What Grinds Your Gears?

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
Anything in sports, politics, entertainment, etc. that irritates you to no end. Here are three of mine.

1. I hate the term "control your own destiny" when regarding NFL teams making the playoffs. Isn't destiny uncontrollable? Bob Costas hates that term and so do I.

2. I've watched lots of episodes of My Super Sweet 16 and half the people aren't even turning 16. What the hell?

3. Nancy Grace. All that needs to be said.
Jane Velez-Mitchell

The fact that someone will invariably quote Family Guy in relation to the title.
17 hr. road trips to Sarasota, flying, fat people, racist people, sloppy angry drunks, people who think they're better than me, know-it-all college kids, fair weather fans, former smokers who bitch about my habit in my apartment, when my PS3 powers down for updates, etc.

The list goes on and on and on. I'm a very angry person.
17 hr. road trips to Sarasota, flying, fat people, racist people, sloppy angry drunks, people who think they're better than me, know-it-all college kids, fair weather fans, former smokers who bitch about my habit in my apartment, when my PS3 powers down for updates, etc.

The list goes on and on and on. I'm a very angry person.

Woah.......I'm fat, are you angry at me?:shrug:
Woah.......I'm fat, are you angry at me?:shrug:

I guess I should have specified that I meant "People who are too lazy to exercise, eat nothing but fatty garbage, order a Diet pop with an obscenely large order (which they intend to eat themselves), and blame their weight on a 'glandular problem'". Remember, Scotty, I work in food service, so I see these people all the time. If you have a legit glandular problem, that's one thing. However, if the aforementioned description is more accurate, I have no tolerance for the person.

If you do, however, put in the effort to lose weight, but for some unknown reason can't, that's understandable.
I guess I should have specified that I meant "People who are too lazy to exercise, eat nothing but fatty garbage, order a Diet pop with an obscenely large order (which they intend to eat themselves), and blame their weight on a 'glandular problem'". Remember, Scotty, I work in food service, so I see these people all the time. If you have a legit glandular problem, that's one thing. However, if the aforementioned description is more accurate, I have no tolerance for the person.

If you do, however, put in the effort to lose weight, but for some unknown reason can't, that's understandable.

I eat because I'm unhappy...And I'm unhappy because I eat! LOL! All jokes aside. I am fat but I'm not morbidly obese. I am not one Mars Bars away from a Rascal. HAHA! But all jokes aside, I probably could use more exercise but I will wait until January 1st. I have packed on a few pounds here lately but I have excuses. Real ones too! I am in the middle of moving and it's the holidays, EVERYONE puts on a pound or two. So January 1st I will make a thread about my weight loss and keep everyone informed.
What grinds my gears?

1) Listening to FOX Far-Right political commentators (Fear Mongerers) such as Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity ... as well as Rush Limbaugh. Bill O'Reilly I don't mind, however, as he is more fair than the others.

2) The Ultra-Religious Right

3) Putting up with IC25's Bullshit on this site
I agree on the commentators at Fox Siddus. I can't stand Glen Beck or Hannity...... but you gotta hand it to Rupert Murdoc. the guy had the balls to create an opposition news station
sorry to double post but here's what grinds my gears.......

the smarky comments that WZ gets in the WWE Forums..... i.e shemus is getting pushed because of his ties with HHH..... good god somebody get a brain!
The 1-877-Kars4Kids jingle I hear on every fucking radio station whenever they take a commercial break. It does something to me that actually boils my blood. The voice on the kid and then the possible pedo who sings the second verse is enough to make me want to torture everyone involved in the production of the commercial.
I can't use the word 'Hate' because its a strong word for me. However, the ironic thing to this is someone pointed out I use the word 'Loathe' and thats worse than the phrase hate, apparently.

Regardless.. the one thing that burns me to no end, is when people use this term.


Uhm, what? If its new, how can it be improved? To improve something, means you had to remake something that was already there. Thus, it isn't 'new', its just 'remade' from the original.

I'm also currently furious at people who can't fucking say exactly what they mean, and just complain about it to everyone but the person its in regard to. (eg. I couldn't make it to work due to snow. I called in, found a replacement, and specifically told this replacement that my Manager did not care if it was him closing or the reg. co-worker. This co-worker went on about not having a choice, but yet he did. Anyways, he goes to work and another co-worker/friend of mine sends me a message this morning telling me how he complained about not wanting to work but never having the choice not to.)
In football, I can't stand seeing players and other team personnel making the hand signals that should be left to the referees. In the past, you would occasionally see a defensive player making the gesture for an incomplete pass, or an offensive player pulling on his facemask to indicate that it was grabbed during the play.

Today, though, you can't go two plays without seeing someone on a team trying to influence a referee by getting in his face and making the call. Just today, I saw a ref running toward the sideline to rule on a pass, only to have a coach standing in front of him, indicating with body gestures that he thought the pass was juggled and should be ruled incomplete. That shouldn't be happening.

And, of course, there are plenty of Diva Receivas who cry for pass interference practically every time a ball is thrown that they don't catch.

To me, all of this speaks of how far the level of sportsmanship has fallen in pro football. People disagree with me, saying this is part of the game. I ask them: Next time you see Peyton Manning scrambling in the backfield, tell me how you'd like it if the back judge sacks him instead of leaving it to a defensive lineman.:):p

Let the players play the game......let the officials call the game.

And never the twain shall meet.
1. When someone licks their index finger before going through a pile of papers. I have always found that to be one of the most utterly pointless things in the world.... yet so many teachers do it.

2. Also, when people make that "whistling S" sound if they say a word with S in them. It hurts my ears and I am annoyed by that more than anything else in the world....

3. Dishonesty from women I date.... nothing makes me break up with a girl faster than her lying about something (I'm talking HUGE lies here, like sleeping with a friend of yours before dating you then telling you she's still a V....)
1. When someone licks their index finger before going through a pile of papers. I have always found that to be one of the most utterly pointless things in the world.... yet so many teachers do it.


I used to work in a store as a cashier and would watch people lick their fingers before counting out the money.......and then handing it to me.:icon_mad:

It was disgusting, although I seemed to be the only one in the store bothered by it.
moisture makes it easier to separate papers but I think you should keep a mini sponge handy like they do in some grocery stores for the baggers.

Also, Dagger, have you ever thought that someone may have a speech impediment that means they can't help but do the whistling S?

Flies really annoy me.
They actually make this stuff, kind of like a wax stuff, that helps separate moneys. I have to use it at work, so I'm fairly certain it works on paper as well.
Also, Dagger, have you ever thought that someone may have a speech impediment that means they can't help but do the whistling S?

Actually yeah I have. I tolerate it and try to ignore it when someone can't help it, but when people to it on purpose that's when it grinds my gears the most, although dishonesty from my significant others still outranks the other two on my list even if my dislike for both of the other two were combined.
"You know what really grinds my gears? Lindsay Lohan, Heh? Lindsay Lohan with all those little outfits, jumpin around there on stage, half-naked. Ya know, your up there jumping around, and I'm just sittin here with my beer. So, you know, what am I supposed to do? Whadda you want? You know, are we gonna go out? Is that what you want? Leapin around there, throwin those things all up in my face? Huh? What do you want Lindsay? TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT! Well I'll tell you what you want, you want nothin! You want nothing, alright? Because we all know that noone anywhere wants to have sex with you. And to titillate us with any thoughts otherwise is just bogus." -Peter Griffin
I had to pick one thing, it would be that squeaking noise when styrofoam rubs together. I wanna kill anyone who makes that noise. I literally want to take their mother out for a nice seafood dinner and never call them again. And yes, that is a Anchorman quote.
Driving. Not my driving, but other people driving.

You, know, stuff like cutting you off, braking constantly for no real reason, and people trying to "act" tough behind the wheel. What I mean by that is, say someone starts blowing their horn at you, and screaming obscenities at you from there car, knowing good and damn well they wont do anything.
"You know what really grinds my gears? Lindsay Lohan, Heh? Lindsay Lohan with all those little outfits, jumpin around there on stage, half-naked. Ya know, your up there jumping around, and I'm just sittin here with my beer. So, you know, what am I supposed to do? Whadda you want? You know, are we gonna go out? Is that what you want? Leapin around there, throwin those things all up in my face? Huh? What do you want Lindsay? TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT! Well I'll tell you what you want, you want nothin! You want nothing, alright? Because we all know that noone anywhere wants to have sex with you. And to titillate us with any thoughts otherwise is just bogus." -Peter Griffin
"You know what really grinds my gears? Lindsay Lohan, Heh? Lindsay Lohan with all those little outfits, jumpin around there on stage, half-naked. Ya know, your up there jumping around, and I'm just sittin here with my beer. So, you know, what am I supposed to do? Whadda you want? You know, are we gonna go out? Is that what you want? Leapin around there, throwin those things all up in my face? Huh? What do you want Lindsay? TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT! Well I'll tell you what you want, you want nothin! You want nothing, alright? Because we all know that noone anywhere wants to have sex with you. And to titillate us with any thoughts otherwise is just bogus." -Peter Griffin

when people make predictable replies.

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