What if.. Rey Mysterio won the Elimination chamber?


Getting Noticed By Management
Another Huge missed opportunity by WWE. NWO was a night of surprises. Everyone and I were stunned when Cena was pinned. After that, everyone knew that Edge would win, it was a given. But what if the WWE shocked us again and had Mysterio go over? They teased it, but I think they missed a huge opportunity. It would have been the biggest swerve in a long time, the place would have gone nuts, and made this ppv the most memorable in recent memory. I woulda gone nuts. A lot of people are down on Mysterio, I like him, but that nite showed he can still do it. Was it a missed opportunity to throw everyone off and shock us again? I say yes.
Shock, simply for the sake of shock, is idiotic. Just because something is shocking, doesn't mean it's god. Rey Mysterio had NO business being in the World title scene this close to Wrestlemania. The last time he was, it took off like a lead balloon. Given all the storylines that have been building for a while, Edge was the right man to take the title from Cena.

Even if it means Raw loses Cena, gains Triple H, and I poke my eyeballs out.
I didn't mean it just as Shock. He is over, so it wouldn't of been a bad shock. I like Edge too, but these reigns are rediculous. And its 7 weeks to Wrestlemania, so something could have happened between now and then. An Edge/Mysterio match I feel would be great. Then Cena could fight Hogan lol. It just woulda been cool.
Not to take anything away from Cena, but I would definitly prefer to watch Rey Mysterio vs. Edge.

I caught a replay of NWO, and I knew the result of the last match. I think everyone and their mother knew after Cena got pinned that Edge would win after what had happened earlier in the night. Yet, there were a couple of instances during the match when it was just Edge vs. Mysterio that were close to being a 3 count. Even with prior knowledge of the results, I remember watching saying "OMG, he won". Whatever your feelings are towards Mysterio, I think you're blind or an idiot, or both if you didn't find the last few minutes exciting to watch.

However John Cena without an opponent? The John Cena? Possibly the biggest draw in the WWE without a WHC match? They couldn't put the belt on Mysterio because that would leave Cena out. Cena vs. Mysterio a double babyface match? No way. Edge losing two matches in a night? No way. Cena Not at WM25? No way.

It would've been amazing, and it would've been shocking, but once that shock was over and you start thinking about NWO as a whole, and the next 7 weeks to WM, it would've been bad booking.
I would love to see Rey get one more reign, and I think it'd work best as a spur of the moment, shock win, but it's too close to Mania right now. As it is, he still gets a lot of momentum from his Chamber performance, and maybe down the road he'll get another shot. Edge was definately the best choice to win though.
If Rey would have won then alot of people on here would then be finally giving him his props for finally winning a world championship without the help of a grat friend of his being deseased. If he did win though then they would probably book him worse than he was the first time as champion.
Of course we all knew Edge was going to win the EC, but after having him enter the thing they can't really hide the fact that he's going to win, I still found the match exciting and suspensful, especially the last few minutes of it where I actually started thinking Rey had a shot. I remember yelling at my tv during those near falls, because I honestly didn't want Rey to win, I was pulling for Edge all the way.

Rey proved he still has what it takes to carry the World Title, he stole that show and he put on an amazing performance for the fans. Before that match, he hadn't done much, honestly he was kind of an afterthought but thats not really his fault so much as it is WWE booking him wrong.

I think with that match, he has shown WWE that he still has "it", and with all the chatter now from the fans over him I think it will go a long way into getting him into the World Title picture once again. MITB is coming up, and I don't see Rey missing out on that match, I believe he will take that win this year and be able to challenge for the title whenever he chooses.

I just hope this feud, if you can call it that, with Mike Knox is over so he can actually be in a good storyline that elevates him even more.
I think that it would have been amazing and i would like to have seen a face vs face match wm25 between cena and rey but wwe decide not to that. but I do love edge though and he is one my fav heels of all time.
I would be a little suprised considering there was no hints of him really eyeing the title. Let's face it:Ever since Mysterio returned, he's had these pathetic David vs Golaith type fights, and for him to win the title out of the blue like this would be a "shock" to me too.

Im glad he didnt win, since I hated his first title run. Honestly, I dont know what was creative thinking involving Eddie Guerrero in it. I found it really stupid how he dedicated everything to EG..dont get me wrong I miss the antics, wrestling and smile of Guerrero but it lasted way to long with Mysterio from the day he won the rumble and his whole title reign..Im glad he got that "thank you" title run, and now am hoping Mysterio retires cause hes used now as a underdog for all his matches..im not rly a Mysterio hater but I wasnt impressed since he came to Raw
i would tune in sometime after wm probably backlash...it would be a poor choice rey is cut out for the ic title all the way he could have great matches with cm punk shelton benjamin and a great program with mr. kennedy but thats it he's too small for orton and too over for cena bad choice
You know someone mentioned in an earlier post that one of these MITB winners should loose his title match. In that case , and considering how well Mysterio performed at NWO, maybe that is the direction WWE is going to go with him him after WM25.
They could have make it better, the whole match. If the attacker of Kofi Kingston was never revelead (if he was just shown backstage after a beatdown) and Edge would come out at the end of the match (with for example Rey Mysterio celebrating his win after beating Jericho).

It would be a double shock, and would blow the roof off two times in a row. I think they should have done it but they failed that opportunity...
Well I think if Rey won Initially everyone would be shocked and excited. However the next day I think the majority of the IWC would just be pissed off...

Ultimatly though, if they had something better for cena to do at wrestlemania...like wrestle hogan or austin, then I believe rey could have carried the belt into maina against edge. It definatly would'nt main event but it would be a great match.
So if say Snitsky were to come back and win the WWE title this Monday night that would be a swerve would it not ? ...Doesn't make it a good thing. Now I'm in no way comparing Rey Mysterio to Snitsky. But let's face facts. Edge needed to win that match. It would have made no sense having Edge take out Kofi robbing him of a chance to prove himself as a main eventer,and not have Edge go over. The swerve was Edge competing in a second Elimination Chamber. No secondary swerve needed. The story of the match was told perfectly. Rey performed extraordinarily. But Edge needed to win. I would have been shocked if Rey won. But not in a good way.
I only had one person down to win the match before it started, John Cena, But after the attack, I thought it's either going to be Chris Jericho, Edge, Or Cena, And I was sitting here thinking "no way will Edge take the title to SmackDown!", Thinking it Cena would kick his ass, But when it was down to three, Edge had already won, Edge, And Rey put on a great show at the end of the chamber, But WWE doesnt really do double swerves.

I am sure that ALOT of people thought Rey was just a filler in the chamber, And ALOT of people would have been really pissed of if Rey won the title, When it comes to the championship's, I think Rey's ship has sailed. The only person Rey was really involved with one person in the last couple of month's and that was Mike Knox, Could you imagine Rey vs Knox as the WM main event, Or Rey, Cena, And Knox in a triple threat match?

It wouldn't bother me if Rey did pick up the title again, But so close to the grand daddy of them all, He had no chance.
Absolutely no reason for this to happen. As soon as Edge attacked Kofi, he and Cena were the only logical choices to get the victory. Kane and Knox were there to be the muscle, Rey was there for his aerial stuff, and Jericho was there because there was nothing else to do with him. Having Rey beat Edge would have been the biggest waste of a story that there could have been. It would have made absolutely no sense. Then you would have had to take the title off of him before Mania, then deal with a possible rematch angle with him, and it would have taken away from the build for the Raw main event. Just no logic in it at all.
WWE could have done a little swerve and have Rey Mysterio go over Edge and win the title. But the question is... Would that have been a good idea? Any other day, I would answer yes, but this is the last ppv before Wrestlemania. So I don't think that Rey would be the best choice to be champ leading up to WM. Take a look at the champions leading to WM in the past: Edge, Orton, Batista, Cena, Angle, Triple H, among others. I really would love to see Mysterio win the World Title one more time, but I find something wrong with that. If you take a look in his WWE career, Rey has won the World Title once, the Cruiserweight title 3 times, and the Tag Team title 4 times. Never held a mid-card title... I think that would have been a better choice for Rey.
if Rey won he would have held it for a week and then be thrown around like a ragdoll (As usual) and lost it to Mike Knox a week later.....

I wouldn't really want that to happen but with they way things have been lately it might as well...

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