What If Daniel Bryan Went Heel?


Best for (the Music) Business
Before I'm called an idiot, please read. I don't intend for this to happen. Bryan is just one of those guys who can't be a heel.However, if it did, if Daniel Bryan turned heel, what could you see him doing?

Lets say he can't get the title back, goes on a losing streak, snaps, and finally makes that transition to Benoit 2.0. What could he be doing? He could have a Bella twin(or both) and they go on to super stardom, but he's more of a loner. He could go after Cena, kinda like Punk did, but let it stick, saying I have more talent, I should be the face of the company. idk. But, if Daniel Bryan turned heel, what could he do??
He can be a great heel. I see his character being similar to Chris Jericho's character, inly Bryan would show more aggression. He can easily step back into the "Best In The World" gimmick. I actually prefer Bryan as a heel, but it is not his time yet. There aren't enough mid card faces on the roster.

....heel or not get him a real fucking theme song.
He can be a great heel. I see his character being similar to Chris Jericho's character, inly Bryan would show more aggression. He can easily step back into the "Best In The World" gimmick. I actually prefer Bryan as a heel, but it is not his time yet. There aren't enough mid card faces on the roster.

....heel or not get him a real fucking theme song.

I agree with this.

DBD back in the "Best In The World" gimmick was one of the most entertaining and brilliantly done gimmicks that I can remember truly enjoying as a real wrestling fan.

I also agree with the fact of preferring DBD as a heel rather than a face. But as you mentioned there aren't enough faces, and way too many heels. I say in the next six months you'll see DBD snap and go into the "Best In The World" which in my opinion will propel him into the main event.
I think with Bryan, he wouldn't need to go down the promo route too often if he turned heel because I think he would perhaps be focussing more on getting the words right and keeping to the script.

If WWE were to rehash a past story to get him over as a heel, I think they could go down the same route that Eddie and Rey started when Rey kept beating Eddie clean match after match.

Have someone like Morrison face him one time and perhaps Morrison wins by a quick roll-up after countering the Labelle (sp?) lock numerous times. Develop it by a bit of friendly banter, maybe even have them tag briefly and accentuate the fact Bryan is a mat wrestler where Morrison is more high-flying and flashy, perhaps Bryan on commentary for a singles match of John's.

Build it up for a few more weeks until, for a tournament or because of the GM, they have to face each other. Have Bryan then win by submission, have his hand raised, then go back and keep the submission applied until refs come down etc.

Of course the problem could come in keeping Bryan heel past the feud, but that's just an idea I had.

PS his music is ace LK716!
I think it would allow him to develop, at least in the WWE. Those who followed ROH during his "Best in the World" run, as has been mentioned, know he can be an effective heel and it would allow him to likely get more microphone time and display some of the ROH characteristics that made him such. As a face, he only got to show off a bit of personality during the Bella Twins angle, but as a heel he could revert back to the ROH ways.

Like many posters above me said, Jericho and Bryan share many similar traits in terms of character, look, and talent. At first, I am sure no one in the community thought Jericho would have turned into one of the greatest heels the WWE had seen in recent ages.

So I am not completely skeptical about the idea of Daniel Bryan becoming a heel, he has the ability and the talent to do so. Only issue with it is the adjustment process that it would take to get Bryan heel would take at least a month if Bryan were to only get air time on RAW. And perhaps even longer before he can start gathering heat.
The only route i can see him going is the "rapid animal" style. He is tagged as the ultimate submissionist and you could quickly put him over as a heel by just holding a lock on a babyface until the face was incapacitated. I could see him getting DQ'd in several matches for doing this, and him acquiring a gimmick of being "uncontrollable" in the ring. Make jobbers scared to face him in a match, and have someone of them start no-showing. Then Bryan will come out and cut a promo how everyone is scarred of him, and that they should be. Then you have a top face come out and bring a lot of heat on Bryan. This would also put him in a high profile feud.
Turning Daniel Bryan heel is certainly not a bad option and could see him rise to the main event. I, for one, would like to see him as a jealous heel. You could make out a story in which Bryan suddenly goes ballistic on all the top faces in the company and claim that he deserves to be a champion more than either Cena or Orton because he is a superior technical wrestler than them and he can outwrestle anyone in the ring, even guys like Cena and Orton.

But I do not think that he will be turning anytime soon. It's a combination of the facts that he is a great midcard face and you certainly need one in every company and that there are quite a few good heels on the roster.
I think, at this point, the WWE is very content to have him play the IWC darling role within the company. For that reason, I don't think it makes a lot of sense to speculate on his heel turn. This is especially true when he seems to have lost all of the momentum he had when he won the US Championship from The Miz a few months ago. Sometimes, in these scenarios, a heel turn is in the best interest of the superstar but not Daniel Bryan. When you think about his demeanour and couple that with the fact that a lot of us could probably take him in a legitimate fight, he is just not cut out to be a heel.

Still, looking past all of that for a moment, I also think that it is too early to be thinking about what we would do as a heel. Daniel Bryan is such a face right now that it is going to take a lot of work to get him to the other side of the spectrum. If that is the case, then who knows what the situation is going to be with Daniel Bryan and the people around him? What I will say on the matter, however, is that I don't think Daniel Bryan has the momentum or charisma to be a main event talent inside the WWE. Sure, he is a great guy and a great wrestler to boot but he has never shown me that he has the abilities to go one on one with the likes of John Cena and take the win. I don't think that would change if he was to turn heel. If he did make the switch to being a heel, you can bet your life that it wont be to make waves in the main event. In fact, it will likely be so that he can feud over a mid-card Championship.

If he ever does turn heel, he'll likely be doing the same thing that he is now.
I like the idea about him coming out with the Bella twins. It wouldn't be too family oriented, but he could get under the crowd's skin by saying that he has not one but two beautiful women with him at all times. They could also have the Bellas interfere in matches for him.

I'd like to see him turn heel but at the moment he is one of very few young guns that play a face role. I think it would be important to have Jack Swagger (a fellow amateur master) turn face, and that could fill a void for Bryan to go heel.
If he turned heel, I would want him to have JBL's wrestling God gimmick or Kurt Angle's wrestling machine gimmick. It would fit him because he is a very good wrestler.

I wouldn't give him the Rabid Wolverine gimmick since WWE doesn't want to mention anything about Chris Benoit.

Also, ditch the Bella Twins. The Bella Twins have destroyed Bryan's push. He was destroying The Miz and Alex Riley weekly to being on an impressive winning streak to having a horrible gimmick.
I personally want him to turn heel. I think he is currently not being used properly and could be used for so much more. My idea (posted in the next pragraph) would allow him to get more air time and alllow him to build great feuds while showcasing his submission ability.

I think if he were heel he would need the "Relentless gimmick" What I mean by this is someone who just beats you down not caring whether you get disqualified as long as you can do damage to the person. I would personally love to see him win a hard fought match against a midcard face and after the match he attacks them and puts him in a submission hold. I wouldn't care what the hold would be as long as it looked like it was doing damage. This way his nickname master of submissions is shown and he looks mean. Next during matches I would hve him get disqualified by not breaking holds and being too aggresive getting people mad. I think if he did this enough while not caring about anyone around him he could be used a whole lot better. Or even before a match starts attack a guy and put him in an armbar. Also to boost his credibility maybe "retire" or "injure" a few guys with his moves. This will solidify him as a heel and make him look better than what he is currently.
If he was to turn heel, it'd be fucking awesome. He played an awesome heel in the Indy's. He was relentless, just like Macios said. That's what would have to happen. Just tap or snap, tap or snap. He had this certain psychopathic rage about him when he was a heel in ROH or other indy promotions. He has the personality to do it, I hate when people say Daniel Bryan doesn't have any personality. I don't think it's necessary to turn him heel but it'd be a backup idea in case they run outta something for him to do.
Daniel Bryan spent half his career as a heel before he came full-time to the WWE. I think it'll happen a few years down the road.

If the WWE keeps him I can see him treading nearly the same path that CM Punk took. It took him awhile to for him to become what he is now. Funny thing is, this "straight edge means I'm better than you" and the factions he has lead as a heel were his persona and character while he was in ROH.

If Punk can do that, then I have no doubt that Daniel can be an effective heel.
Well, he was a heel for a day, the debut of the original Nexus.

So we know what kind of heel work we can do,

but I don't think a heel turn would be good, as most small guys don't make good heel characters
Daniel Bryan won't turn heel.

He's like Benoit, a small underdog like face who, once you in the crossface (AKA Lebell Lock), it's light's out.

Him turning heel right would'nt make any spec of sense, at all. It'll be like turning Kofi heel, it'll just be a lost cause.

Bryan's to much of a underdog face to turn heel.

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