What if Matt Cappotelli would have never had a brain tumor?


Formerly drewpost, Human Pop Can
Let me start of by saying that I am usually not a fan of the "What If" threads, but I've been thinking about this one for a while and wanted to see what everyone else.

Matt Cappotelli was the co-winner of Tough Enough III w/ John Morrison and at one time a great wrestling prospect. He wrestled in OVW for several years and was the OVW heavyweight Champion. He ended up forfeiting the title because of being diagnosed w/ a brain tumor. His career never really picked back up after that, and WWE released him in 2009.

So, if Matt Cappotelli would have never had his brain tumor (& treatments), where would he be today?

I always thought that Matt was destined for great things. He had a passion for the business and I envisioned him going the Shawn Michaels route circa 1992. He had a very similar build to HBK (6' 225 lbs), and a great look.

There have been many success stories that came out of OVW and I think Matt Cappotelli would have been another one. I think he would have been in the main event scene by now and held either the WHC or the WWE title.

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