What if...WWE...signed....

Brian in Austin

Getting Noticed By Management
Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, and Christopher Daniels. Hear me out on this folks. With the rumored soon-to-be signings of Colt Cabana and The Kings of Wrestling, what are the chances that WWE could make a run at Joe, AJ, and Daniels? And would they? Could you imagine if those 3 broke onto the scene on Raw, in the form of a faction of some sort, invading from "that other company?" Sort of..."they wouldn't pay us what we were worth there...so we've come here to take over" kinda thing. Could it work? Could it work if WWE signed them individually at different intervals?

Your thoughts?
The only one I think wwe would be interested in is simple the obvious one A.j Styles. It was speculated that when Daniels reached out to wwe months ago that they rejected him because of his age. With Joe I believe wwe would have the same problem with him as they had with Husky Harris being his weight as an issue. As the three of them coming in as a faction I don't think that would ever happen even if the 3 of them were free agents at the same time. But I do know wwe would love to get their hands on A.j and put him in that upper midcard.
in my personal opinion the only one that would be able to break through in the WWE would be AJ, im not sure how it would work if he didnt come into the company under the same name and everything. i would love to see an AJ Styles vs Randy Orton match or even an AJ vs Punk match. i would love to see it work but i have my doubts.. and i would love to see an invasion of some sort but i dont think this will ever happen again where an 'invasion' from another company invades the wwe. Just wandering does anyone else rate colt cabana? i just dont see what punk sees in him, can someone point out whats so great about him? sorry if ive offended anyone.
Steve Austin recently said that WWE should sign Samoa Joe when his contract with TNA ends, but I'm not sure it will happen. He doesn't have that chiseled, muscular look that Vince loves so much.

Christopher Daniels just turned 40 in March. That combined with his lack of size makes him getting signed by WWE highly unlikely.

AJ Styles may have an outside shot. He had a few matches on WWE's lesser shows like Jakked, so they know his work. He was offered a developmental deal in 2002, but he turned it down. Much like Daniels, his lack of size may hurt any chance of him being signed by WWE.

As nice as it would be, an angle like that would never take place, as Vince doesn't consider TNA to be competition.
I like this idea tbh but: There is too much going on on Raw. Smackdown needs a good angle and some credible workhorses like Joe , AJ and Daniels.
Also, i don't think age has too much to do with Daniels right now as much as what to do with him. Joe would have instant classics, putting some Impact (no pun intended) into smackdown and possibly revive brand warfare. Especially the possibilities of title unifications happening soon. I for one would love to see another Survivor Series tag match With Joe, Orton, AJ, Danielson, Barrett, Sin Cara (if he is brought back), and Cody Rhodes for SD! and Punk, Ziggler, Colt Cabana Bourne, Morrison, Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli for Raw. This to me seems like a very possible and even matchup.
Steve Austin recently said that WWE should sign Samoa Joe when his contract with TNA ends, but I'm not sure it will happen. He doesn't have that chiseled, muscular look that Vince loves so much.

Christopher Daniels just turned 40 in March. That combined with his lack of size makes him getting signed by WWE highly unlikely.

AJ Styles may have an outside shot. He had a few matches on WWE's lesser shows like Jakked, so they know his work. He was offered a developmental deal in 2002, but he turned it down. Much like Daniels, his lack of size may hurt any chance of him being signed by WWE.

As nice as it would be, an angle like that would never take place, as Vince doesn't consider TNA to be competition.

Well Austin said the WWE should sign Awesome Kong aka now Kharma and the WWE ended up doing it. Did they listen to Steve? Who knows, but all I know is the WWE doesn't really have a ton of main eventers right now. Samoa Joe would be able to jump in right away. It very well could happen. In the wrestling business anything can happen. Remember.
Somoa Joe would be a great fit for WWE (I'm not sure when his contract ends with Tna) . If his contract ends in like within the next 3 months then Joe would be the perfect fit for Smackdown. He could be the Intimidaor WWE needs cause its obvious Kane can't do it anymore. He could possibly main event on Smackdown the way the roster is. AJ Styles I dont really see coming to WWE, 1.Becauuse he has been with tna his whole career 2.He doesnt really fit in , WWE doesnt really have a mid-card division anymore and I really dont see him main eventing.Daniels-No, he should just retire I dont see him lasting any where any more.

What if WWE signed Beer Money,, They could bring back the tag divison and if this is just me,but Robert Roode reminds me alot of HHH.The hair, tights, wrestling style, they could make a star out of him.
Im doubtful on Samoa Joe cause of the weight. anyone over 30 who is of Joe's weight, staand a good chance of being deceased by the time they're 45 because the heart cant handle that kind of weight...just look at the relatively young deaths of Rodney "Yokozuna" Anoi & Ray "Big Boss Man" Traylor

as for a takeover angle, they arent high profile enough in TNA let alone the industry...not enough of the WWE audience is aware of TNA so who would support the angle...I've talked to hundreds of WWE fans that think Dudley's, Christy, Burke, Hogan, Jarrett, Hardy's, Angle, Kennedy, Flair, RVD, Steiner, Sting & Taz are retired
hmm interesting idea. but takeover? or invasion? not likely cause if they cant take over tnas lame ass, they have no chance of taking over or being believable in invading wwe. now i could see them joining as a radicalz type debut and going from there with joe being the ic or us champ and daniels and styles taking the tag titles
Personally, I think vince would steer clear of signing anybody from TNA for ego reasons. I don't think he would want to make public acknowledgment that he coveted any of TNA's stars because it may be viewed as an admission of weakness. I don't think many people would view it as that kind of admission, but I don't think vince would take the risk.

I'd love to see AJ in the WWE. In my view, he could go straight to the top of the card, never mind the mid card. He has more talent in his little finger than a number of WWE main eventers at the moment. I'm looking at YOU, Miz, R-Truth and Mark Henry.

Sadly though, i doubt it will ever happen.
I would hate to see AJ in the WWE. His talent would be buried. let's face it, if anyone is a TNA guy, it is Styles. As for Joe, I totally agree with Austin. WWE is crying out for a big, intimidating Samoan. Joe really would give that big fight feel to the main event spot if allowed to develop his same character in the WWE.
If WWE creative are leaning back towards a more edgy, realistic product, few could walk right in and have an impact in the way Samoan Joe could.
It's just not gonna happen. AJ Styles has said time and time again that he's TNA to the bone. If I'm not mistaken, Styles still has about 5 years left on his current deal with TNA so he's not going anywhere anytime soon. He has the talent to make it in WWE, there's no doubt about that.

Samoa Joe has little to no chance in WWE. I honestly don't understand all the love Joe gets. I do think the guy's ok, but he's not this ultra intimidating machine that some people try to make him out to be. He's a chubby, out of shape Samoan that looks like he should be working as a bouncer in a titty bar. He simply doesn't look like a badass to me. He just looks like a guy that needs to drop a few pounds. Reportedly, TNA has asked Joe to get himself into better shape on more than one occassion but he hasn't done it. That won't fly in WWE, simple as that. Vince tells you to drop 40 pounds and you don't do it, then you're not going to have a very prosperous career.

As for Chrisopher Daniels, the simple truth if the matter is that Daniels has indy star for life written all over him. I don't necessarily mean that as a negative but if Daniels ever had a shot of being in WWE, it would've happened already. Daniels is officially 40 years old and the WWE simply isn't looking for anyone that age to sign. Daniels has been relegated to the under and/or mid-card level in TNA for the entire time he's been there, and TNA has generally been more of a haven to indy stars over the course of the last 10 years than WWE has.
I'd like to see AJ, Joe and Beer Money come in as a NWO invasion type thing but have it booked like a shoot how they are doing it now with Punk.
The WCW NWO had that feel until they did the interview where Bischoff got jackknifed by Kevin Nash and admitted they don't work for WWF/E but the key if they were smart secretly have Dixie and Vince in co-hoots to give it a real life angle feel.

Little guy vs Big guy feel....
a promo could be.....a lot of our guys bust our ass and got held down by you and your "superstars" when we were here, well, we went somewhere else where a wrestler could be a wrestler (imagine the cheap pop)....hell, you could have CM Punk be the leader and eventually add on some ROH or more TNA guys.

ps You might have your monster opponent for Taker at WM 28 as well with Joe.
Joe's gonna kill....the deadman???
I like this idea, but if I’m in charge and I was going to sign someone in their 40s, I would replace Daniels with Angle. A. J. Styles, Samoa Joe, and Kurt Angle is who I would sign, maybe even add Abyss.
I like this idea, but if I’m in charge and I was going to sign someone in their 40s, I would replace Daniels with Angle. A. J. Styles, Samoa Joe, and Kurt Angle is who I would sign, maybe even add Abyss.

yeah, plus adding Angle could add a swerve to my idea and have him turn on the TNA/ROH faction and re-join WWE....man the options if it was just done smart.
Im doubtful on Samoa Joe cause of the weight. anyone over 30 who is of Joe's weight, staand a good chance of being deceased by the time they're 45 because the heart cant handle that kind of weight...just look at the relatively young deaths of Rodney "Yokozuna" Anoi & Ray "Big Boss Man" Traylor

How big do you think Joe is??? Yeah, he's carrying around some extra mass, but he's not THAT fat. I wouldn't even call him fat, he's chunky at most, and he's Samoan, they are built to carry mass, far more than he's carrying around. And on top of that, Joe has excellent cardio. You realize people are more than capable of being a little overweight and still being in fantastic condition, right?

This is not to say I endorse Joe going to WWE, he seems to have lost the passion as of late and would probably be poorly utilized. Daniels is awesome but is too old and too small. AJ is amazing in the ring, there's no question, but come on, his charisma and mike skills are mediocre at best. If AJ were to come into the WWE, at the very best he'd be Evan Bourne #2, and we're talking a 5 year older Evan Bourne, so he'd have much less upside. Best I could see him possibly doing is IC title. He is much better off sticking in TNA.
How big do you think Joe is??? Yeah, he's carrying around some extra mass, but he's not THAT fat. I wouldn't even call him fat, he's chunky at most, and he's Samoan, they are built to carry mass, far more than he's carrying around. And on top of that, Joe has excellent cardio. You realize people are more than capable of being a little overweight and still being in fantastic condition, right?

you ask any doctor...he is classed as obese...he's at the weight of Lesnar & Batista, but they were carrying alot of muscle mass that Joe don't have
Samoa Joe
I have always felt that WWE should sign Samoa Joe. I was a huge fan of his in ROH and in TNA up until the past year or so. I think like many have said Joe would be a nice fit on Smack Down. WWE makes exceptions on physiques on occasion Christian, Daniel Bryan hell even legends like Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart don't have the most impressive bodies in the business. I would love to see Joe come in an fued with the likes of Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara (if he stays), and Cody Rhodes on Smack Down. I think he could work heel or face as well.

Sadly, Daniel age will keep him from ever working in WWE. I read somewhere a couple of months ago that he had approached WWE himself and was turned down due to age. I think Daniels would work well with a few of the guys on the roster, and in a dream scenario would have been one of the guys I brought in to work the ECW brand when it first started, but him working WWE now is not going to happen unless WWE buys out TNA and runs an invasion angle in the next two or three years which is also never going to happen.

A.J. Styles
A.J. is a strange one for me. I think he is a great talent, but in WWE I can't see it. He has one of the best movesets in the business, but his mic skills are pretty bad, and he is a really small guy compared to most of the WWE roster. I know Evan Bourne and Justin Gabriel are small guys, but they didn't come to WWE with the amount of success A.J. has already had on somewhat of a national level. If WWE were to sign him, they would almost have to put him in the main event picture of close to it. I think A.J. in the ring with an Orton, Cena, Taker or even Del Rio or Sheamus wouldn't look right. I remember WWE had the same issue with ECW guys back in the 90's looking so small compared to WWE guys.

I would love to see WWE sign Beer Money and and have them, The Kings of Wrestling and The Usos and a few other guys bring back the Tag division. I have always thought Hernandez would be a decent guy in WWE as well, he has the physique WWE likes, and he can go for a guy his size.
you ask any doctor...he is classed as obese...he's at the weight of Lesnar & Batista, but they were carrying alot of muscle mass that Joe don't have

First of all, there is no way he's as big as Lesnar or Batista... they may BILL him as that big, but they also bill Abyss as 6'8", it's gross exaggeration.

Second of all, don't put too much credence in a classification of "obese," that classification is based on a calculation of what your weight should be for your height with no modification for muscle mass. Lesnar and Batista would be classified as obese too. You can get a Herculean physical specimen chiseled out of marble with 2% body fat, and if he has significantly more than average muscle mass, he's going to be classified as "obese," it's really a ridiculous measurement.
I think it's an interesting angle to consider, for sure. That is if WWE could sign these guys. Maybe Vince McMahon brings them in as his guys to "prove" to Triple H that he knows what he's doing and is not senile. Maybe an invasion type angle with Vince's faction against the Triple H's (the rest of the WWE roster). I would definitely be in favor of something like that.
This what if is happening. Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero are signing deals and skipping development. I heard Colt Cabana was about to sign as well. What if they join with Punk for some sort of ROH stable? Love the Idea. Would really help put these guys over too

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