What Ever Happened to the Ref Bump?


King Of The Ring
I was recently watching Summerslam 99 on the Network (for just $11.99 in Canada!) specifically the Test/Shane match, and after Test took the ref's head off with a boot, it got me thinking about the current day product and why we rarely see the ref bump spot anymore. The Attitude Era had WAY too many screwy finishes and overbooked matches for my liking, but the one thing I always dug was the ref bump leading to interference or weapon use or what have you... to me it seemed like the most plausible reason for a run-in or cheap shot and it always added to the emotion in a match when done right.

So why don't we see this spot anymore? Does it have something to do with refs not being allowed to bump by front office or some other reason?
The front office probably doesn't want their refs getting injured and won't allow it. That or the refs were complaining about the possibility of getting hurt, and they didn't like taking shots when it's not technically their job to do so, and demanded the ref bumb be banned.

Plus, when you think about when Rollins pushed the ref in front of him so Ambrose would be disqualified during their title match, you would have to do that for every match. fIf hat makes sense to you...

But, hey, that's just what I believe. Feel free to disagree.
I do miss the Ref bump a lot! From 99 on and God knows how long it went on it seemed it was always Earl hebner who got bumped you could always count on it happening! In todays environment though,with sponsors to answer to,little kids in the audience who faint at the slightest sight of blood,there is no way this could happen..

I am sure the front office put a halt to this a long time ago.. If it happens by accident then it happens but planned no way not now these days
This is one cheap finish that WWE doesn't use very often at all and I'm so very, very, very glad about that. As has been mentioned, WWE doesn't want to risk non-wrestlers suffering some sort of injury, which makes sense since nowadays you've got all these wrestlers who last worked for them 20-30+ years ago trying to sue them because they actually got hurt doing their jobs as wrestlers.

When I was a viewer of TNA, you'd see a ref bump happen about every other week on Impact Wrestling and you'd see at least one in almost every main event match during ppvs. Just like using schoolboy roll ups and outside interference, I think ref bumps should take place every once in a while and we see examples of the former happen as means of delivering cheap finishes at least once a week on WWE programming.
First of all, it's cool, but stupid at the same time.

If a ref gets knocked out in an no-dq match, then the other ref, the one that comes from the back, should immediately disqualify the man who KOed the ref.

Other than that, I remember WWE using screwey finishes some years ago and the ref would change the match result due to the video replay (which is very logical). So, I guess there's another reason.

Also, I hate such cheap finishes, but I guess it's good for the lulz and the overall match excitement.
The front office probably doesn't want their refs getting injured and won't allow it. That or the refs were complaining about the possibility of getting hurt, and they didn't like taking shots when it's not technically their job to do so, and demanded the ref bumb be banned.

I don't agree with your statement, no offence. The reason is, every referee in the WWE or any wrestling promotion is a former wrestler. They're trained athletes. I had seen some referees in the WWE working as wrestlers in the independent circuits. They certainly are trained to take bumps so I dont think they would've for the referee bump to be banned.

Plus, when you think about when Rollins pushed the ref in front of him so Ambrose would be disqualified during their title match, you would have to do that for every match. fIf hat makes sense to you...

But, hey, that's just what I believe. Feel free to disagree.

But I corroborate on this one though. We don't want to see this happening every time. But it has been limited, I mean the referee bump, over the years. And add to more woes, the referee bump in the PG and Reality era are awful. They would get knocked out just by a stiff push, asinine! Either way sometimes I feel like I miss some of the attitude era attributes.

I was recently watching Summerslam 99 on the Network (for just $11.99 in Canada!)

WWE Network in UK is £9.99 or $15.50, so you Canadian's can't complain

But on topic of the Ref Bump it was overused to the point of irritation so they are using it less but when they realise how annoying outside interference is to fans they will probably go back and other cheap finishes

Also your timing on this topic is pretty poor as it is a few weeks after a ref took a bump in a title to prevent the heel from losing
The front office probably doesn't want their refs getting injured and won't allow it.

That's undoubtedly true, yet reminds me how I was often annoyed watching a ref take the slightest bump and being knocked senseless, barely able to function until gamely rising to his feet and trying to take control of his faculties. Gosh, what heroes!

Today, seeing a ref bump is rare, as WWE seems to opt for having the poor guy look like a fool, so easily distracted by a devious wrestler that he misses most of what he's paid to see. While WWE admittedly used the ref bump too frequently, it was still marginally better than having Seth Rollins' team repeatedly making a sap out of the poor guy.

To that end, if there are more than four wrestlers in a match, logic would dictate there be a second ref, no?

Yet, when logic has anything to do with pro wrestling, send a bulletin out to the fans so we'll know it, okay?
I don't mind an old ref bump now and then to add something to a match. The most violent one I can remember is when El Gigante or Giant Gonzalez was fighting someone, can't remember his opponent... anyway to ref was Knocked out on the mat and Giant Gonzalez was really upset with him. He reached down and clawed the refs forehead then picked him up like he weighed nothing and started flinging him around like a ragdoll....it was kind of disturbing.
If a ref gets knocked out in an no-dq match, then the other ref, the one that comes from the back, should immediately disqualify the man who KOed the ref.

Which reminds me of something else about ref bumps. When one of them goes down, how come a replacement ref comes running down to the ring only once in a while? For the most part, the zebra who has gone down is just left there until he recovers. What's that about? Is a new guy supposed to run out there, or not?

Of course, when a new guy hustles down the aisle, it sometimes leads to the curious sight of two referees opposing each others rulings, with the original guy wanting to countermand the decision the new guy made on the fly.

Admittedly, one thing I've never seen is two refs coming to blows when arguing about differing official rulings......perhaps with the two wrestlers standing aside, watching the action because they knew it was better than what they were giving the fans. ;)
The problem today is even if the ref gets bumped, we do not get surprise interference. They telegraph the damn appearance of someone a mile away by cuing their music. You have to throw away logic with this; "I am about to win. i got the guy down. Oh wait, who's music is that? oh man is he coming to interfere? i need to...whoa they got me in a roll up and i lost because this guy stood at the top of the ramp and interfered. I am so angry."

You never see anyone interfere in a match without the whole thing being so obvious.
Which reminds me of something else about ref bumps. When one of them goes down, how come a replacement ref comes running down to the ring only once in a while? For the most part, the zebra who has gone down is just left there until he recovers. What's that about? Is a new guy supposed to run out there, or not?

I think it depends on the storyline and the direction they want to go in it.

Usually when a ref. goes down, it's so one wrestler can "cheat" or do something that would normally result in a disqualification.

Sometimes when the ref. goes down, one wrestler might pin another wrestler and get a 3 count. However, the ref. is not up to count the fall which would add to the storyline. "I would have beaten you if the ref. wouldn't have been down."

That's what I think. I could be wrong.
I do think it works in certain circumstances if used in moderation but some of Ref bumps were ridiculous back in the day though, Where they would fall and be knocked out for like 5 full minutes just for a little nudge on the arm from a wrestler running the ropes.
That's what I think. I could be wrong.

You're not wrong. In fact, I looked back at a few of my own posts in this topic and in retrospect......they were pretty dumb. :blush:

In other words, the day we seriously stop to worry about how consistently the referee is enforcing the rules in a sports entertainment business in which results are predetermined is the day WWE hires back Clarence Mason to argue the finer points of officiating a match. (A skit within a skit)

Ref bumping is a tool, to be used in certain incidents to achieve planned results in a wrestling match.....and as long as there is professional wrestling, it will always turn up to help the heels get over on the heroes.

Just not too often, please.
Ref bumping is a tool, to be used in certain incidents to achieve planned results in a wrestling match.....and as long as there is professional wrestling, it will always turn up to help the heels get over on the heroes.

Just not too often, please.

I agree with this. As long as it doesn't happen too often, it's fine.
I do think it works in certain circumstances if used in moderation but some of Ref bumps were ridiculous back in the day though, Where they would fall and be knocked out for like 5 full minutes just for a little nudge on the arm from a wrestler running the ropes.

Lol, this reminds me of Triple H vs. Undertaker at WrestleMania 17 when the ref. was down for over 15 minutes. It's still my favorite PPV ever though.

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