What is Vince McMahon's greatest creation?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Now by the question of the thread. This is excluding Wrestlemania.

Going on 30 years now Vincent K. McMahon Jr. has been the driving force behing the success of the WWF/E as the chairman of the board. Some credit Vince McMahon as being a genius. With coming up with big idea's and marketing business sence. But besides the mecca that is Wrestlemania, what is Vince McMahon's greatest creation?
The Undertaker, without any doubts.

Hes the only man whos really respected in this weird business... he has been loyal to McMahon inspite everything for 20+ years and he has done much more for this business than many others.

You might say that Hogan, Austin or Rock have been more popular, but Undertaker = WWF, thats it.
I would say The Royal Rumble, I wouldnt consider wrestlers a big creation because a good idea depends a lot on the person which is executing it, for that matters Austin was a better success and 100 % wwf/e
are you crazy? you're asking people to tell you what is Vince McMahon's GREATEST creation but you're telling them to exclude WrestleMania? I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to go with WrestleMania. If it wasn't for WrestleMania, who knows where the wrestling industry would be today. Even though you're telling people to exclude WrestleMania, that's what they'll all say, because nothing in wwe history comes a close second to wrestlemania as vince mcmahon's greatest creation.
Seeing how your excluding Wrestlemania, which is the obvious answer from the question. It has to be Hulkamania. This is something that is almost bigger than the business itself. If you know nothing about wrestling you know it's that thing that Hulk Hogan does. And Hogan wouldn't be who he is today with out McMahon.
PPV Wrestling... technically wrestlemania is included in that, but the whole idea of PPV wrestling changed the business.... the bulk of the money the WWE makes is PPV buys... It's what got them fully entrenched, and it fueled the monday night wars (and led to the 12 PPV's a year that we see today)...
Did vince really come up with PPV? I'm pretty sure that was common enough? And Mania was just an overhyped show that lived up to it, and finkle named it! But maybe i'm off...

Vince McMahons greatest creation is.... Vince McMahon! The charicature of himself that he plays is the greatest thing he's ever come up with! Making the owner someone to hate, and the fued with austin is what got WWF through the monday night wars... Not Taker or wrestlemania but a guy in a suit with a big strut! Its all vinnie mac in this contest guys!
I would say The Royal Rumble, I wouldnt consider wrestlers a big creation because a good idea depends a lot on the person which is executing it, for that matters Austin was a better success and 100 % wwf/e
The Royal Rumble was more of WWE Hall of Famer Pat Patterson's idea, it wasn't Vince McMahon's. PP came up with the concept in the late-80's. And Steve Austin came up with the Stone Cold charactor if you've watched "the Stone Cold Truth" on DVD. Vince McMahon just marketed the charactor and beyond!
Seeing how your excluding Wrestlemania, which is the obvious answer from the question. It has to be Hulkamania. This is something that is almost bigger than the business itself. If you know nothing about wrestling you know it's that thing that Hulk Hogan does. And Hogan wouldn't be who he is today with out McMahon.

I'm gonna have to agree with this. Hogan didn't go out of his way to put himself over with the fans like other greats did (Austin, Rock). Vince literally put him at the top and seeing how at the time it was a huge transition for wrestling, the fans bought into it and rode along. I think it's very arguably that at that point in time, Vince could've choose anyone and they could've been what Hogan was.
I would say The Royal Rumble

If I recall Pat Patterson actually came up with the idea of the Royal Rumble. It was cited by him in one of the legends of wrestling shows.

As for VKM's best creations I would say Hulkamania or his heel persona VKM.
Wow. Not surprised to see so many people miss the boat on this one.

The one, single thing, greater than Wrestlemania, that Vince has ever done was conceive and execute the idea of a nationally unified wrestling company. Prior to Vince Jr., national wrestling was accomplished through a loose series of agreements between companies, which were often skirted or outright broken in the name of individual self interest. In such a market, the idea of a national TV show and regular PPV's would be insane- no cable provider would want to work with a group of people who can't be counted on to still want the same thing two years in the future, since they all want something different.

Kids here truly don't understand that Vince McMahon Jr. is responsible for professional wrestling as we see it today. It's bigger than WrestleMania, bigger than any one single guy; Vince's greatest creation is the business plan for the modern WWE, because through that, everything else becomes possible.
None of you have gotten it right thus far so let me help you out with the right answer:

Vince's Greatest Creation= Stephanie McMahon Helmsley

Her brother counts as a seperate creation. Picking between the two, I'd go with her. I've enjoyed her be it in the ring, as champion, her personality on screen which I hugely miss and of course she's extremely HOT as well as smart.

She's one of the sexiest women in wrestling and needs to be back on programming! Because she is the greatest damn creation of Vince's nutsack. otherwise.

Billion Dollar Princess gives me a Billion Dollar Boner
I have to double-agree with the "it's clearly Wrestlemania, but that's not an option" vein, and throw my hat in for Hulk Hogan. Hogan was HUGE. Yes, he is a Vince creation. However, despite his maneuvering and BS over the years, Hulk still had undeniable charisma. He took something good, and made it a worldwide phenomenon. If it wasn't for Vince's platform, Hulk might not be in TNA right now...destroying it slowly.
I'm going to go with Rayne here and say that the greatest creation from the mind of Vince McMahon is...WWF/WWE itself.
McMahon is the person who brought wrestling from the territories to an international company.
His grandfather and father were happy to allow Capital Wrestling and the WWWF to remain a small territory. Hell, Vince (JR) has said that had his father (Sr.) known what he was going to do with the company, he'd have never sold it.
So my vote goes to the entire modern WWF/WWE.
I'm going to have to agree with Rayne and say that his "greatest" creation was The World Wrestling Federation, now known as WWE, one internationally unified wresting company. Without the WWF there would have been no Hulk Hogan, he would have stayed a major star in the mid-west with the AWA, and maybe the Northeast with the WWWF, but he would not have been the star that he became with out the truly international company that was WWF. There would have been no "Rock and Wrestling", there would have been no MTV specials, which means that there would have been no WrestleMania, period. If Vince had bought his fathers company, and kept it a Northeast regional territory what we know today wouldn't exist.

The only other person who understood where a national cable could take a company, and had any desire or business acumen to expand nationally, was Ted Turner, and he depended almost entirely on ex-WWF guys to finally become a major player nationally, and so without a WWF there would have never been an "nWo Era" in WCW. So we go back to Without an international WWF everything else that came after would be drastically different, and not just in WWF/E.
I'm gonna have to agree with this. Hogan didn't go out of his way to put himself over with the fans like other greats did (Austin, Rock). Vince literally put him at the top and seeing how at the time it was a huge transition for wrestling, the fans bought into it and rode along. I think it's very arguably that at that point in time, Vince could've choose anyone and they could've been what Hogan was.

What bullcrap this posting is, are you serious? Hogan didn't go out of his way to put himself over with the fans?

Well, last I remembered Hogan was one of the most prevalent examples of a wrestler using theme music back before EVERYONE had theme music. I won't be so blind and biased in saying that he was the FIRST, because that would be a little inaccurate of me to just assume. Hogan was also doing his whole Hulkamania shirt deal before going back to the WWF when Vince, Jr. bought the joint. I mean again maybe this was just something that Vince made up for the AWA DVD since Hogan's business relationship with Vince at the time of the DVD release was active. But considering that Hogan was having mainstream attention and profile by being in Rocky III during the time, and he was an incredibly over face in the AWA, I am going to say that Hogan was something special at the time and like him or not is one of a kind. Pardon the markdom here but I'm sticking to my guns on this one.

This isn't to take credit away from Vince McMahon's business savvy, but all Vince did in the way of the Hulk Hogan persona was give it a bigger, and better platform to run on. Which I will admit is just as good as creating the Hulkamania persona, but let's not take credit away from what the performer behind that persona actually did when you consider the first couple years of this iconic character started elsewhere and not in the World Wrestling Federation.

I have to laugh so hard I might fell out of my chair when I read posters like yourself say that anyone could have done what Hogan did in wrestling at the time it was huge. Now I don't deny there were several other greats in wrestling at the time Flair, Savage, Jake Roberts, Curt Hennig, Bret Hart and os many others. But bottom line is this, Hulk Hogan had a ten year run as the WWF's focal point be it as the WWF Champion or not. For as great as the above mentioned performers were (they're amongst my top favorites of all time) they weren't going to take Hogan's spot.

Plus, we saw how much of a bust it was when Vince tried doing something else in the way of a new "standard bearer", The Ultimate Warrior, I'm sure you remember that guy right, you know the dude that used to paint his face and shake the ring ropes? Most of his matches would end before his ring music even finished? Yeah, that guy. Basically, if ANYONE could have done what Hogan did like you claim, then someone would've stepped up and done so but the Warrior fucked that one up didn't he?

Sorry to break this to you chap but like Sammartino and Backlund (and I can't even stand Backlund's character but I gotta admit he was a top favorite) before him, Hogan had an IT factor with the fans and was the people's choice for quite a long time. I might be wallowing in Hogan's bias and have my nose figuratively up his ass but fuck it, there's solid proof that whether you liked Hogan or not, during his 1983-1993 tenure in the WWF no one could live up to his image and when it was attempted it didn't last. And with that even said I'll still concede that I am sure Hogan power played his way into his spot or at least to maintain it, but Hogan still had the fan support at that time to back it up, and things worked out for the best that way.

Anyway to expand on Rayne's points (which as usual are very accurate, pardon my ass kissing there dud) Vince's creation is indeed the expansion of the business. The dissolving of the territories while depressing in some ways also gives us the business in how we know it today. In a business sense it was a great move, it's just too bad that the territories still don't exist as a wrestling version of the minor leagues of wrestling, sure you can consider FCW to fill that role to a point but that's just one region. But when you look at what Vince has done over the past thirty years even if I can't stand several facets of his business model, he's still created something rather effective.

Especially when he brought WCW (formerly Jim Crockett Promotions) 11 years ago, when Vince bought the biggest competitor (the last hold out from the territorial dissolving) that he had he was able to firmly establish himself even more as the kingpin of the business. While TNA gets slammed on a critical basis, which don't get me wrong isn't completely unwarranted. I believe that one of TNA's biggest obstacles is the fact that WWE is just bigger, better and badder (pardon the horrible pun). Whether on the internet or on television WWE has several programming outlets and shows, and for the past ten years, WWE's just not going to be an easy promotion to challenge. Even if TNA was the best wrestling on the planet, it would take more than that to match what WWE has since it has history and an established brand on its side. So beyond the simple and most obvious answers like WrestleMania, Austin 3:16, and Hulkamania (which the latter two still require someone who can carry the responsibility of getting phenomena like that over and were both started elsewhere and not in the WWF) it really is Vince's changing of the WWF/E's business model over the years and his ability to create his brand as THE brand of choice.
Not sure if its a Vince creation, or if someone in his circle came up with it, but the creation of Monday Night Raw is right up there. Raw was the first weekly primetime programming and it changed the way wrestling was watched. The weekend stuff sticked around, but it lost its improtance as Raw (and eventually Nitro) got bigger.

He managed to create the ultimate bad guy image of himself! Hes feuds with Austin made him the most hated person in the business and probably got the most heat for a heel ever!

Imagine if you owned a company and had so much power, and you had the option of making yourself the most loved or most hated. Personally, I would go for most loved, but I would mess it up some how.

Vince's greatest creation is himself.
Did vince really come up with PPV? I'm pretty sure that was common enough? And Mania was just an overhyped show that lived up to it, and finkle named it! But maybe i'm off...

Vince McMahons greatest creation is.... Vince McMahon! The charicature of himself that he plays is the greatest thing he's ever come up with! Making the owner someone to hate, and the fued with austin is what got WWF through the monday night wars... Not Taker or wrestlemania but a guy in a suit with a big strut! Its all vinnie mac in this contest guys!

I was thinking the same thing! Mr. McMahon Is the greatest creation besides Hulk Hogan. The Mr. McMahon character was classic, even though, It's Vinces ego run amok. It gave us classic matches and feuds. Hogan, Austin,HBK, Flair, Shane-o-Mac, taker and countless others and he always put his guys over and always got what was coming to him!
ok, so maybe this is a stretch, but in a way, his greatest creation is his greatest competition. wcw. through shrewd marketing, he ran a growing nwa and jim crokett damn near bankrupt forcing jim to sell the nwa to ted turner in turn rechristianing it wcw. if vince wouldve played by the unwritten code of wrestling and stayed in his territory, wcw never wouldve came into exsistence. like i said, yes it is a stretch, but technically its true
I would rank these as top 3, but he has others:

Going outside the "territories" for talent. something that was never heard of back then
Hulkamania - Could easily be No. 1

I hesitate to say it because Hogan has become such a self-serving ass in the years since, but there's no re-writing history; the impact of Hulk in the 80's was incredible.....and it was Vince McMahon who created it, despite Hogan's claims to the contrary.

In the early 80's, McMahon's father had Hogan and didn't seem to know what to do with him. Hogan came in as a heel dubbed "The Incredible Hulk" Hogan and his impact was negligible enough that he left for AWA not long after.

It's easy to forget how huge Hogan was during his greatest era. That everything in the company often seemed to revolve around him wasn't a good thing, although it could be argued that the size and popularity attained by WWF in that era made it possible for more superstars to be seen than ever before.

Vince McMahon was the genius behind all this even though he had cast himself strictly as a TV announcer in those days. So much of what Vince was able to create later had it's basis in Hulkamania. Without it, the things that followed may not have been possible.
Agree with Sally. Now, it could be said that Vince McMahon and Hulk Hogan are co-responsible for the growth of pro wrestling, for transforming a regional territory model into a global empire and all that. In fact, you could argue that Hulk Hogan is the only guy that could have carried the ball like he did, and that Vince McMahon just had to sit back and watch. Personally, I think the two owe the bulk of their personal success to each other. Vince needed Hogan, Hogan needed Vince.

BUT, credit has to be given to Vince McMahon for seeing the potential in Terry Bollea. Hogan never would have risen to the top of the wrestling world in the AWA or Japan, it took Vince McMahon's vision to provide that. It was Vince's vision that saw the birth of Hulkamania, his ability to promote the super hero concept the way that he did. EVERYTHING else was built upon that relationship. Without Hulkamania, there is no Wrestlemania. Without Hulkamania, there is no Royal Rumble, no Stone Cold Steve Austin, no Rock, no global WWE empire, nothing. Without Hulkamania, the territory system doesn't get run over by the WWF freight train, because there wouldn't have been one. Without Hulkamania, Vince McMahon continues to be a regional wrestling promoter, and the WWF/E is just one of many territories struggling to remain relevant. The entire course of professional wrestling fundamentally shifted the day Vince McMahon brought Hulk Hogan back to the WWF in 1983.
People who have talked about Austin. Austin's "Stone Cold" personality was crafted in ECW = Not a Vince Creation.

I know he said we can't say Wrestlemania. Honestly though. Wrestlemania is only number 2 anyway.

Vince's greatest creation is the WWE itself. The Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Summerslam, Survivor Series. The whole lot.

He's created a beast of a machine that's bigger than any of its components. The WWE as a whole is even bigger than its biggest. It's bigger than the Rock, bigger than Austinm, bigger than Hogan; shit, it's even bigger than Vince McMahon.
Lets give some credit where its due, damn good idea for a post... i get where you're coming from, i would have assumed that alot of people would have picked wrestlemania and its natural to steer tham away from an obvious answer.

i'm gonna make a stretch and say Vince's greatest creation was wrestlemania III. He had already created the idea of "wrestlemania" but if you go back and watch the first two manias.... they sucked. wrestlemania three had the first big name roster, the first good undercard, and it relied on the celebrity of Andre and Hogan to sell it, not Mr T.

I'll go even further and claim that Hogan Andre is the first real big main event in wrestlemania history. Every thing before it was a clusterfuck. Wrestlemania 2s simulcast was a ******ed failure. Setting the all time attendance record at an outdoor arena, and than putting on the first classic match made the WWF a household name. The fact that it was the night that Andre (already a household name) lost to Hogan (the guy from rocky? half kidding) took the idea of Hulkamania and made Hogan immortal.... and he was a bald 35 year old that COULDNT WRESTLE!

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