What if Triple H joined the nWo?

CM Steel

A REAL American
In 2002 the WWE brought back the WCW stable the New World Order (nWo) into the WWE. It started out with Hulk (Hollywood) Hogan, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash. But by the time summer hit the nWo consisted of Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels, X-Pac, and the Big Show. Right after Shawn Michaels "kicked out" Booker T from the nWo. HBK tried to get Triple H to join the nWo faction on RAW.

But by the time it could have gone into play, WWE chairman Vince McMahon pulled the plug on the whole nWo angle. But what if Triple H had become a member of the nWo if his father-in-law didn't axe the angle? Triple H could have filled the Scott Hall void after Hall's release from the WWE. And month's later Scott Steiner re-debuted in the WWE, with Steiner being a former nWo member in WCW. He could have been a grand addition to the WWE verison of the nWo.

And what if Vince McMahon himself would have been in addition to the WWE's nWo? He could have been in a boss type-role like how Eric Bischoff was in WCW on Nitro. It just falls into place. Going into 2003, Vince McMahon was a heel feuding with a babyface Hulk Hogan on Smackdown heading into Wrestlemania 19 in Seattle, Washington.

But what if Triple H joined the nWo?
I believe things wouldn’t have gone too far off the beaten track. Triple H would be on Raw like he ended up being via an order from Bischoff and I believe the whole NWO angle would have gone on for quite some time longer. I can’t see how they wouldn’t have dominated at that point and I feel they would have gotten even more known as time would have passed. You look at what Nexus did; look at how fast they delved into news stories and such. I feel this group would have gone even farther and I feel like the entire HHH versus HBK thing would have only got more intense because of it. If we hadn’t been expecting it, if it had came out of the blue from a group that seemed so cohesive. What went on after the disbanding and all was already something I’m sure fans of either of the two will keep in their memory banks for quite some time. But how much more tension all this would add? Wow.
great thread, i think that it wouldve gone the same as evolution except the kliq instead, hhh still wouldve had the world title and we would ahve seen a roster with steiner bischoff nash hbk hhh xpac and big show, i think they wouldve dominated the title scene on raw, feuded with rock goldberg austin flair rvd booker t, it couldve been sweet
I'm not so sure it would have been a success. Consider that Nash was an injury waiting to happen anyway, Big Show had lost motivation at the time and X-Pac was still in a bad place.

HBK & HHH would be the stand out performers, but the money was in them feuding, not teaming as the nWo. If they were going to team surely the WWE/Vince/HBK/HHH would go with the DX brand, as it's their own and they (wrongly) like to think it was as big as the nWo.

I could maybe seeing HHH joining with them eventually having the DX faction of nWo play up to the crowd more. This would annoy Nash & Big Show, X-Pac could be the unknown element (have him side with the nWo though) and we could have got a brief nWo vs DX feud.

DX wins and you can eventually turn HHH on HBK and get the money feud out of them. For this scenario to happen though two things would have gone wrong and one thing would have blocked it all.

First the block: This was at the height of HHH acting like Hulk Hogan at his finest, he wanted to be the biggest star in the business and protected his spot as such. No-way is he becoming another cog in the nWo machine, even if it is a large one, he wants to be the whole wheel.

Now two scenarios we would have missed out on (and this is the primary reason I wouldn't change the way it went down)

1: We don't get the HBK vs HHH match at Summerslam. If the feud went down the way I outlined we would eventually get a HBK vs HHH match, maybe even at Wrestlemania, but it wouldn't have been as special. The reaosn for that is HBK would have wrestled as DX by that point, so the whole returning match would be off the table and would diminish it slightly.

2. I don't think we would have got Evolution, which was a far better stable than any version of WWE nWo could ever have been. I don't Triple H doing a stable angle and then doing another one a year later, would be overkill and he's too smart not to know that
Well,this is one of those things that could have been a coin toss, it could have been a success if Triple H joins and stab Michaels in the back, that way the dominant angle would have made more sense,but if they would have stay together it would have been a DX tipe nWo, but i think Triple H with out Shawn in the nWo could have been a succes,ok,Nash was an injury waiting to happen like some of you pointed out, but Triple H could have easily replaced him with someone,is just that HHH is a natural leader, and the cerebral assasin character could have easily come into play and they could have been very dominant with or without Nash, go after guys like Austin,The rock or even The Undertaker,ok at the time taker was a heel,but it would have been a perfect time to turn him face and go after the nWo considering that at the tim ethe ring was the Undertaker's yard, and the nWo vs The American Badass with Kane in the mix as the Brothers of destruction would have been awesome, or at least in my opinion.........

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