What game are YOU most anticpating?


"Original Blade"
It was only when I was looking at Dave's Game of the Year 2009 thread that I realised that 2009 wasn't actually that good a year for games. In fact, it kinda sucked. Read my reasons in the GOTY 2009 thread. Cause this thread is all about 2010, bitch!

And in my eyes, 2010 could turn out to be, and most likely will be, an awesome year.

Mass Effect 2.

Now, as some of you, I'm a huge bioware mark, so this is a big deal for me. But Bioware have recently annouced that Mass Effect 2 will be on 2 discs, which is a big deal for the games industry. This could well turn out to be the biggest and most ambitious game of all time. Not to mention a damn fine addition to your Xbox 360 collection.

This is the game that is causing a huge storm over in Japan. It has sold huge numbers over there and got a 40/40 in Famitsu, which not even Final Fantasy XIII managed to get. The game will be out the first week of 2010 and it's definately one for RPG fans to keep an eye on.

Final Fantasy XIII
The name says it all. The most famous RPG in the world (well, after Pokemon perhaps) is coming back next year. When it was shown at E3 this year, it send internetting game nerds into a frenzy. It's Final Fantasy. You don't need me to tell you that this'll be a big fuckin' deal.

God of War III
I'm not the biggest Playstation fan in the world. In fact, sometimes I just hate them. But no doubt Sony has done good with the God of War franchise. It's sold gobs of copies and has already cemented it's place as one of the premiere franchises. And the 3rd console game in the series could end up being the PS3's biggest selling console exclusive ever.

Heavy Rain
The game that will no doubt become a cult classic. Seriously hardcore gamers who like their games to be artistic should definately be planning to pick up this one. This is the spiritual sequel to the awesome Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy. David Cage, creator of both games, is trying to really push the boundaries of story telling in video games. And so far, it looks like he is succeeding if the early trailers and demos of Heavy Rain are anything to go by.

Super Mario Galaxy 2
Like Final Fantasy, you don't need me to explain how huge this is going to be. The original Mario Galaxy has been called the greatest game ever made by critics, and they could make a damn good case for it. So I ask you, how can you not be looking forward to the sequel of (arguably) the greatest game of all time?

Other games to look out for: Metroid: The Other M, Splinter Cell Conviction, Bioshock 2, The Old Republic.
Formula 1 2010 is my most anticipated game of 2010. I don't think I need to go into any reasons why, just everything about it makes me very excited... in more then one way. Anyway...

Another game I'm highly looking forward to is Bayonetta. Now I never played Devil May Cry, so I don't know if I'm gunna enjoy this style of game. I'll be completely new to the Hack n' Slash genre. So that is what makes me excited to try Bayonetta out. I've read nothing but incredible reviews for it. One monthly magazine I get called Gamesmaster gave it 93% and stated that it's one of the best action games ever. I like my action games. So therefore, this will be something I buy on release day. And it's release is actually pretty close. The graphics are said to be amazing. The gameplay is said to be insane and extremely OTT, but at the same time very very enjoyable. So I'm more then up for playing this. It does look superb.
There are only two games that I am currently awaiting. The next installments of the two greatest game franchises in history - Super Mario Galaxy 2 and the next Legend of Zelda.

I have heard that SMG2 will expand further on the premise of SMG with new suits and level design.

As for Zelda, Miyamoto and his team have been so secretive about this that a release date for 2010 is probably optimistic. Very little has been seen of the game aside from a concept drawing but apparently it will take advantage of the advanced controls of the Wii Motion Plus... cannot wait!
As for Zelda, Miyamoto and his team have been so secretive about this that a release date for 2010 is probably optimistic. Very little has been seen of the game aside from a concept drawing but apparently it will take advantage of the advanced controls of the Wii Motion Plus... cannot wait!

Wait, you're expecting a new console Zelda in 2010? That's not only optimistic, it's slightly insane. Every Nintendo fan knows of how much Zelda games get delayed. Majora's Mask got delayed, Twilight Princess got delayed and I can guarantee that Wii Zelda 2 (catchy project name, huh?) will be delayed well into 2011. And that's assuming they actually announce a 2010 release date at any point. If they thought it would be ready for 2010, they would've said something already.

Also, how can you, as a Nintendo fan, not be looking forward to Metroid!?
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Like Final Fantasy, you don't need me to explain how huge this is going to be. The original Mario Galaxy has been called the greatest game ever made by critics, and they could make a damn good case for it. So I ask you, how can you not be looking forward to the sequel of (arguably) the greatest game of all time?

I'm going with Super Mario Galaxy 2. It will be the most anticipated game of 2010 because not only is it from the Mario series, but the original Mario Galaxy was the best of the 3D Mario games. A sequel to it will be welcomed by many fans almost instantly because of how innovative the first one was for the platformer genre while being incredibly fun at the same time.
Well this is my first venture into this portion of the forum so I hope I don't get flamed to bad. As for my most anticipated game of the year, it would have to be the new Alien vs. Predator video game and the best part is I won't even have to anticipate for very long. It comes out at the end of February.

Now I am sure some of you are scratching your heads as to my pick so let me clear it up. I am not that big of a gamer. I enjoy Left 4 Dead and Halo and sports games but I really don't have to much time for video games. However, I mark the fuck out at certain franchises. I went out and bought the Ghostbusters game and it happened to be one of the biggest wastes of money I have ever spent, yet I would go back and do it all over again.

This is exactly how I feel about the new AVP game. I am a huge fan of the old arcade version and of the movies. I have played literally every Alien and/or Predator game that has been created and loved them all. That is one major reason why I am so amped for this game. The other reason is because the screen shots look great and it does look like a very fun game, especially if they add some sort of online mode. Should be a real hootinanie.
I'm not too active with the current set of consoles. Mainly because I'm not a big fan of FPS game's. However, 2010 seems to have Wii written all over it for greatness. Metroid: Other M along with Super Mario Galaxy 2 have been confimed for next year. The new Zelda game, all though hard to tell, it seems they are pushing hard to release it in '10 and keep it a secret as well. Thankfully, all these great franchise player can finally make the Wii shine out of all the makeshift gimmick games that have surficed. I really hope they do Red Steel 2 as well. I loved that game and the promo for it. Your Swordplay Can Be Summed Up In A Poem Of Two Words: You Suck!
Ugh! You people make me sick to my stomach. All I have done over the last two weeks is big up one game and none of you had the decency to mention it! Makes me sad really. I am, of course, kidding but I would like to talk about my most anticipated game of the upcoming year. That game is Crackdown 2. Mmm! Even saying it is like lyrical sex. Recently, I have went back and played some of the best free-running and enjoyable games I have played on my 360 and have enjoyed them immensely. The first game I decided that I wanted to play was Assassin's Creed 1. That was a brilliant game and I enjoyed playing it once again. The other game I played was the original Crackdown and I cannot believe both how under-rated it was and how brilliant a game it was.

Crackdown 2 has all of the hallmarks of a great game and I am really looking forward to stepping into the shoes of the agents once more and fighting a horse of zombies that are taking over the sleek and immaculate city. I have a feeling that this game is going to go all out to highlight a lot of the inadequacies of the last game and show how they have been improved and after watching a few of the making of trailers, I am suitably excited for the prospect of this game.
Ugh! You people make me sick to my stomach. All I have done over the last two weeks is big up one game and none of you had the decency to mention it! Makes me sad really. I am, of course, kidding but I would like to talk about my most anticipated game of the upcoming year. That game is Crackdown 2. Mmm! Even saying it is like lyrical sex. Recently, I have went back and played some of the best free-running and enjoyable games I have played on my 360 and have enjoyed them immensely. The first game I decided that I wanted to play was Assassin's Creed 1. That was a brilliant game and I enjoyed playing it once again. The other game I played was the original Crackdown and I cannot believe both how under-rated it was and how brilliant a game it was.

Crackdown 2 has all of the hallmarks of a great game and I am really looking forward to stepping into the shoes of the agents once more and fighting a horse of zombies that are taking over the sleek and immaculate city. I have a feeling that this game is going to go all out to highlight a lot of the inadequacies of the last game and show how they have been improved and after watching a few of the making of trailers, I am suitably excited for the prospect of this game.

Dave... Daaaaave. Dave. I mean come on.
I'm sure Crackdown 2 will be a lovely little game that'll give us 10 hours of mild enjoyment. But take a look at the games I mentioned. Take a look and the legacy those game series have and the amazing potential that the sequels have and it doesn't even compare to how good Crackdown 2 might be. Now, Ok, I may not have played Crackdown. But I only play games that gain huge praise or is specifically recommended to me by a friend that has credible taste in games. Crackdown got above average reviews, and was never recommended to me....

Mario Galaxy Aggregate reviews: 97%
Mass Effect Aggregate reviews: 91%
Metroid Prime: 96%
Fahrenheit: 91%

Crackdown Aggregate reviews: 83%

So yeah, you can kinda understand why Crackdown isn't exactly on my radar.
Dave... Daaaaave. Dave. I mean come on.
I'm sure Crackdown 2 will be a lovely little game that'll give us 10 hours of mild enjoyment. But take a look at the games I mentioned. Take a look and the legacy those game series have and the amazing potential that the sequels have and it doesn't even compare to how good Crackdown 2 might be. Now, Ok, I may not have played Crackdown. But I only play games that gain huge praise or is specifically recommended to me by a friend that has credible taste in games. Crackdown got above average reviews, and was never recommended to me....

Mario Galaxy Aggregate reviews: 97%
Mass Effect Aggregate reviews: 91%
Metroid Prime: 96%
Fahrenheit: 91%

Crackdown Aggregate reviews: 83%

So yeah, you can kinda understand why Crackdown isn't exactly on my radar.

Wow! You are going on legacy? I never thought you to be anaive person but hey! I guess we are all wrong at some point, eh? Legacy means jack shit when it comes to new games. I am sure that Grand Thef Auto: San Andreas had a great rating. In fact, I remember it having a rating of 95% in GameRankings.com. However, both you and I know that Grand Theft Auto IV was both one of the mosy hyped games of this century and one of the most under-whelming games in the series. I could go on all day about how legacyy means nothing and how people will generally rate these games higher but that is not is not the point of this thread.

No! The point of this thread was to state what your most anticipated game of 2010 is and why. I have stated that Crackdown 2 is my most anticipated for many reasons. I am not looking back at what ratings Crackdown 1 got because I know that legacy and games ratings are very misleading and sometimes over-rated. I will go ahead and judge all of the games I want and buy on their own merits.
No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle
The original No More Heroes was an absolute blast, mixing humor, nerdiness, and outright carnage into one of my favorite Wii games of all time. No More Heroes 2 is supposed to have fifty (!) boss fights, a better story, better beam katanas, and the same humor and violence that made the original so much fun. And it's coming out in January. I can't wait!
The Mark of Zur-En-Arrh is only interested in 2 games next year, and they'd be DCU Online and Batman: Arkham Asylum 2.

There's no guarantee that B:AA2 will be out in 2010, but i'm fairly certain it would be. For those of you that want to watch the trailer to B:AA2, go to arkhamhasmoved.com

I also was thinking of checking out Bayonetta, because the 2 Devil May Cry games i played were both really fun, and this is done by the same team i believe, so it should be good.

I'd also say the next MGS game, but there's no way that'll be out next year. Probably mid-2011, if that.
I think the biggest game that will be coming out is Final Fantasy XIII. Final Fantasy now commands a huge following who will buy their games each and every release. It will be a huge selling game going off of one of the larger franchises on earth. With the expectations from FFXII being high, and a lesser year for game releases by some, Final Fantasy could turn out to be in the top 3, if not #1 most sold game of the year.
The games that are taking up my attention are very plentiful and I'll try to name most and a small reason for each.

Mass Effect 2: Been a big Bioware mark since the KotOR series. I'm sure I've played like every console game of their except the Sonic RPG. I've played the two KotOR games, Jade Empire, and Mass Effect. I've thoroughly enjoyed every game of theirs I've played so far.

Alpha Protocol: Obsidian is the sister company of Bioware. They made the second game in the KotOR series and I think they did Neverwinter Nights 2. Besides, who isn't looking forward to an Espionage RPG?!

Red Dead Redemption: I appears to be Grand Theft Auto back in the Wild West. Rockstar is retouching the series they created... but obviously FAIL'd last they attempted. I know they got it this time... for I'm truly impressed from what I've seen so far.

Mafia II: Look it up on IGN. The first Mafia wasn't that great a game, but BOY OH BOY they have their game faces on for the creation of this new rendition. The game play looks wonderful and could be a rival to the GTA series... the only flaw is the SMALL-AS-FUCK target dot IMO.

[ZELDA: neXt consoLe gAme]: If it weren't for the Legend of Zelda series... I'm sure the only owners of the Wii would be toddlers and fat people who want to lose weight but don't want to leave the comfort of their sofa.

Heavy Rain: I loved Indigo Prophecy... despite its unexpected, yet WEIRD plot twist nearing end game.

More to come...
Now, I can say all the games you guys are, but tbh, other than Super Mario Galaxy 2, Im not anticipating any.

However, I am going back to my roots here and say the upcoming Pokemon games, Ya know, the remakes of gold and sliver? While I dont have a Nintendo DS, I will probably just download it for my emulator. Pokemon is a great series and Gold and Silver were my favorite games of all time. I've seen pictures of the newest ones, Heartgold and Soulsilver, and the graphics look amazing by DS standards. I also here the music has been revamped too. If the music in the old games were good, I cant wait to hear these.

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