What if the Road Warriors joined the Horsemen?


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Long time ago in late 80's 4 Horsemen members Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard left the NWA for the WWF. Two spots were now open in the once mighty stable. Ric Flair and Barry Windham were on WTBS world championship wrestling one Saturday bragging and boasting how the Horseman were still strong with the 2 remaining members. Flair brought up how they were looking for 2 new members. He mentioned the NWA tag champions the Road Warriors. At the time the Legion of Doom were Heels again like they were back in the AWA. In the last few months they turned on Sting during a 6man match,attacked Dusty Rhodes with a spike(which was so bloody it was censored), and squashed the Midnite Express and became first time NWA tag team champions. The Midnite Express had won the belts from Arn and Tully right before they left during a rare heel tag team feud.
Of course that never transpired. The Warriors went on to fued with Kevin Sullivans varsity club. The Horsemen eventually became the Yamasaki Corporation when JJ Dillion left and Hiro Matsuda took his place
So my question is what if the Road Warriors joined the 4 Horsemen? Would it of worked? Think about the great fueds that could of happened. I would of liked to see the warriors without makeup,wearing suits, and being horsemen. They were a very influential tagteam when it came to look,promos,and wrestling. Look at Powers of Pain and Demolition. I wonder what the effect would of been if they changed thier style. What do you people think?
I dont know if it would have worked, the makeup and clothes etc. was all part of the gimmick and it was very different to the horsemen style.

I think that the tag team was as solid a team as is possible but all in all the stylistic differences would have been a problem.

However some people that I never saw changing gimmicks (Bradshaw+Jericho) managed to essentially turn their characters on their heads and pulled it off so I cannot really say.

I think it would have been hard but not impossible

Just My Opinion.
It wouldn't have worked. The LOD was too much "out of the mainstream" to fit with the rolex watch, suit clad, womanizing Horsemen. Plus, as adversaries the LOD were arguably the second best opponents the Horsemen had after Dusty Rhodes (Sting came in to his own mostly after The Horsemen has faded, he was a great adversary for Ric Flair, not so much for the Horsemen as a group).

It's kinda hard to imagine such individualists as LOD being part of a team like that, they occassionally backed up guys like Rhodes and Sting but for the most part were loners, even as fan favorites, esentially the Steve Austins of their day.
Flairfan2003 had a good point. They wouldn't have fit in with the jet styling, limousine riding lifestyle that the horseman had established. The gimmicks were too hard to transition. The Road Warriors were the outsiders, the gang-like thugs that busted heads first than asked questions later; whereas the Horsemen were more methodical in their approach.

Could it have been done? Anything can be done in wrestling. But would it have been the right combination of wrestlers to coexist as a faction? It would've been difficult to transition them into the ways of the Horsemen.
How would that have made any sense? That's even worse then Sting joining the Four Horsemen. The Road Warriors wouldn't have fit in in any possible way and the idea is laughable. Removing the make up, placing them in suits, changing everything about them to fit into the Horsemen would've been a horrible mistake.. why would you change everything that made the best tag team of the time exactly that?
What a great "what if"...I mean, hey why not? It's happened before, what with the aforementioned Chris Jericho, JBL, Godfather/Steve Richards with Right To Censor. People change their characters up for the sake of storylines all the time.

Have Flair announce that LOD had joined up with him and Windham, with or without Ellering joining as well. Say that money talks and nobody has more money than the Natureboy, have Hawk and Animal come out without make-up and letting their hair grow back more naturally, wearing Rolexes & ties. Even have them play it up to the hilt, doing the Horesmen't beatdowns & run-ins.

Eventually have them get tired of being Flair's lackies, let them show up for an 8-man tag with their make-up on & spikes on & after Flair berates them, they jump him and Windham and turn face again. It would've kept them from growing a tad stale in my opinion, and Ellering (if he had or hadn't joined) could be the catalyst, asking them don't they miss the old days, don't they miss being the Road Warriors?

Anyhow, my .02, and as usual, somebody will completely trash me for my opinion.
I really can't see that this would have worked.

Granted, the Horseman always had a great team within them (Minnesota Wresking Crew, Arn & Tully, Beniot & Pillman, Beniot & Malenko), but the Road Warriors were too established and too much of their own team.

I also think that the styles and characters were too different to mesh properly.

The Horsemen were about class, the Warriors were there just to beat you up.

It may have just worked if the first incarnation of the Horsemen were Flair, Arn and the Road Warriors.

But then what do you do with JJ and/or Ellering?

I don't think the idea of smartnening the Warriors up the suits and ties would have worked either, unless they did it for a short while, realised it wasn't for them, and let the Horsemen know in the way they knew best.

They made fantastic opponents for each other, and the feuds they had were great.

That's how I'll choose to remember things.

Interesting scenario however...

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