What is the Point of TV Title?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Seriously, I don't understand it. Since Abyss won it the belt has lost all is value in my eyes. Abyss was not on TV for a few weeks due to attack from Crimson. So they gave it to Gunner, and we haven't seen Gunner since he won it? Did I miss something, did Gunner got injured or what, that he is not on TV with the TV title? What was the point of putting belt on Gunner and not use him on tv? Does the TV title (or rather non-TV title) mean anything in TNA right now. I don't know.
No it does not.

And if it wasn't for Fortune holding the X and Tag titles, they wouldn't either. TNA is so damn focused on the World Title and Fortune vs Immortal, nothing else has any real breathing room. The titles have all taken a backseat to other stories, and untill someone in Fortune/Immortial takes the Global Title (besides Gunner) it will remain unseen.
I think that most people would agree with you that the belt hasn't really seemed to mean much at all (in it's entire lucrative TNA run! lol!). It honestly seemed the most prestigious when it was first debuted as the "Legends Title". At least to me, that's when it seemed the most valuable...when Booker & AJ were fighting for it.

I actually liked when EY had it for the short time, it seemed like it might get some momentum going for it...even though most fans hated the "Global" moniker that was given to it. EY seemed to really value the title. It helped his new heel character (at the time), and his heel character helped to make the belt seem important...at least that's how I saw it at the time.

I agree with you, it seems to me that a TV Title should be defended at least a few times a month. Some would even say it should be defended on every television broadcast.

The TV Title definitely needs some help, I just don't know how it can be helped. Obviously TNA creative doesn't either...they don't seem to care about it at all. I think the problem now is that they keep putting it on jobbers that aren't even close to the upper mid-card (guys like Rob Terry, Orlando Jordan, Gunner, etc). Guys like Bully Ray, Matt Hardy, Matt Morgan, Jarrett, Hernandez, etc. might be able to help get it going again. Then again, AJ's last run didn't do a whole lot for it either. You're right about Abyss' reign as well, it was just sad. Who had it before Abyss? Was it Doug Williams? ...Williams wasn't a terrible choice.

Just like many others have said, the TV Title should be treated like the second most prestigious belt in the company. I don't know why TNA doesn't have more "established" wrestlers (that aren't in the main-event scene, but could be) going after it.
Since Abyss won it? I think you oughta look back. WAY back. Say ... its creation?

The TV Title/Global Title/Legends Title, whatever the heck you wanna call it will forever be Booker T's belt in my book. It never meant anything, it was never supposed to mean anything. It's a belt that was created to further an angle which AJ won eventually and it became an official title from there on out.

I think it's pointless, it's useless, it adds nothing to the product. The mid-card doesn't need a Championship. It makes the World Title look more important.

X-Division, Tag and World Titles is quite enough. Belts don't mean SHIT anymore, in any company, so why have more?
I think they made their first mistake by keeping that particular belt. The moment they decided that they didn't want a Global Title (I mean how was that any different to a World Title?), they should've had a new Television Title commissioned. That way when you switch the old one out, you don't keep the stigma. But they didn't...and it's still worthless...

Even the champions haven't really been upto snuff. While AJ Styles is a brilliant champion to kick things off, Douglas Williams didn't quite deserve it (yet), Abyss is a one trick pony (TACKS! TACKS! TACKS!) and I don't know what the f*** they were thinking with Gunner.

I've said this in another thread, but after Angle is done with this whole Jarrett feud, I think he should make the Television Title his new project. Have Gunner piss him off in some way, bring the whole situation to his attention, then cut a promo about how Television is this industry's bread and butter and while the World Title will always be a competitor's aspiration, it's the TV Champ who should be representing the company week in, week out...and Gunner doesn't measure up. Make an Impact main event for the next week with Kurt squashing Gunner and winning a redesigned title. Then for the next six months, he takes on all comers and personifies a fighting champion. If the TV Title doesn't mean something after that, it never will.

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