What if WWE were to bring Back Cryme Tyme?


Dark Match Jobber
I have noticed JTG and Cryme Tyme has been trending World Wide During RAW and a lot of people from what I read on the interwebs would like to see Cryme Tyme Back especially since the introduction of the Prime Time Players. Personally I would love to see them back. What are your guys opinion?
They're trending because JTG is pissed off. But since he has no WWE merit, his pipe bomb will dissolve into a dud.
I see no reason to bring Cryme Tyme back. Their time has passed. At one point I thought they had a lot of potential. The had charisma and a great catchphrase. That was five years ago. Then they got fired out of nowhere. When they came back a few months later they lost the momentum they had built. It just wasn't the same and they never did anything of note. Like everyone else I would love to see a revival in the tag division but Cryme Tyme is not a solution.

I have noticed JTG and Cryme Tyme has been trending World Wide During RAW and a lot of people from what I read on the interwebs would like to see Cryme Tyme Back especially since the introduction of the Prime Time Players. Personally I would love to see them back. What are your guys opinion?

Just curious, why especially since the introduction of the Prime Time Players? If you think they have potential to deliver a good feud and match that's great. Please don't tell me it's for the simple reason that they're all black. One of the biggest of my many pet peeves is when people just group black wrestlers together for no other reason than they're black.
Yeah I have to agree with The Brain that their time has passed. I was into them when they debuted, but they were never able to sustain any momentum. I think a feud with the Prime Time Players would be entertaining but then what? It would be back to the same comedy skits, and then probably be split up again. Just not worth it at this point.
Also agree with the Brain. I liked them ok like 5 years ago but they really never had any momentum IMO. A feud with the PTP whats the point of that? Shad is well pretty much dropped off the face of the wrestling world and JTG is close to being in the same boat.

Why the E kept JTG and not shad is a mystery all in itself. Cryme Thyme helping out the Tag Division ahhh no thank you
I say..... na... there gimmick was stupid, and every time they wrestled i took a break to take a shit. and every time they wrestled, the fans took a restroom break... only black people like them.. But i do like the Prime Time Players and ecspecially AW.
only black people like them

I'm black and I didn't like them. So your speaking for black people liking black stereotypes being portrayed to a world wide audience. Your ignorance is showing and it's not bliss you ignoramus, what a stupid comment to make. Here's a history lesson for you Crime Tyme was hated by black groups for like I said portraying negative stereotypes. But only black people like them, once again what a stupid comment to make.
JTG is the reason Crime Tyme is lame. He needs to go and if crime tyme were to come back they need fresh, new blood for it. JTG needs to be released like the other guy was.
I'd like to see Cryme Tyme back just because they'd probably instantly become the 2nd or 3rd most interesting tag team in WWE, which is pretty sad of course, but probably true. I mean, JTG is incapable of doing much else, so helping the tag division would put him to use at least. Not sure what Shad's doing these days, so a reunion may not even be possible, but I'd like to see it. They had something going for a little while, but then they seemed to fizzle out (not to mention them getting fired). The tag scene is barren right now, so they would probably be exciting to see.

Also gotta agree with the Brain about the OP- kinda seemed like a racially-based comment. Das messed up.
I wouldn't be interested in seeing Cryme Tyme back. They were never that great. They had some good moments but overall no one really ever cared about them. If they were to come back which i don't see being likely i would want them to return as heels. Before they were nothing but catchphrases. Bring them back as a gang like team and maybe i would be interested. Have them attack people in the back with baseball bats, steal cars, disrespect legends, etc. Face Cryme Tyme came off more cheesy than anything. You can't be a "Gangsta" and a good guy. It doesn't work like that.
I wouldn't mind seeing the back a feud with the ptp's would be cool not just because there all black but it would be cool to see them feud the tag division sucks anyway they need to use reks and Hawkins more instead of feeding them to ryback
My first memory of Cryme Tyme was a program they worked with Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch. I'm perhaps the only big fan of Cade & Murdoch matches, and the cornbally babyface antics of Cryme Tyme were not only a little juvenile, they very clearly spelled a premature end to Murdoch & Cade's tag team prominence. The viscous tag team paradox was rapidly perpetuating itself yet again.

Cryme Tyme was a rarity: acceptable wrestling and enough confidence to sound good during promos. In retrospect, I wish they were still here because I've always really enjoyed tag team wrestling and that's what they were. I wish Cade were still here, too.
Then WWE would be bringing back a GOD AWFUL performer in Shad, and WWE would have another average, steriotypical, Afro-MERICAN, tag team.

I would laugh if they "stole" AW though.
Of course they should bring back Cryme Tyme. Not only would Cryme Tyme be a familiar tag team for fans, and one who does have a fan base, but they also are a marketable team with a gimmick that can add another competent team to the ranks of their tag team Division.

If they're serious about trying to revamp and really push a tag team division, then they should bring back teams that do have some potential long term and teams, like Cryme Tyme and even the Hart Dynasty, that they never really allowed to blossom fully because in the past they weren't doing shit, and certainly weren't being serious, about their tag team division. There is lots of teams, including Cryme Tyme and the Hart Dynasty that can be successful as TEAMS. They may not be at the point, like many tag teams WWE has, of being successful stars INDIVIDUALLY... but they don't need to be. They can be successful in a tag team where its not about individual personalities. They can carry that division as teams for years, and continue to hone their skills and develop their characters, to possibly become future stars if they do become INDIVIDUALS down the line.

The problem with WWE is they rush everything and break these teams up far, far before they've even reached their potential as tag teams, let alone reaching a point they should be singles stars. That's why guys like Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, just to name a few, started out as tag team wrestlers and remained so for YEARS developing their skills and personalities before breaking out on their own. They weren't rushed into it. Now a days teams are rushed into it and then when they're not successful alone, because they're young and haven't developed the experience or skills to BE successful, WWE gives up on them and throws them away. The Hart Dynasty was barely a tag team for long before they were broken up. Cryme Tyme was broken up and pushed individually far before they needed to be, and they hadn't even reached their potential as a tag team. Same will probably happen with the Prime Time players because WWE ALWAYS does it.

WWE needs to pull themselves back and return to some old traditions, because the way they did things in the past can sometimes be the most effective way. Not everything old is bad, and the way tag team divisions are done needs to de-evolve and return to its roots.
No. Like The Brain said, their time has passed. They were ok at first but now, they would have no momentum. I'm all for the tag team division getting revamped but Crime Tyme just isn't the answer. We need someone new and fresh. And besides, they sucked in the ring. The only good thing about them was their promos.
They never should have been broken up in the first place. And I can't figure out for the life of me why they never had a legit run with the straps. At one time, they were the ONLY legitimate tag team on the roster. The rest were just guys with nothing to do who were thrown in together. It would not have killed Vince to give them a 2 month run with the gold. Hell he gave them to Kozlof and Santino.... Why not Cryme Tyme?
When they came along, with their name and gimmick, I wasn't thrilled. It was stereotypical and quite frankly, you'd think a company like WWE that claims to be progressive could have come up with something better than that. As time went on, they were very popular. They were fired due to an incident with Cade and Murdoch, they came back and for a time were the only legitimate tag team but could never get the belts. There was Jerishow, ShowMiz and DX, guys who were solid performers and had ability on the mike, but had no need for the belts. It would have helped Cryme Time to have a run with the titles and fans were behind them.They were broken up and Shad would be released leaving JTG there alone.

I often hear that Shad's ability in the ring was not that great in the ring. But let's be fair, you can go back and find plenty of tag teams that had one partner who was better than the other. And if WWE can make Khali a champion (and he really sucked in the ring) there's no reason why Cryme Time couldn't have gotten a run.

Would it be good to see CT back ? If there is a serious plan to give them a run or 2, or 3+ runs as a champions, I think it would seriously help the tag division and the show. With all the tweets JTG is doing, I find it hard to see that happening. JTG seems very vocal at this moment and it looks like he's voicing his displeasure as a means to get released from the company. If not in WWE, perhaps they'll join forces with a new name in another promotion on in the indys.
I would not mind seeing Cryme Tyme return, I was a fan of that team. They should have held the Tag Team Championship and I'm really surprised that it never happened. Then of course they split up. Shad had his short lived My Time gimmick and got released. Although the character sucked, he could have had a short singles run and then the team could have gotten back together. They definitely deserved to win the titles. There was that one week where they stole them from the current champions, Team Priceless I believe, and that ended up being the closest either of them ever got to a championship. JTG, oddly enough, still works for WWE. I keep forgetting that he is still there. I don't expect him to last much longer. I'm surprised that he has stayed as long as he has.

If they brought back Cryme Tyme then they will be able to add another list to the roster in the tag team division, and they need more people in there! Air Truth could put on a decent feud against Cryme Tyme. They could also get that title run they never got last time around. If they do bring Shad back and decide to push JTG, it should be as a team. I liked the My Time character of Shad's (although he SUCKS when not in a team) and JTG is nothing to write home about with his tag team partner, so I'd be happy to see WWE bring this team back for another run.
I can't say that a return of Cryme Tyme would interest me. Personally, I never thought they were really any good to begin with. If I had to pick between them and currently any other team in WWE, I'd go with any other team. I never found them particularly charismatic nor all that good inside the ring. For all intents and purposes, they're just a couple of generic wrestlers with a pretty generic gimmick.

The reason why Cryme Tyme is trending or getting any attention at all is because JTG is pissed off and thinks that WWE is taking advantage of him and his "locker room brothers". A talent as mediocre as JTG should be thankful that he has a job in the first place. In the second place, JTG is just another guy that's pissed off & bitter because he doesn't think he's being "used right". I get the impression that he's another in a long line of has-beens, or a never-was in his case, that believes himself to be far more talented than he truly is. Shad Gaspard has been doing the same thing, making similar comments as JTG off and on since his release from WWE.

A sad reality in pro wrestling is that not everybody is going to be a star and not everybody has the talent to be a star. Compared to JTG or Shad Gaspard, there are numerous talents in WWE right now that I very much prefer. If the choice comes down to a mediocre talent and/or team like Cryme Tyme vs. guys like Dolph Ziggler, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Damien Sandow, The Miz, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Randy Orton, Christian, Sheamus, Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, the PTPs, Antonio Cesaro and many others; I'll take any or all of them over JTG & Cryme Tyme any ol' day of the week.
Personally, I would love a Cryme Tyme return, but in all honesty, I'd like to see a JTG singles push even better. I love how everyone just assumes he sucks because the 'E never gave him a chance. He was actually pretty good in his initial face run, but as soon as he went over Shad, WWE stuck him on Superstars, not even willing to give him a short singles run. He was over in terms of midcarders, and he even had kids dancing in the ring with him, which should have satiated the WWE's Disney PG hard-on that they held before 2011. And he had a pretty awesome finisher too, whereas Shad is nothing to write home about in the ring. So no to Cryme Tyme, but yes to JTG
Hell no, they were stupid and obnoxious. The only reason JTG is getting any pub these days is because he's whining on Twitter. I thought he got fired ages ago.

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