telling like Taker vs Hardy, Great athleticism like Kofi Kingston/Shelton Benjamin at MITB, Great spots like all of the E+C/Dudley's/Hardy's matches..

My second favorite would be... anything but a stupid table match. That garbage is worse than a miscellaneous object on a pole match
My favorite gimmick match is TLC. Why stick with a Ladder match or a Tables match when you can have both namesakes as well as Chairs also thrown into the mix? Insane spots, the namesake items all being allowed for use by a wrestler against his opponents, and pure chaos. I look forward to this match type no matter what. The same cannot be said for me about Hell In A Cell in recent years and several other gimmicks. I do also usually look forward to Elimination Chamber, it's my runner up out of the threadstarter's list.
Personally i have always been a huge fan of ladder matches. The only thing I don't really like is how slow they climb the ladder sometimes but I get that it has to be done for suspense.
The first ladder match that I ever saw was the money in the bank ladder match at Wrestlemania 21 when I was about 11 and I could not believe some of the things that I saw. Ever since then I look forward to every upcoming ladder match
Ladder matches (and that includes TLC matches) - I think I've enjoyed every one I've seen. The spots are inventive, they *usually* are smart enough to book only certain wrestlers into these matches, and thus far I think only TNA have managed to screw one up (I think they had one which Jerry Lynn won in under 3 minutes once - I won't even count that on the list)

I love the concept of Hell in a Cell, but the fact is since it became a ppv in its own right, the matches have been a mixed bag. The first ppv had THREE cell matches on it. Should be a once- or twice-a year match tops. Same with the Elimination Chamber, although at least when they had two titles it made sense.

The EC is usually pretty good as well, especially the last couple of years when it has been just once a year. The problem with two chamber matches in one night is that one was always decent and one mediocre (the worst being the 2008 (I think) Smackdown/ECW match.

For that reason, the ladder match is my favourite (and the reason I add TLC to that is that ladder matches are no dq, which has led to the use of tables and chairs in them)
I love Ladder Matches. When done right, they can easily be Match of the Year.

HBK & Razor set the tone for what a Ladder match could be.

Then The Dudleyz, Edge & Christian and The Hardyz REALLY took it to another level.

But my favourite gimmick match is the Royal Rumble match. 30 superstars, random surprises.. the unpredictability of what (it used) to be. The winner guaranteed a title shot at the biggest event of the year, WrestleMania.

Its a shame the Rumble has become predictable these past few years. But its still a great match.

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