What is the ideal size for a wrestler?


Pre-Show Stalwart
It's pretty simple, my question is What is the ideal size for a wrestler? It seems like people complain no matter how big or how small someone is. When you have someone like Ryback or Mason Ryan for example the fans accuse them of being on steroids without any real evidence. Obviously steroids in wrestling isn't to uncommon but in some cases i'm not sure if accusing someone is justified. Then when you have someone smaller like CM Punk or Jeff Hardy for example, fans say they're to small and not believable in the ring. So what is personal preference? Does a wrestler need to be a certain size? And if you had to pick one wrestler that has the best build for a wrestler, who would it be?
Rock solid lean not bulging with muscles but not scrawny around 220-250 range nobody under 5"8 having a 5"7 guy going over guys bigger than him and winning a worlds heavyweight championsip when he is a lightweight is a farce in fact having anyone under 200 as your WHC is a joke period.
I think Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart are all good size.
Around 6' and 225-235
They're not too big and not too small.
You don't have to be a muscle head to be a wrestler but you don't want Rey Misterio either.
John Cena is the perfect size. In his match with Dolph Ziggler, it surprised me how much bigger Cena was than Dolph and it occurred to me that this is what the ideal wrestler should look like.

Not that there isn't a place for the Zigglers of the world; it's just that we're talking about the ideal size. Cena can move around the ring with speed and agility. True, a guy with muscles like his is never going to have the flexibility of a gymnast, but he has the size and build to make every match he's in look realistic: if he faces Big Show, it doesn't seem as if Show's size makes the contest a mockery. Similarly, when he faces a well-built, yet smaller performer like Dolph, there isn't such an incongruity in their sizes that the match-up looks unrealistic; far from it.

The great thing about pro wrestling is that there's room for people of all sizes....as long as they don't overly stretch the bounds of what's believable. For instance, watching Rey Mysterio defeat men a foot taller than him flies in the face of the reality WWE is trying to portray.

Give me Cena; I can watch him all day.....against anyone.
The guys the WWE has been behind in the past with huge title pushes along with being the unquestioned #1 guy in the company all usually go between 6'2''-6'6'' and anywhere between 250-300 lb's. This would include guys like Hogan, Warrior, Diesel, Austin, Rock, HHH, Angle, Lesnar, Cena, Orton and Sheamus.

The only guys that really fell outside that mold were Bret Hart (although while he was the man in the WWE for a few years, I think it had more to do with him rather than Vince wanting him their) and Shawn Michaels.
There is no such thing as perfect size for a wrestler, only perfect size for a specific function/division.

Meaning, your WHC should never be Amazing Red, because the believability just isn't there, and at the same time, Paul Wright should never be your Cruiserweight champion because he's the size of four of them combined.

Is there an ideal size for a jack of all trades? Yes, and it's probably somewhere in the vicinity of 6'0-6'4 and 200-250lbs.
There is no ideal size for a wreslter.. Some people like the smaller more acrobatic cruiserweight or Jr wrestlers. Some like guys like Dolpg Ziggler. Some people like Power Wrestlers like Goldberg,Lesnar, Ryback, Big E Langston and so on. Some people feel a guy like Cena, Orton and Sheamus are the perfect size. It is all a matter of preference. I like guys of all stature. As a Giant I think Matt Morgan is unbelieveable!!!! I think Big Show sucks!!!!
Different size wrestlers serve different functions but for a potential world champion contender with a long legacy a guy needs to be a certain size. Too small and it's unbelievable to hang with big me, to large and mobility and speed can be restricted because of his size. In the past guys generally had to be larger to be pushed but have shrunk in the current era, I would say for the better. In my opinion an ideal wrestler would be between 6'1"- 6'5" and weighing 225-250 lbs. I would say the closest to ideal physique that I think of would be The Rock in his prime. These sizes also fit Randy Orton, John Cena, Bobby Roode, Alberto Del Rio, Edge, Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, and Bret Hart. There is a very wide variety of styles in that list and any of those guys beating any other current wrestler is believable to me.

To add on, I think a few wrestlers have abilities to break out of that mold. Austin Aries is a small guy who I think makes a realistic World Heavyweight competitor. On the opposite end Somoa Joe is IMO one of the most capable wrestlers in the business. He's big but very quick. He has the ability to perform power moves, technical grapples, and some high flying. His abilities are ideal for a wrestler even if his size is not.
Obviously the ideal size of a wrestler is bodybuilder. Thats why some of the biggest draws in the history of the Biz have had body builder physiques...
Hogan, Warrior, Nash, Golberg, Batista, Cena, Lesner, HHH, Sting, Luger, Savage

Hell you could argue Rock and Austin have the body builder look- Austin was massive in his hayday and the rock is big and ripped right now and always in the bodybuilding magazines.

These guys draw big money- when you give guys like CM Punk the belt- they dont draw big money- ie they sell tshirts to the marks but dont bring in new audiences.
5'7"-7'3" 175 pounds-500 pounds

Doesn't matter. You work your size. Big Show and Mark Henry move slower, methodically stalk their opponent, stay grounded, don't do chain wrestling, don't do dropkicks. Why? Because that'd be fucking stupid. Show also does a lot of high to low strikes to emphasize his size.

You work your size. If you work your size, you can get over. That's why the biggest stars are all of different sizes. Undertaker, Hogan, Savage, Hart, HBK, Cena, Punk, Rock, and Austin. All fairly big guys, but pretty different in their body composition and build.
I say wrestling needs a good variety of sizes. There needs to be the smaller, quicker wresters to help bring in some of those amazing in-ring spots. Then you need your big powerful monsters like Big Show, Henry, Kane, Taker as they just attract a lot of attention and make people look good beating them. I think the average majority of wrestlers needs to be in the 240-275lb range. It just makes it more of a spectacle. Wrestling, until recently, has always been full of huge guys that people would look at in awe and think,"There is no way I can fight that guy." When talking to someone that doesn't watch wrestling, they picture huge powerful guys when you mention the term "pro wrestler". Looking back, just average guys like Bob Holly, Al Snow, Billy Gunn were all huge compared to much of the current roster. Guys like The Rock who was pretty much average sized by comparison to many of the guys on the roster during his time was 275lbs. That's bigger than Sheamus, Cesaro, Barrett, Cena and much of the other bigger guys today.

The other thing is, if you are going to have an abundance of smaller guys and they will be mixing it up with the bigger guys, then make it look believable-ish. Like a power struggle between Ziggler and Cena is ridiculous(btw I think Ziggler is currently best on the roster). Feuds with Mysterio vs Batista, Kane, or Taker are pretty ridiculous. Yes the guy is quick, I get that, but nothing he does in the ring would actually affect any of those 300lb guys. If a match like that takes place, then the small guy's in ring style needs to change for that match. I think that is what made HBK such a great performer. Against bigger guys like Taker and such, he would sell their power a lot better and adjust his ring work around them. And btw even HBK, Jericho, and Bret Hart are all bigger than the smaller guys of today like Punk, Ziggler, current Y2J, and most mid carders. Smaller guys used to be my favorite much of the time, but I liked them acing each other. Ziggler vs Punk is a great match up IMO.
I prefer a size more toward the middle. While I don't much like seeing very small wrestlers such as Evan Bourne or Rey Mysterio facing much larger wrestlers, I'm even less interested in the giant wrestlers. There are few things in wrestling that frustrate me more than the mentality of "oh this guy is huge, let's make him the world champion!". What if he is boring on the mic or cannot work a decent match? I'm not a fan of cruiserweights facing heavyweights either though, it's simply not believable for the cruiserweight to win unless it is a rare fluke. I'd say the best tend to be the guys who are more toward the middle in size. They are large enough to be believable in matches higher up on the card, but also tend to be able to pull off more interesting abilities in the ring than most of the very large wrestlers.
It depends on your definition of "ideal size for a wrestler". Go to Mexico, or Japan for example. Look at the rosters of the New Japan, All Japan, AAA, and CMLL and tell me what do you see. Lots of "cruiserweights/light heavyweights". Reason being is the culture for the Luchadore and Purseau types of wrestling are higher in the spotlight for those types of wrestlers. In the USA, WWE in particular, look at the list of WWE/World Heavyweight Champions. Most of those champions, better yet, 90% of those champions were Heavyweights. Sure, Mysterio, Punk, Jericho, Benoit weren't heavyweights, but look at the rest of those champs. Cena, Angle, Big Show, Andre, Savage, Hogan, Kane, Undertaker, Edge, Brock Lesnar, Botchista etc. So to answer the question, I would say it truly depends on what promotion you are in and what country you wrestle in because the "size" aspect differs from country to country and promotion to promotion. But if it was up to me, size really wouldn't make that big of a deal to me. I would rather look at in-ring ability, mic skills, athleticism, and overall character. To me that is much important realistically. However after those traits, I'd honestly would think that the ideal size if wrestlers were working for me is anywhere from 6'0-6'7 and weigh about from 220-270 or so. The numbers may be a little off but i'd say 6'4 245 would be ideal honestly.
I think there is no "ideal size" for a wrestler. Small, medium, or big, they have all proved over the years that they can put on great matches. From rey mysterio to Yokozuna! Also, the size difference in wrestlers can also be a part of the attraction to a match, so its important to have a variety of sizes.

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