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What does the future hold for hawkins/ryder?


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is on the heels of questions along the lines of what's next for the big show, what's next for koslov, how will edge return, how will kennedy return, etc.

This one is a little unique I think in that hawkins and ryder were not really showcased all that much, even when they held the titles. They didn't seem to defend too often, and their main role was as edge's flunkies as opposed to being worthy tag team title holders.

Now that edge is temporarily gone, we haven't even really seen these guys except once to lose the titles. I could be wrong, but I don't even recall seeing them in a rematch for the title. They don't seem to be allied with Vickie...so there really hasn't been any place for them on smackdown.

It seems vaguely reminiscent to me of the basham brothers, back when JBL was the world champion and he had his "cabinet". The bashams ran around, helping JBL win matches, but once the cabinet dissolved the bashams had nowhere to go (and I think one of them got injured?) We saw less and less of them, and soon after, they were released.

Are Hawkins and Ryder destined to follow the same pattern? Or is there still a role for them as edge's flunkies once he returns? One problem with these two guys (similar to the Bashams), is that there doesn't seem to be any strong difference between the two, so it's hard to say if one will get a push over the other.

Any thoughts/ideas? Is there a role for them? Or will they be released soon? Should they be pushed at all?
The OP is right, Hawkins and Ryder just seemed like Edges henchmen rather then wrestlers. it was disapointing that they lost the titlessosoon after they won them, things looked pretty good for them. They got away from Vickie and were thinking for themselves (in storyline mode) and they actually seemed to enjoy the freedom more

Hopefully Hawkins and Ryder don't get released because as i say with every wrestler, they are so talented in different ways. They both have mic skills and they both can wrestle. Whats the point in getting rid of perfectly decent wrestlers? I hope their contact with Edge has finally ened after Edge was sent to "hell".

When Edge returns i doubt they will feature in a storyline with him, it seems very unlikely in my opinion. I'd like to see Hawkins and Ryder stay a tag team and be in the mix more for the titles rather then being used to make people look better or put people over. It was disapointng to me when the Colon's beat them for the tag championships because lets be honest did the Colon's deserve that win or the belts?

I just hope to see Hawkins and Ryder perform in a WWE ring and not in a TNA ring. Only time will tell i suppose.........
I don't think Ryder and Hawkins will amount to very much at all. Sure their somewhat talented, but they have no mic skills, and are only here because WWE needed a stable for Edge. They really started out as jobbers who won a match, and stayed for a bit. I don't think they will be let go considering the Smackdown tag team division is god awful, and Hawkins and Ryder are actually better then most tag teams on Smackdown, but I dont think the future holds much for these two.
They are in serious need of a tag team gimmick. A good one, and a complete overhaul on their characters. They need a solid in ring finisher, and to perform at the level that a tag team should. If they can do all these things, they should stick around, but I don't see that happening.

They are the Bashams 2.0, if you will. No one will care to see them go, as they were jobbers even in the best stage of their tag team run. They can't build up to a good heel team as is, because they have already lost multiple times to the top face team, and the rivalry would lead them nowhere.

If the tag team division picks up, and they prove that they are willing to improve, then I can see them still on the roster. Otherwise, peace out.
I already knew that Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder were going to win the WWE Tag Team Championships in the Fatal-Four way match at Great American Bash. The only thing that I had a hard time predicting is where their tag team title run would lead up. They held the titles for a little over 2 months and the first time they defended the titles, they lost them. As the tag champions, they did not improve any of their skills in the way they were supposed to.

I predict that WWE will allow them to win a 2nd tag team title run after they prove they are worthy of it. After about a year or so, when the tag titles change a couple times, Hawkins and Ryder will win back the titles and by then will have enough experience to actually help out the tag team division. Though, I do not think they are quite up to par to get drafted to RAW as a team until one develops more than the other and the WWE notices it.
I think Ryder & Hawkins could end up like Cade & Murdoch, Deuce & Domino, The Bashams, ect broken up and most likely fired. They were at their peak when they were Edge's cronies yet still didn't get much heat or accomplish much. They have one uneventful tag champ run which was forgetable. Also just like Deuce & Domino and the Bashams both wrestlers barely have individual personalities or can even be told apart. I just don't think both have a future in the WWE too long except for jobbing, unless the WWE really can write a great storyline for them, and if Ryder & Hawkins can establish more fan support and get better charisma/personalities.
In about six months we gonna read on WWE.com: "WWE has released Curt Hawkins (Real Name) and Zack Ryder (Real Name), we wish them luck on future endeavours".

It's all they gonna achieve. Even McMahon didn't knew they weren't brothers at all. They had a little title run, but that's it, they haven't talent, they don't have the experience, and they won't make it to the next level just because their gimmick is very very weak.
I think they suck to be honest. They started out as the Major Brothers and that wasn't too bad because they were just jobbers and as jobbers go they wasnt too bad. The problem is that they were given so many chances to actually shine, they helped Edge screw Undertaker and Batista out of the World Title and still couldnt get any heat. They were in a faction with Vickie Guerrero and couldnt even get heat by association. They were given the WWE Tag Team Titles but still nobody cared about them.

I dont think they'll be released because the WWE is desperatly short on tag teams right now so they'll probably be demoted to a jobber tag team again unless they can magically develop some sort of crowd reaction, I think the WWE were right to take the straps from them and give them to the Colon Brothers as Carlito and Primo got more reaction in one match than Hawkins & Ryder have got in there whole careers.
The Super Major Bros., Curt 'n Jerk Major are about the most useless tag team I've seen in wrestling in a long, long, long time. The fact that they held championships is a memory I'm trying to repress. I blame it on the recession of tag team wrestling in WWE. Not once has Hawkins or Ryder impressed me in a match. Their wrestling is good enough but they've never ever gotten me into a match. A complete lack of in-ring psychology and presence. To put it in two words; they're boring.

They draw some very minor heat by association, but we're talking very minor here. Without Edge and the idea of La Familia, I doubt they'd be around today. Despite becoming Edge's run-in job guys, they haven't done anything to warrant a continuing contract. I know I sound mean here, but it's the truth.

I can't see them going anywhere, because they haven't in the 1 1/2 years they've been in WWE if I remember correctly. Maybe a few minor feuds that won't lead anywhere, but I can't see anything but other endeavours in their future. It's for the best. Especially for the viewers. They're a waste of everyone's time.
Maluco, I disaree. I say three months. I haven't ever seen what's so great about this tag team and to put it bluntly, they bore me. They haven't got that much talent, their wrestling skills are average, an they haven't really done much at all since coming to the WWE. They didn't take advantage of the push they were getting hen they were Edge's cronies at all, they were basically just made to stand there and wrestle worthless opponents. And do they even have a gimmick anymore? Because it escapes me. They were never really that good, and they should have been the tag team split up and fired, instead of Cade and Murdoch. Cade and Murdoch could've done so much more than Hawkins and Ryder did.
I think was screwed them up the most was the heel turn. They were just starting to get a reaction as a face with their entertaining wrestling style, but the WWE decided to "push" them by alligning them with Edge. That's where Ryder and Hawkins were basically overshadowed by Edge, Chavo Guerrero and even Bam Neely. They were basically jobbers to the Undertaker on a weekly basis. They never gained credibility, and the fans just weren't booing them much at all. Their name changes didn't help them either as I thought they sounded better as the "Major Brothers". The reason for changing their names was downright stupid as well.

When they were babyfaces and were called The Major Brothers, I actually thought they possessed some potential to one day make it big as a tag team, similar to what the Hardy Boyz have done. They have the look and the wrestling ability to one day make a great tag team. Their mic skills were average but not horrible. They also worked much better as a babyface. This is yet another example of the WWE wasting potential. They could have a role similar to what Priceless has, but as a face version on Smackdown. It's sad that the WWE will most likely never push them again.

I think the future for Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins isn't bright at all. I can definately see them being released by the end of the year. I just don't think they would benefit much from going to TNA, in all honesty. These could have been something great if the WWE utilized them properly, but all they accomplished was being jobbers to the Undertaker, despite the Deadman already being way over with the fans. I will be greatly suprised if they don't get released or get another push. I just can't help but think the WWE has wasted a good opportunity here by not giving them a legitimate push.
The future holds unemployement for these too. Unless Vince really wants to push the tag division again, these two have no chance.

As faces, they were so bland and boring. As heels there not much better. There is nothing attractive or special about them, there just two blokes that job most of the time and even when they were with Edge, they did jack all.

The worst part is the crowd doesnt give a crap about these guys. The fans dont care, so they havent got much hope. The only thing that can save them is a revived tag division or a totally new gimmick that can revive the two. I fail to see both come true, so they have a slim future ahead of them.

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