What is your Favorite Vampire Movie?

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What is your favorite Vampire movie that you have watched before?

I have a thing with Vampires and if I could be one to taste immortality along with the charm and the amazing abilities that comes along with I would do it in a heartbeat. The world of being a Vampire can and could be amazing if you ever thought about it. You don't have to be a human feeder, even though it is the most satisfying blood out there you can feast on animals. The world of Vampires is an Ultra fascination to me.

So my favorite Vampire movie that I have ever seen is 30 days of Night. This movie has brutality, blood, gore and stays true to Vampire ways. This movie had the mortals who are stuck in 30 days of darkness while a flock of Vampires come to feast on the town. It leads to lots of blood, gore and a pretty good story line to it.

Honorable mentions
Queen of the Damned

An my favorite series of movies Underworld.

So what is your favorite Vampire movie??
The satanic rites of dracula

The last of the hammer films that ressurected the dracula series after universal stopped producing them in the early 1950s. What a way to go out on this film. It even tops the original dracula series

Christopher Lee is excellent as he usually is when playing dracula. Other than peter cushing I really don't remember the name of any of the other actors. In this movie some satanic cult is doing things to women that relate to dracula. His death scene is very vreative because he goes throw a thorn bush that is holy because it is the same type of bush used to crown the meesaih before his excecution. The girls that are turned into vmapires are awesome and hot! That asian one that gets a net thrown on her and then stabbed with a wooden stake is hardcore. The excess amount of blood and gore compared to the black and white films is tremendous.

It's my favorite vampire movie . while I have never seen any of the other hammer dracula movies, it still beats the black and white versions, as well as "vampire sucks":suspic:. Yes I am a film nerd:)
Modern vampire movies are, in my opinion, travesties. What happened to the dark, smooth, and suave seducer/seductress who only bared their fangs to feast on supple necks or to deter dogged vampire killers from staking them? As evidenced in such films as Blade and 30 Days of Nights, vampires nowadays hunt in vicious, fast hordes and are about as tactful as a pack of lemmings jumping off of a cliff. Today's vampires are just nocturnal, fanged zombies, and it looks like some of you prefer it that way (props to zrise though for picking a Hammer Horror film; these films were never bloody enough for me, but they were atmospheric and much better than most of the drivel being put out today).

With my rant out of the way, my favorite vampire film would have to be the original Fright Night (I'm also partial to Fright Night 2). Why? It has everything that today's vampire films lack save for the gore.
I agree, I do not like any modern Vampire/Dracula movies..The last one I enjoyed was Dracula starring Gary Oldman and Interview with the Vampire.

My favourites are definitely the hammer horrors..Christopher Lee was brilliant and I also love the Universal Dracula with Bela Lugosi.
I find that even though I've seen it a million times, if Interview with a Vampire is on tv, I'll sit down and watch it. Neil Jordan is an amazing director.
I agree with tdigle that modern vampire movies in general suck, however I have nothing against older ones. The movie that takes the cake for me has to be The Lost Boys, mainly because I'm a huge Keifer Sutherland fan but also because this movie is a real classic that kicks ass. One of my favorite movies from the late 80's, with a great cast including Sutherland, Corey Haim, Jason Patric and Corey Feldman; The Lost Boys is one of the many great cult films of it's decade and is helped boost the career's of these young actors who(some) went on to have very successful careers. I always enjoy watching films of people early in their careers when I've only known of them after they became big stars, always fun to see where they came from.
Let The Right One In.

I just finished reading the book last week and was blown away by not only how faithful the film was to the book, but also how great the book was on its own. The imagery and descriptive nature of the surroundings, supporting characters and Oskar's mentality were all so well drawn out that I really found it hard to put the book down once I got going.

The film, visually, is truly awesome in HD. The glowing white of the snow juxtaposed with the utter darkness of the night sky is a great setting for Oskar and Eli to stand in the middle of, as both characters are neither all that they seem. The best trick the director uses in the whole film is to minimalise the Vampirism to just a few key scenes which works wonders for it. Too many films have battered the viewer with the fangs, the changing eyes, the blood etc, whereas LTROI maintains a sense of tension by only delivering a couple of facial/bodily changes in the entire film which, in the case of the facial changes, are subtle but eye-catching all the same.

The ending is terrific too but as I dont want to spoil it, I shall say no more.
To be honest, I don't really buy what most people are saying in this thread. Vampire movies, along with everything else, needs to evolve. Sure vampires movies have changed and sometimes they are not for the better. But in the past, there was more than enough terrible Dracula movies. Vampire movies may not be the most seductive prospect today but some of them can carry their water.

As far as my favourite modern vampire movie goes, I think I have to put my weight behind Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans.

Personally, I haven't seen a vampire movie recently that has such a rich tapestry of history. Rise Of The Lycans is one of the best vampire movies I have seen and although it focuses more on the plight of the werewolf area of the title, it really does give another view of vampires that you normally see.

Bill Nighy is an amazing actor and he really sells the aristocratic bastard role. This movie really puts him over as being the perfect vampire filled with demonic rage and the lust for vengeance and power.

I love this movie. More than Twilight anyway... Which, by the way, I watched for the first time a week ago with my girlfriend and kinda enjoyed it. Way more than I thought I would.
I like to watch Horror and Vampire movies. My favorite vampire movie is : "Let the Right One In". It is a story of a 12 yr old boy befriends a mysterious young girl whose appearance in town suspiciously coincides with a horrifying series of murders in director Tomas adaptation of the book by author John Ajvide Lindqvist, who also wrote the screenplay.
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles

Aside from having an all-star cast in Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and Kirsten Dunst, it has one hell of story. It's an old film (1994) but it's worth watching. Take my word for it.
I'm not a big fan of Vampires; I like True Blood bc HBO does a great job with their series' but honestley, I've never enjoyed watching any Vampire MOVIES more than I enjoyed watching Twilight 1 and 3. I love TERRIBLE movies and the first one of those was TEAR-A-BULL! The part where they're playing baseball? LMFAO! GOD that movie was horrible. The third one almost makes fun of itself; every time I was gonna make a wise crack about the Werewolf guys never wearing shirts or the Vampires looking esp emo, one of the characters would beat me to it.
I'm not a big fan of Vampires; I like True Blood bc HBO does a great job with their series' but honestley, I've never enjoyed watching any Vampire MOVIES more than I enjoyed watching Twilight 1 and 3. I love TERRIBLE movies and the first one of those was TEAR-A-BULL! The part where they're playing baseball? LMFAO! GOD that movie was horrible. The third one almost makes fun of itself; every time I was gonna make a wise crack about the Werewolf guys never wearing shirts or the Vampires looking esp emo, one of the characters would beat me to it.

Twilight is the favorite movie of most of the people. As this is the movie that is based on the very nice novel. So Even I Enjoy watching this movie. Happy feet two movie online trailers also seems to be good. Although this is not a vampire movie. But this is the sequel of the movie that got oscar. So excited to watch this movie.

The first one. Totally badass. Wesley Snipes is perfectly cast as the emotionless day-walker, and I love the whole idea that vampires live among us, only being able to be told apart from the humans by the symbol on their neck showing that they are familiars.

Deacon Frost is by far the best villian in the Blade series, as he actually looks human rather than the more "monster" style vampires in Blade 2 and 3.

I enjoy all 3 of the Blade movies, but the vampires in number 2 just look like aliens rather than actual vampires with their faces splitting open, and number 3 has too many cheesy Ryan Reynolds jokes for my liking.

So my answer to this is the original and best Blade...number 1.
Definitely the Lost Boys. It's a realistic setting, the vampires aren't goth-emo douchebags wearing glitter, and Keifer Sutherland could kick Robert Pattinson's ass. Besides, it's got Bill S. Preston, Esquire in it.

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