What if...


Getting Noticed By Management
Triple H never got injured in 2001???
i mean he was in the middle of a war with chris benoit and Jericho, he was the partner of SCSA, i mean just in a few weeks the Invasion occured, the youd had the fight for survival at Survivor Series, you also had the crowning of the first undisputed championship, i mean would he have won the royal rumble?? or headlined Wrestlemania?? or what would have happened to his marriage storyline with Stephanie??
i want to hear your opinions........
I've heard stories before about how Triple H was supposed to become the first Undisputed Champion and that Jericho was only holding it for Triple H to win it at WrestleMania 18 which I'm not 100% sure about so some clarification on that matter would be good from anyone who knows more about it.

I still think he would have headlined WrestleMania 18, the only difference being he walked in to WrestleMania 18 as the challenger and if the story I said was true, he would have walked in as champion and possibly left as champion aswell, who knows though. I also don't think he would have won the Royal Rumble aswell if the story was true, he wouldn't even be in the Royal Rumble, he would have had to defend the titles at Royal Rumble so it very well could have been someone else to win the Rumble and go to WrestleMania.
I definitely think Triple H would have been in Jericho's shoes during that period. To this day I don't think Jericho deserved to be the first ever Undisputed Champion. When you consider that The Rock and Stone Cold were also in the feud, Jericho was nowhere near their level at that time. Triple H was, and a three way feud would between Triple H, Austin, and The Rock have been epic.

Triple H would have most likely remained a heel during that time and Austin would have probably won the Royal Rumble to face Triple H at WM instead of having a filler match with Scott Hall.
Quick thing is that Kurt Angle was the 4th guy in that situation.

I never saw Jericho winning the Undisputed coming, so it was quite a shock when he won it. But the idea was to have the belt(s) build up Jericho.

There are time when the person holding the title makes it seem better (ex. HHH's 12th or 13th run) and then there are times when holding the title makes the person holding it seem (like Jeff Hardy or CM Punk's recent reigns).

Back on topic, if HHH hadn't gotten hurt he likely would have stayed heel, joined Steph in the Alliance, won the undisputed at Vengeance, then dropped the belt at Mania, maybe to Hogan (who he lost it to at Backlash anyway).

I think he would have won the first Undisputed Championship, and i think he would have lost it to Brock Lesnar at Summerslam. It is hard to say, but i definately think he would have been the 1st choice to become Undisputed Champion
i don't know what would happen with the Undisputed tittle but i do think he would turned face because if you remember they already started hinting at before he got hurt. Then Austin being would have actually worked and he may have been longer then he was. For some reason i remember this rumor was it was going to be Austin vs Triple H at Summerslam that year and Triple H was going to be the face
If HHH was never injured, the Invasion angle would probably have been held off. With the Rock making a movie and HHH injured, rumour has it they rushed through that angle. HHH and Austin would have carried on feuding with Benoit and Jericho a little longer, before the inevitable split between Austin and HHH. Then the Invasion angle could have happened later on with Hogan as the leader of the Alliance instead of Booker T, which may have gone down better. Just think, the Alliance team could have been Hogan, Flair, RVD, Goldberg? and Shane to take on Rock, Austin, HHH, Angle and Taker/Jericho. Then the splits in that team could have led to the undisputed title showdown, with Hogan in there as well.
If Triple H was there during the Invasion, i think he would have been with WCW(don't know why , just do). He also probably would have been the first Undisputed Champion in WWE like others say(don't know why, just do). The Invasion would have been better with The Game, even though I don't like him he keeps things interesting. The Invasion would have been longer (don't know why, just do).
If Triple H were to never get injured, then he would have been undisputed champion, and Jericho would not have that to fall back on like he has in the past years.
I do believe though Jericho might have won the royal rumble.
The entire alliance storyline would have changed.
I believe Triple H would have jumped ship, not Stone Cold, and the entire storyline might have actually been better, but I do like what they did with Stone Cold as a heel, he was creepy and vicious all at the same time. But I see a lot of things that could have happened if Triple H would not have been injured, like say for instance the Rocks involvement in the storyline.
I definitely think Triple H would have been in Jericho's shoes during that period. To this day I don't think Jericho deserved to be the first ever Undisputed Champion. When you consider that The Rock and Stone Cold were also in the feud, Jericho was nowhere near their level at that time.

But, it put him at that level. And he's been there ever since. Jericho got an opportunity, and he ran with it. If HHH had never been injured, Jericho probably never would have been world champion. Jericho would probably be a struggling rock star.

The match that HHH got hurt in is my favorite match of all time. I think that match helped make the Chrises superstars. All four of those guys gave maximum effort, and I jumped out of my chair when it was over.

So, if HHH had never gotten hurt, the Jericho/HBK feud from this past year wouldn't have happened, which is bad. That injury launcched Jericho. It helped Benoit, and Austin was none the worse for wear. HHH came back better from that injury. It might have been one of the best things to ever happen to the WWE, although, at the time, it was catastrophic.
The match that HHH got hurt in is my favorite match of all time. I think that match helped make the Chrises superstars. All four of those guys gave maximum effort, and I jumped out of my chair when it was over.

Refresh my memory about this match and this feud PLEASE!
It was when Stone Cold and HHH were tag champs. It was after a PPV. I forget which one, but Austin won his title match and cost HHH the IC title in the same night.

Jericho and Benoit won tag team turmoil and both had other matches in the evening. Vince made them cash in their tag title chance the next night on Raw. So it was Benoit/Jericho vs. Austin/HHH (c) for the WWE Tag Team Championship. It was about a 20 minute match that saw the Chrises win the titles and HHH wrestle the last 6 or seven minutes with a torn quad. All four men put on an amazing match.


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