What if Cryme Tyme Had Won the Tag Titles?


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Before they got released, they had gotten a tag title shot which they never actually used. What would have happened if they had won? WIth a team that new, you need a title win to give you the validation of being a legit tag team. Cryme Tyme never got that and instead were just a popular team that had never won anything. In short, if they had won the titles, what would have happened to them?
I really doubt that anything different would have happened. They might have gotten a championship reign or two during the period that they spend in the independent scene.

I believe Cryme Tyme might very well have ended up the same way as they did. Eventually the break up was necessary. They wouldn't have done anything out of the ordinary in their period where they basically served as enhancement talent or a simple tag team for the sake of having a tag team match.

The only thing I think would've changed was the fact that they wouldn't have been released. The championship belts were used in that period of time to put over both Rated-RKO. Give Cena and Shawn a reign while they were feuding as well as give Big Show and Kane a reign.

I don't think it would've changed much during that period. With perhaps the exception of a shorter reign from Big Show and Kane. And then afterwards the championship would've gone the ways that it went either way. Cryme Tyme to me remains just a simple tag team that was incredibly over. Achieving tag team gold wouldn't have changed a thing for their careers. At least not as a tag team.
Nothing really, they would still be a popular tag team but with belts...

It's a shame they never won the tag titles though, in their 4 years in WWE, what a shame, they were a really good team as well and could have easily brought something to the tag titles back then!!

If where to have had a reign though, I would like to think it would have been somewhere like 2007, but eventually I would have still seen them split up in the end!!
They would have lost them within 2 months and faded into obscurity ala The Bashams. Cryme Tyme was over with the crowd no doubt. But that isn't enough. Their matches weren't incredibly entertaining. Their gimmick grew a little stale. Plus, Shad brought more or less nothing to the table. I personally wasn't a big fan. JTG was the most entertaining/talented one of the group.

I think a better question would have been what if Cryme Tyme was able to continue the little "CTC" faction with Cena that only lasted 2-3 weeks and IMO was more entertaining than the thought of Cryme Tyme winning the tag titles at all. THAT would have taken Cryme Tyme further, given them more momentum, and THEN have a solid run with the tag titles. After a good solid run or two, steadily turn them heel and you have a black tag team that lies, cheats, and steals tag title victories. An african american version of the Guerreros... except heels.
They would have had a short, boring, uninspired title reign and then everything else that happened, happens. Ok, maybe they don't get released...or maybe it just happens recently after they split them up....there's still time.....
To be honest regardless of the ability of Cryme Tyme, up until 2009 WWE weren't that bothered about the tag team titles during their WWE run. And when they had their shot at the unified tag team titles, they weren't over enough or big enough stars because the tag titles were a big part of WWE programming.

They were pretty green too and their mic work wasnt too great. Plus being saddled with a stereotype gimmick and being in the PG era are not a great combination.

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