What if Owen Hart still wrestled?


Dark Match Winner
i didnt no where to put this coz its not a raw/sd/ecw or tna topic so the wwe bit will have to do

Coming up in a couple of weeks will be the 10th anniversary of the death of the blue blazer/king of hearts owen hart
I thought with it bein the 10th year this year that this years wrestlemania would of been a good year to put owen in the hall of fame to commemerate the passing.
I remember watching the Over the Edge ppv that night 10 years ago an although i thought the show should off stopped when jr told us that owen had died. The show continued on
then we had the memorial show the night after which i thought was a good tribute to owen
Its Even up there alongside eddies 2 tribute shows

If Owen was still alive today an that fateful night never happened would he off been given a chance off being a world champ or would he of went to wcw???? or would he off stayed in wwe

In my Opinion after everything that had happened in montreal owen decided 2 stay in the wwf while the rest of the hart foundation followed bret an went to wcw an i think vince would of gave him a chance of bein in the main event a couple of years if he was still alive today

Should the WWE show like a graphic like they do when a wrestler has passed away on the raw coming up towards or after the anniversary to show that its been 10yrs since it happened as owen must still be in the minds off some off the roster an also the fans aswell as eddie is still fresh in the minds off everyone

what are your views about this?
obviously you can tell I am an Owen Hart Fan. I thought Owen was great and for some reason liked him better than bret. When he became the King of Harts I was an instant fan and even more after bret left because i was pissed at what happened to bret in montreal. I was a big fan of the Blackhart, the sole survivor. i think that after he paid his punishment to vince with the Blu Blazer gimick he would have been IC champion again and feuded with Shawn later on. The both of them put great matches together, and so did Owen and HHH. I think we would have had an awesome feud between Owen and Benoit, and Owen and Jericho. Those would have been great matches. I think Owen's loyalty to Vince would have earned him at least 2 world title reigns. Who knows maybe Jarret doesn't leave if Owen was still there. Even jarrett could have been a champion. If Jarrett doesn't leave the WWF/E does TNA ever come about?
Since Owen's widow filed a lawsuit and settled with the WWE for millions, I don't see the WWE focusing too much attention on this tragedy. I'm not certain Owen will ever make the Hall of Fame, which is another tragedy.

After Montreal, Bret jumped and took Bulldog and Anvil with him. Owen stayed because he didn't want to voilate his contract and risk a lawsuit. I think Owen would have finished out his contract then retired. He always said he wanted to retire young and see his kids grow up. After what happened with Bret, I doubt Vince would have trusted Owen with the main event spot.
Here is a storyline for you. Montreal happens just as it did and Bret leaves for WCW. A few months pass and Vince decides to give Owen a short run with the title. Owen has a scheduled match where he is suppose to drop the belt. Owen no shows the event. The next night on Nitro, Bret is in the ring being interviewed when Owen comes out of the crowd carrying the WWE title. He hands the belt to Bret and says, "You got screwed out of this before, thought you might want it back." Bret takes the belt and throws it down, saying, "That doesn't mean anything to me anymore."

I know would never happen, but DAMN what a way to bury the WWE and get a little payback for Montreal.
that sounds lik sumthin owen would do jus to show vince not to mess wit the harts lol....man I wish he was still alive....him and hbk could of had sum classic matches....I even think him and jericho would hav made a deadly alliance 2getha and mayb start an all candian stable with himself,jericho,edge,christian and mayb even trish stratus and jus dominate the whole wwe...but wat can we do people,owens gone....I jus wish I could hav kicked vince in the balls for makin him do that damn blue blazer stunt.......R.I.P king of hearts
I'd like to pass on my vote for Owen Harts death being the moment of the 90's. Something unscripted and memorable will always more intresting than something that's unscripted and memorable.
I wish I was old enough to appreciate Owen Hart when he was around. I can look back now, watching old matches and seeing his old promos and say the guy should've been a main eventer without a second thought or hesitation. The guy was that good. He passed when I was but 10 years old, and in my youth, I hated him. He was the heel and being a child I hated the heel characters (which meant the WWE was succeeding) and I never liked him.

I remember I was watching the Pay Per View during this, and again, in my youth, the weight of the situation never really settled in with me until I was 15 or 16 and was able to really look back on it with the help of the internet and a new set of glasses viewing the situation. I remember watching the next night on Raw and being kind of sad, but at the same time, just being apathetic to the whole thing. Aside from the fact that it was heartbreaking to know a wrestler died during a show and seeing his friends come out and say such nice things about him, I didn't appreciate or realize exactly what the wrestling world had lost (I would be able to re-live this realization upon Eddie's passing.) I cried during Eddie's tribute show, and in retrospect would've cried during Owen's had I been 17-18 when it happened. My memory of the event also fails me as I swore up and down till my research at 15-16, that I had watched it happen. A part of me swears to God I've seen it and can even picture it happening, but according to many accounts, it happened off camera, so I don't know where in my 10 year old brain I had gotten the idea I had actually seen it.

Its hard to think it's been 10 years already since it happened. I wish I had appreciated his work more when he was around, but it's kind of testament to just how good he was. I was 10 and I legitimately hated the guy (he was a face at the time, but I just never got over disliking him when he was a heel). He was that good at being a heel. He was that good at being a wrestler. I would like to see the WWE recognize it a little more than they do, but i'm pretty sure WWE wants the whole world to forget about it because their actions that night were pretty regrettable and embarrassing.

One things for sure (as if it has to be said), wrestling lost a great that night, and upon reaching a ten year milestone for it, I can appreciate and thank God nothing like this has happened to anyone else. It breaks my heart even now to think about it.
I'm still not over it...Owen dying is still too haunting, especially considering I not only met, but was ribbed by him, exactly one week before he died (house show in Richmond, VA). Rocket was truly awesome and it's going to be damn near impossible to find another one like him.

Can't believe it's been 10 years...
it sucks because i don't think owen had even scratched the surface of how good he was going to be. At the time of his passing, he had really matured and was ready to do great things w/ other bigtime players. Like what was mentioned by someone earlier, i think owen could have led an all canadian faction w/ benoin, edge and jericho that could have dominated the wwe for a long time. honestly,we could sit here all day and brainstorm about all the great things owen could have done. He was an amazing performer and absolutely deserves the hall of fame someday. I'll consider it a major tragidity if koko b ware made it to the hall and owen doesnt.
If Owen Hart was still alive he would of gotten his shot at the top. He was suppose to get The Game Gimmick to start his main event push with. However things didnt go accordingly.

After the Montreal Screw Job, Owen did not have an option as to whether he should jump ship or stay put. He stayed put with the WWF because Vince McMahon would not allow him to get out of his contract like he did with other people who went with bret to wcw.

And Even if Owen did go to WCW, he wouldnt have made a big impact anyways, he probably would have been put in one of the many re-incarnations of the NWO and just wrestled in the lower part of the cards. If Bret Hart only held the WCW world title twice and made more appearances on thunder than on nitro after sometime, what makes you guys think that owen would have had a run at the top when Bret Hart was viewed as the bigger superstar of the two.

For those saying that owen hart deserves to be in the hall of fame,well wwe cant do that because they are not allowed to show any videos or anything like that sense owen's widow owns everything that has to do with owen hart, that the wwe owned before they settled it out in court. Unless they settle on something that both parties would be ok with then dont expect to see owen in the hall of fame in a while.
Well im only 15 now and I remember clear as day that I turned on the tv to find something to watch and I found the wwf and saw that they were dedicating it to owen who of corse I didn't know and I watch the whole show. And I think that by the way the superstars were showing so much compassion that owen was a great person and deserves to be reconized 10 years after he died. After that one show I missed maybe only 4 wrestling showsnone of them raw.
The sad part of the situation, that few realise is that Owen's fans have never really had a chance to pay their respects to Owen properly... There was the RAW... but a HOF induction is really the only way that can happen...

Owen's kids are gonna be grown-ups soon, I would hope Owen's widow can step back and allow them to see how much their dad meant to people... I would never criticize her, but if they were going to say induct Owen it would be a shame for Owens kids if their mum was the one stopping it... Of course they might not want it... but lets hope it can happen.
What if Montreal never happened?? Bret signed a new contract and stayed.

Maybe it would have been Bret vs Undertaker at the Royal Rumble (HBK costs hart the title... then Bret runs in the rumble costing HBK that... leading to a Wrestlemania match... also HBK wouldnt have fought the undertaker so might not have been injured but ill come back to that)

Austin wins the rumble and goes to WM to fight the champion, who is the undertaker...he obviously wins as this is the start of his massive push which was already in effect thus ending the Undertakers streak before anyone really cared about it.

So with Bret and HBK still two top players (taking note that HBK didnt fight the undertaker so never got injured) The Rock probably wouldnt have had the Push he got thus might still be wrestling because he wouldnt have been big enough to move to films.

Also from this the Hart foundation would have probably eventually disbanded again, Owen would have never become the blue blazer again so would still be alive.... Butterfly Effect or what!!
God I'll never forget his tragic death. It happened the day right before my birthday 9, almost 10 years ago now. I'll never forget waking up the next morning all smiles because it was my birthday only to have my dad tell me before I left for school how Owen had passed. With his in-ring ability and showmanship (I AM NOT A NUGGET!) he would easily be a main-eventer now.
owen hart will always be missed and i do agree that he never got to show how great he was. i dont think there is anyone to blame and at this point there is no justice in blaming someone, the damage is done. but i dont know if anyone knows but i believe that impact will be on the 10 year to the day of his death and i wonder if tna will pay tribute. and as well i got the jeff jarrett dvd and its amazing. the one true friend part is awesome. long live the memory of owen
Owen Hart was one of my favorite wrestlers. Charismatic, athletic, funny. My favorite Raw was when Jason Sensation made fun of 'em lmao.

But anyways, what if Owen Hart wrestled today? Who would he feud with?

I would love to see Owen Hart vs. Shelton Benjamin or Chris Jericho.

What do you guys think though?
Owen Hart was one of my favorite wrestlers. Charismatic, athletic, funny. My favorite Raw was when Jason Sensation made fun of 'em lmao.

But anyways, what if Owen Hart wrestled today? Who would he feud with?

I would love to see Owen Hart vs. Shelton Benjamin or Chris Jericho.

What do you guys think though?

Firstly Owen (R.I.P) would have been 44 years old (as of yesterday). At that stage in the game unless you are physically tuned and mainly injury free your looking towards retirement. Now I know what everyone will say. Oh but HHH is getting up there (40 or so) Batista is getting there (also around 40 years old). But 4 years on a career makes a BIG difference.

I personally think though if Owen was still alive and wrestling he would be in a feud with HBK perhaps. Reason I say that is think about it, with Bret being inducted it could have lit a fire under Owen to destroy HBK for "screwing" his brother. And since HBK has been rather busy with the Taker and others now would be a great time. (ESPECIALLY with talks from both Bret and HBK about someday inducting Shawn)

If not HBK I could see Owen being the classy type of guy, I mean he comes from a classy family; his father was one of the classiest men around, his brother is also pure class. I could see Owen working to possibly put one of the younger guys over. Perhaps Miz or Morrison would be a good fit. However based on Jericho's antics lately I could see Owen vs Jericho in a Submission match. Or better yet!! a 60 MINUTE SUBMISSION IRON MAN MATCH!
Imagine the ratings for that match, so many submissions so much tapping! Pure wrestling!

We all seem to forget Owen & Jeff Jarrett were the best of friends, some would argue even closer then Jeff & Scott Steiner...

I have no doubt that if Owen were alive today he would be in TNA... I don't believe Owen would be MEM, I am also not so sure he would be part of the Frontline...

Owen built himself up as being his own man and not being in the shadow of Bret or anyone else... He knew when he needed to join a faction i.e Camp Cornette, The Nation, or even The Hart Foundation.. But he also knew when to break out on his own and do his own thing...

I truthfully think if Owen were alive today he would be playing Christian's role in TNA... He would be the man who both Frontline & MEM wanted, but he never completly went 1 way or the other... Meaning sometimes he sides with Frontline, sometimes he sided with MEM never completly showing definative loyalty to either side... He would be doing what was best for Owen Hart...

As for Owen being 44 years old... Hmm look at this list Ric Flair age 60, Dave Batista age 40, Jerry Lawler age 59, Steve Borden aka Sting age 50, Kenjii Mutoh aka The Great Muta age 46, Scott Steiner age 46, Jacques Rougeau age 48, and Yawn, ugh I mean Shawn Micheals age 43.... All these guys still wrestle at least sem regularly and some full time... So if they could do it, why couldn't Owen????
Heould have been issued his future endevours and gone on a 2 bit show like TNA. I think it's best that we didn't see that as it would have been quite embarising and sad to watch.
Thanx for the feedback. It seems that when wrestlers die, WWE forgets about them. I hate to say it, but it's true. Eddie Guerrero died, was inducted into the HOF and is now forgotten. Eddie Guerrero was my FAVORITE wrestler, btw.

I think WWE needs to induct Owen into the HOF. He was between a mid-carder and top guy. He outwrestled everybody, even his own brother, Bret. They need to make a DVD for Owen. They need to show that they don't forget about people. I can't believe the way WWE killed off Beniot...no pun intended.....the guy obviously needed help but the WWE was too blind to see that, resulting in the worst tragedy since Owen's death.

But anyways, I will never forget Owen Hart.
"Enough is enough and it's time for a change."
We all seem to forget Owen & Jeff Jarrett were the best of friends, some would argue even closer then Jeff & Scott Steiner...

I have no doubt that if Owen were alive today he would be in TNA... I don't believe Owen would be MEM, I am also not so sure he would be part of the Frontline...

Owen built himself up as being his own man and not being in the shadow of Bret or anyone else... He knew when he needed to join a faction i.e Camp Cornette, The Nation, or even The Hart Foundation.. But he also knew when to break out on his own and do his own thing...

I truthfully think if Owen were alive today he would be playing Christian's role in TNA... He would be the man who both Frontline & MEM wanted, but he never completly went 1 way or the other... Meaning sometimes he sides with Frontline, sometimes he sided with MEM never completly showing definative loyalty to either side... He would be doing what was best for Owen Hart...

As for Owen being 44 years old... Hmm look at this list Ric Flair age 60, Dave Batista age 40, Jerry Lawler age 59, Steve Borden aka Sting age 50, Kenjii Mutoh aka The Great Muta age 46, Scott Steiner age 46, Jacques Rougeau age 48, and Yawn, ugh I mean Shawn Micheals age 43.... All these guys still wrestle at least sem regularly and some full time... So if they could do it, why couldn't Owen????

I hear ya on the 10 or so that are still doing very well for themselves at the age of 40+. HOWEVER how many of them wrestle day in and day out week after week? If Owen were in WWE I couldn't see him going day after day and I don't think Vince would give him the light schedule he gives the others. If he had gone to TNA then he would most likely be doing fine for himself. BUT I don't think even the great friendship with Jeff would make him an auto star in TNA. Granted it would be a huge step for him but...ahh what the hell am I saying!! If your tight with JJ in TNA...your GOLDEN.
Owen would've definitely fit in TNA. Plus, I just realized that him and Kurt Angle could have a great feud. The pitch:

Owen comes to the ring and does whole Canadian thing. (For some reason, Canadians are always dubbed the bad guy. Hmm.) But anyways, he goes on and on about how much better he is than Americans, then out comes the Bald Eagle, Kurt Angle. They would have GREAT matches.

I really do miss Owen though, you don't understand. He was apart of the greatest WWE era of all time. THE ATTITUDE ERA.
I can never be sure but just something tells me if Owen did not pass he would of eventually made his way over to WCW and his career would of died there with that company. Either that or he would of had a career ending injury like Bret.

I also dont think Owen was ever fully over with the WWE audience so any long term staying power once he was out of the business would make it difficult for him to come back.

Bret has said about him that he wanted to be a fireman or something outside the business. If he didnt get hurt or his career was ended on his own terms he would likely be doing something else outside the industry right now.
Owen wouldn't be in the ring anymore...even before his death, Owen was constantly stating how he was retiring soon. I do wish he could have stuck around so Jericho could have lived his boyhood dream (becoming Tag Team champions with Owen Hart).

Hell, he'd probably be operating the Hart Dungeon with Bret if he hadn't died...maybe stretch ol' Teddy out..."SHOW SOME DISCIPLINE!"...cause had Owen never died...Bret may have not gotten kicked in the melon by Greenberg, cause Bret got his "push" in WCW AFTER Owen died...we'd still have the two best Hart brothers wrestling...

Owen wouldn't be in the ring anymore...even before his death, Owen was constantly stating how he was retiring soon. I do wish he could have stuck around so Jericho could have lived his boyhood dream (becoming Tag Team champions with Owen Hart).

Hell, he'd probably be operating the Hart Dungeon with Bret if he hadn't died...maybe stretch ol' Teddy out..."SHOW SOME DISCIPLINE!"...cause had Owen never died...Bret may have not gotten kicked in the melon by Greenberg, cause Bret got his "push" in WCW AFTER Owen died...we'd still have the two best Hart brothers wrestling...


I agree. Owen was all about retiring young. Foley said in his book that Owen was always looking for ways to save money on the road. He was a family man. About the time his children would have started school, he would have called it quits. Probably coached his son's little league team or something.

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