What if Chris Benoit would have stayed under his mask


Last Man Standing
My question is simple, If Chris Benoit would have stayed under a mask as Pegasus Kid as he wrestled in Japan, and went on to have the same career he had but never lost the mask, and still killed his family. Would we still have him erased completely from wrestling history? Or would it be easier to seperate Pegasus Kid the wrestling character from Chris Benoit the man?
no i don't think it would have been difficult to allow that the Pegasus kid would have killed his family it would still have been a bigger deal. I can see it on the news now Chris Benoit "The Pegasus Kid" has been charged with a double murder suicide.

However i doubt that Chris Benoit would have taken off half as well as the Pegasus Kid just because the character The Rabid Wolverine got Chris to the top. Who knows if Benoit kept the mask on he might not have killed his family at all due to the fact that he never made it main event and took as many drugs which led him to kill his family and himself.
sorry, i dont buy it. if he hadn't or ha take off the mask, same result. granted, he likely would never have won the WHC, but he still would have used the advantages to get ahead. Just the same as if Rey Mysterio would do the same, no one would be able seperate Rey MYSTERIO "superstar for Oscar Guitierrez Jr, real human being. Its impossibe to do.
I'm not sure how successful Chris Benoit's ''Pegasus Kid'' gimmick would have been in the WWE. He could still have debuted in 2000, get a few wins here and there, but do you really think he would have still been a 4-time Intercontinental Champion, a 3-time United States Champion, a 4-time Tag Team Champion, a former World Heavyweight Champion and the 2004 Royal Rumble winner? I feel that the fact that WWE never mentioned Benoit as having the nickname of ''The Pegasus Kid'', actually helped his career. ''The Rabid Wolverine'' gimmick made him what he was and helped elevate his career to the next level.

Now, back to your question... I think that even if Benoit's name was ''The Pegasus Kid'', if you watched the news on Benoit's double murder-suicide, I'm sure that the news reporter what say his real name. So, I don't think that still having that nickname, would do anything to protect Benoit's accomplishments and change the fact that WWE completely erased him for history.
I'm not asking if Chris Benoit under a mask would have gotten over the same way, i'm saying if he had, would it have made a difference? There are a lot of fans out there that still respect Chris Benoit the wrestler, would it be easier for the wrestling community in general to still accept him if he was still Pegasus Kid?
Who knows if Benoit kept the mask on he might not have killed his family at all due to the fact that he never made it main event and took as many drugs which led him to kill his family and himself.

no no no.the drugs wasent the main reason why he did what he did.benoit had sever brain damage.that of which resembled close to an 85 year olds from all those diving head butts he did through out his career.i dont think the drugs were directly linked to his actions,thats all the media and its "roid rage"propaganda,they might of played a small role.but benoit was not normal because of all those headbutts.

as far as the question goes.not i dont think he would of made it nearly as close to the top if he remained the pegasus kid seeing as how so many put it already that his rabid wolverine forte brought him to the top.and yeah wwe would still erased him from history because it still matters whos under the mask.when the story hit the media do you think theyd refer to him as pegasus kid kills wife son and himself?no that wouldnt make much sence
If Benoit was still "The Pegasus Kid", I doubt he'll have a family, I'm thinking his career would be taking off in a totally different direction, and wouldn't have met Nancy, and he'll still probably be alive right now..
Ok first off what gives with the abundance of "what if..." questions this forum has been getting lately?

Getting to your question which as I read it is "If Chris Benoit was the pegasus kid at the time of the murder, would the impact be different"

Well one factor would be would he still be using the crossface as his finisher? That was and still is a problem people have with him, he basically used his finishing maneuver to kill his family.

I think it would and if anything the impact would have been worse had he been the Pegasus kid. I agree with you that it may have been easier to separate a masked character from a murderer, however i feel that would have been overshadowed by the fact that Vince likely would have pushed the masked character down the kiddies throats. Benoit was never pushed as a kid friendly wrestler like a rey mysterio. I feel the pegasus kid would have been so if you have a "kid friendly" wrestler becoming a killer of a kid and his mother, the result would be traumatic.

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