What former tag team wrestler to have never won a singles title should have?


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Which former tag team wrestlers that you like have never won a singles title that in your mind should have won one? (WCW,ECW,WWF,TNA,AWA)

(Just to clarify when I say other titles I mean to have NEVER won the: Cruiserwieght title, Heavywieght title, US title, IC title, Hardcore title, X division title, etc that should have one at least ONE of these at some point.)


Bryan Clark and Brian Adams with the tag team Kronik they were awesome wish they won the US title or something in WCW.

Buff Bagwell he has won many tag team titles, he had the look, charisma, body, etc to be a major super star.. but he never won any title outside of Tag teaming..

Brutus the Barber Beefcake believe it or not the only title he won were tag team titles. One in WWF with Greg Valentine and 3 more with NWA. Never won a singles title.

Junk Yard Dog - I think he only one a tag belt in the NWA.. otherwise never won a title from the big federations.

What former tag team wrestler to never win singles gold did you wish won something?

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