What if Marty Jannetty was the Shawn Micheals


Dark Match Winner
Ok so we all know the story of the rocker's and who the split and one went on to have one if not the best career in the wrestling industry, and the other, well, his career went done the toilet.

But what this thread is about is what if Shawn Michaels would have been the one who's career went down the crapper and Marty Jennette had the storybook career?

What would of happened to HHH and DX?

How many wrestling stars grew up wanting to become the next Shawn michaels/trained by HBK)wouldnt have become stars(john morrison,Bryan Danielson)?

Would Jennette have put over as many wrestlers and as fun to watcg as HBK? In my opinion no

there is a million more questions i could go on with but the main point is

Just what would the wrestling world be like today if there roles were reverse?
i never really thought of that. i think that jeannety or however u spell it wasnt all that good anyways. but i think that he would have won an i.c title had it for 5 months lost it and that would be it.
The reason Shawn became so popular was because he was a better wrestler and more charismatic then Marty. Marty could never have been the Shawn. WWE didn't fail Marty, Marty failed WWE. WWE gave him every opportunity to succeed, they want their wrestlers to succeed because they make money that way. Marty didn't succeed because he wasn't as dedicated as Shawn, that's why Shawn became the Shawn and Marty became the Marty.
Ok so we all know the story of the rocker's and who the split and one went on to have one if not the best career in the wrestling industry, and the other, well, his career went done the toilet.

But what this thread is about is what if Shawn Michaels would have been the one who's career went down the crapper and Marty Jennette had the storybook career?

What would of happened to HHH and DX?

How many wrestling stars grew up wanting to become the next Shawn michaels/trained by HBK)wouldnt have become stars(john morrison,Bryan Danielson)?

Would Jennette have put over as many wrestlers and as fun to watcg as HBK? In my opinion no

there is a million more questions i could go on with but the main point is

Just what would the wrestling world be like today if there roles were reverse?

You can't really ask this, because think about, obviously if for some odd reasons the roles were reversed, then yes obviously everything would have been different, but all we do is guess as to what would have been the fate of DX, if any, or what would have been the fate of those who used Shawn Michaels as their idol to get into wrestling. We don't know what would have happened, or what would be. However what happened, happened because that is what was in the stars if you will. Shawn was the better of the two, he was destined to go onto greatness. Marty wasn't, simple as. He was good, but only with someone to help him along, on his own he just seemed lost and couldn't find his way. He was good as a Rocker and that was it. He didn't have what it took to be a singles competitor, let alone a singles star.
The reason Shawn became so popular was because he was a better wrestler and more charismatic then Marty. Marty could never have been the Shawn. WWE didn't fail Marty, Marty failed WWE. WWE gave him every opportunity to succeed, they want their wrestlers to succeed because they make money that way. Marty didn't succeed because he wasn't as dedicated as Shawn, that's why Shawn became the Shawn and Marty became the Marty.

Complete BS! The more charismatic guy? Really? As the Rockers, both guys were very plain and lacked charisma, so how can you have pulled out who was more charismatic than the other? They were both plain as day. Marty Jannety was never given a fair chance as HBK was. They barely gave him a shot as a singles guy, they didn't book him strong, they didn't give him mic time, they didn't try to repackage him, or anything. The most they did with Janetty was stick him in random tag teams or use him as a jobber. If HBK was used that way, we probably wouldn't be talking about him either.

After HBK threw Marty Jannetty into the barbershop glass window, Marty couldn't even get a chance to properly get his revenge by getting a victory or a proper victory at least and since then he was put into limbo. Back when the Rockers were around, Marty Jannetty was the more noticeable guy just like Morrison was the noticeable guy in the team of Miz and Morrison. Jannetty seemed to be the guy to carry the team in my eyes. HBK was given the chance simply because Vince saw something with him and fed Jannetty to the sharks. Janetty if given the chance would've outshined HBK imo because Janetty was a fine wrestler and still is until this day. In terms of mic skills, I barely remember Janetty on the mic.
I'm not really sure I get the premise. Is the premise what if Jannetty was the more talented one and went on to be as good as Michaels or is the premise what if they gave the push to Jannetty instead of Micheals?

If the first is the case I'm not sure much would have been different. Triple H would have probably still made it to where he is now because of his talent alone and marrying the bosses daughter.

If the second is the case then obviously that would have been a huge mistake and we would have missed out on many classic matches and moments such as the ladder match with Razor and the Montreal Screwjob.
i've read that a big part of the reason why jannetty never received a push following the rocker split is because he needed several hiatuses. Some were for legal or family reasons, but marty was never around long enough to have a chance to have a proper push.
It's funny, I just started typing: Wouldn't have happened. WWE has a good eye for spotting talent and the person to turn on their partner is the more talented one that then gets the push. It happened with The Rockers, it happened with Miz and Morrison etc etc...

But then it hit me that just recently the ball was dropped with Cryme Tyme. Shad turned on JTG for no apparent reason and them was given a new theme song, a new haircut, a new gimmick, and shortly thereafter a new demotion back to FCW. Now JTG is just there on Superstars jobbing to the likes of Chavo.

My point is the ball would've been dropped there as well and we might've missed out on one of the greatest careers in pro-wrestling history.
The reason Shawn became so popular was because he was a better wrestler and more charismatic then Marty. Marty could never have been the Shawn. WWE didn't fail Marty, Marty failed WWE. WWE gave him every opportunity to succeed, they want their wrestlers to succeed because they make money that way. Marty didn't succeed because he wasn't as dedicated as Shawn, that's why Shawn became the Shawn and Marty became the Marty.

Nicely said, I couldn't agree more. The Rockers were a tag team consisting of an amazing wrestler and a mediocre one. HBK carried them for as long as he could but everybody knew that Shawn was the breakout star, he was the only reason The Rockers were hot at the time. When Janetty and Sean Waltman won the tag titles, they didn't have a fraction of the spark that The Rockers had.
I wouldn't say his career went down the toilet. He obviously didn't have as great a career as HBK did. He was just OK.

He didn't succeed like Michaels because HBK was simply better in every way!

Not everyone that ever steps foot in a ring has stardom written all over them or will ever get close to achieving greatness.

For arguments sake, I will say that Janetty wasn't terrible. He had a better career than hundreds of other wrestlers now, during his time and before his time.

To answer your question about what would have happened with DX and your other hypothetical questions....

There would not have been a DX. That was based on HBK and Triple H's friendship basically so it never would have happened.

As far as putting other guys over... Uuuhh... His career WAS other people going over him. LOL... I'm sure if the stars would have aligned and Janetty became a huge star, he would have helped put younger talent over. He seemed like a pretty humble guy, so I bet he would have done his part.

Janetty was pretty smooth in the ring, but to answer your question, he was not nor would he ever been as exciting as HBK.

HHH would have followed a similar path as to the one he took, involving HBK. Maybe not with DX obviously, but something would have come along for him. Before they even started DX, he had just won KOTR and was in a great feud with Mankind. So I think on talent alone Trips would have had a similar outcome to his career.

Basically, in a nut shell, that is why HBK went on to do bigger and better things with his career. He was better all around AND just had waaaaaaay more talent than Janetty!
I dont know if LetEmKnow is just trying to wind everyone up but to say Marty didnt get a chance after Shawn threw him through the Barber Shop window is absurd. He could have repackaged himself, taken his ideas to Vince and Vince would have pushed him. These guys sit around the back expecting ideas to just happen you need to work for it. Marty had every opportunity that Shawn had.

Now in answer to the question, Marty didnt have what Shawn did. His mic skills werent good, coz you can understand him. I dont believe he would be as believable as a heel. He couldnt have pulled off the Heart Break Kid gig. As good as Marty was in the ring he was no where near HBK's league.

HHH would have done fine in the business, but WWE would have lost the greatest gimmick ever in DX, and the attitude era wouldnt have been nearly as good
Marty was never as good as Shawn, He was crap...there is a reason Shawn went on to bigger things, he was much better in the ring and he entertained the fans every night...

However, since your asking quite a DAFT question IMO, the obvious answer is, Marty would have had multiple IC and world title reigns, he would have stolen the show, he would have been called Mr. WrestleMania etc...LOL
If Marty was given the push instead of Shawn it would of been stupid. We all knew Shawn was the star of the team and so did WWE, Marty wasn't able to get the crowd over like Shawn did so Marty probably wouldn't of had the success that Shawn had.
Complete BS! The more charismatic guy? Really? As the Rockers, both guys were very plain and lacked charisma, so how can you have pulled out who was more charismatic than the other? They were both plain as day. Marty Jannety was never given a fair chance as HBK was. They barely gave him a shot as a singles guy, they didn't book him strong, they didn't give him mic time, they didn't try to repackage him, or anything. The most they did with Janetty was stick him in random tag teams or use him as a jobber. If HBK was used that way, we probably wouldn't be talking about him either.

After HBK threw Marty Jannetty into the barbershop glass window, Marty couldn't even get a chance to properly get his revenge by getting a victory or a proper victory at least and since then he was put into limbo. Back when the Rockers were around, Marty Jannetty was the more noticeable guy just like Morrison was the noticeable guy in the team of Miz and Morrison. Jannetty seemed to be the guy to carry the team in my eyes. HBK was given the chance simply because Vince saw something with him and fed Jannetty to the sharks. Janetty if given the chance would've outshined HBK imo because Janetty was a fine wrestler and still is until this day. In terms of mic skills, I barely remember Janetty on the mic.

I somewhat agree with you here, but not entirely. When The Rockers were a team I felt Jannetty was slightly more charismatic than Michaels. Back then I probably would have predicted Jannetty to be more successful than Michaels as a singles star. When The Rockers broke up I’m sure both were going to be given the opportunity to succeed. The difference is Michaels took the ball and ran with it whereas Jannetty fumbled. I believe the original plan was for Jannetty to wrestle Michaels at WrestleMania VIII (that would have made an already great mania even better). However Jannetty needed time off and killed the momentum of the feud. During Jannetty’s time away Michaels became a star while the fans were forgetting about Jannetty. Jannetty made a great surprise return in the fall of 1992 and was pushed into a feud with Michaels over the IC title. I have nothing but my own opinion to base this on, but I think Jannetty may have been the original opponent for Michaels once again at mania, but he was released because of a failed drug test before WrestleMania IX. Jannetty came back and had a chance with Michaels for a third time, this time actually winning the IC title from him. By this time it was simply too late. The fans had given up on Jannetty and the rest is history. If not for all the time off that Jannetty brought upon himself who knows what would have happened. Maybe Jannetty would have won at WM8 or WM9 and been given a big push. He was given three chances at Michaels after all. A lot of people assume because Michaels is the one who turned on Jannetty he was the one planned for superstardom from the very beginning. Maybe, maybe not, but because of all Jannetty’s own mistakes we’ll never know.
Marty Jannetty had his chance to make it in the WWE. When they brought him back in '93, they put him in a program with Shawn Michaels that was supposed to last longer than it did. Marty was having drug problems, and WWF cut his ass. His own fault.
I dont know if LetEmKnow is just trying to wind everyone up but to say Marty didnt get a chance after Shawn threw him through the Barber Shop window is absurd.

I too thought it may be some post modern type irony, but im worried that is not the case.

To the OP its simply unanswerable, because Marty could not have been the Shawn, because Shawn is the greatest performer ever. Marty was, well, Marty. Have you heard the guy talk recently? I have no idea what he is saying. That aside everyone who has watched them both and has a brain knows shawn was infinitely more talented, able and hard working.

As far as Marty not getting a push and getting buried, he was IC champ and went over Shawn - in a match if not the feud. He got a better chance than most wrestlers get. He just didnt have it.
If the roles were reveresed and Marty could've kept his head in the game, he would've been one of the best heels in the business. I think that if Marty took his angle and ran with it, he could've been great. However, I don't think that the WWE would've survived WCW. Marty just didn't have something that I look for in a wrestler. Even in the Rockers (I am thinking back to Summerslam 90, Rockers vs Power and Glory) and Shawn had to fight "injured." Marty could'nt carry the match. It was just like he didn't have it in the ring. He wasn't a person that could lead people.
their would be no attitude era, no nwo, no dx, bret hart would have stayed with wwf, owen wouldn't have dyed, wcw would still be in buisness, triple h would have his hunter hurst helmsly gimmick, john cena would be nothing, flair would retire in wcw, and chris jericho would never eh eh ever be the same agane.
I am sorry but what sort of question is this, that is like saying what if Santino was Hulk Hogan, not quite but you get what I mean.

There is a reason Shawn was succesful and Marty wasn't is simply that Shawn was better in basically every way, in the ring and on the mic. But to answer the question, if Marty was Shawn then he would be a four time world champion, he would be considered the showstopper, his nickname would be Mr Wrestlemania and he would have been part of DX.
I get the feeling that a lot of people here didn't watch wrestling in the late 80's/early 90's, and if you did, you weren't watching the same tag team I was....

Marty Jannetty (correct spelling) was DEFINITELY the stronger of the two performers, even Shawn has admitted so. The only reason his career went down the toilet is because of drug abuse. If it wasn't for the nose candy I truly believe Marty would be the future hall of famer, he was better in the ring, he was more over with the fans, and I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about when you said Shawn was the star of that team, it was undisputably Marty. Hell, WWE was banking on Marty to be the star after the split that's why he was the face and they turned Shawn heel. But once again, due to drug abuse Marty was just too unreliable

I get the feeling that the majority of you didn't actually watch wrestling back in The Rockers day, and if you did i don't think you were watching the same team I was...

Marty was BY FAR the better of the two. Even Shawn himself has said it, Marty was just all around better in the ring, and far more over with the fans. Shawn was ALWAYS just the sidekick. The original plan actually called for Marty to be the star after the break up, but unfortunately for him, due to his personal problems he was bumped.

Shawn eventually did become the better of the two, and you really can't compare HBK from 1996 on to Marty Jannetty, that's just not fair. But if you compare "Rocker" Shawn to Jannetty, Jannetty has it.... by a lot.
^ Above poster, where the hell did you hear that Shawn admitted Marty was a better wrestler?

Marty had the chance. Like The Brain said, he failed it. 3 times. I thought Marty was better than Shawn at first, but Shawn improved. When I watched wrestling at that time, I didn't care about who was going to be more successful at the time.

Shawn took the heel part, which he played good. Shawn Michaels became The Heartbreak Kid. He became the bigger star. Marty could have gotten a new gimmick too. His Rockers gimmick was stale after.

The guy was given three chances, but by the third chance, everyone had given up on him. He was too late.

I just can't see Marty being the "HBK". It doesn't work for me...so I don't know how it would have been if Marty was Shawn.
^ Above poster, where the hell did you hear that Shawn admitted Marty was a better wrestler?

Marty had the chance. Like The Brain said, he failed it. 3 times. I thought Marty was better than Shawn at first, but Shawn improved. When I watched wrestling at that time, I didn't care about who was going to be more successful at the time.

Shawn took the heel part, which he played good. Shawn Michaels became The Heartbreak Kid. He became the bigger star. Marty could have gotten a new gimmick too. His Rockers gimmick was stale after.

The guy was given three chances, but by the third chance, everyone had given up on him. He was too late.

I just can't see Marty being the "HBK". It doesn't work for me...so I don't know how it would have been if Marty was Shawn.

It was in an older interview, I'll try and see if I can drum up a video of it.

And I completely agree with you, Shawn improved and within a few years he definitely surpassed Marty, and like I said previously (in the accidental two posts... stupid computer) it was Marty's personal demons that kept him from going anywhere. He has no one to blame but himself. I was mostly addressing the people saying that Shawn was always the star and Marty was garbage, definitely not the case.

I guess to sum up my point, Marty Jannetty circa 1988 > Shawn Michaels circa 1988
not sure if this has been mentioned but if Janetty and Shawns roles had been reversed, the Kliq curtain call and MSG may not have happened and Hunters push which was supposed to start after he won King of the Ring, but he didn't get due to the Curtain Call
I get the feeling that a lot of people here didn't watch wrestling in the late 80's/early 90's, and if you did, you weren't watching the same tag team I was....

Marty Jannetty (correct spelling) was DEFINITELY the stronger of the two performers, even Shawn has admitted so. The only reason his career went down the toilet is because of drug abuse. If it wasn't for the nose candy I truly believe Marty would be the future hall of famer, he was better in the ring, he was more over with the fans, and I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about when you said Shawn was the star of that team, it was undisputably Marty. Hell, WWE was banking on Marty to be the star after the split that's why he was the face and they turned Shawn heel. But once again, due to drug abuse Marty was just too unreliable

I get the feeling that the majority of you didn't actually watch wrestling back in The Rockers day, and if you did i don't think you were watching the same team I was...

Marty was BY FAR the better of the two. Even Shawn himself has said it, Marty was just all around better in the ring, and far more over with the fans. Shawn was ALWAYS just the sidekick. The original plan actually called for Marty to be the star after the break up, but unfortunately for him, due to his personal problems he was bumped.

Shawn eventually did become the better of the two, and you really can't compare HBK from 1996 on to Marty Jannetty, that's just not fair. But if you compare "Rocker" Shawn to Jannetty, Jannetty has it.... by a lot.

Exactly, one million percent right. Anyone trying to argue otherwise is grossly revising history. Marty was undeniably the stronger competitor on the team. The crowd always responded more to Marty, i.e. when he was waiting for the hot tag, the crowd followed his lead in claps and such more than Shawn, same with when he got the hot tag, the crowd popped bigger for Marty. just the way it was. In the ring, he was the more dynamic performer.

Now, after the split, Shawn developed, and Marty never did, thanks mostly due to his addictions, and Shawn undoubtedly surpassed Marty, but when they were together, Marty was the star, Shawn was the sidekick.
I always thought Jannetty was the better wrestler in The Rockers and had just as much charisma as Michaels. Unfortunately Jannetty didn't have the focus and had too many personal issues, he was someone that never reached his full potential, it is a shame he never went up the ranks along with HBK, could have been a great feud to keep going back to and they had good matches and could have had more.

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