What is wrong with WWE now days?

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Dark Match Winner
Why is WWE slipping? Why isn't WWE hot like it was in the Austin/Rock/DX era?? Why does vince, or "the powers that be" always want to give a product that they want and not what the people want? Hell at least TNA can do something they at least arent PG and still have blood. Now why doesnt TNA make a serious move?These people have all been in wrestling for so long that they are just stale with storyline, and its the same circle of people on both sides of the fence that keep this crap going!! Ill tell you 1 thing the guys in the back just dont have the balls Rock, Austin and DX all had back in the day and dont have it in their hearts to do their own thing to make something happen. The only guy i can see with any kind of drive is Zack Ryder!! This guy started making his own show on youtube and WWE has actually started taking part in this, see this guy knows that if he didnt do something himself he would never get his break... Now not only is it the company's fault for sucking now days but it's the Wrestlers with no real creative drive that's also killing the program. R Truth is just terrible on the mic and has no signs of ever getting better, why is this guy even around? Vince talked to him face to face on RAW and still didnt see how horrible he is. This is almost to much for me, Im starting to get sick of this WWE crap.

PS, WWE get rid of some of these PPV's, this is another thing ruining your company, we can watch raw every week to watch what we saw at over The Limit!!!
You ever hear of a thing called "evolution?" Not the stable, the process of change overtime.

WWE is PG, so what? It was PG in the early ninties. It doesn't have blood, diseases can be transfered through blood. Don't believe me, ask Nigel McGuinness, he'll tell you all about it. You want to know why WWE isn't in an "Attitude" era, because for one it wouldn't sit well in this day and age. That was the nineties, this is now.

You compared Zack Ryder to Stone Cold Steve Austin? Yeah, you might want to get your head checked. Ryder might have a YouTube channel, but so does Rebecca Black, fuck I can create one too and start doing my own mildly comedic comedy sketches. That doesn't entitle me to a contract with the WWE.

R-Truth is currently one of the most interesting turns in wrestling at this momentin time. How about I give you a microphone and send you out in-front of 20,000 people? I got five bucks you'll shit your pants and cry about it before blaming someone else. WWE did poor on Over The Limit, one bad/below-average buyrate in five years. Yeah... No.

The question isn't what's wrong with the WWE. The question is what is wrong with you?
Wwe needs to stop marketing to kids. Stop the PG product and at least attempt to become edgy again. Not overdo the blood and bad language but in my opinion some match types need blood. If your having a last man standing on i quit match with chair shots ect having some bleeds adds to match.
Wwe needs to stop marketing to kids. Stop the PG product and at least attempt to become edgy again. Not overdo the blood and bad language but in my opinion some match types need blood. If your having a last man standing on i quit match with chair shots ect having some bleeds adds to match.

Yeah, because being struck in the back with a Steel Chair causes you to bleed, doesn't it?
Listen people, stop asking for blood. Too many wrestlers are just now realizing they have Hep C after years of blading and mixing blood with other infected wrestlers. There is just too much to worry about health wise to allow wrestlers to blade. It is so contradictory to want WWE to protect wrestlers health and then say they suck for stopping blood in matches!!! It's a health hazard and WWE is at least trying to protect the wrestlers and yet the fans think it is an "uncool PG move," its not about about PG, it's about protecting WWE and WWE performers.

Once you know the truth about something there is no reason to go back to doing it. I don't want to see chairshots to the head or any blows to the head and I don't want to see two guys leaking blood on each other to entertain me because I know the truth. Head blows create concussions and effect them indefinitely, blood letting bring on a host of health dangers and Hep C is rampaging through the wrestling community. I don't need that to think or feel like the product is edgy and fresh.

STOP begging for the kind of action that can ruin wrestlers long term health. We have seen the death toll the Attitude Era had, FUCK THE ATTITUDE ERA! That period of time took a great many lives to entertain people and yet you want it back? YOU KNOW BETTER and you guys are full of shit for saying it was the greatest Era in wrestling. Yeah it was in terms of money making and exposure but count how many wrestlers died between 1996-2002. Fuck that era, don't ever bring that shit back.
Whats wrong with WWE is the same problem that it has had since WCW went under, it has no credible competition so everyone became complacent and have settled in a safe comfortable place. People continue to watch WWE more out of habit than anything else now because it is still the biggest most recognizable brand in the world of wrestling. Although many of the recognizable talents have long since moved on. WWE being the only true big show in town gives them all the power now as well, so the actual talents don't have any leverage anymore. Used to be if you were unhappy with your situation in WWE you could leave because there was the option of going to WCW which was for a time equal to and bigger than the WWE or vice versa. Now sure there is TNA or ROH out there right now but neither are at the level of WWE or what WCW was at their peak, so guys in the WWE right now don't view them as another option, more like a last resort if they get booted from WWE. Also back in the day you had guys that would move around from territory to territory honing the craft, even going over to Japan and other country's learning and adding to their movesets and characters, actually developing their talents. Now Vince has a strangle hold on that so it is hard to develop new characters that all don't look, sound, and act the same. If you ever get a chance watch the last Chris Jericho dvd, he talks indepth about this process and it makes so much sense. I am not saying that everything about WWE is bad because I still watch it twice a week every week, and find parts of it to be very entertaining. Is it is good as it was in the 80's with the Hogan, Savage, Steamboat, and Warrior? No it's not. Is it as good as it was in the 90's with Austin, Rock, DX, etc? No it's not. Will it ever be at that level again? I guess it's possible but right now I just don't see it happening because the creative side doesn't have any reason to push it to or beyond those levels right now. WWE is still making money, they are still doing decent ratings, and people still recognize it as the biggest and best name in wrestling. So until something comes along to challenge that we will keeping getting what we have been getting since WCW went out of business.
There is nothing wrong with the WWE, why would they want to push the envelope when they have no real competition? I love watching the attitude era and I like seeing bloody matches but after seeing the recent post talking about a disease that can effect the wrestlers due to constant blading then I think its better for the health of the WWE wrestlers. I mean its not like the matches still aren't good? I've seen quite a good few matches in the "PG" era. People constantly bash the era because they have been watching it since it was Rated M and TV14. I've been watching since 2001 and have seen it change throughout the years, I miss it, but there will never be another attitude era, and if there is, it won't be anywhere near as good as it was, no one in the WWE could replace Austin, Rock, Taker, DX, Kane because they were the backbone of the attitude era along with a few other wrestlers. Zack Ryder should never be compared to Austin, yes the guy is talented but Youtube doesn't make you a better wrestler, I don't see what all the fuss is about with this guy.

For example, look at one of the greatest matches of all time in WM12 1996, Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels, now there wasn't blood in that match but it was still an awesome match?

Correct me if I'm wrong but I watched the Ladder Match DVD and I seen the Wrestlemania 17 TLC match, there wasn't any blood in that, correct me if I'm wrong guys?

So the way you look at a match is, it becomes twice as good if there was blood? Sure it does add more gore to it, but just imagine if Austin never bladed at the match against Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 13, do you think the match would of been worse? I certainly think not.
Why is WWE slipping? Why isn't WWE hot like it was in the Austin/Rock/DX era?? Why does vince, or "the powers that be" always want to give a product that they want and not what the people want?

Well obviously they are giving people what they want, or at least what they find acceptable, seeing as they continue to make profits (although they lost in Q1 2011).

I don't have a problem with no blood or what not given the real health concerns. It's the one dimensional stories and characters that are the real letdown. It's fully possible to go back to the more edgy Attitude type feel without bringing back blood, etc.

That won't be happening anytime soon of course, but there should be some edge at least.
I think the WWE is a lot more entertaining now than a few years ago at least..it definitely looks like it is heading in the right direction. Plenty of potential amongst the up and coming talent..given a bit more time and some well handled developing of these talents and I can see a very fruitful, entertaining time ahead for the WWE with as good a roster as it's had for some time.

I think blood and swearing is not the way forward personally. I loved the Attitude Era and I love hardcore, Hell In A cell, Street Fights and all the rest of it but the WWE can thrive and be very watchable without a bloodbath everyweek. I would like to see boundries pushed a little bit more as far as edgyness goes but that seems to be the case anyway since Wrestlemania. I think TNA are trying hard to recreate the Attitude Era and it just comes across as very dated in my opinion. That maybe because the talent they have is not as "talented" as the Attitude Era but still it just seems desperate. I wouldn't mind seeing some more extreme style matches every once in a while on PPV's but relying on it each week to get pops has been done already.

I think creativly the WWE are still lacking somewhat and it has become predictable but things really do seem to be improving and hopfully it continues to head in the right direction. I would like more gimmick characters and better storylines but I am entertained a lot more now than I was not long ago.
The problem is that WWE is a publicly traded company, forcing them to focus on profit above all else. It doesn't matter what makes for good tv or good wrestling, it all comes down to the bottom line and marketing the intellectual properties that are the most profitable. It probably would be a great product if the WWE went along with what the internet fans wanted. It would be awesome with a heel Punk holding the belt for two years with a babyface Bryan chasing him, but Cena as champ makes more money on merch. Best thing to do is move on to the Indies, Lucha and Japan because there's really no turning back for the WWE it's a corporation that has to worry about profits and not wrestling.
it's not the lack of blood. if blood got a promotion over, tna would have blown up because they had their wrestlers blade almost every match.

for me it comes down to wrestlers not allowed to be themselves and cut their own promos. the rock and austin broke out because they were allowed to be themselves on the mike. wrestlers used their own personality and express what they wanted to say.

but nowadays, the writers are so nervous about letting wrestlers do their own thing, that they make everyone memorize lines, which makes them like robots.

watch orton on the mike. he's terrible. great wrestler and has the persona to be great. but he's so robotic on the mike, he'll never take that next step.
You're absolutely right, the wrestlers are, in the words of Daniel Bryan when he cut his best promo on NXT, invented by the WWE machine.

They are not allowed to say whatever they want which is why a lot of them are so bad on the mic nowadays, just look at the late 80's - early 2000's, everyone had good mic skills, because they were able to say whatever they want and they really got in to there characters, unlike today when you only have like only 5 wrestlers who are good on the mic, just look at John Morrison, amazing ability, horrible mic skills.

If the WWE just there wrestlers be more free and creative, then the problem is solved, cause some wrestlers really can't get into something that they don't even want to say, just let them say whatever they want, and you would see a lot of good promos come out of them, but I also heard John Cena writes his own stuff maybe that's why he's always so in to his promos.

And if the wrestlers aren't in to their promos then they can't really get over with the crowd with them.
The main issue I have with WWE is that there hasn't been a change in the presentation. The format is still the same and has been the same since the Attitude Era. The only cosmetic changes we've seen is moving the announcers from ring side to the stage and then back to ring side again. The Titantron has been changed a couple times but other than that what the hell has changed? The ropes?

WWE has to change the canvas! You have to change how the shows are produced. You have 3 guys that can open Raw and hold a 15 minute promo segment(Cena, Miz and Punk) compared to 10-15 guys a decade ago. So kill that damn segment. Tag team matches used to be utilized to entertain the crowds and TV audience while the announcers got over the main event storyline. Now there are no compelling tag teams so FIND TAG TEAMS that ppl will watch instead of sending out Evan Bourne or Jack Swagger to work bullshit 2 minute matches that don't get over because the announcers are hyping the main event.

Not even Cena is good at backstage live promo's so get rid of them. Focus on the titles, protect the guys you think have potential to draw, change the camera angles, present the product more like a sporting event. Use the words--Fight and Wrestling--to describe the bouts. Stop the stupid comedy shit. Wrestling comedy is good when it is rarely done. It has no impact when you try and do it EVERY WEEK!

WWE looks old, sounds old, the product is old. They aren't innovating anything, nothing is cutting edge, nothing is fresh. The look of WWE supports personalities of the past because it's exactly the way they left it! That is why the Rock can come back and look like he never left. The template needs to change so guys like Miz, Punk, Ryder, Del Rio, Swagger, Etc can be presented on a fresh canvas, not the same shit that Austin and Rock made famous.

Part of what made RAW so good was the opening music, the pyro, the titantron, the red ropes, all that was fresh and new. This era has nothing fresh and nothing new. The opening is trash, its the same pyro, the same tron, the ropes are white now and does nothing for me. Other than that its the same company form the Attitude Era just without the Attitude.

The main issue I have with WWE is that there hasn't been a change in the presentation. The format is still the same and has been the same since the Attitude Era. The only cosmetic changes we've seen is moving the announcers from ring side to the stage and then back to ring side again. The Titantron has been changed a couple times but other than that what the hell has changed? The ropes?

WWE has to change the canvas! You have to change how the shows are produced. You have 3 guys that can open Raw and hold a 15 minute promo segment(Cena, Miz and Punk) compared to 10-15 guys a decade ago. So kill that damn segment. Tag team matches used to be utilized to entertain the crowds and TV audience while the announcers got over the main event storyline. Now there are no compelling tag teams so FIND TAG TEAMS that ppl will watch instead of sending out Evan Bourne or Jack Swagger to work bullshit 2 minute matches that don't get over because the announcers are hyping the main event.

Not even Cena is good at backstage live promo's so get rid of them. Focus on the titles, protect the guys you think have potential to draw, change the camera angles, present the product more like a sporting event. Use the words--Fight and Wrestling--to describe the bouts. Stop the stupid comedy shit. Wrestling comedy is good when it is rarely done. It has no impact when you try and do it EVERY WEEK!

WWE looks old, sounds old, the product is old. They aren't innovating anything, nothing is cutting edge, nothing is fresh. The look of WWE supports personalities of the past because it's exactly the way they left it! That is why the Rock can come back and look like he never left. The template needs to change so guys like Miz, Punk, Ryder, Del Rio, Swagger, Etc can be presented on a fresh canvas, not the same shit that Austin and Rock made famous.

Part of what made RAW so good was the opening music, the pyro, the titantron, the red ropes, all that was fresh and new. This era has nothing fresh and nothing new. The opening is trash, its the same pyro, the same tron, the ropes are white now and does nothing for me. Other than that its the same company form the Attitude Era just without the Attitude.


Like I said when WCW ended everyone found that nice comfortable spot and just settled in because there was no reason to change or improve. They won, everything was good, they were still making money, they were the only game in town, and that made them lazy and nothing has changed since then.
Like I said when WCW ended everyone found that nice comfortable spot and just settled in because there was no reason to change or improve. They won, everything was good, they were still making money, they were the only game in town, and that made them lazy and nothing has changed since then.

Why push yourself to the limits creatively and physically when you're competing against yourself? It's not like TNA is currently at WWE's level, because its not. WWE don't even recognize them barely unless TNA make an actual splash.
whats wrong with wwe is the same with tna their not taking advantage of how bad the other program is right now both programs are horrible wwes problem is everything has to go through vince well hes losing sight of what the people actually want to see tnas problem is their trying to recreate the mixture of the late 90s wcw and wwe together and their failing horribly this whole anderson being an asshole would be ok if he wasnt goin around telling all of us how much of an asshole he is just be an asshole and thats it worked for stone cold i know i got off topic but you cant talk about wwe without talking about tna vince needs to step aside and let the younger writers who might be more in touch with this generation and just maybe they can take advantage of tna suckin just a bit more then they do right now:disappointed:
What is wrong with WWE now days?


Vince wants WWE to become an entertainment company and not just wrestling. To that end he started a film division and I think WWE has had music division for a while now. For the NO MOAR PG crowd it's gonna stay PG for a very long time. When you put out family friendly movies you have to have family friendly wrestling as well. If you're a parent looking for a movie to go see with your kids and you see a movie like The Chaperone playing. You think that you may want to take you children to see it but you see it's put out by WWE films. If you have someone beat someone else to a bloody pulp on TV earlier that week then you may opt to go see something.

SO nothing is wrong they are just changing with the times.
BAsically it's three things

1. Writing- The story lines have no time to build. Wrestling is a soap opera, but it needs more chance to grow. The die hard scripting is way too strict and the wrestlers are not able to be themselves.

2. PPVS and tv. The main eventers are in a match every week. What is their to look forward to in a PPV every month if their is no build up and you can see this every week on free TV.

3. Superstars- I'm not bitching about Cena, he might be stale, but it's pretty much the same matches with a different twist 3 ppvs in a row. Orton is boring, after watching the deadness in his match against Sheamus, it made think is he the top guy, when they have guys with bigger pops. The only ME guy right now is R Truth, who's crazy gimmick is just plain entertaining.
Now i don't normally break down other members posts to make a point because it feels like i'm talking down to people and being a condescending asshole. The only reason i'm doing this is because i think this guy is talking out his ass

Why is WWE slipping? Why isn't WWE hot like it was in the Austin/Rock/DX era?? Why does vince, or "the powers that be" always want to give a product that they want and not what the people want?

The WWE product is not slipping. The product is a hell of a lot better than it has been over the past few years this year. I refer you to the 2009-2010 period of WWE. There is a lot more going on in 2011 than there has been. I can think of at least 5 storylines on this weeks Raw compaired to about 2 storylines that would dominate the WWE 2009-2010 period.

I think that you seem to be talking about WWE's PG era. Here's how it works. You have to get young fans into your product because the parents are the ones with the most money. When those fans start to grow up WWE will want to keep those fans so they will make it a little bit more adult orinated. When those fans start to get even older than that, WWE wont really care about them as much and will switch back to WWE PG so they can get another bunch of new fans. To cut a long story short, WWE will probs go back to a new attitude era fairly soon when the product becomes stale to the "money fans".

Hell at least TNA can do something they at least arent PG and still have blood. Now why doesnt TNA make a serious move?These people have all been in wrestling for so long that they are just stale with storyline, and its the same circle of people on both sides of the fence that keep this crap going!!

TNA cannot make a serious move because they don't have nearly enough money to go up against Vinces money maker. The only thing TNA can do is serve as an alternative to WWE's PG product on which they do with more blood and casual swearing

Personally, I don't rate TNA because of Hogan in the company. If TNA went back to what brought them to the dance, the x divison and not using old WWE guys, i think they would at least have a shot at taking over WWE. I firmly believe that getting rid of Hogan would be a mistake for TNA, they just need to put more money into having compelling storylines and fresh wrestling.

Ill tell you 1 thing the guys in the back just dont have the balls Rock, Austin and DX all had back in the day and dont have it in their hearts to do their own thing to make something happen.

Do you really think that all of the talent in WWE are sitting around drinking milk and eating their vitimins? Wrestlers are tough dudes who enjoy a good dick joke like the rest of us, they just can't show it on camera yet because WWE is in PG mode.

The only guy i can see with any kind of drive is Zack Ryder!! This guy started making his own show on youtube and WWE has actually started taking part in this, see this guy knows that if he didnt do something himself he would never get his break...

Funny that, didn't Zack Ryder loose a match to Kolfi Kingstone on Raw this week. The only reason they put him on a show is to keep the internet fans happy. I will agree though. If WWE don't use this popularity then they are idiots.

Now not only is it the company's fault for sucking now days but it's the Wrestlers with no real creative drive that's also killing the program. R Truth is just terrible on the mic and has no signs of ever getting better, why is this guy even around? Vince talked to him face to face on RAW and still didnt see how horrible he is. This is almost to much for me,

R Truth is playing a verson of the "whinging heel" character so it's his job bitch and moan about how the WWE are holding him back. Also, he's playing the whole "i'm a black man and WWE are holding me back because i'm black" gimmic without even mentioning that he's black. He's doing a great job. Vince doesn't like to be in the ring with guys that he does not rate, see the first Raw million doller give away when he was with Charlie Hass

Im starting to get sick of this WWE crap.

Simply put, don't watch it if you feel so strongly about it

PS, WWE get rid of some of these PPV's, this is another thing ruining your company, we can watch raw every week to watch what we saw at over The Limit!!!

PPV's generate even more money for Vince's company. There's no way that he will let the company slip back down to 6 ppv's a year!

I'm not having a go at you dude, but there is so much wrong with what you said. Next time before you start mashing your palms on your keyboard, do some research
its just plain boring really there are several problems most of the time its like watching the same show over and over every week it even seems to go in the same order raw opens somone comes out and starts banging on then someone else comes out and starts banging on then they stare each other down then comes a message on coles ipad from the anon raw general manager declaring how they will have a match tonight then we have a couple of standard singles matches followed by a backstage segment then a divas match another backstage segment and then maybe a tag match then the main event then the show goes off the air its kind of lost the whole anything can happen in the wwe thing it used to have

most of the wrestlers are generic and dull not all of them but most they have no characters or gimmicks its mayby for the best that taker might be retiring soon as hes pretty much the only one left with a far out gimmick and its starting to look a bit out of place

there are very few real storylines anymore and storylines are essential for making you interested in a match and random staredowns backstage do not count im thinking more along the lines of hhh invading randy ortons house,the undertaker kane saga,stone cold and vince trying to out do each other every week but theres nothing like that now fueds and title matchs generally seem to be thrown togther these days altho i did actually like the king vs cole rivalry

lack of blood wouldnt usually be a problem for me but its is when there having a hell in the cell or no holds barred match as blood definatly makes these more dramatic or when someone has to be cleaned up cause there bleeding that really annoys me

as people have mentioned the promos are robotic and dull due to heavy scripting

that pretty much sums up what i dont like about wwe at the moment although the lack of holy shit moments is annoying aswell and im not to keen on the dont mention wrestling policy either it just seems ridiculous as its a company based around wrestling
Yeah, because being struck in the back with a Steel Chair causes you to bleed, doesn't it?

Sum1 got out of bed on the wrong side this morning i understand some ppl just dont like change and thats them but do you really have to mock them no1 is mocking you in here but your 2 posts are terrible i come in here to read about wrestling not read about some1 moaning about another Fan so pls chill out Dragon
Sum1 got out of bed on the wrong side this morning i understand some ppl just dont like change and thats them but do you really have to mock them no1 is mocking you in here but your 2 posts are terrible i come in here to read about wrestling not read about some1 moaning about another Fan so pls chill out Dragon

What are you on about? It was making a point.

WWE don't allow Steel Chair shots to the head anymore, the last one was Triple H's on the Undertaker at Wrestlemania and before that it was months if not over a year ago. If you don't get hit in the head, and the primary place is now the back, how the hell do you expect there to be blood?
Why is WWE slipping? Why isn't WWE hot like it was in the Austin/Rock/DX era?? Why does vince, or "the powers that be" always want to give a product that they want and not what the people want? Hell at least TNA can do something they at least arent PG and still have blood. Now why doesnt TNA make a serious move?These people have all been in wrestling for so long that they are just stale with storyline, and its the same circle of people on both sides of the fence that keep this crap going!! Ill tell you 1 thing the guys in the back just dont have the balls Rock, Austin and DX all had back in the day and dont have it in their hearts to do their own thing to make something happen. The only guy i can see with any kind of drive is Zack Ryder!! This guy started making his own show on youtube and WWE has actually started taking part in this, see this guy knows that if he didnt do something himself he would never get his break... Now not only is it the company's fault for sucking now days but it's the Wrestlers with no real creative drive that's also killing the program. R Truth is just terrible on the mic and has no signs of ever getting better, why is this guy even around? Vince talked to him face to face on RAW and still didnt see how horrible he is. This is almost to much for me, Im starting to get sick of this WWE crap.

PS, WWE get rid of some of these PPV's, this is another thing ruining your company, we can watch raw every week to watch what we saw at over The Limit!!!

The issue isn't within the WWE. The issue is with the fans. Fans like you who want to relive the past. Fans who want to see the same over the top bullshit from years ago. The same fans who want the attitude era back, who want the blood, the extreme violence, the divas in bra and panties matches. The fans who hate Cena because they think he's the reason the WWE is PG. The Attitude Era is over you and everyone else that is stuck in that time period should get over it.

Look how well TNA is doing being TV-14, oh wait their not doing well what so ever. Hogan and Bischoff wen't there and tried to make it WCW circa the early 2000's, and they've succeeded because TNA is in bad shape, just like WCW in the early 2000's.

Zack Ryder is doing well getting over with some fans with his youtube show, but he's still struggling to get over with the live audiences on a week to week basis. Believe me I love Ryder and I've been a fan of his since he was in ECW, but even with his side work and build up of fans, he's still not over.

R-Truth is currently the best I can ever remember him being. I don't care for his mic work, because its not great, but he's a much better heel than face. He gets great heat, his promos when you can understand them are dead on. Vince has loved Truth for some time, thats why he's being pushed right now.

I do agree they need to limit the amount of PPV's they have and build them up better, but they still are able to hit the buy rates they expect, so why would they stop something thats working?
I'm no fan of Mark Madden, but his last editorial hits the nail on the head, complacency is the biggest problem. There are a lot more problems but thas a huge one. Also not EVERYthing is WWE's fault.

In the Golden Age Vince had competition, the other territories he was wiping out like the plague, which meant he had to build a better product to snuff them out, and he did, also gave him a HUGE talent pool to cherry pick from. Now there wasn't any blood back then, or much anyways, and I've recently started re-watching some old SS's and Royal Rumbles and what not, and some of the promos were downright atrocious.... but they were still ENTERTAINING (Warrior anyone?) so certainly blood isn't a MUST HAVE, also the wrestlers and moves back then just seemed to have a lot more IMPACT (no pun intended) and seemed less rehearsed... a LOT less (maybe polish isn't always a good thing or too much of it anyway)

the attitude era? can we say nWo? once again, competition, and this time Vince was the one on the losing end for awhile so he couldn't jus sit back and rake the profits in with any old BS that came to his (increasingly seemingly insane) mind, he also couldn't cherry pick the talent pool this time as that is what Ted Turner was doing to him, he had to make talent which is what he did, and THANKFULLY he had the people with the potential to pull it off, rock austin hhh hbk kane taker, and more, and to me, that is something else that is SORELY missing from the WWE right now, and hey sometimes that's just the way it goes, but if creative and talent scouts got off their asses or had a pink slip over their head, that might be helped a little. Someone said earlier would the match with austin hart be worse if austin hadn't been bleeding at the end? and said no. I say YES. Are there inherent risk with blading, OFCOURSE, those risk can me minimized through test, and no blood does NOT need to be everymatch or every show or every ppv, quite the opposite, keep it seldom to keep it meaning something, Austin ending that match with a crimson mask left a DEF lasting image, it would not have had nearly the impact without it, so yes it would be a worse match, not to say a bad one, but that would have been missing, and that makes it worse. Also the language, it can be bumped to at least TV 14, we're talking about a show where people are apparently beating the living shit out of each other... but they dare not say shit? ... c'mon

With all that said have to understand that now Vince is trying to circle around back to the golden age and start it up again, I would say he's failing, but at least I understand. So while there are DEF things WWE can do themselves to fix the product a little, with no REAL competition, everything gets stale cuz people get complacent with "good enough"
Whats wrong with WWE is the same problem that it has had since WCW went under, it has no credible competition so everyone became complacent and have settled in a safe comfortable place. People continue to watch WWE more out of habit than anything else now because it is still the biggest most recognizable brand in the world of wrestling. Although many of the recognizable talents have long since moved on. WWE being the only true big show in town gives them all the power now as well, so the actual talents don't have any leverage anymore. Used to be if you were unhappy with your situation in WWE you could leave because there was the option of going to WCW which was for a time equal to and bigger than the WWE or vice versa. Now sure there is TNA or ROH out there right now but neither are at the level of WWE or what WCW was at their peak, so guys in the WWE right now don't view them as another option, more like a last resort if they get booted from WWE. Also back in the day you had guys that would move around from territory to territory honing the craft, even going over to Japan and other country's learning and adding to their movesets and characters, actually developing their talents. Now Vince has a strangle hold on that so it is hard to develop new characters that all don't look, sound, and act the same. If you ever get a chance watch the last Chris Jericho dvd, he talks indepth about this process and it makes so much sense. I am not saying that everything about WWE is bad because I still watch it twice a week every week, and find parts of it to be very entertaining. Is it is good as it was in the 80's with the Hogan, Savage, Steamboat, and Warrior? No it's not. Is it as good as it was in the 90's with Austin, Rock, DX, etc? No it's not. Will it ever be at that level again? I guess it's possible but right now I just don't see it happening because the creative side doesn't have any reason to push it to or beyond those levels right now. WWE is still making money, they are still doing decent ratings, and people still recognize it as the biggest and best name in wrestling. So until something comes along to challenge that we will keeping getting what we have been getting since WCW went out of business.

You hit the nail on the head with this one COMPETITION!

If not for competition wrestling would still be a side show. We would have cartoonish characters and childish storylines week in and week out. Competition is the reason we got arguably the best angle in wrestling history (the n.W.o.), competition is the reason we got the "Attitude" era. 96-01 was arguably the best years in wrestling history due to competition. I know their was some great talents back in the day but during this time we had two great products to choose from on one hand you had The n.W.o., Sting, Goldberg, Luger, DDP and young talent like Mysterio, Melenko, Benoit, Eddie, Jericho, Ultimo Dragon and Kidman who was going out and putting on 5 star matches and on the other hand you had Austin, Rock, McMahon and the Corperation, Taker, Kane, Jericho (eventually), Angle, Foley, DX and both had good storylines because one was trying to out do the other in order to get out attention. WWE does not see TNA as a threat, and TNA is trying way to hard to be the anti- WWE it is coming off as pathetic. WWE doesn't show blood, TNA has blood in almost every match, the Diva's barely show skin, the Knockouts barely wear clothes, WWE is buidling young stars like Cena, Miz, Orton, Del Rio and Sheamus, TNA is shoving has beens and never was wrestlers down our throat Flair, Hogan, Sting, Matt Hardy, RVD, Mr. Anderson. TNA has a show on a network everybody with cable gets so there is no excuse that they can't get viewership it's not like they are on My Network TV in a select number of markets, they are on Spike TV, hell UFC managed to gain millions of followers on that very same network.

With that said TNA needs a great angle that would get the wrestling world talking, and unfortunately I don't see their booking crew being capable of doing that. Remember how awful the WCW product was before the n.W.o. and how within weeks Nitro was winning the rating war? That goes to show you it is possible. All TNA has to do is get close to WWE in numbers, then Vince and his people will start giving us the good stuff.

The only other problem is poor booking. This Raw GM thing has been going on for over a year now, and I am sure not even the writters know who, if anybody they want to reveal as the GM, and at this point anybody short of Paul Heyman, Ric Flair or somebody coming back from the dead would be a huge disappointment. The original Nexus angle was booked pathetically! Nexus should have never lost at Summer Slam last year if you wanted them to look like a dominant faction or if they did lost it should have been by DQ after they destroyed the WWE guys, then have Cena work through them and showdown with Barrett at Survivor Series. In the end Barrett looked like a punk and the entire Nexus looked like second rate jobbers. Orton moving to Smack Down could have set up new exciting feuds with young talent like Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett and Ted DiBiase who havn't really had that much time if any in the main event picture. Instead, we get Orton in a program with Sheamus, Henry and Christian all who have failed in the past to sale as main eventers. Orton and Sheamus was an undercard match even when the title was on the line. There are way too many heels and only two big name faces in the entire company, what if Orton or Cena get injured or need time off? There is going to be no build to a guy stepping into their spot and it will look messy throwing somebody in there especially on Smack Down where the number two face is probably Big Zeke, Sin Cara or Daniel Bryan who have been nowhere near a main event in WWE ever. Not only that but would you pay to see Big Zeke vs. Sheamus or Sin Cara vs. Mark Henry for the World title? Maybe if it was booked right sure, but not wishing ill on anybody, say Orton gets hurt at Capitol Punishment, which he has a history of injuries, who main events the next PPV for the title? Christian/Sheamus/Mark Henry vs. ????? or say Cena is the one to get hurt who main events from Raw? The Miz/R.Truth/Del Rio vs. ???? Alex Riley?, Kofi Kingston? they would almost have to force Taker or Triple H back on TV in order to sale anuthing.
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