What happens to Seth Rollins AFTER WM32?

Mustang Sally

Sells seashells by the seashore
Many of us have been so busy speculating who will win the title at WM32 .....and presuming Seth won't be keeping it......that I wonder what he'll be doing after losing the belt, whenever it happens.

Personally, I think he's one of the guys who will lead the company into the next decade. I believe he has the staying power to be one of WWE's prime attractions for many years to come.......and if you think he's been effective as a cowardly heel, wait until you see him as a face. I think he'll be the biggest thing going.

What do you think? Is Rollins a flash in the pan......interesting to us only because he holds the big title? Or will he be huge even without the belt around his waist?
He'll probably join the Diva's division!

Seriously, I'm not sure. I imagine there will be some sort of program where he battles Triple H, but I'm not sure if he will be in the Title scene after awhile. Seth is one of the most talented guys on the roster, but he's the WHC while the ratings sink to all time lows. Is it his fault? I don't know. Once he became 'the guy', he was booked to be a horrible champion. Then he became irrelevant as the Undertaker and Brock Lesnar got the spotlight.

I don't feel like there is any...I dunno, drawing power to Seth right now. I'm surprised he still has the belt. I have a feeling that after he drops the title, he will enter the midcard scene. Whether or not he remains there is unclear. I'd still like Seth without the belt though. He was actually at his most interesting around the time he won the Money in the Bank contract.
Many of us have been so busy speculating who will win the title at WM32 .....and presuming Seth won't be keeping it......that I wonder what he'll be doing after losing the belt, whenever it happens.

Personally, I think he's one of the guys who will lead the company into the next decade. I believe he has the staying power to be one of WWE's prime attractions for many years to come.......and if you think he's been effective as a cowardly heel, wait until you see him as a face. I think he'll be the biggest thing going.

What do you think? Is Rollins a flash in the pan......interesting to us only because he holds the big title? Or will he be huge even without the belt around his waist?

I've a verdict of my own and I'm not sure how many will possibly agree to that. I never fancied Seth Rollins-with-no-title. It makes me feel like he misses something really big. It was the time when he cut a promo against Dean Ambrose on Smackdown before MITB and everyone adored that promo. But it made me feel a tad different when he walked down the ramp with no title. The title means everything to him right now. The reason he's in the Authority is that they saw a future in him. So they kept him crowned but once the title is gone, I can be sure he'll be out of the Authority.

Presumably I can see him feuding with Triple H but still I'm not sure who will be the face or heel.

In a nutshell, I don't reckon Rollins without title will be a great idea.
I think that Seth will probably lose the title before WM32, and end up turning face. Hopefully when/if Seth does end up leaving The Authority (and turning face in the process), we'll see the beginning of a feud to end The Authority angle. My prediction for WM32 is that we'll see Rollins (as a good guy, defying The Authority) in a match against HHH (without the title on the line). Thinking about HHH's prospects for WM32, I think Seth Rollins is probably the best opponent for him (as long as the lead-up is good, of course).

I could be absolutely wrong. Seth could very well carry the title all the way to WM32, but I don't think he'll retain. Regardless of what happens, Seth will probably be turning face soon after losing the title. A Seth vs. The Authority feud would be great, and they could probably stretch it over a few PPVs. Eventually, we could even see a proper Shield Reunion (with Seth recruiting Ambrose & Reigns to help him rid the WWE of The Authority). Maybe that idea is a bit trite, but it could at least lead to some great matches.

To reiterate, I'd love to see The Authority implode at some point in the near future (especially if/when Seth leaves the group). The angle has run it's course, and I think it's high time the WWE had a different authority figure...as long as they don't bring back John Laurinaitis.
Depends on how you book him. If you book him properly, for example, if you believe in rumors and it would be Rollins/HHH after he loses title, cant see why he wouldnt be entertaining even without title. Or maybe Rollins/Michels if Shawn decides to do one more match for Wrestlemania. So far inspite of somewhat bad booking he didnt dissapointed so I have faith that he woulnt be just flash in the pan. After all, he was MiTB winner and we saw what he can do with better booking eventhough he didnt had title then.
Many of us have been so busy speculating who will win the title at WM32 .....and presuming Seth won't be keeping it......that I wonder what he'll be doing after losing the belt, whenever it happens.

Personally, I think he's one of the guys who will lead the company into the next decade. I believe he has the staying power to be one of WWE's prime attractions for many years to come.......and if you think he's been effective as a cowardly heel, wait until you see him as a face. I think he'll be the biggest thing going.

What do you think? Is Rollins a flash in the pan......interesting to us only because he holds the big title? Or will he be huge even without the belt around his waist?

I think he'll face the champion at Extreme Rules and Payback, then move on to try to win the MITB Briefcase again but fails and I think he'll turn face at Battleground and finally face HHH at Summerslam and HHH should win the match and Rollins floats around in the midcard maybe win the IC title/US title before eventually getting back to the main event in 2017.
.... I think he'll turn face at Battleground and finally face HHH at Summerslam....

Just a thought: Perhaps the reason John Cena hasn't yet made a turn to the dark side is that WWE can't do it until a mega-good guy comes along for Cena to oppose. Maybe it has nothing to do with merchandise sales or the wounded feelings of the kiddies.

If that's the case, I firmly believe a face Seth Rollins would be so effective .....so huge.....that his turn to the side of justice might be just the event the company is waiting for to turn Cena bad.

Yes, it might appear ludicrous now, with both them currently the polar opposites of what they would become......but I'm rooting for it.
Just a thought: Perhaps the reason John Cena hasn't yet made a turn to the dark side is that WWE can't do it until a mega-good guy comes along for Cena to oppose. Maybe it has nothing to do with merchandise sales or the wounded feelings of the kiddies.

If that's the case, I firmly believe a face Seth Rollins would be so effective .....so huge.....that his turn to the side of justice might be just the event the company is waiting for to turn Cena bad.

Yes, it might appear ludicrous now, with both them currently the polar opposites of what they would become......but I'm rooting for it.

That would be amazing. You're right, too: The WWE obviously has to find someone to be Cena's successor, and right now it seems like they've cooled Roman Reigns down. That might be because of the way the Universe reacted at the Royal Rumble and/or WM31, or it might be because they're waiting to put someone else in that spot...someone like Rollins!

We've already seen Rollins vs. Cena several times, but swapping their heel/face roles could make it feel fresh. There would obviously be several disappointed members of the CeNation, but Cena finally turning heel would turn a lot of heads. I don't think it will be as big as when Hogan went "Hollywood" in '96, but it would be a big deal none-the-less. Good-guy Rollins would be a great choice for Cena's first feud on "the dark side". I'd prefer seeing that than Cena vs. Reigns, at least.
I disagree. To me, if he ever opposes the Authority, I'd actually rather THEY be the babyfaces.

Seth Rollins is arguably the only heel who has been presented as outright evil. Rusev and Bray haven't really tried to cripple anyone and not only has Seth attempted to permanently take out Ambrose and Orton, he also practically tried to murder Edge. Even the Authority hasn't taken things THAT far. They might break your spirit and fire you, but they have shown restraint.

I just don't like the idea of that being 'water under the bridge' in that short amount of time. I'd rather a face turn really mean something and not just be another 'bi-yearly switch'. In an ideal world, he would actually supplant the Authority. He battles Triple H for power, wins and becomes the new head honcho who's even more twisted and sadistic.
Seth Rollins is the only thing great that is going on right now..
I think he should keep the WWE title throughout WM32 and beat Punks record..
Or else it doesn't matter if he loses the title before that..He doesnt need the WWE title on him to make him look good.
He may lose it to Reigns and that will happen sooner or later..
There is a lot of fueds and storylines that is coming up for Seth Rollins..With upcoming talents from NXT there is a lot in store for THE MAN..
He will stay at the main event and the main man not only through WM32 but for a lot of years to come..He is meant to do that coz he is already a bonafide future Hall of famer and one of the best..He will outclass CM Punk probably by 1 year from now..
I've a verdict of my own and I'm not sure how many will possibly agree to that. I never fancied Seth Rollins-with-no-title. It makes me feel like he misses something really big. It was the time when he cut a promo against Dean Ambrose on Smackdown before MITB and everyone adored that promo. But it made me feel a tad different when he walked down the ramp with no title. The title means everything to him right now. The reason he's in the Authority is that they saw a future in him. So they kept him crowned but once the title is gone, I can be sure he'll be out of the Authority.

Presumably I can see him feuding with Triple H but still I'm not sure who will be the face or heel.

In a nutshell, I don't reckon Rollins without title will be a great idea.
To be perfectly honest, I think you've hit the nail on the head in regards to just how overrated Seth is. I agree that he's not relevant without a title, since the whole "babyface underdog's hard climb to the top" would work out better with some of the other upcoming stars. Your comment highlights the fact that he's not really that interesting as a character, with the point of interest shifting from himself to the actual title.

He's good in the ring (albeit far outshined by some of his contemporaries, such as Cesaro), but on the mic he just comes across as forced and contrived, without saying anything interesting aside from the annoyingly obvious, such as saying how he's going to beat Kane on Sunday, although drawing that sentence out for ten minutes.
First things first Seth is an awesome wrestler we just have not seen it yet. Seth being a heel and with his character he is not using all his moves, but just wait when he turns face you will see a different Seth. I think he will lose the Title by years end to Roman and then turn face and start feuding with the Authority leading up to WM32 when he faces HHH.
Now to answer your question Seth will probably hang around the Title picture for a while he probably might even win another MITB. I can see the U.S. Title in his future and probably the World Title once again but this time as a face. Seth will kind of be like John is now always in the spotlight even if he is not the World Champ.
Seth is a high flyer and has a lot of moves in the ring, watch some of his NXT matches he is good, he is a big part of the future of WWE and maybe the top face in the future.

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