What Does The Royal Rumble Winner Get?

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Getting Noticed By Management
Ok, so currently the plan is for The Rock to wrestle Cena for the Raw belt at WM and Daniel Bryan to wrestle the smackdown champ. So if things continue this way, what does the RR winner get?

So that is why with Bryan already declaring when he is going to be cashing in his MITB, I have a feeling (thankfully) that Cena will not be champ come Wrestlemania and therefor the RR winner will face the Raw champ. Unfortunately this also takes away the aspect of surprise on who the RR winner will face.
Sadly, I don't see Bryan making it to Wrestlemania with the MItB breifcase. I wouldn't be shocked if he ends up dropping the briefcase to someone else before ever cashing it in.
The winner of the RR gets a triple threat match at WM28 against Daniel Bryan and at the time the current World Heavyweight Champion.

Poor idea, but i got a feeling that will happen.
Ok, so currently the plan is for The Rock to wrestle Cena for the Raw belt at WM and Daniel Bryan to wrestle the smackdown champ. So if things continue this way, what does the RR winner get?

I doubt that this will end up being a concern, because I don't think things will continue this way. First, the only one who has said that Cena vs Rock for the championship has been Cena's on air persona. There is no guarantee Cena will still be champ by then, and it actually makes more sense for him not to be, since turning this into a title match adds nothing, does not do Cena or the rock any favors, and frankly does not make much sense from a booking or storyline perspective.

On the smackdown side of things, as someone else mentioned, there's no guarantee that Bryan is telling the truth and even if he is, that he will still have the case by wrestlemania. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if someone (such as Barrett) challenged him for the case and won it from Bryan.

So I'm guessing that things will be ok by the time royal rumble comes around.
I think Daniel Bryan is feeling the CM Punk ripple affect. WWE is ok with pushing him again right now to make him relevent, but when it comes down to it they're going to probably have him drop the breifcase to someone like Sheamus and do a Sheamus vs Orton Wrestlemania.
Well theirs a hundred different scenarios that could be played out from now to Wrestlemania 28. Bryan can cash in his briefcase early. Bryan could cash in his briefcase and lose. The Rock vs John Cena might not be for the wwe title. Maybe Punks the wwe champion at mania 28. Trying to predict what's gonna happen for the royal rumble now is pretty ridiculous.
Ok so the current plan is

Raw- Cena vs The Rock for the WWE Title

Smackdown- there is no set title match for a couple of reasons.
1. First off there is no set plan for who will be WHC going into WM28 like there is the current "plan" for WWE Title

2. Daniel Bryan is saying he's going to wait til WM28 before he cashes in, He could be doing that, so he can cash it in when we least expect it, or he might wait until after WM28 and cash it in. Plus who knows, WWE might come up w/ the idea of someone challenging him for his briefcase, and then Daniel Bryan Loses it.

3. Just because he says that he's waiting until WM28 to cash in his Briefcase, doesn't mean he's gonna do it as the SD Main Event. He could do the same thing that every other guy does and wait til after the championship match, and the champion is beat up, cash in the briefcase and steal it, like the rest of the MITB winners.

Now as for the RR winner- It all depends on who it is, on what will happen. We all know that the RR usually has the return of legends and stuff. So if someone like Stone Cold were to come back & win it, he might go for Raw and make a Triple Threat. Where as if its someone like CM Punk, Shaemus, Kane, or someone like that, I think they'll go for the SD Title.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, one time the Rumble winner will cash in to face Undertaker and 2012 could be the best time to do so, if Cena is going to have the belt on him. Personally I think Cena defending the belt against Rock is a major negitive for WWE, why you ask?

Well unless WWE don't mind giving Rock the belt than they're spoiling the ending with a Cena win. I'd rather see Cena/Rock be for bragging rights (no pun intended) and have someone like Punk defend the WWE belt or even Miz/HHH (as per rumors). Either way WrestleMania 28 could end up being the biggest event in WWE history or it could flop BIG TIME, Rock/Cena WWE Championship sounds epic and huge but as I pointed out I'm not sure WWE would allow Rock to win the belt and retire, than again considering Rock isn't a threat to go to TNA I could see Vince letting Rock win and retire in the same fashion as Flair. Then again maybe the Rumble winner will get in on the main event and make Rock/Cena a triple threat, after all the rumble winner has the right to main event Mania.
Jericho could return and win the rumble and cash it in against taker to break the streak.... Or as lame as it may be they could just have The Rock win the RR. I know his match is set in stone but he could just say he came to win the Rumble to ensure he would get a WWE title shot. It would just add a little more excitement to the match with him and Cena I guess. Next years rumble is definitely going to be tricky.
Am I the only one thinking Bryan might not necessarily have to cash in on the World champion?

I mean, it's a MITB case. In the past it could be cashed in on any title, any time.

What if Del Rio cashed in and won against Cena, feuded for a few months, lost the belt back to Cena. Then it's Rock vs Cena at WM28, Rock wins to have another WWE title variation in his trophy cabinet but just as he's celebrating, here comes Daniel Bryan to cash in, beat one of the company's biggest stars ever, become the new WWE champ and get the massive rub that comes with such a huge title win against such a huge name?
When Bryan announced his intentions, I imagined the scenario playing a lot like this:

At WrestleMania, Randy Orton is World Heavyweight Champion and Chris Jericho won the Royal Rumble. They feud for a few months and settle on a ladder match at WrestleMania for the World Heavyweight Championship.

During this time, Daniel Bryan announces his intentions to cash in on the winner between Randy Orton and Chris Jericho. Someone like Edge interrupts him saying that only a loser will announce "when" he is going to cash in. Edge says he has to take the opportunity and cash in when the champion is down. He has to guarantee he becomes World Champion. Bryan says he doesn't need to make a career out of cheating like Edge did. Edge and Christian can beat him up. Eventually, Christian says he wants the briefcase so he can follow his best friend's footsteps and cash in to become World Champion.

Daniel Bryan says that he doesn't want to have an advantage against Randy Orton when he wins the World title. If Randy is going to defend the title against Jericho before facing him, he is going to have a match as well. He agrees to face Christian at WrestleMania. The match ends up being for the briefcase. And after Bryan wins, Chris Jericho beats the holy hell out of him. During the show, Jericho says in an interview that when he becomes World Champion, he doesn't want Bryan to spoil his moment of greatness.

I'm thinking Chris Jericho wins the match, Randy Orton is drafted to Raw, and Daniel Bryan continues feuding with Jericho on Smackdown, cashing in the briefcase around Over the Limit.
The likelihood that Cena vs Rock is for the WWE Championship is slim to none, and is in fact supported by the fact that Royal Rumble winner needs someone to challenge. Cena vs Rock is already an enormous, blockbuster match (though, in my estimation, a few years off its prime - but I digress). There's no reason to think Bryan won't cash in at Mania other than moronic reason about Kennedy, whose situation differs from Bryan in the way that a glass of boxed wine and five minutes with a woman differs from a bottle of bourbon and a night with her. Kennedy was injury prone and made enemies backstage, so when he got hurt, again, they opted to pull the case from him. Bryan's not injury prone in the slightest (he had a few minor things here and there in the indies, hasn't had anything in ages) and clearly has friends backstage. If you're interested, this story didn't make the rounds on most sites, but I trust the source on this, Triple H is behind Bryan's push right now, and he still has the allies he had that got him back into the company after the Nexus debacle. If Bryan doesn't challenge at Mania, I'll be shocked.

So, what does the Rumble winner get? The same thing they always get, a title match. In this case, probably the WWE Championship. Perhaps it's possible they will still Triple Threat on the WHC, but even if that does happen, it's unlikely that Rock vs Cena will have the WWE title attached to it.
the royal rumble winner will face the smackdown whc imo daniel bryan wil cash it in before wrestlemania 28 hes going to turn heel imo have u seen his 1st youtube video he says hes going to bury every1 he could be joking but i wouldnt be suprised if he turned heel
To be honest I dont see him cashing in and being part of the match like some ppl think but rather he'll wait till it's over then cash in, thus it's smart because now you have the ability to basically market two World title matches for Mania then you have Rock/Cena for the WWE title (but i personally wouldve had CM Punk be champ after months and months of absence, face an interim champ there, have two world title bouts AND Rock vs Cena non title, now that's a show! two world title bouts, two WWE titles to name an Undisputed Champ and the biggest clash of generations since Rock/Hogan, the undercard being awesome could have that rival WM17

Anyway I think it only logical Orton walks in as champ, loses to either Chris Jericho (RR Winner) or Cody Rhodes

and it'll mean something if Daniel faces either because Y2J and him had the best match in NXT history and there's an ability to have a classic bout there, and Cody and him have feuded this year, there's a chance for revenge and spoiling Cody's night and Cody beating his former mentor one on one (unlike WM26) puts him over in the same night

or in the case of Jericho, we get that teased match from when he returned in 2007
Well, I don't see Bryan actually getting a World Title match at the biggest PPV of the year. Something will happen where he decides to cash it in sooner or he puts the briefcase on the line against a heel and loses. I'd be shocked if they let him in one of the main event matches of WrestleMania. That's just me.

And if they're smart, they won't have Cena go into Mania as the WWE Champ. Not only does someone else deserve to play that role next year, but it's pointless for him to defend it against The Rock when he's just going to go away again for several months. "I'm never leaving again." What a joke.

That should be the main event, but not for the title. Just bragging rights, like The Rock/Hogan back at WMXVIII
The RR Winner has to get a World Title Shot at WrestleMania, so if the plan is to make:
  • Daniel Bryan vs World Champion
  • The Rock vs John Cena

I guess that the WWE Champions won't be John Cena, actually I feel that is going to be The Miz (again) and the RR Winner is going to be Jericho (he never won one)
Some good ideas in this thread. Add me to the list who does NOT think Daniel Bryan is going to wrestle for the WHC at Wrestlemania. He'll either a) cash in the briefcase early as part of a heel turn, or b) lose the briefcase to launch a feud.

But I love the idea of the Rumble winner eschewing a title fight for a chance to face The Undertaker. How about Triple-H entering the Rumble at #30, winning, then demanding a rematch? That would be a GREAT way to turn the COO heel.
i think it will go like this, Jericho to win the RR and face the Miz/Punk for the RAW belt, unfotunatel Orton will be in the SD pic against Sheamus(Bryan to lose the cash in before then), rock vs Cena and then taker vs miz/punk
The rules have not changed. The winner of the Royal Rumble winner will still get to challenge whichever of the two world champions that he chooses because that is how it has alwas been done. It doesn't matter what Cena, The Rock, Daniel Bryan, or Del Rio (assuming he has not cashed in yey) are doing. The Rumble winner gets to pick whichever belt he wants to go for. I do see a heel getting the win and facing Bryan though. We will have to wait and see.
Well, from a storyline standpoint, the Royal Rumble winner gets a main event title shot at Wrestlemania. How does this change because of Rock/Cena or Daniel Bryan? First, I would highly doubt that Cena is champion at the Royal Rumble because they'll want to have Cena going through hurdles to get the title back so he can face Rock for it at Mania. Second, Daniel Bryan could cash in after a title match at Mania, right? Third, there's no guarantee at all that Rock/Cena is for the title and there's no issue with someone winning the Rumble and joining Daniel Bryan and whoever the World Champion is in a triple threat, with the other two guys treating Bryan like he has no shot/doesn't even matter. They can do it similar to the HHH/HBK/Benoit match at Mania 20 where Benoit won the Royal Rumble and was really the "afterthought" in the triple threat to HBK and HHH who wanted at each other.

You know, think of it in terms of Christian being champion. Randy Orton wins the Rumble, gets a shot at Christian and here comes D-Brian along to say, well, sorry, I'm in on this too. Orton and Christian are looking to carry out the end of their personal rivalry and here is Daniel Bryan trying to get in on it and ruin everything. It certainly works.

Not saying Orton/Christian is going to be at Mania, but just giving an example of how easily Daniel Bryan could fit in.
First off Daniel Bryan will NOT truly main event WrestleMania. I am sure he will cash in his MITB on that night but I am sure there will be a WHC match on the card that does not involve him. After that match he will come in and cash in. Which means Royal Rumble winner will most likely get a WHC match with the worry that Daniel Bryan will cash in after the match.

However even without a WHC match, what about just being able to win the title of Royal Rumble. Honestly I feel as if that title of Royal Rumble means more then the WHC at this moment in time anyways.
will the 2012 rumble match be pointless next January? assuming cena vs rock will be for the wwe title and daniel bryan will be facing the world champ what will become of the winner of the royal rumble? for obv reasons rock vs cena will be 1 on 1 with the title on the line to help sell the match more. and surely the world title match will be 1 on 1 since Bryan its bryan's match and logic would suggest you cant just throw in another man? a possibility rumoured would be for the rock to win the rumble? but again logic comes into it as why would he want to be apart of it? he will be fighting cena regardless and doesnt need to fight for the title, which might suggest he would then have to fight 2 matches in one night, + the rocks only match will probs be at WM28?

in 2008 cena challenged for the title at now way out, now elimination chamber, which is the only logical idea i can think of happening, cena winning and beating whoever is holding it then for the title at E.C to set up the mania match vs Rock. completely ignoring the tradition of rumble winner fighting at mania, but then again tradition has gone out the window a lot recently.
The Rock vs. Cena won't be for the title. It just doesn't ned to be and other matches on the card will likely need to be for the title in an attempt to make them appear almost as important as that match.

The last of the briefcases will be cashed in at the Rumble anyway. Elimination Chamber alone is making the Rumble more redundant.
The Rock vs. Cena won't be for the title. It just doesn't ned to be and other matches on the card will likely need to be for the title in an attempt to make them appear almost as important as that match.

i disagree, whilst logically it shouldnt be for the title, marketabillity (if thats even a word?) of the match being for the WWE title will be massive and at the end of the day its all about the $$$ to the WWE. it will garner more media attention and make the match mean so much more in terms of what is on the line and why people should buy it. people who never watched the WWF/E when the rock was there will tune in to see if a hollywood actor can actually win the championship
i disagree, whilst logically it shouldnt be for the title, marketabillity (if thats even a word?) of the match being for the WWE title will be massive and at the end of the day its all about the $$$ to the WWE. it will garner more media attention and make the match mean so much more in terms of what is on the line and why people should buy it. people who never watched the WWF/E when the rock was there will tune in to see if a hollywood actor can actually win the championship

I agree to a certain extent, but that match is going to be huge. It is going to dwarf everything on the card. WWE are going to have to give their undercard matches more credibility and having two world title matches under Cena/Rock should do that.
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