What does the future hold for Legacy?


With the break up of legacy mere weeks away, Ted will go on to fued with Orton, and Cody doesnt' really fit in to that picture. I don't see him as a main eventer for a while yet. He's too small, and, IMO, not good enough on the mic.
So how's this for an idea?
We see him backstage, for a few weeks, speaking to Dusty Rhodes, Dusty managing him for his matches. Then they both attack Goldust, telling him that he is bringing shame on the family name. Godust disappears for a few weeks, then returns at a PPV to side with Cody. They form a tag team, managed by Dusty, all as bad-ass heels.
It gives Cody something to do until he is ready to ME, isn't to far from the 'Legacy' gimmick, and they could win the tag titles a few times to help boost both of them.
It also helps Dustin Rhodes, by stopping the Goldust gimmick.
And by having Dusty as a manager, he can cut awesome promos, and be the only proper manager in WWE (something I think is badly lacking atm)
I know this will never happen, but I still think it's better than a lot of things happening on WWE nowadays....
Why does everyone keep thinking its going to be Ted to fued with Randy? Why couldn't it be Cody? No to me he dosnt" have the look of a superstar , Ted takes that. However thats about where the differents end because outside of their finishers they are lack luster in the ring. But, just think about this... who has been screwing up lately ,who has been pissing off Randy as of late, who just took the RKO monday. After giving Cody the RKO Randy freaked on Shamess for kicking Ted? Now maybe some of you read a spoiler saying its going to be Ted{ I have not}, but dont you remember a little spoiler saying it was going to be Christian as the mystery attacker to Jeff ? What we get, Hardy vs Hardy. So maybe im wrong and maybe im not but maybe Codys future is brighter than you think.
I see this becoming kind of triple threat feud with all three feuding with each other. Since Cody keeps screwing up and pissing off Orton and Ted sees himself winning the RAW Elimination Chamber match. So this could lead to all three attacking each other week after week and eventually ending up with Triple Threat match at Wrestlemania. But that's just one of many options that came to my mind.
Why does everyone keep thinking its going to be Ted to fued with Randy? Why couldn't it be Cody? No to me he dosnt" have the look of a superstar , Ted takes that. However thats about where the differents end because outside of their finishers they are lack luster in the ring. But, just think about this... who has been screwing up lately ,who has been pissing off Randy as of late, who just took the RKO monday. After giving Cody the RKO Randy freaked on Shamess for kicking Ted? Now maybe some of you read a spoiler saying its going to be Ted{ I have not}, but dont you remember a little spoiler saying it was going to be Christian as the mystery attacker to Jeff ? What we get, Hardy vs Hardy. So maybe im wrong and maybe im not but maybe Codys future is brighter than you think.
Why does everyone keep thinking its going to be Ted to fued with Randy? Why couldn't it be Cody? No to me he dosnt" have the look of a superstar , Ted takes that. However thats about where the differents end because outside of their finishers they are lack luster in the ring. But, just think about this... who has been screwing up lately ,who has been pissing off Randy as of late, who just took the RKO monday. After giving Cody the RKO Randy freaked on Shamess for kicking Ted? Now maybe some of you read a spoiler saying its going to be Ted{ I have not}, but dont you remember a little spoiler saying it was going to be Christian as the mystery attacker to Jeff ? What we get, Hardy vs Hardy. So maybe im wrong and maybe im not but maybe Codys future is brighter than you think.

Whats with the identical post to Rosefire? :suspic:

I don't think Ted or Cody should face Orton at Wrestlemania, neither of them are over enough really to be facing Randy. The idea of a Rhodes Family heel stable would be awesome though :)
Ok, We already know that Ted has the better possibility of Main Eventing before Cody.
However I really like the Idea of Cody and Dustin teaming together, While I do love the American Dream I dont wanna see him as a heel manager. Cody does have a future when he bulks up and tones it out to be a bigger badder Rhodes.
Whats with the identical post to Rosefire? :suspic:

I don't think Ted or Cody should face Orton at Wrestlemania, neither of them are over enough really to be facing Randy. The idea of a Rhodes Family heel stable would be awesome though :)

I agree I think it's a waist for Randy to face either at Mainia. I know he owes it to them to get them over on their way out of Legacy but i dont think Mania is the place.
Cody Rhodes lacks charisma, size and look to Main event at this time in his career. Honestly if Cody does go into singles career on his own he will be lost in the mix on Raw.
So he will either join Sheamus or tag with someone else. Ted Dibiase Jr has a bright future in front of him now, the fruit are ripe for his picking. That being said there's noway the WWE could sell a match for Wrestlemania with Orton versing either Dibiase, Rhodes or both I know I don't want to see that match on the biggest stage of the year. So where does that leave Orton for Wrestlemania ? It appears we will see Triple H-Vs-Sheamus at Mania, Cena-Vs-Batista, Shawn Michaels-Vs-Undertaker. Maybe will will see a triple threat match at Mania HHH-Vs-Orton-Vs-Sheamus. Speaking on which Sheamus is not believable to me, here is a guy who couldn't get over on ECW and now is the champ ? I just don't find the guy credible it seems every match he is in ends by DQ.
Your idea of a Rhodes family stable doesn't sound too bad.
However, and you even said it yourself, it isn't too far from Legacy.
We've already seen something like this not too long ago with Ted, taking someone out to have him join the group later and it would maybe become too predictable or too boring.
Another thing is that there is a huge difference between Dustin and Cody.
Cody is 24, supposed to be a new exciting superstar on the rise, while Dustin is 41 and more uhm .. heading south, I guess.

I've also noticed a lot of people, including the OP, complain about his lacking mic skills.
A friend showed me some of his OVW stuff and I have to tell you, he CAN cut a damn promo. I'm not saying he is the greates of all time because he isn't, but he isn't that bad. He actually was pretty intense, I loved it. So yeah, if you ever get the chance to watch some of it (around June '07), you'll probably see what I mean.
He just hasn't shown all of that in the WWE yet, so I do understand the complaints.

I have no idea what is going to happen in his feature, like others have already said there could be a possible feud involving Randy and Ted, but I have no clue.
Ok, We already know that Ted has the better possibility of Main Eventing before Cody.
However I really like the Idea of Cody and Dustin teaming together, While I do love the American Dream I dont wanna see him as a heel manager. Cody does have a future when he bulks up and tones it out to be a bigger badder Rhodes.

Not only do I agree to this, Golddust already has teamed up with his dad years ago, so it would be nice to see all 3 Rhodes on the same page/side
Umm , How about Seeing 2 on 1 handicap match , almost like the story line of te ECW Ruthless roundtable , Seeing WM 26 Ted dibiase against Randy and rhodes Maybe , Or seeing Dibiase against Rhodes and maybe Ortan in other match , or it could be in other way by seeing Ortan Vs Dibiase , and Seeing Rhodes Screwing Goldust and disrespecting him as his a shame of the rhodes family , it could be .. Uhm..:icon_neutral:
I think an "All-Rhodes" stable would be pretty cool, but I don't know how long it would last before the writers ran out of things to do and felt the need to split them up also.

On a side note, with everyone talking about the potential Legacy match at WM, just how good is Bryan Danielson? Or for that matter Ted's younger brother? Or Joe Henning? My point is, are any of them good enough to debut on the Grandest Stage of Them All as Randy's surprise new protege tagging with him to take on Ted and Cody? Just a thought, but that would be one heck of a surprise for WM, something that it seems has been missing for the last few WM's.
Here's what i want to see, but don't see WWE doing this. Ted Dibiase feuding with Randy Orton and kick Dibiase out of The Legacy, then forms a new Legacy with Cody Rhodes and they add to the group, Brett Dibiase and Joe Henning, Henning and the younger Dibiase become tag team champions while Rhodes goes to being a midcarder and maybe wins the United States championship.
That is a fantastic idea, me thinks you need to get a job writing for the WWE, lets just hope that the writers for WWE are doing the rounds and looking for some new ideas because they really lacking them. It is a sad day when the story line in the video games is better than the one they use in the show.
what about a WM mania triple threat tag match?

Randy and Bob Orton vs. Ted jr. and Ted Dibease vs. Cody and Dusty Rhodes?

i think it would add a really exciting match, that could combine fast paced wrestling with legends... and if built properly this match could get over huge! what do u think?
Thats a great idea an all rhodes stable.That will be awesome.Having Cody beat goldust up and then after a few weeks Goldust comes back well (Dustin Rhodes) and they become a heel stable and also by having Dusty Rhodes there dad as there manager.I think that stable will be very awesome.th they could start Feuding with Ted and then Finish with Randy,Maybe injured Randy and getting pay back for what Randy did to cody.
Sorry, I think that's ******ed. Goldust and Dusty Rhodes haven't been relevant for years. Dusty probably can't wrestle anyways, Goldust while being a good wrestler isn't interesting anymore, and Cody doesn't need that. Do you want to tank this guys career? That would ruin him. He needs to get as far away from a tag team or a stable as possible. I think most of you have horribly underestimated Cody. Not only that no one seemed to have a real clue what his strengths and weaknesses are. He has charisma, he is good enough on the mic to hold his own, and he is a very good wrestler. He's not spectacular in the ring, but neither are a lot of the greats, they are just good at what they do. He isn't too small either, it's just a flaw in the way they have presented him, used him, and continue to use him. I am not saying that the Legacy thing hasn't helped him, but the expiration date has past on that. If they used him right you would all be frothing over him. That's all it really comes down to, Hogan is prime example number one, Stone Cold is number two, and Shawn Michaels is number 3. There you go. Give him some meaningful feuds, decent storylines, and a bit of a character overhaul and you will see him become a big threat in the WWE.
In my opinoin, Cody Rhodes has a pretty bright future ahead of him in the WWE. I've noticed a WHOLE lot how much is in-ring abillity has improved. I propose that WWE go for a Triple-threat "Legacy" match at WRESTLEMANIA 26. I think it would be a great match and all 3 guys will work really well together at 'MANIA 26.
my opinion is simple Cody Rhodes has a lot of work to do but really all he needs is good diva manager to talk for him and be his mouth peice then perhaps go after the US title. Id like to See Rhodes succeed but I dont think he can on his own yet which is thereason they havent broke up Rhodes and Dibiase.
Cody unfortuantely is about to get lost in the shuffle. Basically with his look, size, and charisma...he will never be a wwe/world champion imo. At best, he can have decent reigns as a intercontinental/U.S. champion. But he'll never be able to breakthrough into the main event scene imo.
I'm not sure how everyone thinks that Ted and Cody are going to split. They are AGAINST Orton, not each other. I think these two should continue to be a tag team/good friends. Keep them together, kind of like Arn Anderson and Ric Flair. I don't think either one of them are ready to go off on their own yet. Maybe give them the tag belts (hopefully), or have one of them win the US title. Either way, I have seen no evidence that these two are doing any kind of split. And I don't know where you got that impression.
After I posted My comment I made Cody Rhodes heavyweight Champion on Smackdown vs Raw 2010 by winning a battle Royal . Now wouldntthat turn some heads in WWE? Haha
i'm glad you brought this topic up because honestly since Rhodes debuted on RAW i had completely no faith in him. Cody is quite an talented wrestler but i don't see him getting over with the crowd and he's pretty stale as a heel. I think Rhodes doesn't fit in with the rest in the WWE and will do better in TNA.
Cody doesn't have the look or the mic skills to make vince or the fans happy. He's being left behind by the machine for Dibiase to get his push. Cody will likely not become a main eventer in the same way his brother never was. He will stay relevant as long as his dad is there to protect him.
I'm sure you all know Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes have been fueding with Randy Orton. They haven't done that great against him(except last Monday). Once there done with Orton, what are they gonna do? If they split up, Dibiase would be ok by himself, but Cody not so much. He's a good wrestler, but he has no charisma. He wouldn't fit very good in promos. I guess he would go to the middle card and go for the intercontinintal tile or U.S. title. Ted, I don't know where he could go after Legacy. He could be traded to Smackdown, and wrestsle over there. Other than that I can't think of anything else for Legacy after there done with Orton.
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