What if there was no deadman?

straightedge martyr

The Chosen One
Firstly let me say that if this is in the wrong spot i'm sorry, and if there is a similar thread i couldn't find it; but moving on.

My question is quite simple really; if Mark Callaway (The Undertaker) had debuted under a completely different gimmick, like when he was a biker sort of character back in 200 i think it was, would he have been as "good". now i thought the biker gimmick worked; but that was only as popular as it was because Undertaker already had credibility as the Deadman.

So do you think he would stil be around now if he were never the deadman. Would he still be as memorable or do you think it would have been a forgettable wrestler without being the Phenom. would he still be this respected. Would he still have the streak. or would he have been another stale big wrestler like Mike Knox or Khali (or someone else like that).

What do you think?
To answer some of your questions

If the "Undertaker" gimmick had never existed, of course there wouldn't have been a streak, at least I don't see that being, because the streak is all about the Undertaker gimmick.
Yes it certainly stuck around during the Biker gimmick, but that's because it couldn't exactly be ignored, I mean Undertaker already had a streak at Wrestlemania, he had the biker gimmick for 2-3 years, what would they do? keep him off Wrestlemania? doubt it.

Mark would certainly still be respected, because I think whatever gimmick Vince and the WWE creative put out for him, he would've made it through somehow, because seeing the fact that Mark has worked as the Undertaker, and as the American Bad ass, it shows he can work different gimmicks and elements, so I doubt handing him a completely 3rd gimmick would've stopped him from being around for many years and being respected a lot, at least in the locker room, I wouldn't know about the fans, because the respect they give to the Undertaker might as well be purely about the gimmick because the common fan might not know about the "authority figure" that Mark Callaway is backstage.

But I don't think Mark would be as memorable, or well I don't know, I guess it depends on what kind of gimmick they would've put on him, and how they would've handled his career, because looking back, he's been with WWE for about 20 years, and has won numerous titles, I think had Mark had just that, and no streak, he would still be in for a Hall of Fame induction without a doubt.
Well fisrt of all, would he be as arespected? I think he will, The man is a hard worker and more than the gimmick, The respect he has is because of the loyalty he has to the company and the respect to the crowd and what he reperesents, does not matter the gimmick in there.

Would he be as successful? Probably, on his last match at WCW as Mean Mark Callows he showed he had potential to amin event, so in a different way, I thing he would be very succesful, maybe a little less because lets be honest, the gimmick gives him a plus, a mayor plus, but I thin he will still be successful.

Would the Streak exist? Well that we cannot know, it is not what the gimmick of the Undertaker is based on eventhough now it is a big deal.

The streak came up as something not done on purpuse until the WWE realized it existed when Mark talked about how he was proud of the fact that he had never lost at Wrestlemania in the "It's My Yard" DVD in 2001 and later when he signaled "10" after defeating Ric Flair at Wrestlemania X-8.

They actully started to make a big deal out of it when Randy tried to "Kill" the legend of the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 21, but Taker had already plan to lose to Kane at Wreatlemania 20, Kane refused because he wanted the Streak to be part of Taker legacy and so did Vince so the streak continues now but is not what Taker is all about.

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