What if The Ultimate Warrior didnt go awol?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Was just wondering how the course of history would have gone down if The Ultimate Warrior stuck around and didnt go awol on the WWE.Back in the Fall of 1992 when it was to be Warrior and savage vs Flair and Ramon at the Survivor Series we all know he took off and Mr.Perfect took his spot in the match but I cant help but wonder what if Warrior stayed around?I think he probobly would have won the 1993 Royal Rumble but would the WWE have kept the belt on Bret Hart or would have Yokozuna won the title leading into Mania?Hart vs Warrior probobly wouldve been a better match with Hart carrying Warrior it may have been a decent match or would Yokozuna vs Warrior the way to go,And remember Hogan would leave WM9 WWE champion if Warrior was in that match does Mr.Fuji throw sait in his eyes setting up Yokozuna to win the match.Does Bret even become the face of the company with Warrior around?Go 3 years into the future when The Ultimate warrior returned in 1996 at WM12 I think WWE planned for him to have a good run with him winning the 1997 Royal Rumble and eventually faceing HBK.But as we all know HBK got injured Undertaker vs Sid headlined WM13 and Austin was the star on the rise but if warrior was in the mix you cant help but think Austins push would have atleast been delayed if not at all and would it have been Taker vs Warrior at WM13 wouldve loved to have seen that.The possibilities are crazy and I could go on for a while but what are your thoughts?
Well origanly, Warrior was supposed to wrestle bret for the title at the Royal Rumble 93 but he got busted for steriods & got canned along with the Bulldog. I think the popularity of the WWE wouldn't have gotten hurt as much if he hadnt got fired as Warrior was almost as popular as Hogan & actually his popularity surpassed Hulks in 92 IMO seeing as how fans were starting to boo him around this time.
Look can we please forget about the Ultimate Warrior because he was shit back in the day and he is shit now. People bitch that Cena and Hogan only know five moves that all they do is the same 5 moves well guess what the Warrior only knew 3 moves the military press slam, a clothesline, and the big splash and he couldn't even do that shit right. I don't care if he would have wrestled bret or yoko, i really just don't care. As far as i am concered the fact that Vinny Mack let this guy keep comming back is one of the many mistakes that man made. To answer your question so i don't get in trouble for spamming I don't think things would have changed he still would have gotten busted for roids and he ass would have walked out the door like it always does when the Ultimate Bitch didn't get his way
I agree with DonFryeIsMyHero... As far his comment on Warrior being more popular around 92... I'm not sure how things would have turned out... I think EVERYTIME, besides his WM6 win, that he was gonna get a title run or another huge push, he would fuck up or go awol or something... I don't think it would have messed with Austin's push really... It all started with The KOTR 96 moment... And Warrior was there at the time and Austin 3:16 was still born...

I think however it would have changed paths of Bret Hart and most notably, Yokozuna!! I'm not sure Yokozuna ever would have won the Royal Rumble at that time... Even if he did, there is NO WAY he would have went over Warrior at WM... I just don't see that at all... With The Warrior's gimmick, salt in his eyes wouldn't have stopped him...

I also think it would have affected the push of Lex Luger...

Warrior in a match at WM, probably would have slammed Yokozuna. Thus eliminating that big day where Yoko put out a challenge to be slammed and Lex did it and started The Lex Express... Not sure there would have even been a Lex Express...

Bret wouldn't have had as many title runs, that's for sure... If Warrior had been there for those few years...

I still wonder if not for Warrior demanding more money and leaving the company after SS 91, if Bret would have even been in line that next year to beat Flair and win the title...

I don't think Randy Savage gets that title win at WM8 against Flair if Warrior is still there all those months between SS 91 and WM8 either...

It's kind of weird to think about, because it truly affects a lot of things... People are looked at a different way when they are all you have or whatever... Even though Bret was SUPER popular, he wasn't near The Warrior's level in that category at that time.

Maybe if Warrior is there, it's Flair Vs. Hogan for the title, Savage battles Jake Roberts, instead of Undertaker, for a culmination of that feud and maybe Taker faces Sid... Since it was early and no streak was thought of or fathomed, AND Sid was a big name, getting BIGGER! Maybe, just maybe, Sid beats Undertaker and there is no streak at all... Or maybe they wrestle to a No Contest or some shit like that... I don't think Taker would have beat Sid right at that time though, because they were building Sid up... Hogan didn't even pin him at WM8 so who knows!

I don't know where Warrior fits in, in that above WM8 scenario. But, he definetly alters the original lineup that happened FOR SURE!

Maybe it's a Triple Threat Match for the title... Savage Vs Flair Vs Warrior... Or Hogan Vs Flair Vs Warrior...

Would Flair had even been champion? Warrior left at SS 91 and a few months later Taker beat Hogan at Survivor Series and then the title was vacated about a week later, after Hogan won the title back from Taker, under weird circumstances, the Tuesday following Survivor Series...

Then Flair won it by winning The Royal Rumble!

Would Flair have won the rumble or would a face have won it and then Flair wins the title at WM8!!!??

Good question... I think him leaving (All 3 Times) definetly affected WWF/E's plans involving The Warrior and also The World Championship! Thus affecting other guys who stepped up and/or got a push as a result of The Warrior not being there!
Look can we please forget about the Ultimate Warrior because he was shit back in the day and he is shit now. People bitch that Cena and Hogan only know five moves that all they do is the same 5 moves well guess what the Warrior only knew 3 moves the military press slam, a clothesline, and the big splash and he couldn't even do that shit right. I don't care if he would have wrestled bret or yoko, i really just don't care. As far as i am concered the fact that Vinny Mack let this guy keep comming back is one of the many mistakes that man made. To answer your question so i don't get in trouble for spamming I don't think things would have changed he still would have gotten busted for roids and he ass would have walked out the door like it always does when the Ultimate Bitch didn't get his way

I get your point... But Warrior also used The Body Slam, The Flying Shoulder Tackle, Double Axe Handle Off The Top Rope, Piledriver, Bear Hug and a Vertical Suplex, among some other moves...

It's kind of funny though, as one sided and limited as The Warrior's Move Set was, I think I can name more moves he's used than John Cena!
CyDeez hit the nail on the head.That's what I was getting at with this thread if Warrior sticks around the WWE would definetley be different then it is now and nobody can convince me otherwise.
Look can we please forget about the Ultimate Warrior because he was shit back in the day and he is shit now. People bitch that Cena and Hogan only know five moves that all they do is the same 5 moves well guess what the Warrior only knew 3 moves the military press slam, a clothesline, and the big splash and he couldn't even do that shit right. I don't care if he would have wrestled bret or yoko, i really just don't care. As far as i am concered the fact that Vinny Mack let this guy keep comming back is one of the many mistakes that man made. To answer your question so i don't get in trouble for spamming I don't think things would have changed he still would have gotten busted for roids and he ass would have walked out the door like it always does when the Ultimate Bitch didn't get his way

Erm.....who had more than 5 moves in the 80s WWF?

Warriors moveset was superior to Hogan's at the very least. He might have been not great in the ring but he was OVER.

FFS The Miz doesn't even have 3 real moves but people bum off him. I swear most of you lot just judge him off his DVD (which was just designed to rip him) Dude were you even watching wrestling when he was about? or have you just seen him on youtube? Most of you who rip the warrior didn't start watching till 1998 I bet so you don't 'get' the intensity which got him over.

Why should we forget the warrior because you say so? I wouldn't listen to metal music if it wasn't for his theme and I got into wrestling through his colourful image, he is an important part of the WWF's heyday so he deserves to be remembered, regardless of his crap mat skills.

So I don't get busted for spam I don't think Warrior would have got the title back as WWF were going in a different direction. He still would have been near the top of the card though.
I get your point... But Warrior also used The Body Slam, The Flying Shoulder Tackle, Double Axe Handle Off The Top Rope, Piledriver, Bear Hug and a Vertical Suplex, among some other moves...

It's kind of funny though, as one sided and limited as The Warrior's Move Set was, I think I can name more moves he's used than John Cena!
Yes But he did them all poorly. There is a reason that he squashed HTM for the IC title. HTM wouldn't wrestle him/
I get your point... But Warrior also used The Body Slam, The Flying Shoulder Tackle, Double Axe Handle Off The Top Rope, Piledriver, Bear Hug and a Vertical Suplex, among some other moves...

It's kind of funny though, as one sided and limited as The Warrior's Move Set was, I think I can name more moves he's used than John Cena!

Yea I've always compared Cena wrestling style to Warriors, not Hulks. Hell they even throw simialre punches. But back on topic, if Warrior hadn't got caught juicing the he definiatly would of been the face of the company since Hulk was pretty much down after WM 8 excluding a 1 time appearance on Raw in 93, WM 9 & the first KOTR where he lost the title to Yokozuna. And If Warrior had stayed around threw the rest of 92 and into 93, I dont think hogan would have even come back to begin with seeing as how the only reason he did was because Vince felt WM 9 was lacking star power.
Yes But he did them all poorly. There is a reason that he squashed HTM for the IC title. HTM wouldn't wrestle him/

No he didn't. You show me a vid of him botching any of them moves. Honky is a perfect example as he only had 2 moves, a fistdrop and a swinging neckbreaker.
Yes But he did them all poorly. There is a reason that he squashed HTM for the IC title. HTM wouldn't wrestle him/

Correction... HTM didn't LIKE to wrestle him... The match at SS 88 was supposed to be Brutus Beefcake anyway and they gave the shot to Warrior, because Beefcake got injured...

HTM wrestled him many, many times... As a matter of fact, I watched probably 6 or 7 matches between the 2 of them, over a couple year period, live at numerous House Shows... And about 5 tag matches involving the 2... Each one of them lasted longer than The SS 88 match!!!

So, I'm not saying Warrior was a technical mastermind by any means... Nor am I even defending his abilities to you! Your statement was incorrect, or at the very least, worded WRONG!

I am not not saying The Warrior was a genius, or the greatest man ever to walk the earth, but you have to remember, A LOT of the stories that are told about him are embellished a bit, simply out of jealousy, from most of the guys...
I think he would have been the definate face in the WWE. He was by far the most Popular and Over superstar since Hogan. I don't think we would have seen Shawn Michaels become the Face of the company for the couple of years that he was although he definately would have made it to be the face of the company.

I did a thread like this but instead it was on what would of happened if he stayed in the WWE when he returned in 1996. We seemed to have more bashers than not and they all said the same thing. He would have become a joke in the Attitude Era. I don't think so seeing as he was the most realistic character from the 80's or at least one of the more realistic one's. The only thing he would have to really change is his promos. I think the Ultimate Warrior could have made the transition from early 90's to late 90's just fine as so many other Superstars from the 80's did.

I also don't think the WCW would have gotten as ahead in the ratings that they did by 1996. That's just my opinion though. I would have loved to see an Ultimate Warrior vs. Undertaker fued. I have seen a few matches between them on youtube but I think they should have headlined Summerslam, Survivor Series, and maybe even Wrestlemania. There were a bunch of fueds I would have liked to see the Ultimate Warrior in.
I get your point... But Warrior also used The Body Slam, The Flying Shoulder Tackle, Double Axe Handle Off The Top Rope, Piledriver, Bear Hug and a Vertical Suplex, among some other moves...

It's kind of funny though, as one sided and limited as The Warrior's Move Set was, I think I can name more moves he's used than John Cena!

okay wow 6 more moves the Warrior did well Cena could do more you got the FU, STFU, diving leg drop bulldog, fisherman suplex, five knuckle shuffle, running leaping shoulder block, spinebuster, sitout hip toss, running one handed bulldog, there you go i believe thats more moves then the warrior it might not be alot more but its still more and Cena is nothing like the Warrior because I don't think Cena would ever hold Vince up for money and if he didn't get said amount he wouldn't show. Cena love this bussiness way too much to do that and he respects this bussiness. Warrior didn't give a damn about wrestling all he saw was big paychecks and loose women.

So i don't give a damn about the Warrior and for people saying i didn't start watching wrestling until 1998 thats false i started watching it around 1992 or early 1993 and I used to cheer for the guy but when i saw that he didn't show for a house show when i truly wanted to see him i said FUCK HIM allright hell New Jack from ECW has a better work ethic then the Ultimate Bitch. So enough with the Stupid Warrior threads i don't think anybody gives a damn about the Warrior I am just thankful that Vince comes to senses when he wouldn't hire him back and as far as i am concered he has no bussiness being inducted in the HOF next year in fact if he does get inducted thats when i saw FUCK WWE and i start watching TNA because TNA wouldn't be that stupid to hire a no talent fuck who has a bad work ethic and is only in bussiness for himself
okay wow 6 more moves the Warrior did well Cena could do more you got the FU, STFU, diving leg drop bulldog, fisherman suplex, five knuckle shuffle, running leaping shoulder block, spinebuster, sitout hip toss, running one handed bulldog, there you go i believe thats more moves then the warrior it might not be alot more but its still more and Cena is nothing like the Warrior because I don't think Cena would ever hold Vince up for money and if he didn't get said amount he wouldn't show. Cena love this bussiness way too much to do that and he respects this bussiness. Warrior didn't give a damn about wrestling all he saw was big paychecks and loose women.

So i don't give a damn about the Warrior and for people saying i didn't start watching wrestling until 1998 thats false i started watching it around 1992 or early 1993 and I used to cheer for the guy but when i saw that he didn't show for a house show when i truly wanted to see him i said FUCK HIM allright hell New Jack from ECW has a better work ethic then the Ultimate Bitch. So enough with the Stupid Warrior threads i don't think anybody gives a damn about the Warrior I am just thankful that Vince comes to senses when he wouldn't hire him back and as far as i am concered he has no bussiness being inducted in the HOF next year in fact if he does get inducted thats when i saw FUCK WWE and i start watching TNA because TNA wouldn't be that stupid to hire a no talent fuck who has a bad work ethic and is only in bussiness for himself

I find it ironic you're moaning about someone that would hold Vince up for money and only sees wrestling as a pay check who has crap matches while having Kevin Nash as your avatar.

Warrior might've been shit in the ring but, unlike New Jack, he never set out to hurt or even try to kill anybody.

Oh, and Warrior in the HOF is worse then Koko B Ware in what way exactly? The fact is enough people still give a damn about the Warrior for the same reason people still give a damn about Hogan, because he was a huge part of wrestling's first boom period and he had that X Factor.

Now I've finished with the fuckwit, onto the topic....

I don't think things would've ended up that different. Vince was moving towards the smaller, more athletic guy around that period and I could've seen Warrior become much like the Undertaker. Someone who was there for the pop and the stranger storylines, leaving the main guys to fight over the titles. Make no mistake, he would've still been near the top of the card and the world title, but never the focal point again.

I tell you what, I've just imagined a Warrior heel-turn in mid-94 to set up Warrior vs Undertaker or Desil and, you know what, I'd have loved to have seen those feuds, would've been interesting for sure
okay wow 6 more moves the Warrior did well Cena could do more you got the FU, STFU, diving leg drop bulldog, fisherman suplex, five knuckle shuffle, running leaping shoulder block, spinebuster, sitout hip toss, running one handed bulldog, there you go i believe thats more moves then the warrior it might not be alot more but its still more and Cena is nothing like the Warrior because I don't think Cena would ever hold Vince up for money and if he didn't get said amount he wouldn't show. Cena love this bussiness way too much to do that and he respects this bussiness. Warrior didn't give a damn about wrestling all he saw was big paychecks and loose women.

I think you have definetly missed the point of the thread... You are obviously a hater of the guy, which is fine, he himself and I couldn't personally give less of a fuck...

For you to even say it wouldn't have changed anything is near sided and ridiculous... You base or spew your opinion on the question, a thread someone else started, on your opinion of him personally...

To say him being there wouldn't have changed the way events occurred is trippy... Even with his horrid reputation, WCW picks him up years later, thinking they are gonna like, change the world... They thought they had something that was gonna be bigger than Goldberg or NWO in WCW... One of the people that hates him the most and is most critical of him is Hulk Hogan... You think Hogan wanted him in his spotlight AGAIN? Or trying to take his spotlight? Hogan had a lot of say so, and for WCW to STILL sign him or for Hogan to agree to let him come in (However it truly went)... Says that Warrior was super over, still was popular, and was thought to be bringing something to WCW, that was gonna slide them passed WWF/E in the ratings once again!

The point that the dude that started this thread was making, was him staying with the company would have a direct effect, each time he left, on booking match, pushes within the company, and overall history in general! And he is correct!

You can't seriously say if he was there, things would have went exactly the same! That would entail him be with the company, and making zero kind of impact. And if Warrior did ANYTHING in his career, it WAS make an impact! That is why we are talking about this today!! That is why I think you are a moron and don't know shit! But, without Warrior's impact in the wrestling business, I wouldn't currently, in this thread, have the ability or push to say, you have a futile, simple mind when it comes to wrestling!

Oh you started watching in 92 or 93!!!!!???? Uh oh folks! We have a higher authority on this forum now! A 17 or 18 year veteran of bogus opinions and lame statements!! I had been watching for that long, when I WAS that age!!

Congrats bro, You (By a straight up ROUTE!) win The Dip Shit Of The Day Award On Wrestlezone Forums!!! Take a bow son, your mom is reading!!!

Ladies and Gentleman, Your hero and spewer of unintelligent banter, Fallen Angel 21............................ .3!!!!!!!
okay wow 6 more moves the Warrior did well Cena could do more you got the FU, STFU, diving leg drop bulldog, fisherman suplex, five knuckle shuffle, running leaping shoulder block, spinebuster, sitout hip toss, running one handed bulldog, there you go i believe thats more moves then the warrior it might not be alot more but its still more and Cena is nothing like the Warrior because I don't think Cena would ever hold Vince up for money and if he didn't get said amount he wouldn't show. Cena love this bussiness way too much to do that and he respects this bussiness. Warrior didn't give a damn about wrestling all he saw was big paychecks and loose women.

So i don't give a damn about the Warrior and for people saying i didn't start watching wrestling until 1998 thats false i started watching it around 1992 or early 1993 and I used to cheer for the guy but when i saw that he didn't show for a house show when i truly wanted to see him i said FUCK HIM allright hell New Jack from ECW has a better work ethic then the Ultimate Bitch. So enough with the Stupid Warrior threads i don't think anybody gives a damn about the Warrior I am just thankful that Vince comes to senses when he wouldn't hire him back and as far as i am concered he has no bussiness being inducted in the HOF next year in fact if he does get inducted thats when i saw FUCK WWE and i start watching TNA because TNA wouldn't be that stupid to hire a no talent fuck who has a bad work ethic and is only in bussiness for himself

Ya, whatever. You have Kevin Nash as your picture. He is worse in the ring than the Warrior. With less moves too

If no one cared about the warrior why are there ppl defending him on here? If your beef with him is missing a house show thats laughable. Again if you don't like people discussing the warrior move on to another thread. You missed the warrior 1st time around and he didn't do anything to Vince that countless others have done since.

'TNA wouldn't be that stupid to hire a no talent fuck who has a bad work ethic and is only in bussiness for himself'

Hahahaha have you seen TNAs roster? it's loaded with them Hogan, Nash etc The Warrior deserves to be in the Hall of Fame he made the company a lot of money and was 2nd draw only to Hogan.
I find it ironic you're moaning about someone that would hold Vince up for money and only sees wrestling as a pay check who has crap matches while having Kevin Nash as your avatar.

I really don't remember a bad Nash match that was in the WWE/F and Nash is smartest man in the bussiness but in case you forgot Nash is currently in a company that doesn't hand out the big bucks. Also I don't think Big Sexy ever held up Vince for money and if he didn't get said money wasn't going to show up for summerslam and ruin the event for the fans. Also Nash isn't as crazy as the warrior if thats what your thinking

Warrior might've been shit in the ring but, unlike New Jack, he never set out to hurt or even try to kill anybody.

Wow the Warrior never hurt anybody in the ring okay well lets ask Bobby Heamen if the Warrior ever hurted him because if you saw the DVD when the warrior did the military press slam he almost droped Bobby on his head. Now a true pro wouldn't be that reckless, now i understand the New Jack was involved in a murder/homicide but when it came time to do work in the if somebody didn't know how to land right from his moves well that was ECW for ya don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Also New Jack knew how to excute the moves correctly unlike the Ultimate Bitch.

Oh, and Warrior in the HOF is worse then Koko B Ware in what way exactly? The fact is enough people still give a damn about the Warrior for the same reason people still give a damn about Hogan, because he was a huge part of wrestling's first boom period and he had that X Factor.

You damn right it would be worse because like I said it before did Koko B Ware ever fuck up on his moves, i don't think so. Did Koko ever hold Vince up for money? NO. Did Koko give a damn about the Fans? You bet your ass he did. So yeah maybe Koko might not deserve to be in the HOF but he is a better inductie then the Warrior. Hell the only guy that doesn't deserve it more then Warrior is Pete Rose. Also Hogan actually cares about the fans thats why Hogan can barely walk today thats why people give a damn about Hogan but you ask somebody about the Warrior people say FUCK HIM. There are only 3 wrestlers that had a X factor that caused a Wrestling Boom and thats Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, and Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Now I've finished with the fuckwit, onto the topic....

I don't think things would've ended up that different. Vince was moving towards the smaller, more athletic guy around that period and I could've seen Warrior become much like the Undertaker. Someone who was there for the pop and the stranger storylines, leaving the main guys to fight over the titles. Make no mistake, he would've still been near the top of the card and the world title, but never the focal point again.

I tell you what, I've just imagined a Warrior heel-turn in mid-94 to set up Warrior vs Undertaker or Desil and, you know what, I'd have loved to have seen those feuds, would've been interesting for sure

Wow all I can to that is BULLSHIT, you actually compared the Warrior to the Undertaker. Wow. holy shit and I'm the fuckwit as you put it Warrior is even worthy enough to lace takers boots Hell the Undertaker would put over anybody who respect the bussiness, the warrior wouldn't. Thats all i got to say about the Warrior so lets shut this stupid ass thread down and move on with our lives.
I really don't remember a bad Nash match that was in the WWE/F and Nash is smartest man in the bussiness but in case you forgot Nash is currently in a company that doesn't hand out the big bucks. Also I don't think Big Sexy ever held up Vince for money and if he didn't get said money wasn't going to show up for summerslam and ruin the event for the fans. Also Nash isn't as crazy as the warrior if thats what your thinking

If you don't remember a bad Diesel match you were not watching wrestling then, he has always been terrible. HBK, Hall and Nash all held Vince up for money in 1995/6 when they refused to work unless Vince gave them more money.

Load of bollocks, all straight off the DVD blah blah show me some botch evidence
You damn right it would be worse because like I said it before did Koko B Ware ever fuck up on his moves, i don't think so. Did Koko ever hold Vince up for money? NO. Did Koko give a damn about the Fans? You bet your ass he did. So yeah maybe Koko might not deserve to be in the HOF but he is a better inductie then the Warrior. Hell the only guy that doesn't deserve it more then Warrior is Pete Rose. Also Hogan actually cares about the fans thats why Hogan can barely walk today thats why people give a damn about Hogan but you ask somebody about the Warrior people say FUCK HIM. There are only 3 wrestlers that had a X factor that caused a Wrestling Boom and thats Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, and Stone Cold Steve Austin.

You missed out the Rock as well there dumbass, again show some evidence of warriors supposed botch filled career, all you have to go off is Bobby Heenan, who hated the warrior. You have nothing to back yourself up but your hatred for him. Suprised you even know who Sammartino is, btw he had hardly any moves either and was over by charisma, just like the warrior.

Wow all I can to that is BULLSHIT, you actually compared the Warrior to the Undertaker. Wow. holy shit and I'm the fuckwit as you put it Warrior is even worthy enough to lace takers boots Hell the Undertaker would put over anybody who respect the bussiness, the warrior wouldn't. Thats all i got to say about the Warrior so lets shut this stupid ass thread down and move on with our lives.

Nah mate you don't get to say what threads get closed. You've shown you know sod all on wrestling. Taker doesn't put everybody over, he killed the WWF careers of Kronik and Mike Awesome by saying they can't work.
Ya, whatever. You have Kevin Nash as your picture. He is worse in the ring than the Warrior. With less moves too.

Okay well since this is the old school thread Nash in his prime had a bigger moveset then the Nash of today. I have always like Nash from his work as Oz, Vinny Vegas, Big Daddy Cool, and Big Sexy from the NWO. Secondly Nash never had a bad match in the WWE I didn't watch WCW only for a couple times so I can't say Nash was great in WCW but in the WWF he was AWESOME. Third I don't remember hearing a story of Nash holding Vinny Mack up for money and thats what the Warrior did shocker isn't it.

If no one cared about the warrior why are there ppl defending him on here? If your beef with him is missing a house show thats laughable. Again if you don't like people discussing the warrior move on to another thread. You missed the warrior 1st time around and he didn't do anything to Vince that countless others have done since.

I truly don't understand why anybody will defend a no-talent wrestler when most of you rip on John Cena yet your defending the Warrior when Cena has more moves. Your right i did miss the Warrior first run in the WWE/F maybe its because i didn't start watching wrestling until after he was done with the first run who knows. Really because the only other person i can think of that tired to hurnt vince is in wallet was Jake the Snake and that was for personal reasons he wanted out of the his contract and Bret was the only one i can think of that threw a punch on Vince but we all know what happended to cause that. So thats only 2 people i can think of so i think i found a number in your countless problem.

'TNA wouldn't be that stupid to hire a no talent fuck who has a bad work ethic and is only in bussiness for himself'.

Yeha i want somebody to name 5 guys that actually wrestle on the show that are no talent and doesn't offer TNA something to the Table. Most you will say Nash well this is what Nash offers is experience to the table and he hasn't wrestled in over a month in fact he got less t.v. time then anybody on the roster so come on people give me 5 names and good reasons to back them up

Hahahaha have you seen TNAs roster? it's loaded with them Hogan, Nash etc The Warrior deserves to be in the Hall of Fame he made the company a lot of money and was 2nd draw only to Hogan.

All i see is that its loaded with a lot of younger guys then older hell i can only think of Hogan, Easy E, Sting, Nash, Ric Flair, Tommy Dreamer, Raven, Mick Foley, Team 3-D, Stevie, and Rhino as the old school guys and most of them haven't wrestled on TNA that much minus HardCore Justice so what out of 60 men and women only 12 guys are from the old school. NO HE FUCKING DOESN'T WARRIOR DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE IN THE HOF. There were bigger draws then the Warrior in the WWE you had Jake the Snake, Taker, Shawn Michaels, Vader, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, LOD, and others that deseve to be in the HOF not the Warrior in fact the only person i would accept to be inducted before would be pete rose but pete rose even made it in there before Warrior
Man I think I see what we are dealing with here with Fallen Angel 21.3,

This guy is big on guys like Raven and the ECW. He doesnt get that wrestling is about entertainment, and the Warrior could get a whole arena on its feet. Good luck to Raven doing that. Warrior got bigger pops than Bret Hart and maybe even HBK did in 1996. He probably sold more merchandise. Lets face it, the guy was money and he wasnt taking any shit from backstage politics.

Warrior would have been a bigger star if he had stayed around. Imagine how much more it would have put bret hart over to face a guy like warrior at WM instead of Yoko. It would have been epic instead of dull. And an evolving warrior would have been awesome in the Attitude era. Remember is small feud with Goldust- that was wau ahead of its time and ahead of the attitude era. The guy knew how to develop his character and sell out a stadium.

And Warrior did have good matches. Warrior vs Savage was very fun. And you can check out warrior using a sunset flip to try to pin the million dollar man.
Okay well since this is the old school thread Nash in his prime had a bigger moveset then the Nash of today. I have always like Nash from his work as Oz, Vinny Vegas, Big Daddy Cool, and Big Sexy from the NWO. Secondly Nash never had a bad match in the WWE I didn't watch WCW only for a couple times so I can't say Nash was great in WCW but in the WWF he was AWESOME. Third I don't remember hearing a story of Nash holding Vinny Mack up for money and thats what the Warrior did shocker isn't it.

Don't tell lies he's used the same moves his whole career believe me I've followed it too.

I truly don't understand why anybody will defend a no-talent wrestler when most of you rip on John Cena yet your defending the Warrior when Cena has more moves. Your right i did miss the Warrior first run in the WWE/F maybe its because i didn't start watching wrestling until after he was done with the first run who knows. Really because the only other person i can think of that tired to hurnt vince is in wallet was Jake the Snake and that was for personal reasons he wanted out of the his contract and Bret was the only one i can think of that threw a punch on Vince but we all know what happended to cause that. So thats only 2 people i can think of so i think i found a number in your countless problem

Well there's Jeff Jarrett, The Kliq and Chyna just off the top of my head.

Rob Terry, Brutus Magnus, Rosie Lottalove, Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan

QUOTE=Fallen Angel 21.3;2303489All i see is that its loaded with a lot of younger guys then older hell i can only think of Hogan, Easy E, Sting, Nash, Ric Flair, Tommy Dreamer, Raven, Mick Foley, Team 3-D, Stevie, and Rhino as the old school guys and most of them haven't wrestled on TNA that much minus HardCore Justice so what out of 60 men and women only 12 guys are from the old school. NO HE FUCKING DOESN'T WARRIOR DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE IN THE HOF. There were bigger draws then the Warrior in the WWE you had Jake the Snake, Taker, Shawn Michaels, Vader, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, LOD, and others that deseve to be in the HOF not the Warrior in fact the only person i would accept to be inducted before would be pete rose but pete rose even made it in there before Warrior

None of them were bigger draws than the Warrior you seriously need to quit talking out of your ass your embarrassing yourself.
F. There were bigger draws then the Warrior in the WWE you had Jake the Snake, Taker, Shawn Michaels, Vader, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, LOD

Come on- no way was jake the snake, Vader, Owen or LOD a bigger draw than warrior, and it can even be argued to some degree that in 95-96 Bret and Owen were having a lot of trouble drawing big crowds, a problem warrior never seemed to have.
Okay well since this is the old school thread Nash in his prime had a bigger moveset then the Nash of today. I have always like Nash from his work as Oz, Vinny Vegas, Big Daddy Cool, and Big Sexy from the NWO. Secondly Nash never had a bad match in the WWE I didn't watch WCW only for a couple times so I can't say Nash was great in WCW but in the WWF he was AWESOME.

Make up your mind, did you ever see him in WCW or not? Contradicting post.
You missed out the Rock as well there dumbass, again show some evidence of warriors supposed botch filled career, all you have to go off is Bobby Heenan, who hated the warrior. You have nothing to back yourself up but your hatred for him. Suprised you even know who Sammartino is, btw he had hardly any moves either and was over by charisma, just like the warrior..

Okay I down right hate the warrior because he ruin a couple of house shows i was dying to see when i was younger and he was supposed to be on the card but suprise typicall warrior fashion doens't show up so yeah i was bummed out about it also I do have shit that backs it up that he was a no talent hack just watch his matches all they were was up to 5 minutes any longer his opponent carried the whole damn thing, you don't believe me ask Hogan about Wrestle Mania 6 because that match was all Hogan it was supposed to be a passing of the torch but Warrior dropped the ball. Also to defend the great Sammartino this was the 1970's when he wrestled yeah he had less moves but as times changed so did the moves if you cared to watch some of his matches he was the best because for one thing he held a world title for 7 years Warrior couldn't hold if for a year. Thats the difference between the two Sammartino was greater then the warrior will ever be

Nah mate you don't get to say what threads get closed. You've shown you know sod all on wrestling. Taker doesn't put everybody over, he killed the WWF careers of Kronik and Mike Awesome by saying they can't work.

I didn't say was going to end the thread i simply said can we please finish this thread and move on with another thread about something different but you fuck nutz want to keep it going so will I. WOW Taker killed Kronik and Mike Aweosme's careers, are you sure because i think your beef with that is with Vinny Mack not Taker. Okay because if i am not mistaking Vince had all the say in the invasion storylines and gave Kronik and Mike Awesome bad gimmicks and stupid shit to do.
I really don't remember a bad Nash match that was in the WWE/F

So you can defend Nash Vs King Mable from Summerslam 95 then? Good luck with that one.

Nash is smartest man in the bussiness but in case you forgot Nash is currently in a company that doesn't hand out the big bucks.

Yeah, because Hogan, Flair, Nash, Foley, Sting and others all work for peanuts. Oh wait, they don't, they only agree to work for a good amount of money.

Also I don't think Big Sexy ever held up Vince for money and if he didn't get said money wasn't going to show up for summerslam and ruin the event for the fans. Also Nash isn't as crazy as the warrior if thats what your thinking

Nash's booking of WCW says there is a certain level of Warrior-esq craziness in him. But that's beside the point. At what point did I say the Warrior was right for doing what he did? I didn't, I just said I can't believe you'd moan about the Warrior while using Nash in your avatar because, history shows, he's been as much of, it not more, of a cancer to the wrestling business then the Warrior has.

Wow the Warrior never hurt anybody in the ring okay well lets ask Bobby Heamen if the Warrior ever hurted him because if you saw the DVD when the warrior did the military press slam he almost droped Bobby on his head.

I saw that DVD, I also noticed how they skipped out the parts about how he'd been hard to deal with before he joined the WWF. The reason? Because they wanted to make it clear he was a cunt and the whole WWF was perfect. If Bret Hart hadn't agreed to do his DVD they'd have done exactly the same thing to him and I bet you'd have believed whatever they said about him too. Fact is Goldberg was a clumsy worker and ended Bret Harts career but it wouldn't changed the fact that he's still a monster draw who'd deserve a place in the HOF too for what he did in wrestling.

Now a true pro wouldn't be that reckless, now i understand the New Jack was involved in a murder/homicide but when it came time to do work in the if somebody didn't know how to land right from his moves well that was ECW for ya don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Also New Jack knew how to excute the moves correctly unlike the Ultimate Bitch.

So you'll ignore that New Jack himself has said he was upset that Vic Grimes landed on the tables when New Jack threw him off the scaffolding because he was aiming to throw him to the floor and kill him? New Jack was just as untalented as Warrior but he covered it with a stupid amount of weapons. A sloppy worker or someone who would quite happily kill you if he doesn't like you, I know who I'd rather put my trust in.

You damn right it would be worse because like I said it before did Koko B Ware ever fuck up on his moves, i don't think so. Did Koko ever hold Vince up for money? NO. Did Koko give a damn about the Fans? You bet your ass he did. So yeah maybe Koko might not deserve to be in the HOF but he is a better inductie then the Warrior.

So Steve Austin never broke someone's neck in Japan? Oh wait, he did. But Austin would never walk out on the fans? Oh wait, he did that too. So, by your logic, Koko should be above him in HOF standings then as well? Your logic is ******ed.

Also Hogan actually cares about the fans thats why Hogan can barely walk today thats why people give a damn about Hogan

I'd say Hogan can hardly walk from the landing effect on his hips when he hit the legdrop for the win EVERY NIGHT. Hogan's a legend, no doubt, but I think it's quite clear from his career he's been all about Hogan rather then the fans. Look at the night Hogan was dropping the belt to the man Vince had picked to carry the company as Hogan was leaving to make movies. Hogan himself admits he made sure he did everything he could so that, after the match people looked at him, not the Warrior. So, Hogan clearly thought "to hell with Vince's wishes and the future of the company, I want to be the man still"

you ask somebody about the Warrior people say FUCK HIM.

I'd say this thread clearly shows you're wrong

There are only 3 wrestlers that had a X factor that caused a Wrestling Boom and thats Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, and Stone Cold Steve Austin.

So The Rock, nWo, Sting, Ric Flair amongst others don't have that X Factor. First name on my list says you're rather wrong...yet again.

Wow all I can to that is BULLSHIT, you actually compared the Warrior to the Undertaker.

If you was watching what the Undertakers matches were like before 1995 then, yeah, they were similar.

Wow. holy shit and I'm the fuckwit as you put it Warrior is even worthy enough to lace takers boots

If you're basing it on Takers matches over the last 15 years or so then, yes, Taker owns Warrior all over. But the purpose of this thread is to ask what would it have been like if Warrior hadn't gone awol and, during that period, Taker was wasting years of his career in horrible feuds with people like Kamala, Giant Gonzalez, King Kong Bundy and their ilk. Might not have been his fault but his matches were dreadful and he was just a special attraction for the freak feuds, kinda like where I could've seen the Warrior going.

Hell the Undertaker would put over anybody who respect the bussiness, the warrior wouldn't.

So we'll forget Taker destroying the WCW roster or the Hardy Boys (both Matt & Jeff) shall we? Warrior putting over Rick Rude was as much as Taker puts people over (as in they do as their told by Vince). Warrior was a prick, but it did make sense given what his character was (the ULTIMATE Warrior, can't have one of those losing very often can you)

Thats all i got to say about the Warrior so lets shut this stupid ass thread down and move on with our lives.

Glad that's all you've got to say, now you can leave the thread to people who have something creative and interesting to say.

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