What If Christian Had Stayed With WWE?


Dark Match Winner
In 2005 Christian Cage debuted in TNA. Before then he was a known WWE superstar. He was a member of the Brood and E&C. He held multiple Intercontinental and tag team championships, but never won a world title. Before he left Christian was in a triple threat match for the WWE championship against Chris Jericho and John Cena. What do you think would have happened if Christian stayed with WWE?
Absolutely nothing.. Just like WCW had realized the worth of the Diamond Studd and Oz only after the WWF transformed them to their next level, WWE did not realize Christian's potential until he showed how he could curry the load in TNA. He came back strong enough to capture the ECW brand title then transitioned to the World title. Without TNA and ECW serving as temporary crutches he would had been delegated to Superstars with his release only being blocked by Edge..
He'd have either stayed in the upper mid card position he was glued to before he left or he would have eventually won the WWE or World Heavyweight Championships. That being said, him leaving the WWE at that time for TNA was one of the best decisions he could have made. He went into TNA was instantly a Main Eventer, he was instantly one of their biggest draws and until Angle showed the argument could be made he was their face.

He got two solid runs as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, showed he had what it took to be in the Main Event and grew as a wrestler. Before he went to TNA everyone knew Christian was a great wrestler, but TNA showed people he was better than some ever knew. He very rarely had a poor match and he was almost always embroiled in the top feuds week-after-week.

I prefer Christian since he came back anyway. TNA did nothing but good for him and we still got what we wanted, he's a two time World Heavyweight Champion, one of the top heels on both Smackdown and in the WWE as a whole and he probably has feud of the year notched up with Randy Orton.
If Christian stayed with WWE, he'd be in the exact same position he is in now.

Winning the World Heavyweight Championship, losing it 2 days later, gaining it again by DQ, losing it again. Bitching week in and week out about "one more match", getting his ass kicked constantly, and then by now, probably would of been feature endeavored.
Maybe if he had stayed in the WWE, we would have seen him feud with Edge like we all wanted. I feel like that would have happened over the summer if not for Edge's sudden retirement.
Maybe if he had stayed in the WWE, we would have seen him feud with Edge like we all wanted. I feel like that would have happened over the summer if not for Edge's sudden retirement.

That would have been something solid. I'm surprised upon bringing him back they didn't push for this immediately. It would have sold PPV, it would have brought in viewers. Christian could be playing almost exactly the same character he currently is play and it would have worked. The big difference is Christian could have gone mad with envy for everything Edge managed to accomplish without him by his side. The two would have had some amazing matches, traditional and gimmick based. This could have been a program that lasted for the better part of a year.

I think he would have also worked a program with Jericho, which would again have been an amazing program. The two were a former tag team, who at one time were champions, after both broke free from one another they gained individual success. Christian could have easily been Jericho's partner when Edge was injured instead of Big Show. The dynamic between Jericho, Christian and Edge could have lead to another amazing feud, with great matches surrounding the three.

I didn't follow Christian's run in TNA, because I cannot bring myself to watch TNA, but whatever happened to him during his time in TNA helped him improve vastly.
he would still be held back because at that the time he left the wwe was riding john cena and bautista and the so it was no chance that he would have been a world champ it's kill's me that the wwe never thought about giving him a title until tna made him a prime time player
Christian left WWE because he was not being pushed. Vince knew that Christian was a talent and great on the mic so he never pushed him as a main eventer as he felt Christian did not have "the look" of a main eventer, which is true. Christian continually pitched ideas and was knocked back. Christian refused to re-sign with WWE so Vionce tried to sweeten the pot by finally pushing him. Christian sore through this as Vince trying to get him signed and then he would be buried further with guys like Tomko. Christian left, earnt considerably less money but got himself that solid main event push in TNA that all ex-WWE guys get upon arrival. In turn, Christian's value increased and WWE through a stack of money at Christian to return. He was originally slated to return in a main event push at the Royal Rumble in 2009 but Vince as usual got cold feet on the idea and put Matt Useless Hardy in the role, burying Christian to ECW. cLASS ALWAYS COMES OUT IN PRO WRESTLING, AND cHRISTIAN IS THE BEST THING ON sMACKDOWN THESE DAYS. hE WILL NEVER BE THE NUMBER ONE GUY, BUT HE WILL ALWAYS BE AN UPPER MID CARD WHO CAN carry a feud on the mic alone,. Christian has and always will be underutilised in WWE simply because Vince is not a fan of his character. Sad really but true
Christian still isn't a main event player IMO, he's upper mid card, he doesn't have it, i'm sorry. he's good enough in the ring and can be entertaining on the mic as Captain Charisma, but he's just too weedy and weak and is a shit heel on the mic, he tries to be Chris Jericho and he isn't even close.

I'm happy for him that he got rewarded for his years of near killing himself in the attitude era and all the E&C moments but he should be happy he got that much.

TNA made him a world champ yes briefly, but TNA was nothing so that's irrelevant. and then what did they do when they took the title off him again? he was taken out of the title picture again and he got sick of there shit and came crawling back to WWE, same with Jeff Hardy
Here's the thing... WWE was teasing Christian v Cena as a serious feud, but it never really happened. For all those who say he would still be where he is, I actually think working with Cena of the time would have really boosted both guys. Cena was in the throes of the "We Hate Cena", Christian was the antithesis to him, a hard-working, attitude era guy who hadn't had his "due". Think Christian was not on the boil, think again, back to the WM promo and "thats how I roll"... How often is that used now? It's a phrase that wasn't widely used then. Had that feud been done properly, I think Christian would have helped Cena develop a bit in the ring and Cena helped Christian "get over" as that annoying but damn good heel that Jericho became during that period. Tag matches with Christian and Edge and the inevitable doublecross by Edge could have seen a strong E v C feud and Christian becoming more of a bankable face.

Add to that Christian was starting to get some movie roles, in films like Shoot-Em-Up, not huge parts but recognisable parts... So he could easily have gone into a WWE film during the period.

I don't for one minute think Christian's TNA run was a bad thing, it made him cos he was the first real guy to make the leap with something to prove, succesfully prove it and come back stronger for the experience.
Christian Cage was one of the best things to ever happen to TNA, back then TNA was a product I could watch without gouging out my eyeballs.

If christian had not left then he would be where JoMo and Mcintyre are now... loosing constantly....but still over enough and skilled enough to be considered a real accomplishment to someone who would beat him in a match.

Christian showed in TNA that he could really hold his own as a top guy....and I believe weather or not Edge was forced to retire.... Christian was not far off getting his title shot anyway.
He'd have either stayed in the upper mid card position he was glued to before he left or he would have eventually won the WWE or World Heavyweight Championships. That being said, him leaving the WWE at that time for TNA was one of the best decisions he could have made. He went into TNA was instantly a Main Eventer, he was instantly one of their biggest draws and until Angle showed the argument could be made he was their face.

He got two solid runs as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, showed he had what it took to be in the Main Event and grew as a wrestler. Before he went to TNA everyone knew Christian was a great wrestler, but TNA showed people he was better than some ever knew. He very rarely had a poor match and he was almost always embroiled in the top feuds week-after-week.

I prefer Christian since he came back anyway. TNA did nothing but good for him and we still got what we wanted, he's a two time World Heavyweight Champion, one of the top heels on both Smackdown and in the WWE as a whole and he probably has feud of the year notched up with Randy Orton.

This right here, Christian was already established as a great worker and in ring compeditor, but he was really established as a main eventer and Championship material during his time in TNA. He might have found just as much success had he stayed but we'll never know, what we do know though is that he did leave and it ended up helping him a ton in the long run, it's very possible that he would not have become the World Heavyweight Champion had he stayed and I think that he proved his worth to everyone including the WWE by his time in TNA. I was a fan of his during his first run in the WWE and I loved him even more when he left and took Impact by storm. At the time I was a very dedicated WWE fan at the time but I opened my mind to TNA because of Christian and I loved what he did during his time there. He become so much more because of the journey he's taken throughout his career and I think that even though there is a possibility he would have been just as successful or more had he stayed, in the end his path led him back and to two World Heavyweight Championship reigns so in the end i'm happy he didn't stay.
The optimist in me says that I would like to think that Christian would have still eventually found the success he had over the summer. He was always over with the audience, was solid in the ring, and was more than capable on the mic. What was really holding him down was management. Had he not gone to TNA to really prove the naysayers wrong by really playing a pivotal role in carrying the company as world champion, the pessimist (or perhaps realist) in me feels he would just be in the hell that is WWE's midcard for the rest of his career. Going to TNA was probably the best career move he made. His TNA run showed fans that he was able to pull consistently good matches and be a major player in the main event scene. I feel that his time in TNA helped Christian evolve into what he is today.
Christian still isn't a main event player IMO, he's upper mid card, he doesn't have it, i'm sorry. he's good enough in the ring and can be entertaining on the mic as Captain Charisma, but he's just too weedy and weak and is a shit heel on the mic, he tries to be Chris Jericho and he isn't even close.

I'm happy for him that he got rewarded for his years of near killing himself in the attitude era and all the E&C moments but he should be happy he got that much.

TNA made him a world champ yes briefly, but TNA was nothing so that's irrelevant. and then what did they do when they took the title off him again? he was taken out of the title picture again and he got sick of there shit and came crawling back to WWE, same with Jeff Hardy

Why are ******ed ass losers always telling wrestlers in WWE they should be greatful for whatever they are offered? Christian was given the shaft for years and WWE pay rates are not going to compensate for disrespect in the eyes of a real man. He earned his spot for all the contributions he made in the Attitude Era..
TNA I think was christians way of showing wwe that he could run with the ball even though once he came back he didnt get the world title right away he was in a much better place than he was before he left just like ryder on twitter he showed he could be a top player on his own without wwe's help
Looking back now I think him going to TNA helped Christian in the long run before coming back to WWE. He showed he could carry the ball being a big fish in a tiny pond with 2 World Title runs there. Had he not left in 2005 I think he could have Feuded with Cena for the WWE Title or even Edge possibly. So him coming back from TNA did wonders for him and he has proven to be a Main Event guy in the WWE.
odd ball. Christian was a mid carder, the Cena feud was never going to happen, it was all dangling a carrot for Christian to re-sign, but he was promised the world over and over. What about 2004, he went over Jericho at Mania 20 so what do they dom, lumber him with Tomko. Crap way to treat a guy you trying to push
I always liked the guy and hated to see him leave for TNA, but I must admit it was probably the right decision at the time. He was going nowhere in WWE; I think he was still regarded as Edge's "brother" and tag-team partner even after he began wrestling as a single. What I remember from his last months in WWE were the temper tantrums he'd throw in the ring after absorbing another jobber loss. It was the right time to go.

True, when he came back, he seemed to spend a lot of time in ECW-Purgatory before finally getting his big push. My feeling is that it was probably explained to him when he returned that this is the way things were going to be handled. They most likely told him that if he followed the program, he would eventually get a title run......just as he knew he wasn't going to be immediately rewarded for having deserted WWE. Since he was undoubtedly making more money here than TNA could pay him, he agreed..... came back......and the rest is history.

He picked a good career path.....and now he's home.

Good enough.
What my recollection is in 2005 the creative heads backstage decided to derail Christian's momentum because Christian was getting hot at the time but realized that (a) a push for Christian was not in the plan and (B) they could not take credit for Christian's rise in popularity since they had nothing to do with Christian's character.

Now a lot of people are saying Christian was not main event material or how he was just a mid carder for life at the time or how TNA helped him a lot develop into a star. I actually disagree with this there were signs that Christian was in the right direction in being a main eventer. some signs:

A ) Pops ... despite being injured during Summerslam 2004, Christian got a huge pop in Toronto (despite not being in the show). If you can recall Summerslam there was a three way with Edge vs. Jericho vs. Batista, chants were going "We Want Christian" so it shows that fans loved him. Also after WM, Christian's promos were getting huge ovations, the ones which he was calling out Cena (who was in Smackdown! at the time).

B.) His popularity did give him opportunities to work in Title Matches, TV Main Events, with Batista and Cena. So his recent popularity helped him get some main event mathces.

He left because after being drafted to Smackdown! they stuck him in a midcard program with Booker T(which went nowhere) it seemed apparent that creative decided to stick him into this spot because they just did not want to push him despite his popularity. Since moving to Smackdown! and failing to capitalize on his popularity Christian decided not to sign the new contract (and some rumors on a lowballed contract) and jumped to TNA ... the rest is history.
Christian would eventually have won a world title or two if he had not left for TNA. He was close by the time he left and would have broken into permanent world title tier involvement around the time Edge did had he stuck around. The problem is that he ended up winning his first world title in TNA and Vince didn't like that. He had to re-prove himself when he returned which is why he was stuck on ECW and random filler feuds at first. Going to TNA set Christian's main event run back a few years because he was so close when he left, Christian would honestly have been better off if he stayed in WWE this whole time.
Yep I agree with Dagger Dias. He was feuding with Cena before he left, and putting in decent heel performances. He even got the nickname CLB from The Rock. Being involved in one way or another with both those guys demonstrates that he was going places. I guess in a way his persona could have been perceived as too close to Jericho's (at that time) but as we all know now Y2J's appearances became more sporadic, which could have created an opportunity for Christian to fill that kind of role.
Yeah, I can understand why he left, but people at like it was guaranteed that he was going to be stuck in jobber status forever. At the point where Christian left, he was still in far better standing as far as world champion status is conerned than Edge was. I just can't believer that with all the programs he was having with main event guys that NOTHING was going to come out of it.

Christain was never going to be "the" guy there, but in the span of time where he was in TNA, it's hard to think he wouldn't have won a WT. Everyone at that time was making way for Cena and Batista. As awful as 2007 was, there's no way he wouldn't have been at least in the conversation then. At the very least he wouldn't have had to build him back up in ECW. But alas, we shall never know.
For all his struggles of being perceived as the lesser of his former tag team, he at least began his career in the hottest period for professional wrestling ever. Then he resolved his stay in mid-card purgatory with an excellent run in TNA that saw him become a top player, returning to WWE before TNA became the shithole it is today, which granted him a hefty ECW Championship reign on the wrestling-heavy Tuesday program and eventually his first world title reign (in WWE) after being drafted to Smackdown. Now he's perhaps the biggest heel in the company and in my opinion one of the two best overall wrestlers (the other being CM Punk), who though probably won't be in either world title picture again for a while, he at least consistently associates with other main event talents. Yeah, he's definitely had a few lame years, but he's certainly paid his dues and earned his spot as one of the biggest names in professional wrestling today. Perhaps given a few years and a continued presence in the main event, he'll eventually accumulate a career to rival his best friend's.
Considering how he went from headlining a PPV to not even showing up on the next one back in the summer of 2005, I would say he would've been released. Guys like Bobby Lashley, Mr. Kennedy and Orlando Jordan were getting more screentime than him while all he had to keep him on Smackdown TV was the Peep Show. Had he stayed in TNA, he would clearly be top Babyface as TNA had set him up as the MEM formed. But had he stayed in WWE, they wouldn't have really given a damn about him because he wasn't showing anything. It's the same case with Jeff Hardy. When TNA tried to push him and he left/was fired, WWE saw they could do something. Same case with Christian. Had he stayed in WWE, they would have never seen him carrying a company.
I think if he stayed, he would of won the world title before this year. And would of had that much wanted feud with Edge.

After he came back to the WWE. They put him in ECW. He had to work his way back up again. IMO he is finally in a good spot with the WWE. He kind of took over Jericho's role. Its a shame Edge had to retire. Because right after Summerslam would of been perfect for him and Christian to start a program together.

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