What if Undertaker doesn't lose at WM but doesn't win either?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I think based on what's happening Taker vs Brock is probably what's going to happen at WM30 but considering how WM30 is a landmark WM I think they might do Taker vs Cena and save Brock vs Taker for WM31 if he isn't retired by then. Since Cena will be coming back around WM and with him being the top guy and all they will probably not want him to lose at the grandest stage. On the other hand there's no way they're going to end the streak either, yet all things said and done this is probably the biggest match ever and it just has to be done at the biggest WM ever.

So what if they have a really long match which then ends in a double pin or say a last man standing match and have neither man be able to answer the 10 count? That way the streak wouldn't be broken and their biggest star will be able to claim he was the only guy to have not been defeated by Taker at WM. It would be a win-win.
Given that the streak is over 20 and 0, to write off a tally of this with a tie is a real lackluster way to continue what has so much emphasis and power placed on. A tie just doesn't make anything credible, it actually just flat out drops the stack of cards with no putting over nor smashing finish.

On the side, even tho the Undertaker has stated before that he does not mind losing, it's not what's going to happen. To carry 20-plus years of a golden rod and then have it be shit on with something other than what is the rod about kills the overall spectacularness of what the WWE carried on so gloriously with Undertaker.

Years and years from now, when the light of the WWE is in a new shadow, the undefeated streak of the legendary Undertaker will always be remembered and recalled--this is the future of this storyline.
To be honest, while I'm not crazy about the idea, it's a LOT better than some of the other crazy ideas I've read on here in this year alone. It protects 'Taker to a certain degree and it gives another wrestler the rub.

The only guys in the company big enough (in terms of name value, but you could also throw in physical size) who you'd wonder if they stand a realistic chance would be Brock, Rock and Cena. The former two are part-timers, though and what would they REALLY have to gain by defeating Undertaker, since they're probably on their way out themselves.

As for Cena, he's (arguably) already a bigger name than 'Taker, and how long does he have left in the company? It COULD be used as a way to turn him heel, but Cena's little "heel turn" promo after WM this year convinced me he's not going to turn anytime soon.

Unless we're absolutely for sure 100% guaranteed that it'll be his last match, I don't see ANY way that 'Taker's going to lose, because the streak has become something that WM desperately needs - an actual draw. He's already so banged up, I'm under the impression that Vince will keep pushing him for a WM every year until his body physically just can't anymore.

I think your idea would be very good as a possible set-up to WM, however. 'Taker could "not lose" at another big event, like Summerslam or Survivor Series, to legitimise the threat of one of the #2 guys, like Orton, Punk or Bryan, but ultimately I think Undertaker will still win it.

Even IF there's a shred of truth in the Sting/Undertaker rumours, you can bet your bottom dollar the Deadman (who's been with Vince for so much longer) will keep his WM streak intact.
1st off who say cena has to win he lost to the part timer in the rock on the big stage I don't think the wwe need needs to do a cena vs taker what they need to do is taker vs the rock,Brock or find away to get sting to come in

And the best way to do the rock match is that the loser leaves wwe for good it would be a good way to let the fans move on from the rock knowing he can't come back

To set up the Brock match that's way to easy all u need is for Paul heyman to say punk couldn't but the beast can
This needs to be Takers last WM. Go out on top against Cena. Move on.

I have always wondered if the WWE will ever play with the streak with another superstar. This will sound redonk but the Miz is 4-0 at WM. Crazy that he won the IC belt at WM 29 just to lose it the next night. Sounds strange right? In 5 years they can play with him saying how hes 9-0, how he will beat the streak. You never know. Records are meant to be broken. Takers record will never be touched but someone needs to eventually chase it.
I'm not big on any of this. I don't wanna see Lesner vs Taker. Lesnar doesn't deserve it. Lesnar losing would be ridiculous. Lesnar winning would be unforgivable. And a draw would leave everyone unhappy. It's all a bad idea.

Undertaker vs Cena is the way to go. This wrestling geek's phantasy has Cena turning heel and winning. Cena cheats to end the streak, thereby ensuring the eternal hatred of the fans.
It's a cute phantasy, methinks, but of course that's not going to happen. Cena will do the honors and become the latest victim of the streak. That's fine, too.
I always thought a great way to get a heel over would be to have them destroy Undertaker at Wrestlemania. The promos before hand can be about Undertaker deciding that it will be his last Wrestlemania. The match would go something like this, whoever Undertaker is having a match with fights Undertaker cleanly at first. Say the first 10-15 minutes. This person hits their finisher, Taker kicks out and starts his usual comeback. At one point the opponent rolls out the ring and grabs a chair and smacks the Undertaker with it. The opponent is dq'd, Taker's streak continues. The opponent walks into the ring and continues to beat the hell out of Undertaker. That could set up a bunch of promos bragging about destroying the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. The guy can say, "I know the record books will say differently but everyone will remember the night I destroyed Undertaker at Wrestlemania. This can set up a rivalry between this guy and almost anyone else on the roster as well. Then the following year they could have Taker come back and fight the guy in a HiaC at Mania and beat the hell out of the guy.

This was never very likely to happen in the first place, but Taker isn't getting any younger and each year there is speculation that it is his last. If you want Taker to go out with a bang, have him get screwed over like that then return the next year. I'm not a huge proponent of Cena turning heel, but if he did it that way he would shock everyone.
It would hose a lot of people off, rightly so in my opinion, and ultimately bring the streak to, possibly, the most lackluster end possible. An ending to certain matches in this way on television is perfectly fine. Even big money matches ending in a draw on certain B ppvs every once in a while is okay But this isn't just another match at another ppv. This is a match featuring The Undertaker at WrestleMania, the biggest show of the year. It's bad business to have this sort of ending in one of the truly big money matches at the biggest show of the year.

If the streak ever ends, then it needs to end in the proper way with Taker either being forced to submit or cleanly pinned in the center of the ring by someone who is EXTREMELY over. I'm sure that WWE is fully aware of this as well, and I highly doubt that Taker himself would agree to ending it any other way.
I don't think there can be a no-finish or a false finish. It has to go down with the streak intact.

The allure of the streak anymore (to me) is the build up. The question: Is Undertaker's opponent someone that WWE is legitimately considering allowing to end the streak.

That's why the two matches with HHH are the highlights of the streak to me, because we all know (or think) that HHH is a self-interested, power hungry [email protected] it really did seem like BOTH times that there was a chance that HHH would be the Nash to Undertaker's Goldberg.

HHH, however, did the right thing and went down twice. In two pretty damn good matches, too.

I never for a second thought HBK was going to end it, but those were solid bouts, too. I never for a second thought Punk was going over Taker, but I was entertained by the match. HHH, though, I thought might go over...and that's the allure to me.

Sting/Taker is a great thought, and I'll watch the PPV just to see it, but there ain't no way on a cold day in hell they're going to let WCW's icon go over the deadman.

A returning golden boy Cena is the way to go here, because EVERYBODY will believe that WWE might just let him end the streak.
That's an extremely stupid idea. The streak would never be the same afterwards. He is currently 21-0. If this happened he would be 21-0-1. While not an actual loss, it would tarnish the streak and make a lot of fans very upset. Do recall that he already has a skeleton in the closet, the Giant Gonzales match. Yes, Vince, some of us still remember. No matter how rarely the match is mentioned it still happened. One of Undertaker's wins is via disqualification. That should remain the only tarnished victory in the streak.

I would hate to see something like this happen. One of two things needs to happen. The first being the streak never ends, and countless people would surely be happy if he retires with the streak intact. The second being that someone who TRULY deserves it, ends the streak and gets the potential candidate for one of the biggest heel pushes of all time. If Cena ever turns that remains my prediction for when it would happen. No more complicated finishes please. Wrestlemania 9 was bad enough. A match resulting in neither a win nor a less would be even worse. The streak deserves better, as does a legend like Undertaker and the Wrestlemania brand itself.
Why mess with a good thing? The Streak isn't broken--don't try to fix it.

People love and look forward to this every year. There's just no need to try to change it.
No effing way should this happen. The man is 20-0 a absolutely spotless perfect record. Think of his battles at WM! Some of the best the business has ever seen. A Tie is like kissing your sister. Either win or lose make it convincing not some bullshit tie. The Undertaker has done so much for the business,that he doesn't deserve something like that.

To do that IMO is to make the streak irrelevant.
I know this is different but I've always though a good way to end the streak would be have undertaker come back around royal rumble to win the wwe title. In the same year have a big name heel like ortan this year winning mitb. Have taker defend his title against at wrestlemaina against whoever / cena , lesnar or punk rematch. Have taker win but show he is really beat up. Then have ortan cash in and beat a already beated undertaker. Since the bell will ring again it's an official match.
A draw is such an anti-climax that it would piss people of and be complete waste of time. Realistically, The Undertaker is going to face John Cena, Brock Lesnar and maybe maybe The Rock and maybe maybe maybe (say it really quietly) Sting. In all those scenarios we need to see a definitive winner and not one of those stars need a draw against the Undertaker.

If, for example, they paired The Undertaker with someone younger such as Wade Barrett, Curtis Axel or Bray Wyatt then maybe a draw would be something more logical but I would still be against it. If they want to end the streak then they should do it definitively rather than the half-arsed option of a draw. I personally thing the streak should end rather than staying with The Undertaker, it can be used to help make the career of someone and surely that has more worth than a DVD and sentiment.

Moreover, they need to cash in on Taker whilst he is still able to compete. It would a complete waste to put The Undertaker with someone who isn't a massive star without the streak ending.
I don't think there can be a no-finish or a false finish. It has to go down with the streak intact.

The allure of the streak anymore (to me) is the build up. The question: Is Undertaker's opponent someone that WWE is legitimately considering allowing to end the streak.

That's why the two matches with HHH are the highlights of the streak to me, because we all know (or think) that HHH is a self-interested, power hungry [email protected] it really did seem like BOTH times that there was a chance that HHH would be the Nash to Undertaker's Goldberg.

HHH, however, did the right thing and went down twice. In two pretty damn good matches, too.

I never for a second thought HBK was going to end it, but those were solid bouts, too. I never for a second thought Punk was going over Taker, but I was entertained by the match. HHH, though, I thought might go over...and that's the allure to me.

Sting/Taker is a great thought, and I'll watch the PPV just to see it, but there ain't no way on a cold day in hell they're going to let WCW's icon go over the deadman.

A returning golden boy Cena is the way to go here, because EVERYBODY will believe that WWE might just let him end the streak.

I've always thought that the reason why HHH faced Taker at two WM's back to back was to somehow portray himself as being on par with HBK because HBK had just had 2 matches prior to that.
Then it ends the streak. Simple as that. WWE creative doesn't always get it right, but they'ld never do something so stupid.

As in sports, a tie ends a winning streak. Football can end in a tie, and hockey used to. That ended winning streaks, plain simple. It would do the same for the Undertaker. Unless that's "it" for him, it would be absolutely moronic for WWE to end the streak with a tie. It's arguably the biggest, and at worst, the second biggest selling point to their biggest PPV of the year. Most times, it's the best match of the night. Why?

Because it's the match that brings the most emotion, along with the most drama. Punk. HHH. HBK. The last five years have been extremely emotional matches that while you may never truly believe the streak will end, does it not have you on the edge of your seat?

Take that away, and any further Undertaker matches lose the drama and emotion a true streak match can bring. And they can never sell that emotion again, no matter what build they'ld give to the match.

Why in the world would WWE want to screw with that?
I have two other ideas how someone can become a huge star at Wrestlemania, by pinning the Undertaker to three, yet not ending the streak.

1) Have Taker and Cena in a 2/3 Falls Match at WM, and Taker loses one of the falls. This would be a way of keeping Cena strong, but not ending the streak. If it is a guy Taker fights who needs a push who is used instead, then they can brag about pinning Undertaker at WM forever and a day. It could make a star if Taker loses a fall this way.

2) Someone pins Taker at WM, and is announced as winner, and ending the streak, until Vince McMahon, or someone else, comes out and says that the match ended controversially, so the match will be restarted. On resumption, the Undertaker ends up winning, keeping his streak, yet his opponent was able to pin him to three at WM.
Dagger said it best. Only one of two things should happen. The Undertaker retires with the streak intact (not the choice I would like to see) or someone deserving ends the streak starting one of the best heel runs in history. No one likes to see things end in a tie, and fans would be outraged if the streak was done like that. This just isn't a good idea. Sorry.
There is absolutely no fathomable way that The Undertaker's Streak is going to end now. It's been built up so much that it overshadows everything else at WrestleMania. To give the win to a young up and comer would be putting a shitload of trust into someone WWE would pray doesn't just quit the company. If they give it to someone who has already made a name for themselves then it will be the biggest waste of an opportunity in sports entertainment.

The Undertaker "tying" with any superstar in the history of the sport on The Grandest Stage of Them All would be worse than just losing. That'll disappoint the fans who paid to watch a rock solid match, expecting a victor. And it would make his legacy weak.

Nobody wants to go into a match and it get called a draw. That's no way to end, well, anything.
There are really only three possible scenarios with the streak right now: Cena, Brock or the Rock. At this point, even having a young guy going in would be pointless, because no one would buy it. Realistically, although it was an insanely great match, NO ONE thought Punk stood a hope in hell. HBK took two falls. HHH took two falls. These are two guys who have, in the past, looked out for themselves more than anyone, and both stared up at the lights, twice.....each. Punk, a consummate professional company guy who knows what is best would have no problem dropping to Taker. The only way of creating ANY kind of doubt in the streak would be Brock, because he's a pretty selfish SOB, who would piss on history to be a star. I suppose Goldberg would try to make a play for the win or a schmozzle finish too.

Frankly, I'm fine with knowing that each year Taker will win, as long as we keep getting great matches.
If they made it a tie then they might as well end the streak. If neither man win then both men lose honestly even though when Cena hits the AA on Taker it'll be a brief moment where the end to the streak is believable, I don't see Cena winning.
If this was going to be done IT should have been done last year w/CM Punk. It would have led to some great promo work between Punk & Taker. Taker could have claimed that as difficult as it is for him to say he respects CM Punk after his performance at WM. No one has done what Punk did. While the streak didn't die it also didn't continue. I have to leave for a while and ponder whether or not this is it. Then, Punk could come out and say that he underestimated the strength of will of the Undertaker. The tenacity and inhuman resolve of the Deadman. I have been humbled by the Steak and while I didn't end the streak I also didn't find myself tapping out to Hell's Gate or looking up after a 1,2,3. I find myself at a crossroads and need some time to heal, but there's one thing I am sure of...that the Best In The World was in in the ring last night. Whether it was me or whether it was the Deadman will be one of the great debates for years. Then, he walks out on Heyman.
Years and years from now, when the light of the WWE is in a new shadow, the undefeated streak of the legendary Undertaker will always be remembered and recalled--this is the future of this storyline.

Well said. Although WWE has fooled me time and again with match results I never expected, I find it hard to believe Undertaker will ever lose at 'Mania. Sure, they could do the "It's his last match before retirement and he's agreed to pass the torch" storyline..... but it would be a shame, wouldn't it? The guy has built his streak over so many years and so many wars that he should be allowed to take it with him when he goes.

But, when will he go? People on this forum have been penciling him in for years to come and last year, just when it seemed his body had been worn down to the point of not being able to support him through a match, he announces he feels better and manages to wrestle a couple times after 'Mania. Go figure.

Okay, so many are calling for 'Taker and Brock in 2014. Hopefully, Brock can work carefully enough to not cripple Undertaker. It occurs that a match against Brock Lesnar could be the quickest way to send Mark Calaway into retirement, no? If the match happens, though, I see 'Taker winning; Brock has proven in his latest WWE tenure that he'll job, especially to a legend.....and Brock really has nothing to lose, anyway.

'Taker vs. Cena? I can see it only if Cena turns bad. There's a perfect opportunity for his coming back as a heel after his lengthy absence.....but does WWE management want to bring him back only to lose at WM30? I say if he turns bad, we see Undertaker take the evil Cena down at WM30.

Which brings up the original question in this topic; would 'Taker win/lose by foul means?......I say no. If there's one place we expect and almost always get clean endings, it's Wrestlemania. To have 'Taker win or lose by count-out or disqualification would be too much of a rip-off.

Plus, if he loses by DQ, is his streak considered over? Hopefully, we'll never have to find out.
Plus, if he loses by DQ, is his streak considered over? Hopefully, we'll never have to find out.

This is what makes this a not good idea. I would think a loss is a loss no matter if it is a DQ, count out, pin or submission. In my mind the whole streak would have been a waste of time if it ended with Taker getting disqualified. I am a person that actually thinks the streak should end, but not like that, not any other way than a clean finish.

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