what if.............Lex Luger?


Pre-Show Stalwart
OK guys heres another what if seris if you remember i did a Scott Hall one a While back and got some great feedback but this one is about Lex Luger,

What would of happened to him if he didnt go to WCW?
Could he of been as big as Hogan/Warrior?
Would we be putting him in Dream Matches like we do with Hogan?
How Many Times would he of been Champion?

I think Lex Luger would of had an normal career if he stayed because between 1993-1994 he was the man but the fans didnt conect to him like they did Hogan i think if he would of stayed he would of turned heel and feuded with HBK and BRet Hart for most of 96-97 and most likly helt the title a few times.

He would of proberly stayed heel for the rest of his career an he would of put over guys like Austin, Rock, HHH at the time.

I think if he stayed in his USA Gimmick it would of gone stale by 1997 because it was'nt cool like it used to be.

so overall i think Lex Luger did the best thing for his career and jumped ship what do you guys think?
sure why not? he did good for himself at wcw

the bigger question is, what if lex luger had a personality?
what if he focused a little more on flexibility to improve his moveset?
what if he took time to perfect his craft?
what if he stayed off drugs?
what if he didn't screw up elizabeth?

don't get me wrong, his redemption story is a good story, he's turned his life around and from what i understand it's a good story and i like that, but ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm
he was the perfect canvas for superstardom and he didn't utilize that canvas well enough
You guys are getting the questions all wrong.

What if Lex Luger had not spoiled himself winning the WWF Title at Summer Slam by blabbing it to people and being an idiot?

Luger was supposed to go over Yokozuna for the title at SummerSlam. Instead, he broke kayfabe (a no-no at the time) and talked about how he was going over for the title. Vince said "oh yeah? No you're not." and changed the ending, with Luger winning via count out. He wouldn't get another shot until Wrestlemania 10, and got screwed by Curt Henning before going into some of the most god awful storylines in WCW history.

Luger could have been HUGE in WWF had he just learned to shut his mouth.
Great thread. Luger should have been a big star in WWF. He had the look and his mic skills were good. Maybe it was because he was a WCW guy though. Vince never did much with them.

Also, not to be the grammar police, but I don't like to see you excellent points get lost in a grammar problem. The words 'could of' should be 'could've' or 'could have'.
You guys are getting the questions all wrong.

What if Lex Luger had not spoiled himself winning the WWF Title at Summer Slam by blabbing it to people and being an idiot?

Luger was supposed to go over Yokozuna for the title at SummerSlam. Instead, he broke kayfabe (a no-no at the time) and talked about how he was going over for the title. Vince said "oh yeah? No you're not." and changed the ending, with Luger winning via count out. He wouldn't get another shot until Wrestlemania 10, and got screwed by Curt Henning before going into some of the most god awful storylines in WCW history.

Luger could have been HUGE in WWF had he just learned to shut his mouth.

The story I always heard was that he was going to win at Mania 10 and blabbed. However, Lex has said many times that this never happened. Who knows the truth?
As far as the whole reporter story goes, it still doesn't make sense. This was 1993, there was no internet, and hardly anyone owned a computer. Maybe 1% of fans called hotlines and read dirt sheets. So what if one little paper said he was going to win? Nobody would have found out. I doubt that USA today and CNN would be reporting hearsay about a fake sport. Even if it was true, Vince didn't have to ruin things for the millions of people that had no idea because a few hundered heard about it.

The real question is why didn't he win at Summerslam? Even at 10 years old I thought it was bizzare that after the entire Lex Express he won by countout. Regardless of wether he got the title or not, a countout win followed by a huge celebration is just fucked up. I still think that if I could ask Vince one question, it would be why didn't Lex win at Summerslam.

To answer the question, he probably would have been about like Kevin Nash in the WWF. A popular wrester that wasn't that great in the ring, and won't be remembered as one of the all time greats. As people have said, a few years after Luger's first run in WWE, the whole landscape changed. Lex just wouldn' have fit very well in the Attitude Era.
I would like to say good thread Lex Luger was always one of my favorites growing up.

Now I always felt Lex Luger would of made a great WWF champion he had the look and Mic skills and his Made in the USA character would have made headlines. With Bret Hart being Canadian and a proud country men there chemistry as the 2 top faces in the WWF would have made it work could of drew huge numbers for a Wrestlemania match and if it was a submission match even better. I think it was good, to have Lex win at Summerslam tease than fans of a title change but I felt it would of been too soon. Make Lex win the title at Wrestlemania to give the fans a good wait and put him over the top for the win @ Wrestlemania X and lead the new generation. Have him lose to Bret Hart @ the next Wrestlemania and make him a bitter heel would be perfect for him. Let the heel run all the way till the end of 96 and give him a new likable attitude for the attitude era it could of worked for him I think . Lex Luger had a decent run in WCW in the beginning from 95-99 which I feel could have lasted longer if Vince Russo didn't get there. Now he had no real gimmick in WCW then just that he was against Hogan and the nWo he was the main event when Sting was silent for a year and if you remember when Lex beat Hogan on Nitro before Road Wild the fans went crazy and it led to another WCW blow out of the WWF which made Lex as champion something people wanted to see. Lex could have been big in the WWF and maybe they wouldn't had struggled so much if they would haver gave it a chance Diesel gave them there worse everything and so did HBK Lex and Bret Hart was who the fans wanted to see just watch Raw season 1 and 2 DVD the fans only cared for Lex and Bret and that's what Vince should have went off of instead giving Diesel and HBK a chance. Bret never had a long reign of the WWF title everytime he won it he held it only for 6 months or less that's why Lex Luger in the mix would have really helped them. To answer your question Lex could of been huge if it was done properly, and Vince n Lex believed in it I heard all the same rumors that Lex just didn't want to be the champion and he boasted on being champion before he got it. Whatever it was cost the WWF and Lex dearly becuase they had a chance to comepete with Hogan n WCW even before he turned heel if Lex got a chance at being champion. Anything can happen in wrestling and it could of made WWF still number one because Hogan was all WCW had in 94 even with Flair and Sting there. Bret Lex and Savage were all they needed to compete and to stay on top the heels didn't matter as long as those 3 guys were in the picture it didn't matter who they faced even each other it would have drawn attention and kept WWF ship sailing instead of sinking by the end of 96
Lex Luger is the most awful wrestler I have had the pleasure of viewing. The guy is just awful. He is a poor man's Hogan in the ring (and thats saying something), couldn't cut a promo to save himself and every match was him getting beat on for 9 minutes before his forearms and the rack came into play.

Had he stayed in WWF, Vince would have realized his laziness and ditched him to the curb in no time. I was a loyal WCW fan and I could only have seen that as a favor!

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