What if Cena breaks Flair's US Championship record?


King Of The Ring
Since Cena became US Champion, he's elevated the title. Although he failed to tie Flair's world title record of 16 reigns, he's also close to another Flair milestone - a WWE record of 6 US title reigns. Cena has won the US title 5 times and is back in the US title picture. It's inevitable that he'll tie/break Flair's world title record, the question now is will he break Flair's US title record.

He can easily move on from the US title picture and get back in the main event picture if needed. Thoughts?
I don't think anyone would care, honestly. That's more of a footnote, for a long time the US title didn't even exist in WWE. The world title is the one that carries the prestige.

It actually really annoys me that Cena is on track to tie/break Flairs world title record. I'm not a mark, so it's not like it really means anything, but it annoys me from the standpoint that history is written by the victor (in this case WWE) and in the future it will be portrayed as if they are in someway equal or better, when that couldn't further from the truth. While taking away absolutely nothing from Cena's incredible work ethic, wrestling behind the scenes (especially in Flair's era) was extremely political, and he was such a pro at navigating that, and getting over in every different market, that he managed to get himself to the top in every promotion he ever stepped foot in. Cena's entire career has been in one company, and many of those title reigns have been during "hot potato" scenarios that have padded his number, where as Flair's were often lengthy runs.
There's no what if about it. There is no doubt in my mind Cena is winning the title from Del Rio at some soon, probably at the Rumble.

And I hope they play it up when he does. Bring back the Open Challenge, let people know Cena reached a record. Let him elevate the title so it means something again, please. Maybe finally unify it with the IC title, just do something for crying out loud. That way when someone beats him for it it means something.
I wouldn't mind, as fewer people have carried the WWE like Cena has. Guys like Hogan didn't wrestle very often, even when he was the guy on top. Guys like Stone Cold, the Rock and Shawn Michaels had intense, but relatively short reigns on top (whether it was from injuries, movie making or personal demons). Triple H is an unusual case, as he was on top as a heel, which I always interpret as building up credibility to put a babyface over. Ric Flair is a legend, but most of that came from before WWE.

People might hate Cena, but the WWE has never really relied on anyone else like they have Cena. So if he broke the record, I wouldn't mind at all, even if Cena has never been a personal favorite of mine.
These records are meaningless, why do fans put so much emphasis on it?.. It's entertainment.. You're on a wrestling forum, you should know it's entertainment. When the record is fake, it means shit.
These records are meaningless, why do fans put so much emphasis on it?.. It's entertainment.. You're on a wrestling forum, you should know it's entertainment. When the record is fake, it means shit.

Dude this is a discussion forum. You should stop commenting on things that you don't care about, just to ruin it for others who do want to discuss. Don't be a miserable man...

As for Cena tying the US title record, I actually don't see it happening. His last US title run before Mania 31 was what, 10 years ago? I think he'll be feuding with Taker heading into Mania, and we all know he'll go into the main event scene following his win there (I know... I'm assuming). Cena's job in the mid-card is done. He has successfully elevated the US championship, I don't see him ever going back into that role again. He might win the IC title once just to say he's won it, but I can't see him being relegated when he's still basically in his prime.
Wow I didn’t even realize this was happening, but, now that I know… I’m more pissed off about this than I am about anything else in life. This is a disgrace!

Nah, I’m just kidding, I don’t really care. You know it’s been five years since The Miz dropped the title to Daniel Bryan, which is the last time I can remember what the US Title was doing prior to the Open Challenge? Hell, it’s been 11 years since John Cena had the title in 2004, the second to last time I remember where the US Title was. At this point, I wouldn’t care if they changed the title’s name to “The John Cena Title”.

You're on a wrestling forum, you should know it's entertainment. When the record is fake, it means shit.

Bless you for clearing that up, my man :icon_rolleyes: It’s been a point of contention on these forums for far too long whether wrestling is fake or not. Jesus fucking Christ, Messiah.
God I hope so, so the US title can go back to being fucking awesome.

That record book (that doesn't really exist) ain't what's on my tv on a week to week basis. Cena and the US title open challenge is what is paying bills, not to mention, Cena is a top 5 guy all time. He deserves every record just as much as anyone.
I personally acknowledge the WWE US title reigns separate from Mid-Atlantic/WCW title reigns. Mainly because I have no idea if the rank of it is second to the WHC title or WWE's version of the European title. Seems that within the last year that's been clarified more. I always thought that since the Intercontinental title has been established as the second highest singles belt that it was still in that position.

Either way I could care less if he breaks it or not.
I don't think anyone would care, honestly. That's more of a footnote, for a long time the US title didn't even exist in WWE. The world title is the one that carries the prestige.

It actually really annoys me that Cena is on track to tie/break Flairs world title record. I'm not a mark, so it's not like it really means anything, but it annoys me from the standpoint that history is written by the victor (in this case WWE) and in the future it will be portrayed as if they are in someway equal or better, when that couldn't further from the truth. While taking away absolutely nothing from Cena's incredible work ethic, wrestling behind the scenes (especially in Flair's era) was extremely political, and he was such a pro at navigating that, and getting over in every different market, that he managed to get himself to the top in every promotion he ever stepped foot in. Cena's entire career has been in one company, and many of those title reigns have been during "hot potato" scenarios that have padded his number, where as Flair's were often lengthy runs.

None of John Cena's title reigns lasted less than a week. At least a couple of Flair's 16 did. As far as legitimate title reigns goes, Cena's list is way more credible than Flair's. They've both had lengthy stints as champion, but Flair's number is a lot more padded. More than half of his reigns ended within one or two months.

As for history being written by the victor, that's true in all walks of life. Nothing you can do about that but accept it and move on.
He will get his 6th soon so he'll at least tie it.

Do you guys think Cena holds the US title through Mania? I don't think he does but when and who does he drop it to? Back to Del Rio?

Do you expect Cena back in the main event picture post Mania? Do they keep him in the mid-card scene longer? Where does Cena go after he's done with the US title?

While I personally wouldn't care if Cena was pushed back into the WWE title scene....I'd rather see him chase the IC title. If Bryan comes back (I still think he will and we are all being swerved with this nonsense) then a Cena vs Bryan feud for the IC title excites me. I love watching them both wrestle and Cena's in ring work is as good as ever right now.
Cena has won the US title 5 times and is back in the US title picture.

I can understand some posters denying the importance of holding the record of 'most times winning the US title.' If/when Cena achieves this, it will be noted by the ringside announcers......and be mentioned again by whomever eventually inducts Cena into the WWE Hall of Fame.......and that's about it.

Of more importance is how he elevated the prestige of the belt, which had fallen by the wayside. That's the real accomplishment.....and Cena will either get to do it again......or WWE Creative will decide the project is over and move him onto something else.
I actually hope that del Rio retains, as otherwise his victory over Cena means nothing and he'll likely fade back into jobberdom. Del Rio almost seems on the verge of becoming interesting, so I hope they finally find a way of making him click. I remember in the kick-off show for TLC, he was doing an interview and I was impressed at how much of a (kayfabe) douche he could be. I want more doucheyness.

With that said, I do figure that the long term plan is for Cena to eat him and regain his championship. Although part of me hopes he loses, turns heel and goes after Reigns.
Even though the WWE U.S. Belt carries the lineage from JCP it carries none of the prestige. If you want a title to have prestige you don't let everybody and everyone hold it, Vince didn't see it that way.
Todays Titles are changing hands more frequently than they were in the during most of Flairs reigns so its expected records would be broken, I've no doubt Cena probably will beat Flairs record at some point.
Back in the 60s and 70s Sammartino's 2 combined title reigns lasted about 12 years? If changes were as frequent then he would of probably been like a 30 time champion.
I actually hope that del Rio retains, as otherwise his victory over Cena means nothing and he'll likely fade back into jobberdom. Del Rio almost seems on the verge of becoming interesting, so I hope they finally find a way of making him click. I remember in the kick-off show for TLC, he was doing an interview and I was impressed at how much of a (kayfabe) douche he could be. I want more doucheyness.

Hahahahahaha. Is that so? Almost on the verge of becoming interesting?

I did like the intense/furious Del Rio in that pre-match verbal battle on Raw, though I understand not even an atom of Spanish. It sounded interesting nonetheless.

With that said, I do figure that the long term plan is for Cena to eat him and regain his championship. Although part of me hopes he loses, turns heel and goes after Reigns.

I was wondering the same. Cena regains the US title from him at the RR(which seems unlikely), so the next PPV seems like a lock. But then again, they probably have big plans/opponent locked for him for WM, haven't they? Whereas Del Rio and the LON, as futile as they are, need the US title heading into WM. But it's all conjecturing, at this point.

Go after Roman Reigns he will, but time will tell whether it will be the same old boring schtick he does as a face, or something totally novel, where he might be a heel or something.

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