What If... Kurt Angle Returned to WWE?

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke

That's the question. We've now all adjusted to a WWE without Kurt Angle and a TNA with Kurt Angle. But what if Kurt Angle were to jump back, for whatever reason, to professional wrestling's number one brand.

For one, I don't think it would beat the original jump in terms of shock value, although I think it would beat it in terms of impact - WWE is, after all, about four times as popular as TNA. That's inevitable. At least, I feel.

How would Angle fit in? Which brand would he go to? What wrestlers would he face? What is left for him back in the E? What unfinished business does he have?

When I think of one name that I think would benefit from facing Angle, it's CM Punk. People always go on about how Punk missed out on a massive oppurtunity when Benoit no-showed. How Benoit would have improved his game and taught him a lesson in the ring. I think the only man, short of The Undertaker, that could replicate that experience is Kurt Angle... or perhaps Chris Jericho. Regardless, Punk is just the type of wrestler that I think Kurt could put a good match on with - one who breathes. I kid, I kid. In all seriousness, I think a Punk/Angle match would be interesting - and the storyline compelling. Either could be the heel really, although I think Angle would work better, despite Punk's heel apparently being so good that once we've seen it we should just call it a day because nothing's going to better it.

Many up-and-comers I think, particularly guys like John Morrison, MVP and, dare I say it, Ken Kennedy, could benefit from work with Angle. Do they even qualify as up-and-comers these days? Ah, well.

I did type and extra paragraph or two after this, but realised that I should leave some ideas left to be pitched.

So... I want YOU to pitch some ideas.
I think if Angle did come back he would feud with the people you mentioned. However is it only me who could see Angle as the WWE champion? Personally I would love to see Angle Vs Orton, or Angle Vs Cena. And if the championship was involved it would be a great feud.

I think a fued with Cena would be really good for both of them, whether Cena was champion at the time or not. If I remember correctly, Cena made his debut against Angle in an open challenge from him. It would be a good way to show how much both have moved on from that. Cena has changed a LOT since then. He was the beginning of the Cena era. He could come back saying he'll be the end of it too.
I'd certainly like to see what Angle would be like back in WWE. I think the biggest problem would be when TNA announced that he was gone, as there would be next to no shock when he innevitably showed up in WWE soon thereafter. If there was a free agent like Angle out there, a proven main event commodity, there's no doubt that Vince would buy him in a heartbeat with a contract the size of BDV's man boobs. That being said, I think he'd actually benefit from being on Smackdown given the current rosters. Cena and Angle has been done since Cena was what he is today, back in I believe 2006. It was whenever Bischoff was being fired. Angle and Orton was kind of done, but it'd be interesting with a possible storyline of as good as Angle is, anyone can fall victim to the RKO. The only big name players there that he hasn't had at least a mini feud with are Punk and Batista, only one of which sounds interesting. On SD however, the only person there that he's had a major feud with is HHH as far as I can remember. Over there, he has Jeff, MVP, Kennedy, Morrisson, maybe even the Miz? He could be a great stepping stone for a lot of them, maybe even a short run with the belt. I'd love to see it either way, if nothing else trying to see how he'd react when asked about his hateful comments about WWE.
Im going to expand this out further if you will Sam. Why? Because it allows for more debate in the long run. What If Kurt Angle left TNA and went to Ring of Honor. Why would this be an acceptable line of argument in this. Well for one Kurt Angle has burnt some bridges with his media comments about the WWE, while I can understand him saying that he loves working in TNA, who wouldn't if you go from working 250-300 dates a year down to 100-150, He has openly said things that go further than saying that he likes his new company and more along the lines of he hated working in the WWE. So why expand to allow Ring of Honor, this is in the hypothetical that Cary Silkin and Gabe Sapolsky feel that they have the capital and the ability to get a TV deal. Why would this be a big thing. Because Kurt Angle gives RoH instant credibility as a big time player in the Wrestling industry. Kurt Angle could do a Mick Foley or some legend (I Forget who said it) type promo saying that RoH is where the hunger and the competition is. Again instant Credibility to Ring of Honor and its Wrestlers. You have critics of Ring of Honors style of Wrestling, from what I understand they are getting in older veterans in to try and hone the skills of guys like Bryan Danielson (Who has potential in droves, but hasn't been applied in the way needed to actually put on a generally accepted great match (again this is based on the entire love the guy or find him overrated as all hell thing)). Everyone says Punk and numerous guys like Morrison and Burke needed Benoit to hone them into the Wrestlers they can be. Well Kurt Angle in RoH would do that. I could see Kurt Angle Vs. Jimmy Jacobs working really well with the Age of the Fall type thing going on. I have seen criticism of Kurt Angles heel psychology, simple for this mental exercise make him face. It allows for the spotty style and it in general mixes well with the style already present in RoH.

Sorry for slightly Hijacking the thread Sam. But I decided that to make this a more general wrestling thread I would add in the Wild Card of Ring of Honor being an option, on the theory that they want to gain exposure for a Television deal by making a big signing.
If Kurt Angle were to be released from TNA, Vince McMahon would definately waste no time in trying to sign him.
Ever since Angle's departure from the WWE and the death of Chris Benoit, WWE have been left with no World Class wrestlers, and to make matters worse only about 20 - 30% of WWE's current roster can actually wrestle, whereas the other 70 - 80% are a joke who couldn't wrestle to save their lives.
WWE have no world class wrestlers anymore and Kurt Angle rejoining the company would mean the fans seeing amazing wrestling skills and amazing matches again.
I think that the brand Kurt Angle would join would be Raw. Kurt would come in as a heel as the current Raw roster has a lot of Main Event face wrestlers but not many Main Event heel wrestlers.
A feud between Angle and CM Punk for the World Heavyweight Championship should produce some very good matches, as would a feud between Angle and Rey Mysterio. I wouldn't want to see another Angle vs Cena feud through, as this has been seen too many times before, and plus John Cena doesn't deserve to be in the same ring as Angle, this since Angle is a million times better than Cena at wrestling and everything else for that matter.
I think if Angle did come back he would feud with the people you mentioned. However is it only me who could see Angle as the WWE champion? Personally I would love to see Angle Vs Orton, or Angle Vs Cena. And if the championship was involved it would be a great feud.

Erm...? Angle challenged Cena for the title in 2005, and Orton challenged Angle for the other title in 2006.

I think a fued with Cena would be really good for both of them, whether Cena was champion at the time or not. If I remember correctly, Cena made his debut against Angle in an open challenge from him. It would be a good way to show how much both have moved on from that.

It's been shown. They had a feud. Silly Becca.

Cena has changed a LOT since then. He was the beginning of the Cena era. He could come back saying he'll be the end of it too.

He hasn't changed as much from 2005 as people would claim. And you don't back your Orton statement? Shame on you. Regardless, Angle and Orton feuded on and off for about half a year, ending in Orton getting his ankle broken, remember?

I'd certainly like to see what Angle would be like back in WWE. I think the biggest problem would be when TNA announced that he was gone, as there would be next to no shock when he innevitably showed up in WWE soon thereafter.

Are you suggesting the majority of WWE fans pay attention to TNA? While we're on the topic, I may as well talk about how Angle should leave. Angle/Jarrett BFG match, career vs. career, title on the line. Angle loses after a long, clean match. Shakes Jarrett's hand, says the best man won, says his thank yous, leaves. Obviously, this is the wrestling business and that would never happen.

If there was a free agent like Angle out there, a proven main event commodity, there's no doubt that Vince would buy him in a heartbeat with a contract the size of BDV's man boobs. That being said, I think he'd actually benefit from being on Smackdown given the current rosters. Cena and Angle has been done since Cena was what he is today, back in I believe 2006.

See Becca? Told you I wasn't lying. Although it was actually 2005.

It was whenever Bischoff was being fired. Angle and Orton was kind of done, but it'd be interesting with a possible storyline of as good as Angle is, anyone can fall victim to the RKO.

It's been done. End of. The only difference now is that Orton would give him a Falcon Kick and then dribble.

The only big name players there that he hasn't had at least a mini feud with are Punk and Batista, only one of which sounds interesting.

It's the Punk one, right?

On SD however, the only person there that he's had a major feud with is HHH as far as I can remember. Over there, he has Jeff, MVP, Kennedy, Morrisson, maybe even the Miz?

Agreed, agreed, agreed, agreed, are you on crack? The Miz? GTFO!

He could be a great stepping stone for a lot of them, maybe even a short run with the belt. I'd love to see it either way, if nothing else trying to see how he'd react when asked about his hateful comments about WWE.

Kurt's a championship bullshitter. Why? Well, because I'm convinced he's actually bat shit crazy. He remembers things the way he wants to.

To be continued...
As for Kurt going to ROH (it'd be pretty much impossible for me to answer Shadow's post point by point):

It'd definitely put ROH on the map, but I feel it's an unlikely option. Despite his reputation, Vince seems to have a history of forgiving people and a I think, like most of us, he hasn't really taken Angle's comments about the company too seriously.

In the event that Angle were to go to ROH though, that'd be more shocking than his move to TNA. Although I believe that Angle may have made a guest appearance or two in ROH... Can't be sure. I'd absolutely hate it though. He'd be a big fish in a little pond. A big, lonely fish in a little pond. At least TNA has names like Sting, Booker and Jarrett, maybe even Cage. However, if ROH could perhaps coerce Foley back into the ring to face Angle - maybe bring Jack back - then I know few wrestling fans that would turn down the oppurtunity to do that match. I mean, I doubt Foley's style will have deteriorated much since he's been out of the ring. It's what, a full two years now? We know Angle's as good as ever. Both would come off looking great. Maybe I'm getting carried away, but what the hell.

Kurt could also teach those guys something useful - how to be a technical, mat-based wrestling, yet stop your matches dragging like fuck.

As for Angle/Mysterio: no. Just no. We've seen it before when Mysterio was better, even when he was pretty crap. Now he's just awful, and we don't need to see it again. Mysterio can't pull his weight in a feud to save his life. My vote for worst world champion of the 00's - yes, even worse than Jericho.

Then there's the rematches. I've made no secret that Angle facing 'Taker and Michaels are the absolute pinnacle of wrestling for me. People might say more would be overkill. I have no idea why. We get shit feuds dragging like a motherfucker - is it too much to ask for one more match? I don't think so. If Angle was back for WM25, and they were stupid enough to put of 'Taker/Michaels, then Angle/'Taker would be a worthy substitute. Obviously, The Undertaker would go over in a close one. I also think that Angle and Michaels have such great chemistry, they should have a proper feud. It shouldn't be left as the couple of admittedly awesome quickies they already had.

Then there's always the Japan option. I think Angle could do well for himself in Japan. I've always said that I'm a bigger fan of Japanese wrestling in theory than execution. The main reason is because, well, I just don't care about the people in the ring, and don't even know they are in a lot of cases. As it is, I love Angle's existing Japanese matches. He makes me care and he's had two or three awesome bouts over there. I think this would actually be a likely option, too. In my opinion, it'd be a great way to end a great career.
Honestly, i wouldn't care much if Kurt Angle returned to the WWE. For one thing, i would never be able to see my favourite matchup ever again (angle/beniot), two, WWE released him because he was physically drained and it still shows in, he is a shell of his former self in TNA, and third, Angle is a raving lunitic in TNA and is no longer funny or entertaining, in WWE, Kurt was a joy to watch, whether it was in the ring or on the mic, but then he started playing that screaming "i'm gonna break your ankle" persona and at that point Angle was a bore to me. I don't think angle is much of a draw anymore, judging this solely from the fact that TNA's ratings have not improved much at all since he signed with them, which at the time he was considered to be one of the best wrestlers. I think WWE should only bring him in if he's willing to work with and put over the young talent (punk/kennedy/morrison/mvp), but i also think Kurt burned a real big bridge when he left and he will have too much pride in himself to return. Would it be exciting if he returned, probably. But would his return resemble JBL's, Jericho's or Triple H's when he comes back from injury. Basically would it be an embarassing one, a mildly exciting (sorry jericho, love you man, but it hasn't gone as well as hoped, hope u beat HBK this sunday thou), or garunteed happy ending (and they say it sucks working for your dad in law). I see it being a mildly exciting return, although WWE is low on good heels, so he may get another title run, but i don't see much happening
Angle is only a shell of his former self in TNA because TNA is a shell of WWE. When every other match on the card has a stupid gimmick attached and is so spot-heavy, Angle's contribution stands out less. His matches in Japan proved he's still got it. His matches with Joe have been above par, despite the repetition setting in by the third time around and running through to their last, twenty eighth encounter. His match with Styles was also fantastic, and should have been allocated more time.

I doubt Kurt would return to the WWE without getting what he wanted in the first place - an easier schedule. So, in this hypothetical situation, that's what he gets. With that advantage over his old self, who I maintain he has not dropped down from, I can't see how his return would remotely resemble crapfests like Jericho's or JBL's - and it'd certainly have more impact than Triple H coming back from his fiftieth injury. Also, Angle/Benoit matches are overrated. The matches were technically sound and exciting to watch, but they lacked real chemistry.

I'd also like to hear people's thoughts on Karen's place in this. Could she even stay in TNA, sans husband?
I think if did return, he should go to ECW.

I know it sounds bad, but think about it. He could not only help out/train younger newer guys to make them better wrestlers. But also he could win the ECW Title.

That way he'll be the only wrestler in history to have ever held the WWE, Undisputed, World Heavyweight, WCW (alliance 2001), NJPW, NWA, TNA (he unified them), and ECW Heavyweight Championships. And thats not including the IC, US, X-Division, WWE Tag, World Tag, TNA Tag (by himself btw), Hardcore, and European Championships.
Do you know how good that'll make him look?

And what if while back in WWE, he finally won the Royal Rumble?
And he already won the King of the Ring 2000, he's main evented Wrestlemania on multiple occasions, was Smackdown GM, had multiple Matches of the Year, wrestled and beaten the best (everyone from Hogan, Flair, HHH, HBK, Stone Cold, Rock, Taker, Cena, Orton, Kane, Eddie, Beniot, Jericho, RVD, Sabu, Edge, Booker, Big Show, Mysterio, Lesnar, AJ Styles, Abyss, Samoa Joe, Sting, Scott Steiner etc)
Ended Samoa Joes undefeated streak, won Olympic Gold in 1996, held all 3 TNA titles at the same time including holding the tag titles BY HIMSELF, was the 1st person to make Samoa Joe, Stone Cold, Chris Benoit, and Hulk Hogan tap out.

On top of that, he's been in almost every match type. (Hell in a Cell, Ladder, Cage, Ironman, Submisson, Hardcore/Street Fight, 2/3 Falls, Tables, Elimination Chamber, etc)

Going back to WWE would make Kurt Angle the BEST wrestler alive, without question, hands down.
If he accomplished all that, what more can he do in wrestling?

The only thing possibly preventing him returning to WWE, other than the things he said, would be his health.
Sadly, if Kurt did return to WWE's full time schedule, he'd probably die soon after within the next year or so, because of the stress of being away all the time on the road and the pressure of drugs again. On top of that, he's one of the hardest workers (from what I heard) and often works through injuries, even serious ones.
if kurt angle came back and thats if and i hope he does maybe they will use him right like they used to and have him as a top superstar in raw or they could have him go to ecw and do what benoit was supposed to do not to mention bring some respect to the title (ecw champion was in the royal rumble wtf)isnt it a WORLD TITLE i agree with thereallionheart089 well back to angle he is GREAT and always will be if he came back he would be giving great matches l;ike he alwaya has
Let's face it; before Kurt Angle broke down in 2006, he was slated to be the new face of ECW and was going to get a lengthly title reign all the way to Wrestlemania 23. Then he left and was replaced by Lashley. He is a multiple time WWE Champion and World Champion, there is nothing left for him to do in the WWE short of winning the Royal Rumble, which isn't a big deal anyway and I doubt they'd waste a win on him anyway. They would probably just go with the original plan and stick him in ECW to put talent over. His return would receive a pop at best but no one would be shocked because we'd all be aware of it weeks before it happened through wrestlezone.
I would love for Kurt Angle to return to the WWE. Back when Angle was in WWE (as a heel), I used to hate him so much. Everything about him made me dislike him. Back then, I didn't understand that it was his job at the time to make me hate him. Watching Kurt in TNA really makes me wish he would come back because in my opinion, he's the total package. He can play a great heel or a great face, is great on the mic, and is a great wrestler.

Also, Kurt could have some amazing fueds upon his return, and it wouln't matter to me if some of these have been done before.

Kurt Angle vs HBK
Kurt Angle vs Undertaker
Kurt Angle vs Orton
Kurt Angle vs HHH
Kurt Angle vs Y2J
Kurt Angle vs Edge
Kurt Angle vs Jeff Hardy
Kurt Angle vs MVP
Kurt Angle vs Kennedy

This list goes on and on, even fueds with Cena, Batista, and Punk would be good.

Kurt coming back would do nothing but good for the WWE and I would gladly welcome him back.
hmm if kurt angle never left... hmm i think theyed push em for a bit mabye give em a title run but hed be bassiclly a shawn micheales job where u go into feuds but no real title run or anything. i think theyed keep em as a heel hes way better as a heel then a face but yea nothing real exciting i think tna was the best move for him
It would be fucking SWEET. Goodness he would be awesome to add to any of the Main event scenes, specifically SD!. He was my favorite wrestler in WWE before he left, and would eb again if he came back. It worries me, becuase he would most likely die, due to the damage to the body, and thw workload and travel schedule. but from my own selfish wants and needs I would love seeing him back. They would be absolutely foolish to not make him WWE or WHC upon return. he was hugely under and misused in his final year in WWE.
I'm actually quite liking this Japan idea. Granted, I came up with it. I mean, yeah, Japan is usually the option for western wrestlers who are either coming up or going out. It's usually a better option for big guys too - Bigelow, Vader, um, Giant Bernard. However, Kurt Angle is far from a generic wrestler. It's the reason people both love him and hate him.

I'm sure there are some little know - in the west - Japanese wrestlers he could have some great matches with. His match with Yuji Nagata was pretty freaking awesome, if I do say so myself. If you haven't seen it, here, have some DailyMotion links. Unfortunately, it's the Japanese commentary, just so TNA can't take it down. Oh how I would have loved to hear Mike Tenay's commentary:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Judging from that, Angle would be pretty shit hot in Japan, no?
I dont think the question is if Vince would hire Kurt again, because I do think he would especially if Vince thought there would be money to be made, which there probably would be. I think the real one is would Kurt want to come back?

I mean unless TNA folded or got bought up or something would Kurt go from having a show that can be mostly about Kurt and where he is arguably the number one guy to WWE where they have the stars and the talent to make him the number 3 guy (Raw - Cena, HBK; SD - HHH, Taker).

I agree with others when they say that Kurt would be great for enhancing the younger talent over the brands as he can work well with a multitude of opponents and a variety of styles as either heel or face.
I would love to see Morrison v Kurt, I just think that could turn into a great little fued and could very well be the push that Morrison needs to propel into the Upper-Mid Card on one of the two big brands.

It would be great to see Kurt back but it would all depend on how they used him upon return. I am being completely serious when I say this next bit, but Kurt could be used very similarly to Great Khali in that if you throw him in any fued he is a legitimate threat to whomever the opponent is.

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