Lately on this site there has been increased talk/complaining about WWE's 50/50 booking in their matches. Josh Isenberg always complains about it in his reviews and Jim Ross recently brought it up in his blog which has heightened interest. The biggest complaint about it is that it makes it hard to build up any superstars if they are constantly winning one match only to lose the next match. But what else is WWE to do? If a wrestler wins more matches then he loses, people will complain that he is being shoved down their throats and in their face. If the wrestler loses too many matches then fans will complain that he is getting buried and that his talent is being misused. So what is an appropriate win/loss record for a WWE superstar? Out of ten matches is it okay for someone to win 8 and lose 2? What about 4 - 6? Or 7 - 3? Or 3 - 7? What is the appropriate win/loss record that will finally make fans satisfied or at least yourself satisfied?