What If Triple H Fucked Stephanie?


Championship Contender
I know, I know... he already has.

But, I'm talking about, if he really fucked her? And you? And me? And the entire WWE!

Triple H has really moved his way up the ladder and before I continue, no, I'm not one of those people who believed he's only where he's at because of Steph etc. though I do believe he's a hell of a political player.

Anyway, what would your personal opinion and reaction be to Triple H somehow fucking Stephanie McMahon and her family out of the business? Say they got ownership after Vince died and Linda, Shane is out of the picture. It's just him and her and he screws her out of her share as well as the board, somehow or maybe he makes deals with them and gets it or some comotion goes on somehow some way and he gets turns the company back around from a publically traded company to private

I admit my own stupidity if that's impossible as I dont know enough about it, but I'm sure it could happen SOME kind of way. If you dont want to imagine it as such then what if it never went publically traded and HHH and Steph were the sole owners what if somehow we screwed her out of her half. TNA Bischoff/Dixie style or some other way? Maybe he medicates her till she's out of it and mentally wack or what if he had her put down so he could run it all and you were in his circle and you knew about it? How would you feel about it?

I'm just saying what if the guy somehow legally screwed her out of it though, and we first think it's a storyline (could make for a good one in ten years) and find out its not later on and HHH goes onto say he never loved her, he doesnt even want the kids, he wants to take the company and turn it around and make it his own or even take it back to the way it was in his era. Or how about him bringing in Bischoff as a partner and saying screw your dead dad and screw you, this is the rise and fall of WWE and we're bring back WCW!

Is this too much for real life or would this just be something better suited for a storyline?

But really, what if he tried to just take advantage of Stephanie and somehow get the whole company for himself and break away from her? I dont see how that couldnt somehow work. Hell, what if a Diva married Shane and did it to him and Steph was away from the business and then Divas became the primary focus of the WWE under say Kelly Kelly if she married Shane back in 2008 or something
I am fairly sure that before they got married that Vince would have made him sign an iron clad prenup to specifically ensure that control of the majority stock would always remain in the hands of Stephanie and Shane, not Jean Paul Levesque. That her stake in the WWE could never be transferred over to him or something like that. Basically that while a time might come that HHH runs all of the day to day operations, the actual ownership of the WWE would always remain in the hands of a McMahon.
Meanwhile back in reality.... what on earth!?

Even as a storyline it sounds totally stupid and unbelievable, there isn't much more that can be said about such an absurd post.
And you posted this in non-spam? Dude, you're just asking for it.

First, how would this even happen, reality or otherwise? I'm pretty sure that Vince McMahon, being a chairman of a global company and all, has taken every possible precaution to make sure that his company wouldn't fall into the wrong hands. The WWE is always going to be property of the McMahon family. I doubt that the Cerebral Assassin could do anything about it. Even as a storyline, it's quite nonsensical.

And don't you think the title could've been a little cleaner?
And having three kids was all apart of his sinister idea? And that he could just toss them away to gain full power over WWE is such a dumb idea to even propose. :rolleyes:

For the love of god man, STOP MAKING SHITTY THREADS
I know, I know... he already has.
Are you sure? Did you see it? I mean you are taking a leap there, maybe Triple H hasn't fucked steph and he's hiding her secrete lover Jim Ross! Triple H is clearly devious enough to help steph just to keep his plans of wrestling domination alive!

But, I'm talking about, if he really fucked her?
Instead of dry humping? I'm confused really fucking her implies that there's literal fucking... Not metaphorical fucking....

Like really fucked me? like literal? I'd be pissed, sure he's a handsome man but still....

You'd have fun? I don't know

And the entire WWE!
No wonder they call him the King of Kings

Triple H has really moved his way up the ladder and before I continue, no, I'm not one of those people who believed he's only where he's at because of Steph etc. though I do believe he's a hell of a political player.
Oh good I thought you were losing it for a moment, thanks for clearing that up..

Anyway, what would your personal opinion and reaction be to Triple H somehow fucking Stephanie McMahon and her family out of the business? Say they got ownership after Vince died and Linda.
OMG Triple H would be the Lord of Darkness, he'd rule the world and WWE!

Shane is out of the picture. It's just him and her and he screws her out of her share as well as the board, somehow or maybe he makes deals with them and gets it or some comotion goes on somehow some way and he gets turns the company back around from a publically traded company to private
Or maybe he turns into Zeus and chases her out of the WWE headquarters with lightening bolts.

I admit my own stupidity
Thank God, at least you know that much.

if that's impossible as I dont know enough about it, but I'm sure it could happen SOME kind of way. If you dont want to imagine it as such then what if it never went publically traded and HHH and Steph were the sole owners what if somehow we screwed her out of her half.
what if he just kills her and takes over that way! wouldn't it be easier than all this shit?

TNA Bischoff/Dixie style or some other way? Maybe he medicates her till she's out of it and mentally wack or what if he had her put down so he could run it all and you were in his circle and you knew about it? How would you feel about it?
I'd feel odd about steph being a meth head but hey it's the most realistic thing you've said.

I'm just saying what if the guy somehow legally screwed her out of it though, and we first think it's a storyline (could make for a good one in ten years) and find out its not later on and HHH goes onto say he never loved her, he doesnt even want the kids, he wants to take the company and turn it around and make it his own or even take it back to the way it was in his era. Or how about him bringing in Bischoff as a partner and saying screw your dead dad and screw you, this is the rise and fall of WWE and we're bring back WCW!
This maybe the stupidest thing I've ever read.........

Is this too much for real life or would this just be something better suited for a storyline?
It sounds like something you came up with while high.

But really, what if he tried to just take advantage of Stephanie and somehow get the whole company for himself and break away from her? I dont see how that couldnt somehow work. Hell, what if a Diva married Shane and did it to him and Steph was away from the business and then Divas became the primary focus of the WWE under say Kelly Kelly if she married Shane back in 2008 or something

Because steph and shane are apparently the two dumbest people on the planet.
Are you sure? Did you see it? I mean you are taking a leap there, maybe Triple H hasn't fucked steph and he's hiding her secrete lover Jim Ross! Triple H is clearly devious enough to help steph just to keep his plans of wrestling domination alive!

Instead of dry humping? I'm confused really fucking her implies that there's literal fucking... Not metaphorical fucking....

Like really fucked me? like literal? I'd be pissed, sure he's a handsome man but still....

You'd have fun? I don't know

No wonder they call him the King of Kings

Oh good I thought you were losing it for a moment, thanks for clearing that up..

OMG Triple H would be the Lord of Darkness, he'd rule the world and WWE!

Or maybe he turns into Zeus and chases her out of the WWE headquarters with lightening bolts.

Thank God, at least you know that much.

what if he just kills her and takes over that way! wouldn't it be easier than all this shit?

I'd feel odd about steph being a meth head but hey it's the most realistic thing you've said.

This maybe the stupidest thing I've ever read.........

It sounds like something you came up with while high.

Because steph and shane are apparently the two dumbest people on the planet.

Now you're my kind of poster. I was waiting for someone to use that stupidity line against me, that was on purpose.
I like the fact that you had fun with this thread even if you do think it's dumb, you appoached it in a way more people should.

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