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What If That Happened To John Cena?


Broski of the Week #22
I was reviewing Edge Tribute SD! when this idea popped up in my head.

WWE has told us that doctors stopped Edge's career and he will never be clear to wrestle. My question is, what if something goes wrong in one of Cena's match and he once again hurts his neck, and doctors prescribe the same?

Now that it has happened to Edge, it's actually very frightening. Now it looks like that anyone's career can be ended at any given time, unfortunately.

Would WWE let go of John Cena? Would John Cena retire or would he ignore the doctors? And if he doesn't retire in that case, Would it be right to do so?

The other thing is that we had never experienced what happened to Edge. We'd seen wrestlers dying but we never saw them retire out of nowhere, which is a good sign, but now you can expect anyone to retire out of nowhere. We had people like Flair and Hogan who won't retire even when fans beg them to do, and now we have someone like Edge that has to retire when no one expects or wants to, even himself.

Does it mean now that WWE cares about his superstars' health more than ever, they must be aware and always have a plan B in case one of their top superstars retires? So they have to push the new youth movement even harder?

I know it's very heelish to say this, But Doesn't it make you give the slightest possibility that the whole injury thing may be a work, so Edge could retire? Okay let's forget this last question, my bad.

Discuss it.
I was reviewing Edge Tribute SD! when this idea popped up in my head.

WWE has told us that doctors stopped Edge's career and he will never be clear to wrestle. My question is, what if something goes wrong in one of Cena's match and he once again hurts his neck, and doctors prescribe the same?

Now that it has happened to Edge, it's actually very frightening. Now it looks like that anyone's career can be ended at any given time, unfortunately.

Would WWE let go of John Cena? Would John Cena retire or would he ignore the doctors? And if he doesn't retire in that case, Would it be right to do so?

The other thing is that we had never experienced what happened to Edge. We'd seen wrestlers dying but we never saw them retire out of nowhere, which is a good sign, but now you can expect anyone to retire out of nowhere. We had people like Flair and Hogan who won't retire even when fans beg them to do, and now we have someone like Edge that has to retire when no one expects or wants to, even himself.

Does it mean now that WWE cares about his superstars' health more than ever, they must be aware and always have a plan B in case one of their top superstars retires? So they have to push the new youth movement even harder?

I know it's very heelish to say this, But Doesn't it make you give the slightest possibility that the whole injury thing may be a work, so Edge could retire? Okay let's forget this last question, my bad.

Discuss it.

basically from what i am getting for the wwe news release is the doctors won't even clear edge to wrestle. so i believe if it was cena the same thing would happen.

with flair and hogan it is different,they actually still could wrestle without killing themselves. it isn't life and death at this point for them. with edge it seems they feel it is a matter of his life is on the line.

at this point,to me people out there have the ability to find out if this is a work or not. to have the internet be completely in the dark is a hard thing. when this first came out i waited to see if any news sources would put doubt on edge's story. so far it hasn't happened. except for a few fans people seem to think this is true.

as for retiring out of nowhere,edge isn't the only one. stone cold did it as well,he just did it quietly.
If the same thing happened to Cena, it would be very, very scary. Edge was the face of Smackdown for many years, so losing the face of RAW so soon after would be devastating to the company. Fortunately, there are enough old stars like SCSA, Trish, and Rocky that they could bring in to help the company if it was truly in jeopardy. But even so, love him or hate him, let's hope that Cena does not disappear so suddenly. The current creative team is not up to scratch to fully repair the damage of several top stars disappearing out of nowhere.

However, I think Edge's retirement was entirely up to him. If he wanted to continue wrestling, I'm sure they would have let him. He was smart, though, and got out just in the nick of time. I'm sure he will be around for many many years in some other role. I'm sure Cena would not disappear either, they would definitely put him in some sort of big role like GM, or announcer, and maybe letting him get in the ring for a few safe spots like applying an STFU or AA to heels. He'd be all for it as well. Both Edge and Cena are company men through-and-through, and if it's safe they'll jump at the chance to make things more interesting.
I'm not sure how I would feel. I obviously do not want to see anybody suffer career ending injuries dispite my personal feelings towards them and I really think the WWE is lacking main eventers right now. Cena, Orton and The Miz? Triple H depending on what his future plans are with the company as far as wrestling goes and a few others who swing in and out of main event/top mid card.
It wouldn't be good. Plain and simple. When WWE lost Edge, it was devastating Not only were people depressed about it, but they lost a guy who helped Smackdown! survuve, especially considering how Smackdown! gets raped at every draft. If WWE lost Cena, alot would stop watching. Not only would they lost they face of RAW, they would be losing the face of the whole freaking company. Without Edge, I think the E will be alright. However, if this happened to Cena instead of Edge, WWE would be in HUGE trouble. I don't care how much ya love it. With the possibility of dying in the ring, you have to walk away. It'd be hard, but Cena would have to listen to the doctors(unless he can channel Kurt Angle)

As far as it being a work, I don't think so. Look at the last spear he did on Brodus Clay. You could tell he was hurt. The internet not knowing what's up, that's damn near impossible.

WWE should care about the health of their guys more than ever now. Edge's retirement should've shown that these guys won't be around forever...
If John Cena were forced to retire tomorrow night it'd have a huge short term impact on the WWE. They have so much time invested in the guy that simply writing him out would be a burden. Even so, within a month or so it'd be business as usual. Top draws come and top draws go. Cena is no bigger than SCSA, The Rock or HHH, and the WWE has moved forward without all of those guys at one point or another. If Cena goes down, life within the WWE will continue.

Who would replace him? Noone....in the short term. Eventually the fans and creative would get behind someone who'd pick up the ball, though. Such is the nature of the beast...
First off if John Cena had to come out on RAW and unexpectedly retire like Edge did last week, WWE would be in a whole shit load of trouble. They have no one on Cena's level to step in and take his place right now but that is a whole other discussion.

The reason why this came about is because the medical field is far more advanced in finding these types of things now than they were 10,20,30 years ago. I am sure that if the capabilities to find things like this had been around then Hogan and Flair may and I stress may not have stuck around as long as they did, but they are actually very bad examples to try and use. Really anyone from that generation is because most of them never thought the money tree was gonna go bare, so they pissed away all their money and now have no choice but to stay in the business.

It's kind of like football players and concussions now, they are able to detect so many things now that even in the recent past they weren't able to. I am very sad that Edge is no longer able to wrestle but I am so glad that this was found out before he ended up paralyzed in a wheelchair or something far worse. I would much rather see any wrestler or athlete walk away on their own two legs than have to be rolled out on a stretcher and never able to walk again.
It really is very scary to think about Cena possibly leaving at a time like this. Right now, especially with Edge recently retiring, they are starting to really depend on Cena and Orton to really carry the business. Edge was one of the last few veterans still in an active role. It's a major loss to Smackdown and WWE would be in big trouble if their major draw had to retire unexpectedly. As far as the legends returning, I don't think they would be able to work a full time schedule. WWE really needs to build up new main eventers fast because the only credible ones right now are Miz and possibly Del Rio in my opinion.
We actually have seen it before.

Stone Cold had to retire after Wrestlemania 19. He had numbness in his arms and doctors were advising him not to even wrestle the match. He went through with his last match and has never wrestled again. Austin just didn't give a retirement speech, but it was really the same situation.

The same thing happened to Shawn Michaels as well. He was the top star and had to retire. No one ever thought he would come back. For four years everyone though he was gone for good.

Magnum TA is another example. He was the hottest rising star in wrestling and was going to be the face of the NWA. Magnum was about to be the NWA world champion when he got into a car wreak that ended his career instantly. The world championship wasn't passed around like it is today, but Magnum was as big of star as Randy Orton or CM Punk is today. If he hadn't retired, the NWA might have been around a little longer.

If Cena had to retire it would be a huge shock, but the WWE would rebound in a few months. Thats the thing about the WWE, everyone is replaceable. People wondered what would happen when Hogan and Savage left. People wondered what would happen when Hart and Michaels left. People wondered what would happen when Rock and Austin left. Cena leaving would cause a huge void, but the WWE would replace him.
Honestly if John Cenna retired out of nowhere I would be extremely happy. I would feel sorry for him knowing that he cant do what he loves, but i'm tired of seeing him on tv already. I never ever liked his character and I want somebody to finally take his spot even if it is The Miz. Of course if this would happen the WWE would be in a pickle because they would be loosing their top mainstream superstar.
If this same thing happened to John Cena, it wouldn't necessarily be tragic. As a fan of Cena's, I would hate to see it, but it is what it is. AS far as the WWE goes, like some people above said, in the short term it would hurt the company, but eventually they would recover. They always do. So many stars have come and gone and the company has kept it moving. This situation would be no different.

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