Owen Hart; The Game?


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"According to Triple H, Owen would have eventually been called "The Game". A few months after Owen's death, Triple H actually got the gimmick nickname instead."

I was reading this on the internet not long back and it got me thinking, what would have happened if Owen Hart got this gimmick? What would have happened to him and what would have happened to Triple H?

Now, I'm too young to remember what Owen Hart was like as I didn't start watching WWE till 2000, so after his death, but I've heard he was underrated. So do you think he would of gotten a title with this gimmick? I think he might have eventually got a title run with big names such as Undertaker and Austin out of action, I also think that Jarrett might have been pushed if he stayed, which he probably would have if Owen didn't die IMO.

But, also what gimmick would Triple H have? Would he be still as successful as he is? I reckon he probably would be, but it might have taken longer for him to "get going" since he was already getting a push when Owen was still alive.

So what do you reckon would have happened in this circumstance?
I think it's hard to say exactly what would've happened. I'm sure Owen would've been able to make it work in some way, however I doubt that he would've been able to bring it to the point where Triple H did. Triple H brought the moniker to the point where he is a legend of the business, and one of the best things that WWE have been able to offer for years.

Owen Hart, great wrestler, great entertainer. However without being disrespectful I think he gets a liiittle overrated due to his death. I never watched Owen when he was wrestling, but I've watched some of his matches and segments and all that. The fact that he never achieved main event status is most likely there for a reason. He was the kind of mid-card bound wrestler. Over and all that, but he just didn't seem like the type of guy that could've truly cut it in the main event against the guys that came along in the future, or for that sake was around during his own time.

I would say had Owen Hart gotten the moniker when he was alive, there would've been a bigger chance that we had lost a future great overall wrestler in Triple H. The Game moniker is what truly showcased Triple H as a main event talent, one that could carry the company and without a doubt carry this moniker to the point that it became one of the arguably best heel monikers for years to come.
I think he would have gotten at least one world title run at least. You can't really call a wrestler "The Game" with out them floating around in the main event. His brother vs brother feud was one of my favorites. I was really into the story as a kid. I watched that Survivor Series match over and over again. Same with their WMX match. He played a great heel. When he was just being Owen Hart, the King of Harts, the 2 time slammy award winner he was at his best. I enjoyed those runs a lot more then his run in the NOD or the nugget thing.

But from what Owen's wife and other have said, wrestling was not Owens passion. He was good at it and it was a way to provide for his family. They were about to move into their dream house when he died. Plus they have said he was growing real sick of the way WWf was going at the time and wanted out when Bret left but they wouldn't give him his release. I think he would have got out of the company before he got too many title runs.
I never got the opportunity to watch Owen in action because I started watching a while after his death. But from what I see from videos, his look, personality, I don't think he would have been able to do what HHH did. Here is why:

Triple H has that "I'm gunna stomp your face in," look. He's a big muscled up meat-head. Owen Hart just didn't seem as threatening as HHH does/did. From what I've seen, Owen looked to nice to be "The Game." I'm sure Owen had the charisma to get over, but I think that the character just would have faded eventually.
I did watch wrestling when Owen was alive and performing, and let me say this: I believe even WITHOUT "The Game", he would have had at least one, and possibly more title runs. He was supposed to win the IC title again the night he died (for the 3rd time) had already held the European title, 4 time tag champ, etc. He was a king of the ring who had feuded with Bret, HBK, and what I think is most notable, Austin, as he was the man at the time. Owen and Austin had a great feud over the IC title and could have had another one over the WWE title. Owen had what it took to make it, and he was finally coming into his own. Maybe he would have only gotten one world title, but he would have had it.

HHH, on the other hand, would have continued his career path just the same. Yes, he played the "Game" amazingly, but he also played the king of kings great. HHH is what he was, a handpicked by HBK golden boy who married into the family. He would still be what he is, just without the moniker the Game. And, he wouldn't have as sweet of entrance music.
I never got the opportunity to watch Owen in action because I started watching a while after his death. But from what I see from videos, his look, personality, I don't think he would have been able to do what HHH did. Here is why:

Triple H has that "I'm gunna stomp your face in," look. He's a big muscled up meat-head. Owen Hart just didn't seem as threatening as HHH does/did. From what I've seen, Owen looked to nice to be "The Game." I'm sure Owen had the charisma to get over, but I think that the character just would have faded eventually.

Owen was a great heel. His feud with Bret was unreal, and when he was in the Nation of Domination, or teamed with The Anvil, you knew Owen would absolutely not think twice about hurting you. And yea, he wasn't all roided out like trips is, but Owen was a big dude by the time of that.

I think the reason that HHH made it work so well was how he played it as a face, and Im not sure Owen would have been able to make the game work as a face
This is true.

"The Game" would have suited Owen to a tee. Owen was a wrestler. Not a sports entertainer. Owen was at his best when he had the "Black Hart" role in late 97/early 98. That role allowed him to showcase a more serious, intense side of his personality as opposed to the more comedic bratty little brother "king of harts" role he was most known for. "The Game" moniker would have gotten Owen away from the comedy stuff he was being forced to do and back to his "Black Hart" days. "The Game" could have done for Owen what "The Excellence of Execution" did for Bret.

Plus it may have saved a lot of us from having Triple H shoved down our throats for so many years. I know Triple H is considered a good "sports entertainer" and that he's better on the mic than Owen, and i agree, but for me, at the end of the day it's all about wrestling. I'd rather watch guys like Owen or Shelton Benjamin fight Shawn Micheals then Triple H. HHH, for me, is just another punch and kick muscle bound guy like Cena and Batista. Owen, on the other hand, was a great athlete in the ring. He could do it all, from from the high flying stuff to the technical stuff. He was as good in the ring as Shawn Micheals, only without the showmanship. Owen as "The Game" could have led to many memorable title matches with guys like Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, and Chris Jericho. All of whom debuted within a year of Owens tragic death and shortly after Triple H was given "The Game" character.
This thread brings me back to the 97 screwjob. Leading into it I knew Bret was leaving but I knew he was not loseing that match clean plus the Hart Foundation outnumbered DX so for Bret to lose someone had to turn on him my logical choice was Owen yeah but we all know what happened.

Years later when I heard HHH say that Owen would have become The Game. That night in Montreal would have been the starting point to me for Owen . He would have had amazing heat on him, turns on his brother and kicks him out off the WWF so the younger brother can really get his spot completely out of his brothers shadow.
Well if the gave Owen the name "The game" before 1997, or have him debut the night after survivor series with the game moniker, then tell everyone "That in order to be taken seriously, and get out of the shadow of Bret something had to be done. Bret, I was behind the whole thing. I am the game, and thanks for playing."

It was a scenario I have played out in my head. If they gave it to him shortly there after, this would have been the ideal time to do it. But since they waited until much later, and close to Owen's death that plan backfired. This is probably the biggest What If Scenario ever. In my opinion.
ive been watching old wrestling lately ppvs/raws from mid 97 now im around mayish in 98 and it was when owen was feuding with triple H and i believe the very last ep i watched had him going into the nation..

but there were a fews times during ownes matches they actually called him the "cerebral assassin" which i found funny..

it wasnt like wwe to switch peoples names/music around back then tho.. i think i heard about 2-3 people using angles old wwe music between that time period just like in TNA abyss music was used by like 3 people before it found the right home..
to be extremely honest i always have a different take on this subject which pisses of a lot of people.now i respect owen a lot and his eth iss the most tragic death in wrestling as he did not deserve it at all.but as far as im concerned game or no game he would have still been struck in the midcard

really tell me what he had been doing for the past two years in wwf??yeah he was stuck in the midcard.plus he was also rumored to retire in a few years' time and build that dream house of his and live with his family.he may have planned on using "the game" as a nickname.but he would not have been the character triple h was.the game in my opinion would just have been a moniker for owen hart.just like say "the king of harts".

as a gimmick,i really hate to say this but i think "the game" owen hart would have been somewhere close to "gold standard" shelton benjamin
First, it's a shame that he died and left a wife and children to fend for themselves.

But guys, who cares? Owen was a glorified mid card guy because of his last name. If his name was anything other than HART, he would be pumping gas somewhere.
As insensitive as the last few comments may appear they're right. Or make that, more right than wrong. I see Hart on par with Benoit. He may have achieved a token world title win but he would have been a transitonal champion before tumbling down the card again.

He was a great wrestler, though he lacked the intensity of Benoit and even Triple H. It's impossible to know what Hart would have done with the gimmick but I suspect very little. Helmsley made himself a megastar with it and was that damn good. Hart was already disillusioned with the business as it descended into seedier and seedier grounds. Suicide storylines, giving birth to hands, sexplotiation, eventually necrophilia - Hart hated everything like that and his vocal opposition to it would have kept him in the midcard, forced him to leave the WWE or leave the business.

On top of that he couldn't cut a good promo, he was decent but lacked charisma. Guys like Jeff Hardy, Bulldog, Benoit and more lacked mic skills but oozed charisma. Hart didn't even have that and I'd really challenge anyone to argue that Owen was never relevant without the superior Hart, Bret, by his side or across the ring.
I tend to find it very hard to comment on things that would have removed the WWE such a great distance from where it currently is, because it is almost impossible to say anything. Say for instance owen hart was the game, would HH have still been able to carry on in top-tier. Also, if owen got the gig would he have been as good in that position and would he have lasted this llong. Would he have put over orton and batista, would evolution have even happened? If evolution hadn't of happened would orton be where he is today, would he be anywhere? Would some guys be in TNA!!! thats why it really is too hard to say. If you had asked a question about something that had happened maybe as far back as last year and asked for where everyone would be now, maybe you'd be able to answer but HHH is simply too interwoven in the last 10 years that the whole thread of WWE would have to have been re-woven, painful thought
Owen Hart was defiantely underrated as a wrestler but He could damn sure wrestle and cut great promos. Owen as the Game would have worked so well I believe Owen was really ready to be WWE champion i thought he was ready in 94 to be WWE champion he was a great heel one of the best in WWE from 94-97 his in ring ability and his promos made it all possible to be the GAME but if Owen was to be the game who would he have aligned with to be sure he would get title matches would he had been with a McMahon or Hemsley or maybe even fellow Canadians Edge & Christian the possiblities are endless on this, Owen as the Game really would have him a mega star like HHH especially if he got the WWE title his already popularity in Canada would have soared to new heights n with Bret having his career end in late 99 he would have been the #1 Canadian and maybe even overseas wrestler in the world. Owens rise to world title potential would have came because of this Owen definately i believe in my heart would have succeeded off of this. Enough is Enough and its time for the GAME!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I don't think Owen was going to stay in the WWE much longer anyways.
IF not for his untimely death,I think he was going to finish out his contract and retire.
According to stuff I've seen and read over the years,Owen was rather frugal on the road,so he could put most of his money towards his family and their home.THAT was the main if not the only reason he stayed on with WWE after "Montreal"
Owen, from what I heard was, one of the few wrestlers to actually SAVE their money. So I don't know how long he would've stuck around in the business.

For the guys on here who were too young to see Owen in action. Youtube anything regarding Owen and Bret hart. They had a legendary feud.
Owen Hart was extremely under rated. For those of you that say Owen was a mid card wrestler at best I would like for you to name five things Bret did that showed he was the better wrestler and performer of the two.

As far the Owen being successful as The Game the screw job ruined any chance for him to be pushed to the main event, so I do not believe the gimmick would have been successful. Vince would not let Owen out of his contract when Bret left, but I believe that was more of I am afraid of what you would do against me instead of I want you to do something big for me.

Triple H would have been successful without being The Game as he had all the cards in his favor. He had Vince's respect and was a natural in the ring and on the mic.
first off, "the Game" gimmick is a rip-off of Shane Douglasses "franchise" gimmick in ECW.
Owen Hart was NOT an overrated midcarder at all. Some of you admit you never seen him wrestle when he was alive. Owen was a great high flyer and sound technician and was better than Bret in some ways. He also had tons of charisma was funny and good mic skills. His only flaw was that he legitametly injured guys. The game character is a dark character, the only way I see Owen making it work is sort of the way Kurt Angle was in his early WWF days, just being a funny cocky wrestler because thats what he was. Hey, the guy walked around with two slammy's he never won! Maybe I'm bias, but owen was a hell of a talent that I miss dearly...Peace
Somebody up there wrote "However without being disrespectful I think he gets a liiittle overrated due to his death. I never watched Owen when he was wrestling, but I've watched some of his matches and segments and all that."

How can someone call a wrestler overrated when they never watched them during the time that they performed? Eras change and people who fit in one particular era might not fit in another. So if someone was too young to watch during their era, they have no right to call someone "overrated"

Anyways, back to the question. If Owen Hart married Stephanie McMahon, the sky would be the limit for him as well!
I don't think Owen would have completely OWNED this gimmick like Triple H has. After all these years, he has been The Game, and he's evolved the game, both wrestling and his character. With subtle differences to fit in. Owen would have just beat the gimmick to death. Owen was best at being himself, and for him having a character that wouldn't even suit him would have been a waste of a gimmick for someone as talented as Triple H.
Owen was fantastic. Great in the ring. He played the whiney, jeleous, vengeful brother to perfection. He played off his brother's character so well and truely earned the fans disdane. He was slowly earning his spot. you have to keep in mind that business was different back then too. You normally rose slowly to the ME scene. He performed what t to this day is one of the greatest WM matches ever. IC Champ, Tag Champ. Garbage canned the Blue Blazer and debut new kick ass gimmick? yeah, World Champ. I think Owen would have done very well as "The Game". No disrespect to Trips but we'd get some better matches.
According to Bret Owen didn't want to stay in the business long. So maybe after a title run or 2 he'd retire.
Triple H would still be a success. He was doing all the right things, except for one thing, to make it to the top. They would have found something that workied for him. Most of his career would probably have turned out the same, imo.
Owen Hart was NOT an overrated midcarder at all. Some of you admit you never seen him wrestle when he was alive. Owen was a great high flyer and sound technician and was better than Bret in some ways. He also had tons of charisma was funny and good mic skills.

I did watch him when he was alive and I seriously question whether you're a fanboy or just looking at it with rose tinted glasses.

Owen was a decent high flyer, or at least never showed he was a great high flyer.

He was a sound technician. Bret was better.

He had average charisma and poor mic skills. The promo he's most famous for is unfortunately one where he botched the delivery of the crucial line.


Owen Hart was extremely under rated. For those of you that say Owen was a mid card wrestler at best I would like for you to name five things Bret did that showed he was the better wrestler and performer of the two.

Better ring technician.
Better look and size.
Better mic skills.
More charisma.
A finishing move. Owen just used his brother's. Owen also used his brother's colours and tag team gimmick... And sunglasses.

Ted DiBiase gets criticism on here for largely having his father's gimmick. Yet Owen skips away.

Owen Hart would have been nothing without Bret, even after stealing the gimmick and look from his brother, he was never relevant unless in a tag team or a feud with Bret.

Owen only looked like a world champion when Bret made him look like it.

Someone show me when Owen was getting big heat or pops without a Bret angle, or show me a good promo. I swear very few people here have seen alot of him.
Owen Hart was a solid in ring worker no doubt, but he didn't really have the personality to me that Triple H has always had and especially to make a gimmick like this work.. he couldn't have pulled it off. Owen was better as that jealous type or the "enough is enough" type of thing he was better off as.

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