What if the Ultimate Warrior stayed in the WWE in 1996-the rest of the Attitude Era


Getting Noticed By Management


I found these two videos above. The first is a promo announcing the Ultimate Warriors return and the second is The Ultimate Warrior getting a huge pop and completley owning Goldust.

What would of happened if The Ultimate Warrior stayed with the WWE? He definately would have won a second World Title. In the second video he had a huge pops. He definately could bring ratings and still had fans. He completely owned Goldust. I don't think WCW would have beaten WWE for 80 straight weeks. I think we would have seen awesome fueds between The Ultimate Warrior and Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Mankind, and eventually Stone Cold Steve Austin.

What rivalries would we have seen? Would Bret still leave? Would the Montreal Screwjob still happen? Would Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, or Triple H ever become big stars? Would Shawn Michaels have broken his back? Would WCW have beaten WWE for 80 weeks? What rivalries would we expect to see?

Have fun with this. Realize though that this isn't a place to bash the Ultimate Warrior. This is just topic on if he would have stayed with the WWE in 1996. I hope everybody enjoys this thread.
I was a massive warrior fan! I would love to of seen a HUGE warrior and undertaker feud. Parts unknown verus Death valley. I think the way the warrior was so explosive would of worked perfectly with the attitude era. I think it could of been a monday night wars swinging point alot earlier. I think the Rock would of been great on the mic against the warrior and would of probably had so good matches too.
Honestly, I gave up on wrestling for many years when UW won the World title, and returned at the start of the attitude era. Also, let's not forget WCW tried to bring him back during this era and it was double-plus super fail. The guy was just a walking muscle, and I say this to to bash him, but let's be real, the guy had little to no in-ring ability and was a disruptive influence in the locker room. The Attitude Era was far better without him!
I have been reading these forums and Wrestlezone.com for a while now and this is my first post so be kind!
I am naturally a huge Warrior fan, explains why this is the topic i chose to respond to first time! I grew up in the "Hogan Era" and was a Hulkamaniac back when it was cool, i wore the T shirts went to the Boston Garden monthly and watched every Saturday morning show and ppv i could... The one guy I loved more than Hulk Hogan at the time was The Ultimate Warrior so come Wrestlemania VI you can imagine my excitement for the main event ... Now being older and "wisened up" I know that Warrior was not much more then a flash in the pan, he was targeted to be the next big thing by Vince but never paned out that way...however, I can say that had he stuck around and stayed in character during the attitude era, one of 2 things would have happened.. One the fans would have laughed him out of the ring as real life gimmicks were the thing and his gimmick would have held no water around Stone Cold and the Rock ... they would have had a field day cutting promos on him... eventually chasing him out of the main event card where he would have floundered mid card and eventually went away... OR he could have become a huge draw, possibly defeating Steve Austin and The Rock in the 3 way rather then Jericho, had this happened he could have had memorable feuds with both over the strap.. They both could have carried a great match out of him, made him look as good as anyone could have and if they kept losing to him...created a "monster"
Imagine Warrior unifying the belts and then facing all comers, using his normal squash approach to low level challengers and having quality matches with the big names.. He could have stayed "cartoony" and still been massively over if they made him just impossible to beat...let Rock and Austin question how come this man could ever be defeated and maybe team up to try to get the belt off him one way or another... triple threats, run ins, etc ...PPV buys would have been huge to see what these 2 major stars of the attitude era would do next to get the belt off them...

Just my 2 cents he was to explosive to ever be held down if marketed and directed right...
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First off, he did fued with the Undertaker and Jake The Snake befriended him leading to Jake's heel turn and Taker's face turn leading upto WrestleMania 8.

Secondly he didn't leave the WWF, he was fired the first 2 times. Due to no care for his fellow workers and constantly no showing events and if you ask him "politics". He even threatened the staff on a number of occasions

The Ultimate Warrior character worked with the kids (me included being a kid at the time) he had the look of a champion, the explosiveness and that aura around him. Too bad you couldn't understand a thing he said when he talked, but it didn't matter, his character was just an extension of the Hogan "hero" character

He was useless as a worker/professional.
Vince was happy to see the back of him the first time as was everyone that worked with him, they gave him a second chance when he made his return at WrestleMania 8 minus the steroid induced muscles and it didn't even last 1 yr, he was constantly no showing and injuring others. not to mention the poor in ring ability. And in the heat of the Steroid abuse aligations, Vince apparently used him and British Bulldog as scapegoats, so he left in 1992

Returns again a 3rd time nearly 4 years later in 1996, at WrestleMania 12, Triple H jobbed to him, he fueded with Goldust and Jerry Lawler aswel. Then more issues between him and Vince over no showing and unpaid royalties, so once again he's fired in 1996 so he was part of the WWF Attitude Era's start for a few months

2 years later he shows up in WCW, purely to recreate Warrior vs Hogan, nothing else and well we know what happeneed there, lasted 3 matches ending in the one of the worst Main Event PPV match in recent history Hogan vs Warrior 2, botched move after botched move. The he pulled his i want the most money card again so they refused to pay and he was let go within a month of signing.

Years later we see him commenting on Steroids use in relation to the incident with Chris Benoit, and he's stated i used em all my life and they haven't affected me one bit. Meanwhile he's struggling to keep focus and keeps smiling for no reason and has the jitters.

That somes up Jim Hellwig in a nutshell as did Jessie Ventura when he said "Million dollar body, ten cent brain"

actually come to think of it, he did make a return. in the form of Batista LOL
Warrior was terrible on the mic. No one had a damn clue what he was talking about, not even him. He would have died quickly in the attitude era when nearly all stars could talk. Warrior was a one trick pony. He sprinted down to the ring like he was Usain Bolt, hit all four turnbuckles then beat his chest like a gorilla. I NEVER understood the popularity of Warrior. Even his matches werent really that interesting. Hell, I remember the feud between him and Hennig. If Perfect wouldnt have carried that feud, Warrior would have looked like an idiot. Warrior was the type of wrestler you had to pair with someone that could carry him and hope he didnt make too much of a jackass of himself in the ring.

WCW had their fill of Warrior during the Monday night wars. Ironically I think thats where a lot of people probably started laughing at WCW. Rehashing a feud is fine, but Hogan vs. Warrior 2 was a joke. When we could have been treated to Hogan vs. Flair matches during this time, we get screwed with that worthless Warrior. Yes, its a good thing he wasnt at WWE during that time. Otherwise, who knows how long guys like HHH, Austin, Rock, HBK, etc would have lasted with Warriors tendancy to injure opponents.
the warriors music was awesome...when he ran down and shook the ropes.....no one ever did that....that was cool and that was different....to all the haters out there....ur just jealous...and ur probably a fan of the new crap that they got out there.....especially with boring hhh and boring cena....these guys barely have any good moves.....the warrior had a lot of epic matches especially against the macho man and rude.....and he was a power wrestler....he wasnt a wrestler that needed to do submission moves or jump off the top rope....that was his style....and he wasnt a mat wrestler like angle....he had exciting matches and the fans loved his energy.....energy is lacking in the wwe.....and gimmicks.....his gimmick was unique and different....and his mic skills were supposed to be weird.....cuz he was portraying something different and out of this world.....parts unknown....so to all the haters...he would have had great matches with austin and the rock,,,,and u know it,,,,,his face paint was awesome too......i will admit....hogan and warrior 2 wasnt that good......but wcw messed that up....and he probably had an attitude in the locker room.....i mean.....i would too.....look at all the politicking going on......get real people....warrior ruled and we will never see the likes of him again.......by the way.....i still watch wwe and tna,,,,,,but wrestling was better back then....hopefully they get some good wrestlers in here to excite the crowd like the warrior did/////im outt
the warriors music was awesome...when he ran down and shook the ropes.....no one ever did that....that was cool and that was different....to all the haters out there....ur just jealous...and ur probably a fan of the new crap that they got out there.....especially with boring hhh and boring cena....these guys barely have any good moves.....the warrior had a lot of epic matches especially against the macho man and rude.....and he was a power wrestler....he wasnt a wrestler that needed to do submission moves or jump off the top rope....that was his style....and he wasnt a mat wrestler like angle....he had exciting matches and the fans loved his energy.....energy is lacking in the wwe.....and gimmicks.....his gimmick was unique and different....and his mic skills were supposed to be weird.....cuz he was portraying something different and out of this world.....parts unknown....so to all the haters...he would have had great matches with austin and the rock,,,,and u know it,,,,,his face paint was awesome too......i will admit....hogan and warrior 2 wasnt that good......but wcw messed that up....and he probably had an attitude in the locker room.....i mean.....i would too.....look at all the politicking going on......get real people....warrior ruled and we will never see the likes of him again.......by the way.....i still watch wwe and tna,,,,,,but wrestling was better back then....hopefully they get some good wrestlers in here to excite the crowd like the warrior did/////im outt

Dude, Calm down, that Attitude era would of been awful with the warrior. Not also that, no one is really hating on him. People just don't respect him. He was unsafe and dangerous in the ring. Ask Bobby The Brain Heenan. Warrior almost ended his career by just dropping him on his face. Andre the Giant hating him, because he didn't care that he knocked the wind out of him on a simple move.

So overall, I'm so glad he wasn't around for the attitude era. The attitude era was the optimum time for promos. Something the Warrior couldn't do if his life depended on it.

HHH stated... "What a dick wad." before working with him at Wrestlemania. The Million Dollar man always shocked his head on the many 2nd chances that guy got. Hell the warrior's gimmick was originally made up to compete with the Road Warriors.

Now, if WWF had Sting, instead of the warrior, then I'm thinking the attitude era would of been a fun time in the industry. But as most said, the Warrior equals over-rated.
Dude, Calm down, that Attitude era would of been awful with the warrior. Not also that, no one is really hating on him. People just don't respect him. He was unsafe and dangerous in the ring. Ask Bobby The Brain Heenan. Warrior almost ended his career by just dropping him on his face. Andre the Giant hating him, because he didn't care that he knocked the wind out of him on a simple move.

So overall, I'm so glad he wasn't around for the attitude era. The attitude era was the optimum time for promos. Something the Warrior couldn't do if his life depended on it.

HHH stated... "What a dick wad." before working with him at Wrestlemania. The Million Dollar man always shocked his head on the many 2nd chances that guy got. Hell the warrior's gimmick was originally made up to compete with the Road Warriors.

Now, if WWF had Sting, instead of the warrior, then I'm thinking the attitude era would of been a fun time in the industry. But as most said, the Warrior equals over-rated.

Haha perfectly said man. I agree about the WWF/E having Sting. I would have loved seeing that.

To the tard stick that made his first post by incoherently talking "like this... with lots of periods... to seperate his bs..." can watch all of his old WWF VHS tapes and relive the magic that was the SUCKAGE of the Ultimate Failure. I WAS HATING THE WARRIOR. Warrior was garbage, Warrior is garbage, and Warrior will always be garbage. He would have been a complete failure in the bright light of the attitude era. People enjoy exciting characters that talk coherently. Name one interview that he didnt talk like a mental ******? I'm certainly not making fun of those that are ******ed, but its one thing to actually be handicapped and another to create the illusion that you are mentally handicapped and have no clue what you are saying. The Warrior was the only wrestler I've known that successfully created that illusion.

Also, Warrior did make a confession later in his life... enjoy this one:


When I was a youngin' the Warrior was the most awesome thing ever to hit wrestling. Now that I'm older and realize not only how much of a dickweed Warrior was but also how little wrestling ability he had. I don't think there was any other choice other that to can him at the time he was canned. Even if he did stay with the WWF, I think he'd probably flounder in the mid card for the rest of his career. Remember that Warrior came back still in the midst of the steroid issue, and smaller guys like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels were getting the strap. Warrior in the main event picture with the WWF Championship would only bring more problems for Vince.

I probably made as much sense as the Warrior did in his promos, but there you go.
I don't think Warrior would have worked very well in the attitude era. With the exception of Taker and Kane that era was more about real people than crazy gimmicks. Of course there were gimmicks, but not gimmicks like the Warrior. I think Austin, Rock, and DX would have torn Warrior apart on the mic making him look weak and destroying some of his mystique. After listening to the mic work from those guys Warrior's incoherent ramblings would not have cut it with the fans.
I also blame UW for those god friggin awful baby-blue and neon-yellow world title belts... hatred those things even more than that damn spinner belt that doesn't even spin anymore. The whole neon spandex thing that UW represented was part of what the Attitude Era rose in opposition to... as a lifelong fan I outgrew the cartoony super-hero thing, and moved on to other interests, until wrestling 'caught up' with me, i.e, I was a beer drinkin job hatin SOB before I ever heard of Stone Cold so the Attitude Era really pulled me back in.
Warrior would have been painfully out of place during the Attitude Era. As The Brain said earlier, that era wasn't about gimmicks, but more about real people, exciting the crowd by doing believable things (minus Taker, Kane, etc.).

I'm just not sure how he could have fit in. In the ring, he style wouldn't have meshed well with guys like Austin, Rock, HHH, Bret Hart, or even Mick Foley. Warrior was a showman, not a wrestler. During his era, he could get away with that. Back then, it was all about putting on an entertaining show, didn't need to be very technical (at least in the main even scene). He could put on matches with guys like Hogan, who was similiar in style. A guy like Andre, who was a giant and didn't do much during that time period anyhow. Guys like Savage who could carry a guy like Warrior, and who could adapt his style to Warriors when needed.

Austin was too physical. They would have made zero sense together. Rock was also more of a showman, but he was just too athletic. Warrior was a muscle-bound mammoth, who was quite stiff. In the ring, he was perfect for the 80's. But post-Hogan, during the Hart/HBK/Austin days, he wasn't a good fit.

On the mic...forget about it. He would have looked like an ever bigger moron than he did in the 80's. The Attitude era was heavy in the storyline department, and Warrior wasn't good with complicated, dialogue-driven segments. He would have fallen flat, I have no question about that.

He was perfect for his era. Kids loved him, some adults as well, obviously. He was a monster of a man, and looked like he belong due to his peers looking similiar. I just don't think the Attitude Era would have worked for him. He may have been over right off the bat, for nostalgic reasons. But that was it. His time was over.
Warrior would have been painfully out of place during the Attitude Era. As The Brain said earlier, that era wasn't about gimmicks, but more about real people, exciting the crowd by doing believable things (minus Taker, Kane, etc.).

I'm just not sure how he could have fit in. In the ring, he style wouldn't have meshed well with guys like Austin, Rock, HHH, Bret Hart, or even Mick Foley. Warrior was a showman, not a wrestler. During his era, he could get away with that. Back then, it was all about putting on an entertaining show, didn't need to be very technical (at least in the main even scene). He could put on matches with guys like Hogan, who was similiar in style. A guy like Andre, who was a giant and didn't do much during that time period anyhow. Guys like Savage who could carry a guy like Warrior, and who could adapt his style to Warriors when needed.

Austin was too physical. They would have made zero sense together. Rock was also more of a showman, but he was just too athletic. Warrior was a muscle-bound mammoth, who was quite stiff. In the ring, he was perfect for the 80's. But post-Hogan, during the Hart/HBK/Austin days, he wasn't a good fit.

On the mic...forget about it. He would have looked like an ever bigger moron than he did in the 80's. The Attitude era was heavy in the storyline department, and Warrior wasn't good with complicated, dialogue-driven segments. He would have fallen flat, I have no question about that.

He was perfect for his era. Kids loved him, some adults as well, obviously. He was a monster of a man, and looked like he belong due to his peers looking similiar. I just don't think the Attitude Era would have worked for him. He may have been over right off the bat, for nostalgic reasons. But that was it. His time was over.

Austin was NO technical master, so don't be using Warrior's shitting wrestling ability an excuse to why he couldn't cut it.

The Warrior probably would've had some great matches and angles (had he stuck around). I mean imagine the hero, Ultimate Warrior, vs. the anti-hero, Steve Austin. The fans would be hating Warrior even if he was the face, because he stands for ideals they don't identify themselves with.

The Warrior would've been able to really establish the OWN in this era pretty easily, since all the wrestlers on the roster were scum-bags (their characters were). Hopefully, vince would've made him take a few wrestling classes to make his matches better, but it could work.
I think it would have been different..it would have changed a few fueds...rock, austin, hhh would still have been biger stars..but i have to say the warrior wasn't all good...he had a great image, but the attitude era would have probably been crap with him there...he was like the last major cartoon character to leave, apart from taker that is..i think..

He showed us what he could do in 1997,98, he had failed matches in WCW..notibaly hogan vs warrior at halloween havoc...i think it was 97 or 98...
The Warrior would've been able to really establish the OWN in this era pretty easily, since all the wrestlers on the roster were scum-bags (their characters were). Hopefully, vince would've made him take a few wrestling classes to make his matches better, but it could work.

Warriors OWN was a complete fail in WCW. Reason being is because Warrior is awful on the mic. His interviews made zero sense. Even if they gave Warrior a script and said "******, follow this!" he would have screwed up royally. What I think you are also missing is the fact Warrior was completely unreliable. He no showed several events throughout his career. Vince is a great business man. He wouldnt have put up with an unreliable POS like the Warrior during one of the peak eras for the industry.

I'm curious who you think would have fit in with the OWN though "since all wrestling characters were scum bags." The Hardys werent scum-bags, neither was Owen Hart/Blue Blazer. I could just imagine Warrior screwing up their careers as much as his career was. Warrior wasnt one for sharing spotlight either if you recall. His OWN would have fallen flat because those wrestlers around him wouldnt have been able to shine through the shit stack that was known as Warrior.
Honestly with the way Warrior acted in the early-mid nighties him in the attitude era wouldnt have worked. His ego would have been to huge to let HHH, the Rock, and Austin really shine like they ended up shining. He would have wanted to be number one at all times and even if he wasnt the top guy he would have still have been wanted to be paid like one and at the time he just would not have been worth it imo.
If anybody other than warrior did the OWN in that period it would have been huge. But the guy wouldn't/ couldn't elevate talent. That was the major thing of the attitude era,compared to the cartoon era. The title scene wasn't a monopoly of roided up nimrods the cartoon era was.

Shame really cos a wwf/e version of OWN would have been great.
My feeling is had the Ultimate Warrior stayed during the attitude era, he would have suffered the same fate as the Road Warriors.

He probably would have feuded with Sid and Vader, squashing both. He'd face Shawn Michaels at the Survivor Series, winning due to assistance from Sid and Vader. Shawn would get his rematch beat Warrior clean at the Royal Rumble.

Warrior would then feud with Mankind, Vader and Sid some more. He'd beat Vader in February, Mankind in March, and Sid in April. He would have had a number one contender's match against Austin, winning due to interference by the Hart Foundation in May, had a no content with Taker due to interference by the Hart foundation in June, then been a part of the ten men tag losing to Bret's team in July.

Warrior would have faced the Bulldog for the European title, losing by DQ in August. He would have then faced Bret in October, winning by DQ. Come Survivor series, Warrior would have taken a rest, partially because there wasn't much to do with him and partially because of Montreal.

Warrior would return at the Royal Rumble, making it to the final four only to be eliminated by Austin and the Rock. He'd go on to feud with the Rock through Wrestlemania as well as Ken Shamrock. The highlight would be Shamrock locking on his ankle lock on Warrior with people wondering if Warrior would tap. The Warrior would face the Rock again in April, winning the match but not the title. He'd then beat Kane prior to Kane winning the title in May, someone important in June, Undertaker in July as part of a number one contender's match, but lose cleanly to Austin at Summerslam.

During all of this, Warrior would be feuding with Vince, getting quite a reaction for doing his finish on McMahon. However, by Survivor Series, that momentum would tanker off, with him turning heel WITH the Rock by helping the Rock beat Austin. He'd then feud with Austin, beating Austin in December, getting eliminated by Austin in the royal Rumble on January, then losing to Austin with Austin's title shot on the line in February.

Vince would fire him by Wrestlemania, with Warrior coming in the face the Big Show, only to lose to him. By about this point, Warrior would be phased out as a slew of other stars come in. His matches would become less frequent up to Wrestlemania 2000 where he would face and lose to the Undertaker.

Edit: I just realized I didn't mention why Warrior would suffer the same fate as the Road Warriors. The general idea is Warrior's value would go down more and more until he's used to promote other stars. Granted, he wouldn't go as fast as the Road Warriors. Perhaps a better idea would be Vader but Vader never quite made it to the title in WWE.
Boy what a garbage thread really, each and every one of you a pretty much "dick wads" of your own. The person that made this thread asked to not have this be another bash the Warrior thread, yet reply after reply whats this become? Nothing short of lets hop on the bandwagon and bash the Warrior because its "cool". Or hey I use to love the Warrior, but lets bash him now. Really STFU.

Don't ruin a damn thread with all your idiotic mindless bashing and just answer the question or just don't say shit at all.

Now to the topic at hand.

I think so long as the Warrior would of been willing to turn heel then the Attitude era could of been much bigger. We all know Warrior could put on the good matches when he had to, but really for that Attitude era it would all come down to if he would turn heel. Now if he wasn't ever going to turn heel then I don't know, considering at that time in 1996 the top heel was pretty much Vader, then you had Bret/Sid/Shawn going back and forth with the belt sort of, and thats 3 faces, then in 97 it was Sid/Bret/Undertaker and still the only heel was Vader really, until middle of the year when Bret really turned heel.

So I mean turn Warrior heel some time in 1996 and he could feud with the cream of the crop Austin, HBK, Bret, Sid, Undertaker, Rocky, Ahmed ect..

Say he only stayed face, I doubt he would of had that great of a run in 97-99, and his gimmick would have to change a little, maybe even lose his face paint and become like the anti Warrior, now that would of been huge, turn on all his Warrior fans, WWF could of really had a nice run with him then during 1997.
Boy what a garbage thread really, each and every one of you a pretty much "dick wads" of your own. The person that made this thread asked to not have this be another bash the Warrior thread, yet reply after reply whats this become? Nothing short of lets hop on the bandwagon and bash the Warrior because its "cool". Or hey I use to love the Warrior, but lets bash him now. Really STFU.

Don't ruin a damn thread with all your idiotic mindless bashing and just answer the question or just don't say shit at all.

Now to the topic at hand.

I think so long as the Warrior would of been willing to turn heel then the Attitude era could of been much bigger. We all know Warrior could put on the good matches when he had to, but really for that Attitude era it would all come down to if he would turn heel. Now if he wasn't ever going to turn heel then I don't know, considering at that time in 1996 the top heel was pretty much Vader, then you had Bret/Sid/Shawn going back and forth with the belt sort of, and thats 3 faces, then in 97 it was Sid/Bret/Undertaker and still the only heel was Vader really, until middle of the year when Bret really turned heel.

So I mean turn Warrior heel some time in 1996 and he could feud with the cream of the crop Austin, HBK, Bret, Sid, Undertaker, Rocky, Ahmed ect..

Say he only stayed face, I doubt he would of had that great of a run in 97-99, and his gimmick would have to change a little, maybe even lose his face paint and become like the anti Warrior, now that would of been huge, turn on all his Warrior fans, WWF could of really had a nice run with him then during 1997.

I know, what a punch of punks we are. We were asked what we thought if the Warrior was in the attitude era, and we all gave our opinion. How dare we?!?!?!?!

The Warrior a heel? That would but just as bad as Goldberg heel turn. The Taker and Kane can play heels and faces pretty well, because they know how to work a mic.

To be a good heel, you have to have mic skills. Something that will draw heat. You can't ramble on for 5 minutes about how one on one combat will give strength to warriors.

Overall, Warrior wouldn't make it! Attitude had silly gimmicks, but there was realism to it. Having a painted walking muscle screaming at the crowd wouldn't work. I hope that isn't dick-wad enough for ya.
first i would like to say, let's just relax and refrain from the name calling...........a-holes :p

anyways, i'm glad the warrior wasn't around in the attitude era because i think he would have been the "joke" at the time. his schtick was perfect for the late 80's/early 90's because wrestlers were still "cartoonish"

but i just can't envision him fitting in with the rock, austin, angle etc. unless they totally repackaged his character from top to bottom. and even then, i don't think he would have gone with it. and if he did, how bad would it have been to see him trying to fit into his new digs?

he fit perfect in wcw because there were still guys from his era like savage, nash, hogan etc.

imagine how bad it would have been to have the warrior against austin? i cringe just thinking about it.
Austin was NO technical master, so don't be using Warrior's shitting wrestling ability an excuse to why he couldn't cut it.

The Warrior probably would've had some great matches and angles (had he stuck around). I mean imagine the hero, Ultimate Warrior, vs. the anti-hero, Steve Austin. The fans would be hating Warrior even if he was the face, because he stands for ideals they don't identify themselves with.

The Warrior would've been able to really establish the OWN in this era pretty easily, since all the wrestlers on the roster were scum-bags (their characters were). Hopefully, vince would've made him take a few wrestling classes to make his matches better, but it could work.

Even if I did agree that Austin was a crappy wrestler, which I absolutely do not, that has nothing to do with Warriors skills. Warrior was perfect for his time. Didn't have to do anything technical, could just be a powerhouse. That's fine, that's great, I loved it. But, in the Attitude Era, it wouldn't have worked.

Great matches? Great angles? He couldn't keep up with guys like Austin, Hart, HBK. They would have had to carry him through matches, like Savage did. NO ONE would have bought into his character. Angles? He couldn't work a mic. He used to babble about nothing, so how did he have "ideals?" That is complete nonsense. Warrior never cut a promo about ideals or morals, and if he did, who would have known? Warrior wasn't a hero. He was a babbling roid freak.

A few wrestling classes? He was a former World Champion, he shouldn't have had to take ANY classes in 1996. You just killed your own point with that statement. If he needed wrestling classes, why should he have been feuding with the top guys? It makes no sense. He was great for his era, but the Attitude Era wasn't for him.
While I really doubt his technical wrestling ability ever would have improved much, I don't think people are giving him enough credit for promo potential.

Watch some of his shoot interviews, the guys actually reasonably well spoken and pretty funny. If he had been giving free reign to cut loose on promos and speak his mind, and drop all the warrior jargon (which I'm sure would've happened) I suspect he actually could've cut some compelling promos. The attitude era didn't really have a lot of huge muscle bound guys so I think they could've used him in the right capacity.
I think that's the thing about Warrior. His promos made little to no sense because it was part of his character.

I could see him turning heel, basically say that his "character" was all for show.

Could he hang with the Rock, Austin, Triple H, and HBK? Doubtful. However, he and Hogan has a decent match at Wrestlemania VI so it is possible.

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