What happened to Kaval?

C J Calve

Dark Match Jobber
What are WWE doing with Kaval, he lost CLEANLY, to a guy who hasn't won a televised match in about 3 years. That being Chavo. Kaval was pretty awesome in NXT. But now what is he? He wasn't on the Live premier of SD! Yet Alex Riley who came 3rd is Live on RAW. Let alone Mcillicuty hasn't even got an offical WWE contract. WWE what the hell?

So what are your thoughts...

1. Where is Kaval
2. What do you hope WWE does with the man
3. Do you ever see him as a world champion

I aplologise if this post or questions have been asked before.
Kaval was eaten alive by Thwagger's Thwoaring Eagle. Just joking.

Honestly, I think Kaval is going to fizzle out. He lost to Chavo who in his own right, is a good Wrestler when used, but if anything, he should be jobbing to Kaval. Alex Riley is only on Raw because he's with The Miz, if it weren't for that, we wouldn't see him anywhere but FCW.

It was a shame Kaval wasn't on the premier of SD on Syfy, but really, if he's being used like he is now, what difference would it have made? To my knowledge he's lost cleanly twice in his current Smackdown run.

1. I don't know where Kaval is, but I'm sure he'll show up eventually. If not, then roll on interwebz-NXT 4.

2. I hope WWE actually use him. He's got so much potential and whether you admit it or not, he's a veteran. He's been just about everywhere like Bryan Danielson has. Maybe sometimes, some people just don't suit the WWE as much as they did in their previous companies.

3. I don't ever see Kaval as World Champion, no. With the way he's being used so far, and the fact that his moveset is as dry as bone, like it was on NXT, then there's no hope of him becoming Intercontinental Champion, nevermind World Champion.
1. Where is Kaval
He's on Smackdown. He's probably just waiting for the right feud. He's only had two matches and there's probably a reason. They're either waiting on Michael McGilicutty to return and fued with him or waiting to use him for a challenger the Intercontinental Championship. He's there, just be patient. He will make his mark.

2. What do you hope WWE does with the man
I hope to see him at the main event level. He's got the talent, look and ability to be there. Maybe once Mysterio retires we'll see a new underdog champion. Kaval would also have great feuds with CM Punk, Kofi Kingston and maybe even Christain.

3. Do you ever see him as a world champion
Yes. Like I said, he's got the look, ability and talanet to be a major threat to any World Champion. However, it might be a long ways away down the road before he's even seen as a contender for the championship. I'd love to see it though.
It is a ridiculous situation. When Wade Barrett won the first season of NXT, he went on to be a part of the biggest angle for quite some time. When Kaval won the second season, he jobbed to Drew McIntyre and the ultimate jobber, Chavo Guerreo.

I'm sure Kaval will turn up on SmackDown next week. Look at it his way. He was on the two episodes before the SyFy debut on Friday. With Raw stars coming on to SD the other day, many SD superstars who would normally be on weren't or where on for a very small amount of time. Kofi Kingston, MVP, Big Show, Luke Gallows and Kaval were all either not used or used very little.

I'm hoping WWE give him a strong push, ending with a title. He's so talented to be wasted on Superstars. Maybe a heel turn could be in order. I've always thought that he could make an aggressive, silent assassin type heel despite his size. Maybe he has a losing streak and goes crazy, beating someone to a pulp.

I do see Kaval as world champion at some point in the future. Obviously the main thing that would hold him back is his size. But if Rey Myssterio could do it, then why not Kaval. He just needs a push that would get him over. He's definitely got the in-ring ability and has decent mic skills. So why not?
Oh God! Kaval lost ONE single match? Surely his career in WWE is over and he's being buried forever. It's an overt and undefendable display of how little WWE cares about truly gifted Indy talent and the IWC in general. What a bunch evil selfish egocentric bastards. I call for an immediate boycott of WWE programing until they rightfully give Kaval a run at the World and Hvywgt Titles thus unifying them and displaying his obviously superior talents to those numskulls at WWE corporate i.e. Vince his trust fund legacy baby Steph and her neanderthal husband/eventual throne usurper HHH.


Honestly, it was one match. ONE. Perhaps it's the beginning of a feud that will actually get Kaval over more with the fans seeing as he'll be able perform his style of wrestling better with an opponent that is of similar size and comes from a more high flying style himself… Or perhaps it was a one off match that has no bearing on his career and was to act as a sort-of reminder to the crowd that NXT was NXT and the main roster are all Pros who have years of experience and they won't get bowled over that easily hence Kaval may have to *gasp* work hard and slowly build himself up via working up through the ranks of WWE's superstar talent pool (shocking, I know)!

Just food for thought.
It was just one match, so there's no reason to worry about Kaval just yet or anytime soon. He's a NXT rookie even though we all know how good he is. His size hurts him, but he's got what it takes to be a good champion.
1. He's around and just wasn't used on SmackDown this week.
2. I want WWE to use him like REy to a degree. The cruiserweight division may be gone, but he could greatly help the tag and mid card division.
3. Ultimately, he won't be a world champ I think sadly, but any other title I def see coming to him. He got the look and talent to be great, but as long as Vince runs things, I just don't see a world title going around this guy.
As much as they hyped the whole "fan vote" thing, I still don't think it had as much weight as was implied. Clearly they were high enough on him to not only let him be on the show, but to win it as well. He's been in two matches and lost to established guys. As much as I fucking loathe McIntyre (make him disappear, please), he's been active for a while and held the IC title for a few months. It makes even more sense now to not have him lose to a "rookie" if they were preparing him for the tag titles. Chavo, despite WWE's misuse of him, has held nearly a dozen championships and is a great worker, in addition to being a seasoned veteran. They probably just want Kaval to get some work in and are emphasizing that he's a "rookie", who still needs to figure out his game in order to compete with the big dogs. We obviously know that isn't the case, but I'm guessing that's how they're treating it. They could give him the underdog treatment in making him lose a bunch of matches before finally pulling off a big upset, which could actually do even more to get him over, in the grand scheme of things.

In the two matches he's had, he's put on a decent show, so they're at least letting him show off a sample of what he's capable of. I think he'll get a decent push at some point, probably sooner rather than later, and will end up with a mid-card title. I don't see him being a world champion, as he hasn't got the size that WWE tends to look for, and at this point, while I am a fan of his abilities, he also hasn't really shown me that he's at that level. Be patient. I think they know what they're doing with him, but it's going to take more than two matches to figure that out. If anything, he's lucky he didn't break his neck the way McIntyre dumped him on his head, so we should all be grateful for that.
It's too soon to pass judgment on Kaval, or WWE's intentions for him. So he lost to Drew McIntyre and Chavo, big deal. Drew is a major force on Smackdown at the moment and maybe WWE finally got the memo on Chavo, i.e. do not have this seriously talented superstar job every match! They're clearly going to build Kaval up slowly; I wouldn't be surprised if he gets his first win on next week's Smackdown, then he'll slowly build and gain in confidence.
I think with Kaval being showcased on Smackdown twice, it's far too early to really make a judgement call on how he's (not) being utilized. It really is a shame that he wasn't featured at all on the SD live premier especially with Nexus there. I would've loved to have seen an altercation between the winnder of NXT 2 and the graduates of NXT 1. Would've been interesting to say the least. What I would like to see is Kaval WIN soon as his track record on NXT was shaky. I'd love to see him win the IC belt and have a strong reign much like Daniel Bryan seems to have coming his way with the US belt. If Kaval can continue to look strong, he can be a strong Upper Midcarder and a semi-Main Eventer. I like what Hamler said earlier about Kaval potentially taking Mysterio's spot as the "underdog champion" after he leaves. I'd love to see Kaval in the main event every now and then but not now. At least, not with Kane and Undertaker in the title picture. Kaval would most likely only get squashed.
They are probably just trying, find right spot to stick him in. Personally i would of enjoy kaval taking mysterios spot in feuding with Alberto Del Rio.
Kaval will need to enter a mid-card feud with somebody like maybe Alberto Del Rio? I mean the guy only lost one match and even though it was to Chavo, I don't think he'll keep losing. I hope to see him somewhere in the mid-card as the IC champ and having some interesting feuds with guys like Cody Rhodes. I don't see Kaval becoming a WHC in the WWE. It seems like WWE doesn't have a ton of faith in the guy if he's jobbing to Chavo but then again it was only one match.
I think Kaval will eventually step up out of nowhere to use his title match to win the Intercontinental title. I think they are making Kaval lose because maybe they want to show that Kaval really does need LayCool and if you noticed he lost without them in his corner, so maybe that is why he will and does keep losing. I think Kaval will get his time just not now because there are too many guys in the crowd for Kaval. Let's just hope he doesn't get the Superstars treatment.
I was glad Chavo won, he is so much better than what he's gotten lately, like jobbing repeatedly to Hornswoggle. Losing to Chavo is actually no insult if you consider his ability, but the way he's been made to look, is another thing.

But anyway Kaval will be back on the air soon, there's just a lot of new guys competing for spots right now. But no, he's not going to be world champion, he is too small, period. It took Rey Mysterio years to do it, and I think he is a rare exception.
Kaval didn't win NXT Season 2 for nothing. The problem here is that we are comparing Kaval with Wade Barrett, who got one HELL of a push to the main event! Maybe Kaval will get his opportunity once the Kane/Taker storyline is over because right now, Smackdown is focused on that and until it is done, no one will be getting that huge push.
Kaval as a top player? well im not sure how that will work as he cant even beat Primo. Yes PRIMO!!! Sure, Kaval can wrestle but he is a small man and Rey Mysterio already has the honor of being the smallest wrestler in smackdown.(not including Hornswoggle as he does not wrestle hardly ever). That being said, if Kaval can beat Rey then maybe he can get the push up the ladder and start having decent storylines. (Get rid of Leycool out of his corner and he has a chance). Not taking away anything from him as he has been wrestling for many years in other promotions and has the ability to win but as we all know, its not how good you wrestle, its the storyline behind you that pushes you forward.
I think the WWE is putting Kaval through the paces right now. Over the course of this year, really starting late last year, the WWE has gotten a lot of criticism for giving new guys or relatively unknown members of the roster huge pushes in a very short span of time. Now, for the most part, I haven't had any problem with the WWE shaking things up a bit like that. But, they've been criticized for Sheamus, Jack Swagger, & Drew McIntyre especially. Wrestlers involved in the first season of NXT have been put into high profiled and/or heavily pushed spots over a short span of time. The Nexus has been a main focal point of Raw over this summer, they've gotten a lot of heat back since making John Cena a member and Wade Barrett is the #1 contender for the WWE Championship. Daniel Bryan has been heavily pushed and, after wrestling only a small handful of matches outside of an NXT setting in the WWE, he's already the United States Champion.

When you look at Kaval, and anyone from NXT Season II for that matter, the WWE has laid off heavily pushing them in quite the same way and maybe that's a good thing. As I said, the WWE has pushed a lot of young fresh guys very quickly and are doing something a bit more traditional with Kaval.

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