What DVD would you like to see WWE produce?

HOW ABOUT A DAMN RANDY ORTON DVD?! John Morrison gets one before him, are you kidding me? I think it's Randy's turn and well past due.
I think its already been mentioned- a positive Warrior DVD and Rick Rude. And lets throw in a real Macho Man Randy Savage DVD. Lets get Savage on there with Hogan, Warrior, Steamboat talking about his career. Also, a lot of DVDs have covered it but lets make a DVD focusing on the build of Attitude. Get Shawn and Austin and HHH and Hogan, Hall, Nash, the Rock, Sgt Slaughter, Foley, Vince, and lets here what was going on and what they were all thinking. Maybe even a roundtable one day.
I would like to see the best of the decade dvd. Have a 3 disc box set one for the best moments of the 80's , the second for the 90's , and the third for the 00's . It will have the best moments and matches from each decade.
There are a lot of DVD's I'd like to see WWE release, here are a few:

WCW Monday Nitro: The Episodes - They could do it by season the same way that a normal tv show is put together on DVD. Each year the show was on the air could be a different "season."

ECW: The episodes - I'd like them to do the same thing that I described above with the television episodes of ECW, both before & after they were purchased by WWE. I'm one of the few people who actually liked the old & new ECW...it would be great to add those old episodes to my collection.

Best of Raven: I know it will never happen.....but WWE is the only one company with the video footage that could put together a decent anthology of his best matches from ECW.

Best of Tommy Dreamer: See above.

Survivor Series: Volume 3 - WWE has released vol. 1 & 2 which only takes us up to 1996. Why not release a 3rd volume?

Best of Christian: Thats how I roll! - 3 DVD set that follows the WWE career of Christian.

History of the United States Championship - Follows the title from the NWA, WCW, & WWE. They've done this for the World, WWE, and I.C. Championships, why ot this one?

History of the Light Heavyweight/Cruiserweight Championships - See above.
I believe they are releasing a Bobby the Brain Heenan DVD, so I can cross that off the list. I would love to see a DVD made about Rick Rude and the Million Dollar Man. Also, it would be awesome to see a DVD about the life and times of Jim Ross and two highly unlikely names including Sting and Jim Cornette.
I have a couple I would like to see made. Bradshaw: Wrestling God. You can guess it's all about John "Bradshaw" Layfield's career, from his debut to APA to Wrestlemania 25. I think it would be a must-buy if done right.

And then there's The Rise and Fall and One-Night-Only Return and Full Time Return and Death and Brutal Stabbing and Destruction and Further Stabbing and Cancellation of ECW.
My first choice would be a decent Orton DVD, starting with growing up in the business, all the way through his training, getting called up, Evolution, kicking elderly gentlemen in the head etc.

My second choice, which I reckon is inevitable within the next few years, is a Miz DVD, purely because it would genuinely prove how passionate, talented, and awesome he really is.

Another one I'd love to see is the WWE's version of the 'Attitude' era. From the moment they realised that it had started, til when they feel it ended. That could be interesting. But not just the main event scene; 'cos some of my favourite storylines from back then were from the mid-card and tag team divisions.
I got a good one that no one has said yet. In Your House Anthology. There were 20 of them, and they are so rare you cant find them on ebay, and the ones u can find are rediculous prices I say that one for sure. WWE is making a best of high flyers dvd so that will be cool. Im suprised WWE hasnt done a Big Show dvd yet.
First, Randy Orton. He deserves at least 3 or 4 discs. There are plenty of matches to choose from.

Second, Goldberg. I would have this one wait. If he comes back for one more match than that should be on there too. Then if he gets inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Third, a re-release of The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin. The first one stopped in 2001 for some reason. Their are plenty more matches and moments from Stone Cold that deserve to be on there. Have it go through 2010.

Fourth, The Big Show. One of the best big men ever. He has plenty of accomplishments under his belt too.

Last, like a couple of you have said a positive Ultimate Warrior DVD. I think the WWE is trying to get him to accept being inducted into the Hall of Fame next year. So I would wait till then and put that on there too.
A Randy Orton DVD.

The History of the World Tag Team Championship. Even though I really liked the Allied Powers DVD they released, quite a few people didn't. I'd like to see more of a chronological history of the Tag Titles.

I'd like to see a DVD about the Greatest Technical Wrestlers of all-time. Obviously, Chris Benoit is gonna be excluded from this list.

I'd like to see another Bret Hart DVD. I think they can do another 3 Disc set full of matches. They've done 2 or 3 sets on Hogan. 3 on Flair, 3 on HBK. They can do 1 or 2 more sets on Bret.

A Rick Rude DVD would be nice. I'm just wondering if he has 2 or 3 discs worth of content. I'd like to see the stuff he did in Crockett Promotions tagging with Manny Fernandez.
one that no one has said is a dvd about a submission type dvd where the greatest mat wrestlers faced one another like Beniot,Y2J,Angle,and Malenko and other as well they could include subbmision matches and regular matches that are really good
Of course the obvious answer is a Randy Orton DVD. Orton is long overdue to have one. Another DVD I'd like to see made is a collection of the best steel cage matches. They made one for he'll in a cell, ladders, and elimination chamber why not steel cage? Lastly I would like to see is the best matches aired on Broadcast and cable television.
Personally, I'd like to see a Best Matches from the Invasion storyline DVD. Obviously, you'd give it a better title. You could see the Survivor Series elimination match to end the feud, the Rock beating Booker T and shane for the WCW title. All of the monumental main events that included the side-switching face/heel turns. I'd get a huge kick out of that because, I don't know about everyone else, but I really liked most of that program.
WWE is already in talks of making a Randy Orton dvd. I would like to see dvd's that encompass wrestler's whole career.

1. Justin Bradshaw (2 disc)- APA years (including skits) and up to WWE championship. Second
disc reign as champion.
2. Million Dollar Man (2 disc)- Making of the million dollar man: feuds with Dusty Rhodes, Jake
the Snake, Ultimate Warrior, Macho Man, Hulk Hogen, and Virgil. Second
disc tagteam title reigns, manager years, and becoming a devote Christian.
3. Rick Rude (2 disc)-WCW days as NWA champion, U.S champion, and tagteam champion.
Disc two WWF days. Include classic feuds with Rowdy Piper, Ultimate
Warrior, and Jake the Snake.
4. British Bulldog (2 disc)- British Bulldogs tagteam year as well as Intercontinental Champion.
Disc two European Title reign, tagteam title reign with Owen Hart and final
years before death.
5. Shelton Benjamin (1 disc)- tagteam title reigns, U.S title reigns, and classic matches with
Shawn Michaels, Christian, Ric Flair, and Triple H.

6. CM Punk-in a year or two

7. Manager's collection-Bobby Heenan-showcase the wrestlers he led and their feuds
Sunny-showcase tagteams she lead to belts and managing Chris
8. Owen Hart (2 disc)- Single years-The Rocket, Black Hart, Blue Blazer, Intercontinental and
European champion. Disc two-tagteam titles-Jeff Jarret, British Bulldog,
Yokozuna, and Hart Family feuds.
Seeing as how this is the Old School section, how about a History of Jim Crockett Promotions? It would cover from the 1930's until the Crockett's were bought out by Ted Turner in 1988. I for one, would be all over this to see Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, Magnum T.A. and all the others that entertained people for over 50 years.
I would like to see the best of the decade dvd. Have a 3 disc box set one for the best moments of the 80's , the second for the 90's , and the third for the 00's . It will have the best moments and matches from each decade.

They do. I own "Best Superstars of the 80s" and I know a 90s one is on shelfs at walmart.

Another DVD I'd like to see made is a collection of the best steel cage matches. They made one for he'll in a cell, ladders, and elimination chamber why not steel cage?

They do. It's called WWE Bloodbath. The last match on there ends in 2002, so they might need to re-release it. Perhaps add JBL vs Big Show in that barbed-wire steel cage match from 2005?

I would LOVE to see a new Brock Lesnar DVD. I made a thread on this the other day. But it would be sick. There's already one out, but it's more of a biography of his personal life. I know there's only 2 years of footage, but those were the craziest 2 years.
How about a "Bloopers, Bleeps & Blunders" DVD. They used to put out tapes like that way back in the Coliseum Home Video days. It could be great though. A bunch of horrible failed gimmicks, some of the random backstage comedy vignettes. It could be hosted by Mean Gene & Santino.
I got a good one that no one has said yet. In Your House Anthology. There were 20 of them, and they are so rare you cant find them on ebay, and the ones u can find are rediculous prices I say that one for sure.

I love that idea and I would buy that one for sure. The only thing I wouldn't like about it is the price tag because there were 28 of them before they dropped the In Your House name.
I would love to see a more in depth look at the nWo, I think its really sad there isnt a comprehensive look at this faction, which was so influential on professional wrestling.

A "Best of the cruiserweights" box set could be awesome too, showing luchadors who were showcased in WCW and later in WWE like Rey Mysterio, Juventud Guerrera, Pychosis etc, and also bigger guys like Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho.

The good thing about a cruiserweights DVD is that footage from ECW could also be incorporated, and WWE cruiserweight/light heavyweight matches so other superstars could be seen. I think the high flying action mixed with big stars like Rey, Eddie and Y2J could make this a big seller. It wouldnt have to have a documentary (although I would like to see more in-depth look at WCW introducting cruiserweights and WCW stealing them), it could just be a compliation of matches, but man it would be awesome either way I feel
To the OP, WM started in '85, not '83.

But I agree, a DVD for each year would be awesome. They could include all the best PPV matches and important/memorable matches and promos from their tv programing for each year. Possibly even throw in some old tv commercials for their merchandise (like action figures or video games) from that year! They could do this for both WWF/E and NWA/WCW.

I'd also like to see ones for Rick Rude and Ted DiBiase.

One on the Heenan family would be good, too.

One on the nWo would be great. The Black in Back DVD wasn't bad, but it only focused on the very begining of the nWo before jumping to the WWF/E version. But the nWo had so many more important moments.
-Savage was a huge part of the nWo in the beginning, but they hardly even mentioned him in the Black in Back DVD.
-Dennis Rodman's involvement with the nWo and the mainstream attention that brought.
-Hogan losing the belt to Luger, even if it was only for a week.
-Scott Steiner, a WCW original, turning on his brother and transforming into Big Poppa Pump.
-The parody of the Four Horsemen. And then Curt Hennig joining the nWo by turning on Flair and the Horsemen.
-Rick Rude joining the nWo while showing up on a taped Raw on the same night.
-The riff between Savage and Hogan leading to the nWo split.
-Hall turning on Nash to join Hollywood's faction instead of Nash's WolfPac.
-Goldberg beating Hollywood Hogan in what was probably WCW's peak.
-Nash ending Goldberg's streak with help from Hall.
-The "finger poke of doom" leading to the nWo reunion when the WolfPac and Hollywood factions joined to form nWo Elite. This was the last real incarnation of the nWo in my opinion, and the DVD could end here. I try to forget that the nWo 2000 with Jeff Jarrett and the WWF/E's version of the nWo ever existed.

Also, for the smarks, they could do one on the Kliq.
since he is in tna i dont see it happening but you gotta give some love to angle. tna went and made one on him and his life story but kurt deserves a 3 disc set of his best matches in wwe. tht is the only reason i hope he resigns with wwe one day. just so they can make tht dvd
I would love to see a pair of Raven DVDs released, both of them 2 (or maybe even 3) disc sets, one covering his ECW career (I'm guessing WWE has this library too??) and the other spanning his WCW career. Not just the matches in chronological order either, but with various segments and vignettes between each of the matches giving us as much of a complete build up as time would allow. I must confess though, highly doubtful because Raven was never "superstar" popular and he is working for TNA, so even when he does finish up his career there, I doubt the returns on DVD sales will match up with the cost, time and effort it would take to create something so ambitious.
Huge shame really.
Rude for sure.. as well as the million dollar man. WAAAAY too early for an Orton one. as it was for a morrison one, look at the sales for it? horrible. but the one i wanna see, and im shocked it aint came up yet.

The History of The Legion Of Doom.

what old school fan DIDNT love LOD? look for a thread on it comming soon actually, but anyway, yes, that one forsure, as well as a few others said, Goldust, Kane, Regal, maybe even a one on Edge? or a few of the older WCW guys too.
Here's a good one.I am shocked that I am the first to say this, especially after the last ppv. A dvd covering all Money in the Bank cash in's. Complete with the works: the MITB ladder match, title match, the celebration, and the entire segment or match in which the victim became vulnerable for Mr. MITB.
And for the 2007 cash in, they would have to show how Edge won the briefcase from MISTERRRRRRRRRRRR KENNEDYYYYY............................ KENNEDY!!

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