What happened to Evan Bourne and what do you wanna see outta him?

The Raven's Epitaph

Getting Noticed By Management
If it's one thing I hate about how WWE go about treating their underrated stars then it's going to have to be in this thread.

Where's Evan Bourne? I thought he was getting some kind of push when he teamed with Cena in a tag match about a month and half ago, and we saw little snippits of him in The Nexus picture.. but after all that, he vanished again. Seriously, give the kid a break or a TITLE at least. Heck, I'll even settle for giving him a decent MATCH.

Bourne and Jericho would have made a great feud aswell, if it was executed properly. The dude came to WWE and made an impact, he brought back the Shooting Star Press that we hadn't seen since Brock Lesnar and Billy Kidman were in the WWE, and he's been in 2 maybe 3 minor feud's with different superstars (with the exception of The Nexus.)

My main focus on WWE at the moment isn't main eventing, it's development. WWE needs to be careful because some of the younger generation of superstars are going to want to end up leaving the WWE. Evan Bourne wouldn't surprise me in the VERY SLIGHTEST if he actually left the WWE and pursued a career elsewhere, I know one company that would use him BRILLIANTLY. But this thread isn't about TNA. It's about Evan Bourne.

He's a great superstar and I really don't believe he's being used to his full extent. He's literally just a match filler to me. I really wish he'd be used more often, but in some storylines and feuds and maybe even a World Championship push on either Raw or SmackDown. He'd fit on either brand perfectly.

So, the point I'm getting at: Where's Evan Bourne and what do you want to see out of him?
I would think the US title would look good on EB, but with The Miz dropping it to Bryan Danielson (it looks like that's where the WWE is going with this), that won't work.

Unfortunately, it looks like he'll be stuck in mediocrity for a while. Perhaps a move to SD! would help...
dude come on the best thing hes going to get in wwe is maybe tag titles. no world title. hes no main eventer. get over it. even bourne is spike dudley of this era. saying wheres evan at is like saying wheres chavo been?
dude come on the best thing hes going to get in wwe is maybe tag titles. no world title. hes no main eventer. get over it. even bourne is spike dudley of this era. saying wheres evan at is like saying wheres chavo been?

1. What are you talking about? There are no Tag Team Championships left anyway, The Hart Dynasty just carry them around for the fun of it, they're no champions.

2. Evan Bourne COULD get a World Championship shot if they got him over properly, so don't doubt him to quickly and he was almost in the main event picture when he was with Cena and Jericho.

3. Get over what? The fact that WWE don't develop underused superstars often enough? No, it's my opinion and it happens to be a solid fact aswell.

4. Spike Dudley was a fine Cruiserweight Champion so I don't know what you're moaning about. Chavo Guerrero was Tag Team Champion, Cruiserweight Champion AND ECW Champion (which in my books is a World Title) so everything you just said basically has no relevance to this thread.
i think evan still has better days ahead of him. and with the miz dropping the title to dragon that could be a good feud waiting to happen(dragon vs. Bourne) i think that the world title may be a little far fetched, but that doesn't make him a failure. many hall of fame caliber wrestlers never got the big one, but are considered legends just the same.
it's not about wins and losses, but about the performance and he is doing a good job in that department.
This is why they should bring back the cruiserweight belt.. There are guys like bourne, Yoshi, Gabriel (when he leaves Nexus), Chavo and many others who are just mid card jobbers.. bring it back, move them all to smackdown, and there ya go..
The thing about Evan, Its not that he's not talented, he is, indeed. But does he have the ''It'' factor that would set him apart from other on Raw, or even the company for that matter.


Evan can NOT talk, first of all, He never gets the mic in his hands to even have him practice and get better.

This promo is NOT as good as those guys make it seem, Its basic, cliche and typical. Nothing special, and that's not to knock him totally, but he can't sell a promo.

He is exciting in the ring,I can't lie, I enjoy watching him depending on who he's against. His matches with Jericho and Orton were great, His early match with Mysterio, though they only had 3-4 minutes, which is not at all what they needed, it was phenomenal.

And when he had his squashes against Sheamus and Mark Henry, he shows that he can sell like a GOD.

But is that enough to get him over, besides a flyers moveset, His finisher is the only thing thats exciting to the masses. In time he may be able to tell more of a story than now.

As Matt Sydal, he STILL didnt tell a story in the ring like an Aj, or a Punk in ROH, but it doesnt mean he can't learn, but even if he improved, mid card is about as far as its going. US or IC title is the height, and thats being nice
I think the main reason Evan got put on the back burner, is the fact that Vince likes his boys big and buff! which makes me think of the DX angle a few years ago...Vince Loves Cocks. that was classic

the WWE doesnt have a Cruiserweight title anymore, and its a shame, they have a few smaller wrestlers that would juice up that division.

the WWE has about stripped the tag team division down to just a couple tag teams, and like many other posters stated, and I totally agree with, the hart dynasty carries the belts around like props.

so unfortunately theres no place in the WWE for Evan to really go!

he would be incredible in the X division if you ask me!
I don't ever see him main eventing, I mean does anyone?

The titles there are for him to win are the US, IC and Tag titles..That's it...No World title for EB..I don't see it...He has been used on every Raw program since he main evented with Cena and he HAS been used, but it's just to show his talent is there and also to make believe that the little boys can go far...E.G. Daniel Bryan!
dude come on the best thing hes going to get in wwe is maybe tag titles. no world title. hes no main eventer. get over it. even bourne is spike dudley of this era. saying wheres evan at is like saying wheres chavo been?

^^^This, tbh.

Evan Bourne beating anyone larger than him (i.e. 80% of the WWE Roster) challenges my already-suspended disbelief even further. Bourne's a channel-changer for me when he wrestles. That's when I check baseball scores (or MNF in a few weeks).

I've never heard him cut much of a promo and his ring work is too lucha-dore for my taste. The last thing I want to see is another Rey Mysterio-type of World Title holder. I guess you could hang a tag title on him or...better...have him in some sort of Cruiserweight title hunt (perhaps the almost unused IC Title?) but c'mon - the idea of this guy beating a Seamus, HHH, Orton, Cena, etc. is asinine.
dude come on the best thing hes going to get in wwe is maybe tag titles. no world title. hes no main eventer. get over it. even bourne is spike dudley of this era. saying wheres evan at is like saying wheres chavo been?

Evan Bourne > Chavo...
i for one have been a huge fan of Bourne since ECW new superstar initiative, or wutever it was called. I don't think he's ready for the ME picture just quite yet, but the potential i do see in this guy is off the charts.
Back at the Raw before MITB, when he went for the SSP on Orton, and Orton completely turned it around into an RKO, i was for sure thinking Creative and Management was finally seeing something in Bourne, they had to have some BIG trust and faith in the guy to pull something like that off.

Right now, i'd like to see WWE make another type of "JeriShow" with Mark Henry and Evan Bourne. Let Bourne start cutting some promos and start improving his mic skills, i don't remember actually seeing a single promo but i could be wrong. Give him a Tag Title soon.

If EB does end up jumping ship and heads over to TNA, i'd throw him in with the MCMG's. i think all their styles are somewhat similar.
My main focus on WWE at the moment isn't main eventing, it's development. WWE needs to be careful because some of the younger generation of superstars are going to want to end up leaving the WWE. Evan Bourne wouldn't surprise me in the VERY SLIGHTEST if he actually left the WWE and pursued a career elsewhere, I know one company that would use him BRILLIANTLY. But this thread isn't about TNA. It's about Evan Bourne.

I don't disagree with you on anything else, but BRILLIANTLY, really?

Tell me, WHO is TNA using brilliantly? They're so good at making stars, right? That's just laughable, laughable, laughable.
No one is used brilliantly in TNA. You're talking about young guys wanting to leave WWE, how many guys do you think want to leave TNA right now for not being use right?

Are you kidding me?
Evan is exciting in the ring, and the kids adore him. I think he'll be pushed again here soon. They need to stop focusing every show on Cena/Orton/Edge/Jericho and let them stay backstage to allow room for some of the underused talent to get some TV exposure.

There are weeks I completely forget Ted Dibiase is even IN the WWE let alone on RAW. Same with guys like Evan, Morrison, Hart Dynasty, etc.

I know why they put the stars out there every week, that's what people pay to see, but if you want to build your talent depth, you gotta give them a chance to get recognized. I could live without the big 4 making an appearance on EVERY episode. I'd love to see them rotate around, where you have Cena and Edge on the show this week, then next week, Orton and Jericho are featured. And I don't mean fighting with each other, necessarily, but, leave some room for the other guys to get over.
First off I'd like to say EVAN BOURNE IS MORE THAN A HIGH FLYER! That pisses me off when people are like oh he's small so he must be a lucha-dore. No, he can be a brawler and more of a technical wrestler if he wanted to.

Also, I think WWE needs to move him to Smackdown! where the wrestlers are more his size and have him start out fueding for the IC title and stop jobbing on RAW. I know he is one of the few legitament jobbers but still he hass so much potential.

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