What is the Current Heel Pecking Order?


Occasional Pre-Show
Christian and R-Truth aren't being considered in my list as of now, but they'll surely make the list when they're back.

8. Kevin Nash - Sure, he hasn't had a match yet, but he's making his presence known. He's a legend, he took out HHH, and he's letting the world know he's not one to be fucked with.
7. Jack Swagger - Swagger's taking a backseat to Ziggler right now, but he's a former world champion and a strong upper mid-carder. Swagger will be back on top one day, but not in the near future, not before the six below him get world titles.
6. Wade Barrett - Finally, Barrett's getting recognized as a legitimate threat, and a feud with Orton could put him right in line for the title. The Barrett Barrage is stronger than ever, and it's good to see him doing his thing on his own. The only reason he's sixth on the list is because the five below him are incredible.
5. Dolph Ziggler - Ziggler has it all: the charisma, the look, the mic skills and the talent. Wrestling in two matches at PPV's is an impressive feat and looks great on the resume. He's still holding onto the US title, but he's doing everything right today. It's only a matter of time before he's in the title picture.
4. Cody Rhodes - Rhodes is one of the best workers in the business today. It's incredible how he shot up from an afterthought to a title contender so quickly. The Intercontinental title is gaining it's prestige, but he needs to lose the title in order to move up the charts. Throw it on Ted, and give Cody a one on one world title shot.
3. The Miz - The upcoming rumored Miz-Punk feud for the WWE title is going to help Miz significantly. The man was victorious in the main event at Wrestlemania. He fell off a little, got fired and jobbed to Cena and Rock, but now that Truth is out of the picture for a while, Miz is going back to the top. I don't see him winning the title before Wrestlemania, especially since Truth will want his revenge, but he's a main event player, and has been for quite some time.
2. Alberto Del Rio - Del Rio just lost the WWE title, but he has a shot this Monday. He's a great worker, and while his mic skills may be "boring", he's a hell of a performer. I can't see him fall down the rankings too far after he's out of the title picture.
1. Mark Henry - The world heavyweight champ is on top of this list. He's making the most of his first world title, and looks more impressive than ever. He's the best heel in the business right now, and he could hold the title all the way to Wrestlemania.
Yes, I'd need a joint to have Vicky on my list....

I'd have to have my heels this way...

1. Cody Rhodes
He is just impressing the hell out of me, but I miss the mask and bag men.

2. Dolph Ziggler
He is being pushed strong and Just how good am I is making Vicky seem like an anchor to what he can do

3. Mark Henry
Still champ so still this high. But a feud with Daniel Bryant and Big Show and the scary dominance is falling to sexual chocolate levels.

4. Wade Barrett
Due to the strength of his current push, and not due to the habit I have of FF his matchs on dvr

5. ADR
He's relevant right? Or is he just the transitional heel champion so Cena can give the belt to face Punk. But you already knew that.

6. Johny Ace
Vp of talent relations and interim raw general manager is the new can I have your attention please. But he does tend to suck the life out of a segment faster than the temperature rises

After that, the heels are super interchangeable and rather irrelevant. I doubt Swagger would be getting the looks he is without the lack of over heels for those spots.
In my eyes the number one heel in WWE right now is Mark Henry, when he first won the WHC i was not too happy as his build up after jobbing for years, and barely winning as a heel in the past just was not enough in my opinion. Yeah he took out Kane, Big Show and what have you, but he never beat anybody and just Constantly squashed nobodies. Anyway he has became believable to me now and is the No.1 #Heel in the company.

2. The Miz - He's great as a heel and just oozes charisma, i honestly can't wait to see "the apparent" feud between him and Punk. (If it happens ofcourse.)

3. Albert Del Rio - Yeah your right he just lost the WWE title and hes good in the ring, he's very aggressive which is good in a heel persona.

4. "Dashing" Cody Rhodes - I honestly love Rhodes, just the way he is and that whole mask gimmick was worked brilliantly by him, the only thing stopping him from being in the top 3 was the fact that he carries a midcard title and has not yet held a top title. (Which is a shame i have to add.)

5. Wade Barrett - He just lives to be heel, it's good to see he's finally getting that heel push, he has lost a lot of momentum since the Nexus and moving to the Smackdown brand, but he has the ability to be a top heel one day.

6. Dolph Ziggler - Yes i get that Dolph is Amazing and don't get me wrong i completely agree, but for me the sooner he drops that U.S title to Ryder the better!! If he did that and went all "Main Event" on our asses then he would take Alberto's place at No.3.

Swagger and Vicki are not in my list as Swagger has done nothing of late and Vicki is not an active wrestler, i agree that she does get a hell of a lot of heat but she isnt in my list for that reason. And Johnny Ace :S ? Are you kidding me? The only reason he gets heat is because he has no mic skills whatsoever!

P.S. Ziggler! Drop that title allready, your better than Evan Bourne and Zack Ryder...
1. NASH is the top heel right now because everything he has done has been heelish, he's been violent, interfered with matches, and hasn't been held at bay once.

2. Rhodes is staying on his grind and doing all he can do to cause trouble. All of his losses have been close calls and it looks like hes taking a very old skool path to the top.

3. Henry as dominant as he has been its not the '70s anymore and his constant cheating and forced DQs make him look weak. Back in the day that was an atribute of a heel but Henry's only strongpoint is his strength so he has to use that to secure wins and then get out of order AFTER the victory bell rings.. At this point it looks like Big Show is the real champion.. That is not good for Henry.

4. The Miz would be hire up if he could be a team player and quit having these falling outs. Even though hes a good heel in mentality to be effective he needs the help and support of others and his anti socialism underminds that. He's like Barret or Shane Douglas, he is strongest when leading a stable..

5.. Alberto needs to be more like Guerrero when he headed the LWO.. Or Guerrero in WCW period.. If he is going to spew nationalism let him go overboard with it already, he gets no reaction and his reigns were weak and short. He needs more associates too.
Mark Henry is pretty clearly on top as the current World Heavyweight Champion. I'd like to think ADR is up there as well, but he's been booked as a coward for so long, and given so many cheap victories that he's really the heel on the outskirts that doesn't play nice with others. The Miz has been a top heel for long enough at this point that I think he should be considered. With knowledge that he'll be challenging for the WWE title at WrestleMania, and that he's been involved with the Rock as much as Cena this year tells me management sees him as an important heel.

As for the rest... I think something can be said for Wade Barrett captaining a Survivor Series team. They obviously put him in charge because they see him as more of a heel leader than Ziggler, Rhodes, Swagger, or Hunico. I'd put Rhodes about Ziggler, just because he's been involved with Randy Orton lately, and his spotlight isn't being watered down by Swagger.
1. Mark Henry - World Heavyweight Championship, dominating heel, cheats to squirm out of the possibility of losing the belt. Ever since he began this Hall of Pain persona everything about him, from his matches to his promos to the way he walks and stares at his opponents, it all makes someone you're supposed to hate. Oddly I think that even though he plays a great heel, most are impressed with him at the same time, which is an impressive feat.

2. The Miz - His cocky, arrogant promos are what makes him such a highly placed heel. Although still coming across as a coward he plays his role very well, he gains heat every week and I find him to be more impressive as a heel than ADR. Although ADR plays a good character, he does come across as a wimp and it hurts him. The Miz comes across the same but he has that viscous attitude to him as seen when he turned on R-Truth. Think The Miz is still one of RAW's top heels if not the top.

3. Kevin Nash - Does he feature every week? No. But when he does who seems to come across as one of the biggest bad guys on the show? Kevin Nash. Whether it be interfering in matches, lying, attacking a vulnerable Triple H, his promos, his transparent alliance with John Laurinitas we're not supposed to see, it all makes Nash a strong heel. Stronger than Del Rio.

4. Cody Rhodes - Sinister, demonic in ways. He comes across as a real creep, and his returning confidence makes him that much worse. Does he do anything that could be seen as over-the-top anymore? Not since his feud with Rey Mysterio, however he plays a damn good heel, one you want to hate, because of his look, his persona, his mannerisms, his laugh. Cody plays a more dark, cocky heel than others hence why he's so high in my opinion.

5. Alberto Del Rio - Before his run as the WWE Champion I always saw him as a heel with balls, but they've made him seem like someone who doesn't believe in his own words. He came across more of a coward than The Miz did, he obviously didn't want to face Cena again, he didn't want to face Punk either. He hasn't done anything drastic to give him such a high ranking position, his character is the only thing that makes him come across as a bad guy and even at that, as Mike I believe said, he just comes across as someone who doesn't play well with others. Not been impressed with Del Rio lately, at all.

6. Dolph Ziggler - Pretty generic heel in the grand scheme of things. Cocky, arrogant, long winded, has the looks, has the style, has the ability but he isn't one of those overly bad ass heels. He just plays a show off now. It isn't anything against Dolph however I still see him as the best young star WWE have, and his character isn't really supposed to be a demented or dominating heel, so it isn't a knock on him either.
1. miz 2. Henry 3.adr 4. cody 5.vick dolph swagger 7. Nash 8. Wade

Nash is not top dog! His promos are great and he has been made to look strong but thats just so hhh can look stronger. Henry on the other hand has been pushed to the moon in the last six months just like cody (orton and rey wins) adr winning rumble mitb and fulfilling destiny as well as ziggler!!! But who main evented with cena and rock twice miz!! Not saying I like it but he is top heel!! 3 of the top heels in the last two years are now face orton great white and punk. Weird huh quick shift but I like it.

Good post.. Now someone start the.. is punk cenas macho man to his hogan and what wwe was missing
5.. Alberto needs to be more like Guerrero when he headed the LWO.. Or Guerrero in WCW period.. If he is going to spew nationalism let him go overboard with it already, he gets no reaction and his reigns were weak and short. He needs more associates too.

Yup, completely agree. Del Rio is just missing something, this Mexican JBL thing isn't getting him over like JBL's persona. He's still damn good in the ring, but if he brought out the Mexican Flag every match and spewed nationalism as you said, he'd definitely have more heat. He can still bring out the cars and shit too.

Maybe he should team up with Hunico and gang, they don't have a definite leader, and Del Rio could be that. Rodriguez could still be in the gang, maybe he could be jealous of Hunico, Epico and Primo getting more attention from Del Rio. Sounds gay but it could make for some decent segments, and could get Ricardo in the ring too. Fuck it, take a chance and bring back Carlito too.
I always look at list in two ways: 1. Ability to main event a show 2. Ability to make entertain at highest level.

1. Mark Henry-I'll make it plain & simple: He's the only heel who can go into a match 1 on 1 with John Cena, and you can see him winning clean.

2. Cody Rhodes- One of the few heels that loses matches and still looks strong. Making Marietta proud everyday! I just hope they continue his slow build to the top, and don't have him in any World Title matches until after Wrestlemania. Definitely fine at the Mid-Upper card for a few more months.

3. ALBERTO DEL RIO- One of few heels that can be the only heel in a main event match. People are down on my boy right now. I don't see it as his fault. he was put into a position to do nothing but talk about the same thing for the past year. And when he loses his rematch to CM Punk, they'll have him talking about his destiny some more with the Royal Rumble looming. Book my boy better! He's a primetime player RIGHT NOW!

4. The Miz-I never been as high on this guy as others are, but I can admit that he knows the theatrics of the game better than most. And with all attitude & his ability to mesh with other stars, I can definitely see him ending any WWE main event. Best heel on the mic.

5. Dolph Ziggler- Perfection indeed. I remember I used to clown how high his voice is. Now I don't notice it. But I still don't know if he would be where he is without Vickie. You gotta keep her with him until at least Wrestlemania. Gotta work on those promos still.
1. Mark Henry - World Heavyweight Championship, dominating heel, cheats to squirm out of the possibility of losing the belt. Ever since he began this Hall of Pain persona everything about him, from his matches to his promos to the way he walks and stares at his opponents, it all makes someone you're supposed to hate. Oddly I think that even though he plays a great heel, most are impressed with him at the same time, which is an impressive feat.
Agreed, it seems like he'll never come down from main event status, after a reign like this. You can tell this title means a ton to him, after 15 years in the company. He's doing everything right, it'll be interesting to see him go against Cena, Punk, maybe even HHH.
1) Mark Henry- The man has been a monster since Big Show knocked him out back in June. Since that incident, Henry has been on a tear, playing the monster heel to perfection. He's taking the Smackdown brand by storm and has given the show a new dynamic than it had in recent years. Having Henry as champion was a smart decision and has given the faces on Smackdown an uphill battle.

2) Cody Rhodes- Rhodes has really evolved over the last year into a credible performer who continues to gain momentum with every show he's on. His promos are always interesting, and his matches are always interesting to watch. I expect big things from Cody in 2012 if this momentum continues.

3) Vickie Guerrero- The single greatest heat magnet of this era. I honestly believe that Ziggler wouldn't be in the position he is as a heel without Vickie drawing a lot of heat for him. That's what a good manager is supposed to do though: make their wrestler look better and draw more heat through the added attention on them. Vickie does this better than any other personality in the last ten years without the last name McMahon.

4) Dolph Ziggler- Wrestling ability alone, this man is definitely on my top 5 list of heels in WWE. Ziggler is on a roll right now as he can't seem to have a bad match. His singles matches have been solid, and his tag team matches with Swagger have been entertaining as hell as the two have good tag team chemistry. However, I don't know if I buy the fact that Ziggler will go to main-event status as fast as everyone seems to think. The mid-card needs solid wrestlers, and Ziggler does well in that role. I can see him main-eventing a couple shows or a PPV here and there, but on a consistent basis, I am not sure. Time will tell.

5) Wade Barrett- I am not sure if this will last right now, but Wade has gotten some of his credibility back in recent weeks thanks to his feud with Randy Orton. I hated the Nexus storyline as it "hotshot-ed" Wade to the main event without much build. Wade suffered as a result when the Nexus storyline fizzled into oblivion... and even worse, The Corre which did nothing for Barrett or Smackdown. These matches he's had lately are the type of matches Wade should have had a year ago, the type that build up perception over a period of time. He has solid mic skills and is an effective enough wrestler to gain heat. Hopefully, they aren't building him up just to drop him back down again.


Until there is consistent booking for The Miz or Del Rio, I can't take either one of them seriously. Del Rio is a solid wrestler, but he's unremarkable right now and could use a tweak or two in character. The Miz and R-Truth had the ability to get a lot of heat if the writing was better last month after Hell in a Cell. They had the opportunity after Hell in a Cell to make those two characters HATED. Instead, they became just another heel team and were even labeled afterthoughts on television. Great job in getting people to buy into them. Until The Miz can get some momentum going for him and can be seen again as a viable threat, he's stuck in heel purgatory.

Kevin Nash isn't a consistent enough presence on WWE to count until Triple H comes back. And Laurinitis has the type of heel heat that makes me want to ignore him or turn the channel.
1. The Miz- His ring work is improving consistently. His mic work is just as good as anyone else on this list. He's been WWE Champion. He's more mainstream media-wise than any other heel. He's young enough that the peak of his career is in front of him, and he's AWESOME. Just because he's been in a tag team for a little while doesn't mean he isn't the top heel.

2 Mark Henry- For 15 years he's been a jobber, and right now he's at the peak of his career. He gets tons of heat and his "hall of pain" gimmick is really over. The only reason he's not #1 is because he's on the B-show, Smackdown.

3. Cody Rhodes- He's got the charisma, the wrestling ability, and the character to be World Champion very soon. The only thing I worry about is him getting cheered for being too incredible.

4. Alberto Del Rio- He's losing steam, and he's losing it FAST. Until he gets drafted to Smackdown, I think he'll be bumped back down to mid-card level by Wrestlemania.

5. Dolph Ziggler- Nobody took him seriously at first, but look at him now. He's charismatic and his fanbase is growing as we speak.

6. Wade Barrett- The barrage is taking over Smackdown. He's not main eventing right now, but his feud with Orton should catapult him to the next level.

Nash is only going to be around for a short while, so he doesn't make the cut.
I don't know how Jack Swagger is on anyone's list. That's funny. But anyhow...

1. Mark Henry: Clearly they've put everything they can behind him this time to make him come off like a true wrecking machine and it's finally worked out. Putting Kane and Big Show on the shelf, then beating Orton clean for the WHC, and beating him clean again at Hell in a Cell. The way the match ended at Survivor Series could knock him down on some people's list, but he's still clearly the best hell in the company in my book. I'm sure at TLC they'll make it a Chairs Match with him and Big Show, and Henry will win and this feud will finally be over.

2. The Miz: The rest of the list gets tricky from here on out, but I'll put Miz at #2 because he's really the only one who's able to contend for a Championship at this point. Rhodes and Ziggler both have titles of their own, and Barrett or Christian wouldn't face Henry. That would just be terrible booking. Miz will be feuding with CM Punk again now that he's on his own again and if he doesn't get enough heat from the fans already, he sure will when he starts to feud with the new fan favorite.

3. Cody Rhodes: I think he's got future WHC written all over him. I see him winning the Rumble and beating his opponent (probably Orton or a Triple Threat w/ Sheamus). I don't think they're gonna waste much time on making it happen. I just wish they wouldn't have him lose so much. It's frustrating how they don't have him defend the IC Title and then drop it on a fluke loss, then focus on the WHC. Instead, every match is non-title or for a shot at the WHC, which makes the IC Title meaningless as usual.

3. Dolph Ziggler: Just like Rhodes, I see future WWE Champ written all over him. Maybe by around SummerSlam next year. Maybe a MITB winner. They're almost doing the same thing with him that they are with Rhodes, though. Having him lose too much to give zero credibility to the U.S. Title. How many times are we gonna see him job to Orton and Ryder? He's got the look, the mic skills, and the in-ring talent. The total package to be the #1 heel for a long time.

4. Wade Barrett: This guy's been looking really impressive lately with the whole Barrett Barage. Here's another one I definitely see being a future World Champion, just not as soon as Rhodes or Ziggler. Yet, unlike those 2, he hasn't been losing. He's been on a huge roll lately other than 1 loss to Orton on Raw a few weeks back. He matches up great with guys like Orton and Sheamus and can put on entertaining matches with them everytime he steps foot in the ring. Not to mention, in his short career he's already been part one of one of the best angles in recent years when he and Nexus were in control of Cena. I literally laughed out loud when he told Cena to fetch him a glass of water and then threw the cup in Cena's face. The guy is entertaining.

5. Alberto Del Rio: This guy goes way down on the list for me after losing the WWE Championship. That to me proved the WWE feels the same way about him as the majority of us fans do. He's boring. He's been in WWE for what, a couple years or more now? And every week, he comes out and says the exact same thing. I think they planned on keeping the title on him for a while longer than they actually did, but the fan response just wasn't there so they had to make a change. And I know they want to appeal to the international audience, but it's also pretty annoying that you can't understand half of the words that come out of his mouth.

Those are my top 5. I think the only other 2 worth mentioning are Nash and Christian, and you can put them in any order you want. Neither are very relevant at the moment.
1. Mark Henry - As much as I dont like his character, this dude is dominating the roster.
2. Dolph Ziggler - Weird choice right? Not really. I see future world champ written all over him, and I think him and Ryder could have a pretty good fued. When you look at it, Dolph has been winning quite alot latley, and I think the next step for him is to win big at a PPV, maybe the next MITB winner?

3. Cody Rhodes - Cody Rhodes has talent. With WWE FINALLY taking off that stupid mask and droppong the ridiculous gimmick, I can take him seriously. This guy is definitly another World Title hopeful.

4. Wade Barrett - I was shocked when he won against Team Orton a few weeks ago, and from then he's definitly earned alot of my respect. Now, we all know that Wade is a great leader when it comes to 'running' The Nexus and Corre (which fell apart pretty quickly if you ask me...) And Im glad now that he's working on his own without his groups.

5. Daniel Bryan - Now, Im not a fan of Daniel Bryan, and here's why. I think the WWE just kinda, threw him into the spotlight all of the sudden, and we all felt like we had to decide right then and there weather or not we liked this new heel gimmick he's got. I dont. I think its pointless, then again, he wasn't going anywhere as a face. who knows when or how he'll cash in his MITB contract, but I really dont think its going to be a big 'OMG, THIS IS GONNA BE AN AWESOME MATCH' moment when he does. He just doesn't appeal to me.

Notice how I didnt put The Miz on my list? A few months ago, he would've been #1, but because he's been with Awesome Truth (A pointless tag team if you ask me), he's been out of the spotlight, and has lost his place in the top five. I really do hope he gets taken seriously again, because this guy is an amazing wrestler.
I'm not sure what the exact order is, but I'll go out on a limb here and say The Miz is number one. The guy just main evented a show with The Rock, in Rock's first match back in seven years. He probably has another match with Cena on tap and then a match with Punk after that. More than anyone else, he's the guy that they've trusted in these types of big situations. He's interacted with Rock and Austin in a way that no other current heel has. He may not be in a title feud right now, but it's clear to me that he's their top priority on the heel side, and he's far more ready to be in that spot than anyone else.
1. Mark Henry - As much as I dont like his character, this dude is dominating the roster.

5. Daniel Bryan - Now, Im not a fan of Daniel Bryan, and here's why. I think the WWE just kinda, threw him into the spotlight all of the sudden, and we all felt like we had to decide right then and there weather or not we liked this new heel gimmick he's got. I dont. I think its pointless, then again, he wasn't going anywhere as a face. who knows when or how he'll cash in his MITB contract, but I really dont think its going to be a big 'OMG, THIS IS GONNA BE AN AWESOME MATCH' moment when he does. He just doesn't appeal to me.
Henry's character is great right now, what don't you like about it?

Daniel Bryan's at his highest he's ever been right now. Holding that Money in the Bank briefcase was a huge shock, but it instantly made him a contender, because no one took him seriously as a contender before he won the briefcase. He's getting title shots right now, and I think his character as a face is good. I'd like to see a bit more aggression from him, a more ruthless side would make him a more believable main event player. I don't think anyone in the world believes he's going to win Tuesday though, he's not going to be champion and hold the briefcase.
Henry's character is great right now, what don't you like about it?

Daniel Bryan's at his highest he's ever been right now. Holding that Money in the Bank briefcase was a huge shock, but it instantly made him a contender, because no one took him seriously as a contender before he won the briefcase. He's getting title shots right now, and I think his character as a face is good. I'd like to see a bit more aggression from him, a more ruthless side would make him a more believable main event player. I don't think anyone in the world believes he's going to win Tuesday though, he's not going to be champion and hold the briefcase.

While i know he isnt going to win heres what i hope happens. He wins the whc while keeping that briefcase and holds it until wm and pulls a ziggler and wrestles two matches in a night by defending his whc and cashing in on the wwe champ (most likely punk seeing they are pushing him past the moon now.) or its one match and both titles are on the line in a triple threat. the royal rumble winner, the whc, and the wwe champ go at it for the undisputed title..******ed yes but if it could be pulled off correctly i think it would be healthy for the biz as the brand extension would be over aswell but like i say in every other post thats just what i'd like to see.
While i know he isnt going to win heres what i hope happens. He wins the whc while keeping that briefcase and holds it until wm and pulls a ziggler and wrestles two matches in a night by defending his whc and cashing in on the wwe champ (most likely punk seeing they are pushing him past the moon now.) or its one match and both titles are on the line in a triple threat. the royal rumble winner, the whc, and the wwe champ go at it for the undisputed title..******ed yes but if it could be pulled off correctly i think it would be healthy for the biz as the brand extension would be over aswell but like i say in every other post thats just what i'd like to see.

If they were to unify the two world titles, I wouldn't be opposed to that. It'd probably be in a fatal fourway, then. CM Punk, the WWE Champion vs Mark Henry, the World Heavyweight Champion vs Daniel Bryan, the Money in the Bank winner vs The Miz as the Royal Rumble winner. Sounds like a clusterfuck, but you could build many story lines with the four in the next few months before the big event. Revisit the feud between Miz and Bryan, as well as starting one with Punk and Henry. Maybe Punk makes fun of Sexual Chocolate in an interview and Henry gets mad, something along those lines.

Shit, while I'm at it, the rest of the card would look like:
Cena vs. Rock
Orton vs. Undertaker
Barrett, Del Rio, Swagger vs. Sheamus, Kane, Big Show
Ryder vs. Ziggler, US Title
Rhodes vs. DiBiase, Intercontinental title
Kingston and Bourne vs. Hunico and Epico, Tag Team Titles
Money in the Bank: Christian vs Rey Mysterio vs Drew McIntyre vs Justin Gabriel vs Zeke Jackson vs Alex Riley vs R-Truth vs Tyler Black!
Trish Stratus vs Beth Phoenix vs Kharma, Divas Title.
and probably Michael Cole vs. JR too. :banghead:
5. Daniel Bryan - Now, Im not a fan of Daniel Bryan, and here's why. I think the WWE just kinda, threw him into the spotlight all of the sudden, and we all felt like we had to decide right then and there weather or not we liked this new heel gimmick he's got. I dont. I think its pointless, then again, he wasn't going anywhere as a face. who knows when or how he'll cash in his MITB contract, but I really dont think its going to be a big 'OMG, THIS IS GONNA BE AN AWESOME MATCH' moment when he does. He just doesn't appeal to me.

Um, when did Daniel Bryan turn heel?
1. Henry. Hes been the top guy on SD for awhile now. He has come into his own and is the monster he has been portrayed to be for his entire career. This is Henrys last real run and i dont see it ending until WM.

2. ziggler. He has been on a roll lately and is getting his character really going. He has been owned by Ryder a lot lately but still manages to come out looking strong. He has had my interest and with his double match this he has been doing on PPV he is looking great. His match wiht Punk this past raw proved he can go and is ready to get to the next level.

3. Rhodes. This was a close one between him and ziggler. He had a great mini feud with Orton adn put on great matches. He looked great at SS as well. I think he should have kept the mask becasue it was unique and really got him over. I think he should remain with teh IC title and keep it until at least WM and id even let him run with it through the summer. A long ic title run is what will get him to the top. he just needs to get some fueds in over the title and some big title defense wins.

4. Miz. The guy has been great this year but i think they really dropped the ball with the Awesome Truth deal. That hurt his character but they have a chance to jump him back to the top now that its over. He needs a feud with someone strong that he can go over. I read the reports about him possibly jumping inot a feud with Punk but i dont think its the right time. Miz is a great talent and reliable and he always gets great heat.

5. Barrett. Barrett came out of nowhere these past few weeks and if this thread was created a month ago he probably wouldnt even be on the list. His wins over Orton are great cus he looks strong and Orton still is at the same level. Barrett hopefully comes out looking as strong as he has been with this feud with Orton that should last until the rumble.

6. Nash. He hasnt done anything in the ring yet but has been a menace since returning. This feud with HHH which is still very fresh will prove whether WWE wants to let Nash stick around. I like what they are doing with this feud and it makes sense to put it off since it would have taken away from the Rock/Cena feud which has to be #1 whether we like it or not. Im excited to see what happens even though Nash isnt the best in the ring anymore he is still exciting.

7. Del Rio. People may not like him being so low on this list but he hasnt done anything to prove hes a real main event talent yet. He had a terrible WWE title run and its not his fault they had him cash in MITB way to early. It wouldnt have been a complete failure but switching the title back to Cena so soon and then to Punk really made his run not seem important.

8. Swagger. Swagger hasnt won a real match in god knows how long. But his teaming with Dolph has been beneficial to him. HIs matches with Sheamus have been interesting as well and show that Swagger has what it takes to go with the big guys. He is a great talent and I think him being with Vikki is great for him just wont get his real shot until Dolph breaks away from Vikki or is in teh main event scene so Swagger can shine in the mid card.
1.)Mark Henry: The World Champ and un-beatable right now.
2.)The Miz: Main evented SS against Rocky and is in line for "big" push.
3.)Alberto Del Rio: Former WWE Champ and still big part of RAW.
4.)Dolph Ziggler: U.S. Champ and big heel on RAW( also featured in even more matches than rhodes.)
5.)Cody Rhodes: I.C. Champ and big heel on SD.
6.)Wade Barrett: Close to Rhodes, close call after SS, maybe world title in near future.
7.)Kevin Nash: Classic character and huge heat againt HHH.
8.)Jack Swagger: on TV alot and w/Vicke and Ziggler
9.)Christian: Injured but still a huge heel.
10.)R-Truth: Lowest on list but still a big heel.
Miz has been involved with more high-profile storylines and matches. Storylines that even transcended the WWE/WH championships.(Conspiracy angle, Rock's in-ring return). That should be a clear enough message that he's their top heel.

After Miz, it's Mark Henry. Among the heels, he has the most prestigious title and has been booked to be a big deal and is taken seriously by the audience. So far, it's been effective.

After him, Rhodes,Ziggler and Barrett are in a same tier right now. They're riding a wave of momentum and all they need is a properly booked feud(They don't necessarily have to win the feud, but just be made to look good). Though in the same tier, I'd slightly put Rhodes above the two just because he's recently been involved with one of the WWE's megastars(Randy Orton).

Alberto del Rio comes in at the last spot among the relevant heels. This isn't a hate post devoted to him but the guy lost the title on the opening matches of his respective programs with Cena and Punk respectively. He failed to get heat that justifies his booking on the WWE's flagship brand. He's talented, but his latest main event run IMO did damage to his credibility. Build him up after his program with Punk and don't send this guy to irrelevancy, he's too talented for that.
1. Mark Henry - Current World Heavyweight Champion since, believe it or not, September, and on the roll of his career right now. He is absolutely devastating and great to watch.

2. The Miz - Sure, his tandem with R-Truth held him back for a while but it sure was interesting to watch. They didn't accomplish much together, but now that they're split, Miz can go on to the main event once again and HOPEFULLY he doesn't seem so out of place. A few clean wins wouldn't hurt, he's WAY too beatable to be WWE Champion anytime soon.

3. Dolph Ziggler - But maybe not for long; something tells me that if he leaves Vickie, the fans are going to cheer him from that point forward, and they have every reason to! The guy is phenomenal in the ring and improving on the mic every time he speaks. The future is bright for this one.

4. Rhodes - Another young superstar on the rise. Nobody would have ever thought Cody Rhodes would be on such a roll. Well, due to his pedigree a lot of people should have thought so. I hated the mask for a bit until he cut the legendary promo in which he challenged Rey Mysterio to a match at WrestleMania. From then on, everybody was watching with keen interest. The mask has been traded in for knee pads (finally), and strangely enough, it seems that its a sign of bigger and better things for Cody.

5. Wade Barrett - This push is coming a year after it should have, but so was Dolph Ziggler's and THAT is going great. Barrett has been on a roll as of late. He's my personal pick to win the Royal Rumble this upcoming January.

6. Christian - That is, of course, unless he comes back as a face. Either way, he's a very talented wrestler, and as said by many, the master of reversals.

7. Hunico - I love that he's billed from Cuidad Juarez, Mexico. He needs to speak of his past there to highlight his gangster image. Oh, and bring the Puerto Ricans out as well. All they need is a cool gang name but not a real one, otherwise the WWE might be hearing from lame parents that it's "offensive". GET A LIFE

8. Jack Swagger - He looks like a mix of Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar if you ask me. Something is holding him back, and I don't think its WWE creative. He has that douche-like face you just want to punch and a lisp that makes you want to punch him harder. Unlike Heath Slater, though, Swagger is a big guy who is talented inside the ring. A former world champion, but unfortunately not many remember it.

9. Alberto Del Rio? I question this one because I gave up all hope I had at Survivor Series. Maybe he still has a promising career ahead of him, but its going to take a LOT of work for that to happen. I don't want to see his as WWE Champion for a while. Holding a midcard title wouldn't do much, unless he was the United States Champion. That would drive everyone insane! A draft to SmackDown is probably his best bet. Its sad, I used to be a huge fan of his and now I don't care if he gets lost in the midcard shuffle.
Christian and R-Truth aren't being considered in my list as of now, but they'll surely make the list when they're back.

8. Kevin Nash
7. Jack Swagger
6. Wade Barrett
5. Dolph Ziggler
4. Cody Rhodes
3. The Miz
2. Alberto Del Rio
1. Mark Henry

That's a good list, and for all the reasons you listed (and I deleted from my quote of you). I wouldn't tweak it much at all, except that I think Kevin Nash is ahead of Swagger & Barrett, and I'd put Ziggler ahead of Rhodes.

Perhaps by the end of the night (I'm Pacific time so I've still got 3 hours before Raw starts) I would even change it so that The Miz is #2 ahead of Del Rio.

In the grand scheme of things that's very little in the way of tweaking the pecking order.

I'd also put Hunico at #9 and I can't wait to see him climb.

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