The Game: Triple H or Owen Hart??


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Right before Owen hart's death in K.C. in '99. The WWF/E was going to give Owen Hart a push towards the main event scene later on that year. But since Owen's "aciddent" that year. The WWF/E give Owen Harts would-be "the game" gimmick to Triple H, making him the NEW game so to speak.

But my question is...Who would have made the better "game" if Owen didn't die? Now Triple H does ooze that evil look with that charactor. But Owen Hart is/was "The black heart" for awhile wasn't he?

Right after "the infamous Montreal incident", Owen was the only hart left in the WWF/E. And one Monday night RAW, he got in Vince McMahon's face, grabbed him by his collar and let it be known that he was the future main event star to break out in the WWF/E.

And plus Owen was born into wrestling unlike Triple H. Owen has/had wrestling in his bloodline. How old was Triple H when he decided to become a wrestler?

What do ya'll think?
Owen wouldn't have been near as good as Triple h has become. Owen had a push earlier in his career and nothing came off it. Another side note, Owen wasn't business all the time like Triple h is. Owen would go home and leave everything. Triple h never did that he was the business. It's part of the reason that the game label fit him.

Also as good as Owen was in the ring, He couldn't draw. For the majority of his career he rode the success of his brother. I liked Owen a lot think that he could have become a main event player, but he wouldn't have been has big as Triple h. Wouldn't happen.
Owen couldn't have pulled off "The Game" as well as Triple H, not nearly. While I think Owen was a much better in-ring competitor, he didn't have Triple H's mic skills or his look. Everything about Triple H, from the fact that he was literally a student of the business aspect of the game to his membership in the Kliq just fit in perfectly with what "The Game" character became.

Owen, in spite of everything he did, is still going to be Bret Hart's baby brother. He was talented yes, pretty good on the mic, but still Bret Hart's baby brother. A lot of Owen's success in the WWF came from his association with Bret, he never really 100% stood out on his own.
The black heart gimmick wasn't that great! I don't think he would have been as good as Hunter as the Game. That gimmick made Triple H's career! DX made him a star, but becoming the Game took him to the next level. Owen didn't have the physical presence that Triple H has & I don't think he could have pulled off the over the top violence & stop at nothing to get what I want attitude that seemed to go along with character in my opinion. Remember Hunter attacking that casket with the sledgehammer while the Rock was inside of it on Raw?
I think there's another reason why this wouldn't have worked for Owen

HHH was known for his Blue Blood and DX gimmicks.
Owen Hart was known for being "Bret's younger brother", Part of The New Foundation, The Black Hart, Part of the Nation and The Blue Blazer.

Owen had gone through A LOT OF CHANGES and I think YET ANOTHER GIMMICK wouldn't have worked for him. How can an audience take a character seriously who has had a whole lot of gimmicks placed on the same character?

Its a simple reason but that's why I believe it suits HHH more than Owen. Granted, the reason isn't a degrading factor if the question was something like "Would it have suited Owen Hart or Highlander Robbie more?" because of course, Owen's a superior wrestler. But with these two individuals, it does become a factor.
I don't see anyone who could have worked that gimmick like Triple H has.

The Game and Triple H is one of those classic examples when a Gimmick just fits someone perfectly. There is no way to force it, no way to manufacture it, sometimes something just works.

I think Owen could have made a respectable Game one could play it like the Game Triple H
There is no way in fucking hell that Owen Hart could have taken the persona of "The Game" and made it work out. For one, he was better off as just Owen Hart, the little baby brother of Bret. Most importantly though, he never had the intensity needed to pull off such a gimmick. You see, in my opinion Owen, albeit a good worker, never really had the intensity to take him anywhere. In essence he was Chris Benoit without the tenacity that Benoit had. He was very vanilla if you will. Being given the moniker of the Game wouldnt have helped him at all. It would have been just another phase in the career of Owen, while Triple H has made that character stand out from the crowd. He had the intensity to make that character work, and it has for the last ten years. Owen never had it in him.

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