What do you think of the WWE right now?

What do you think of the WWE right now?

  • Like everything about the WWE right now

  • Smackdown's been good but not Raw

  • Raw's been good but not Smackdown

  • I dislike everything about the WWE right now

  • ECW has been better than both Smackdown and Raw

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Getting Noticed By Management
I've got to say that right now I do like Smackdown right now. I love CM Punk's heel turn and his feud with Jeff has been really good. But on the other hand I don't really find Raw all that interesting other than the celebrity guest hosts. As for ECW well I don't really pay attention to it anymore.

So What do you guys think of the WWE right now?
I voted for ECW being the best right now. ECW provides solid matches each week. It also is the home of most of the few WWE wrestlers I like that are still employed. It has a few storylines that keep me interested, such as the Kozlov/Ezekiel Jackson interaction, while RAW... not so much.

RAW has absolutely nothing keeping me interested. I really only started watching it live again this week because I'm a mark for Chris Masters.

As for SmackDown, I haven't watched it or even read spoilers since the 2009 draft, so this wasn't an option for me to vote on.
When I first started to watch. The WWE was the shit. But now, I mean really. The women suck. Not as good as T.N.A. Knockouts. Most of the guys are no good. Festus, Jamie Noble, Hornswoggle, Santino Marella, Chavo Guerrero, Charlie Haas, Curt Hawkins, Jesse, Kung Fu Naki, and Jimmy Wang Yang. It's like give them a push or get rid of them. They keep having the same people fight for the same titles. How about M.V.P. as World or WWE champ. Maybe Benjamin, Kane, even Matt Hardy. I would like to see some new feuds and story line. I've been a long time WWE fan. I was WWE over ECW and WCW. But now i find my self more into TNA. I mean look at the WWE's tag teams and the women. I Don't even watch the women wrestle anymore. It's really just more or the same.
I think SD has been the best of all three, try my best to watch ECW, its enjoyable. As for Raw, I like the guest hosts, they have good talent all around but I'm sick of Cena. Orton is the main highlight and I'm glad that Legacy beat HHH, it really gave Legacy the credibility they needed plus it helps push the return of HBK. Some parts of Raw I like some I dislike but SD, Punk's turn has been awesome, Jeff being the main highlight for me and the talent they have are young with a few veterans such as Kane R-Truth and Mysterio and the younger stars have really shined bright. ECW is more of a training ground for the younger guys that the WWE see being the future but need to be sure whereas the two top stars of ECW, Christian and Dreamer feud which I like
i think the "guest host" is the worst idea ever when Vince puts guys out there that have no idea what his product is. at least you knew that Shaq was a wrestling geek, not just two guys promoting a movie and the big WWE event in Los Angeles, SUMMERFEST. i wanted somebody to break "Dr Ken" into several little pieces. if this trend continues, i will have to quit watching. if i want to watch somebody push their upcoming movie, i will watch Letterman
I'm breaking it down by show:

Monday Night Raw - Since Vickie left and the Donald stint blew by quickly, we've had guest hosts sort of like Saturday Night Live. So far the epic fail of these have been ZZ Top. The rest have been good. I will watch regardless of the shows because for 5 years I was unable to watch Raw because of us not being able to afford cable. I now have DirecTV and watch it all the time. Now I am tired of HHH, Orton, Cena, Legacy so I expect the same old main events but I am entertained with the mid-card and undercard. My favorite on Raw had been the Miz, so we'll see what happens with him.

ECW - I have started watching this more because the summer has reruns of the other shows I usually watch on Tuesdays. Thing is, I think I will be watching this in the fall too. I have become a huge fan of Zack Ryder. Even my wife and I are quoting "WOO WOO WOO." The Smurf thing from Shelton Benjamin was really really funny. The main events have been good too. It is starting to gain some momentum I think. Just keep Yoshi Tatsu off of the show and put William Regal and the Hurricane on more. I wouldn't mind seeing Paul Burchill win something now and then.

Superstars...I don't get the station that shows it.

Smackdown - phenominal wrestling with little story. I'm pulling for Dolph Ziggler and CM Punk on this show. Dolph is a hometown boy (St. Edwards HS and Kent State grad). I always root for them because of personal reasons. I went to Kent State when he did and was so surprised to see it was the same guy. I like that there are tag team championship matches now and the IC title is featured more even though I am tired of Rey Rey. Putting them on guys who are established is a good way to get them on TV more. I also love the CM Punk character promoting being straight edge. I am straight edge and all of my friends are not. I wish I could say what he's been saying to the crowds to my friends. I also liket he slow build of John Morrison. I would not mind more face time on the mic with him. His "face turn" was when he was beaten up by The Miz on Draft Night. Regardless, I like Smackdown more right now because of the wrestling and less focus on the comedy (although Slam Master J? Come on.)
I'm just gonna throw out a few notes about each and not go into any great detail here but I'll cover the main points.

Right now... overall... the WWE is pretty decent and has been for quite a few months. Sure Raw is still somewhat stale as far as the main event scene goes, but hopefully that'll change somewhere soon. We're getting sick of the same 4 guys headlining. We still like them, it's just running old. The guest host thing is working out very well and I hope this trend continues because even though these guys don't serve any real purpose, it adds something extra to the show for them to get involved in. Raw last week was specshaqular or Shaqtastic. The Piven heel turn was also amazing. I wish he woulda thrown some Ari Gold banter in there somewhere but...wishful thinking.

ECW is entertaining every single week and we get to see good solid wrestling matches with guys that are really trying to make names for themselves. Plus Christian is on it so it's totally reeked of awesomeness ever since he returned anyway.

Smackdown features the Punk heel turn and Dolph Ziggler & Morrison getting great pushes. So it is also amazing. Then hopefully with the arrival of the Miz, Smackdown will pretty much just be superwin. Throw him in the hunt for the IC Title since the US Title scene on Raw is already too packed full of mid-card talent, and you're going to have a damn entertaining show. The Miz leaving Raw was actually a good thing because he woulda be clogged in the mid-card talent pool like everybody else.
I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt so far... it seems that smackdown and ECW are the only shows that is dedicated to wrestling and that there really is no dominate power. The main event for Smackdown is Punk vs. Hardy who are possibly two of the hardest workers and underdogs in the last few years. ECW clealy has become a developmental show but people seem to enjoy it... i saw just drop ECW because there is nothing extreme about it!
Raw on the other hand is terrible. They need to stop bringing in celebs who are not wrestling fans. The reason Shaq worked so well is because he has admitted many times to be a fan of wrestling so he actually knew what he was talking about. But Jeremy Piven? Summerfest? atleast do your homework so you don't sound like a complete fraud. And the best part about having Doctor Ken on the show was where he actually hit his head when he was tossed into 3 other wrestlers on the floor.
I see that Vince is trying to stay commited to something and is convinced that the low ratings are just economical and a transistion period but its kind of hard to teach a dog new tricks.
People like Jim Cornette blog everyweek basically saying that fans are loyal but ultimatly don't know shit. We watch every week and if they want to increase that number then they have to give something new and that will never happen until they switch up the main event and quit burrying people who have a legit shot at being a contender at some point. MVP and Miz for example are two people who had shots but have been burried by Cena and Triple H... nice job guys, you did your best to make Cena look like he is invincible again! and as usual, the loud boo's are ignored. Its not that we can't see you, we just would rather watch paint dry then see you do another FU... oh wait i forgot, its the attitude adjustment now. What has this world come too... a firemans carry slam is considered a finishing move. lol wow!
Watched Smackdown last week and it is still the best show in the WWE. Better action and storylines than Raw can produce. Overall they also have a more deep and talented roster than Raw.

Raw has been entertaining the last two weeks but honestly it in my opinion is still the #3 program in professional wrestling behind not only Smackdown but also TNA Impact which has been improving a lot lately. Raw is so far from what it was when it was good. John Cena I like, Triple H I like, Don't like Randy Orton as Champion. I like Mark Henry and Jack Swagger and think that the main event picture would be much better if they were added to the mix with Cena, Orton, and Triple H who seems to be backing off the championship picture for a bit. With Shawn Michaels coming back that will add an exciting dimension to Raw. Even though I am a huge DX fan it really shows that Raw is grasping for straws since every time the Raw writers feel like they need ratings and sales they bring back DX. It makes me feel like they are just being lazy and doing the ready-made gimmick rather than work to make the product better by trying to push what little good young talent they have. So I'm not as high on Raw as I could be. They have the talent to do a lot, I don't know why they don't do it though.

I don't watch ECW anymore so I will say that Smackdown is good, Raw needs work but has been better the last 2 weeks, I have always been a huge fan of the Tag Team Division in professional wrestling as well as women's wrestling so without those the WWE in my opinion suffers. Overall however the product is good enough to watch and if something catches my eye which happens a few times every episode (MarkSwaggle) I pay more attention to it.
Watched Smackdown last week and it is still the best show in the WWE. Better action and storylines than Raw can produce. Overall they also have a more deep and talented roster than Raw.

Raw has been entertaining the last two weeks but honestly it in my opinion is still the #3 program in professional wrestling behind not only Smackdown but also TNA Impact which has been improving a lot lately. Raw is so far from what it was when it was good. John Cena I like, Triple H I like, Don't like Randy Orton as Champion. I like Mark Henry and Jack Swagger and think that the main event picture would be much better if they were added to the mix with Cena, Orton, and Triple H who seems to be backing off the championship picture for a bit. With Shawn Michaels coming back that will add an exciting dimension to Raw. Even though I am a huge DX fan it really shows that Raw is grasping for straws since every time the Raw writers feel like they need ratings and sales they bring back DX. It makes me feel like they are just being lazy and doing the ready-made gimmick rather than work to make the product better by trying to push what little good young talent they have. So I'm not as high on Raw as I could be. They have the talent to do a lot, I don't know why they don't do it though.

I don't watch ECW anymore so I will say that Smackdown is good, Raw needs work but has been better the last 2 weeks, I have always been a huge fan of the Tag Team Division in professional wrestling as well as women's wrestling so without those the WWE in my opinion suffers. Overall however the product is good enough to watch and if something catches my eye which happens a few times every episode (MarkSwaggle) I pay more attention to it.

I'm just curious if you can elaborate on what storylines you actually see on Smackdown at the moment? Because I am sure not seeing any.

My opinion of the three shows is:

Raw has gotten mildly better since ditching Vickie Guerrero as GM. At least the Guest GM concept gives fans something new to look forward to each week. However, the Main Event is a serious problem right now, as we struggle for a week to go by where either John Cena, Triple H, or Randy Orton and Legacy aren't somehow in the Main Event.

Smackdown is boring to me. I don't find straight up matches very interesting, unless there is either a feud involved that has been built up, or the personalities are interesting. CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy is about the only thing on Smackdown of any interest to me. And I am just remotely interested in it.

ECW, as I mentioned, I watched for the first time in several months, and I was actually impressed. Although their roster absolutely must be expanded, regardless of the fact that the show is only an hour. They have a storyline going with The Hurricane. Christian and Tommy Dreamer are involved in a feud and had a great match on Smackdown. They've made Kozlov's character more interesting. And the Abraham Washington Show is a definite plus for the show. Plus, Zack Ryder is a great character.
Well, I've always been a WWE mark since the 80's and never strayed even with WCW and ECW's popularity in the mid 90's. WWE has just been dull to me since 2005 time frame. They have had the same feuds over and over again with the likes of Triple H, Orton, Cena, and Batista. Raw is a joke period. Raw use to be exciting with such storylines as Bischoff being the GM, NWO invading Raw, Goldberg coming to Raw, and even the former drafts. The recent drafts have meant nothing since most talent drafted is either fired or underutilized. Shaq and Million Dollar Man were the only decent guest hosts of Raw. Since they spend most of the time promoting celebrities and their god awful movies or reality shows instead of focusing on developing new talent and fresh storylines, Raw has been piss poor. You know it's bad when the crowd chants This is Gay! Entourage is Gay! and This is Boring! plus with Hornswoggle getting in more wins then Jack Swagger or The Miz that's pretty insulting. ECW is trying but it isn't the same ECW that everyone knew and loved. After seeing Zack Ryder and Shelton Benjamin on the Abraham Washington show I wanted to throw my tv out the window. This is wrestling not American Idol, why the hell would they turn a good skit into a singing competition? The promo got a good response at first until the Hootie and the Blowfish sing along. I don't get Smackdown! but after reading the reviews it seems like the best show WWE has. I wish WWE would put less focus on celebrities and their bullshit that no one is interested in anyways, and focus on their talent. Fans may not like the old guys in TNA but it is the best show out there in my opinion. The new talent is fresh and everyone get's to be themselves. People blast MEM but they aren't on the entire show, they have a few skits but it evens out with the Knockouts, tag team division, and other stars. WWE needs to save the celebrities for Wrestlemania.. if ever.
I really don't like any of the options that you gave here. Because I have issues with each show... It's like WWE doesn't want to really work on all three shows. Because they have bit's and pieces through each show which would make each show better. If they put it all together. Which I hope Vince actually tries to give us something that is not a hit or miss every week.

Raw: When you look at the title seen right now, it's as bland as it's ever been. You have two main eventer's going back and forth for the title now. Thankfully they have added Cena to stop it from being Orton vs Triple h every ppv. At the Draft Raw's main event was loaded, and now we have three guys? I can't wait till Shawn gets back. On top of that you now have a mid card that his stacked. You have have a champion that isn't in a feud... He's just there. I'm one that's all for person feuds like MVP vs Swagger, but you really need to have the champion involved in something that is worth while. It makes no sense....

ECW: Has been coming up more and more in my books. It's been entertaining don't get me wrong, but the feud between Dreamer and Christian is starting to become like Orton Trips. It's over used and not enough focus on other guys. Can someone please tell me what the heck they were thinking moving Shelton Benjamin over if they aren't doing anything with him? Overall it's been doing better, but I still think that they really need to use the talent they have there better.

Smackdown: Smackdown is starting to wear off on me. While its better wrestling show. It's failing in the same place with Raw. The main event looks like it doesn't really have anything besides CM Punk, and Hardy. I don't know what they are going to do once Hardy is gone. With Jericho in a tag team, I don't know....
How do I really feel about the WWE right now? :disappointed:I have been watching WWF/WWE for a long time and to put it in simple terms, I miss the "F" I don't relly have a problem with the PG rating, I have a problem with creative. Before I could never tell who would win a match, now I can call a match before it even starts. How sad is that? I remember when promos used to be a vital part of a person's character. Now we get Cena who gets hyped up even if you ask him if he has to go to the bathroom. One quick thing before I continue, how about get guest host who actually knows about wrestling and will call PPVs what they really are ( SummerFest.. Really?) I will admit somethings they do really impress me like the buildup for the Randy Orton vs. HHH match for Wrestlemania. For it to end the way it did and the way it is going was just a fatal blow to the way i feel about the WWE. I will continue to watch but I and just not impressed right now. Creative needs to step it up.
i'll try and make this short and sweet as possible

Raw-same old shit every week,cena vs orton or triple h vs orton,i'm sick of it.All the young guys are misused and jobbers to the main eventers,vince simply does not want to create new stars,he's stuck in the past.You have these guests hosts that don't know shit about wrestling,you have cena is every main event and never loses and hogs all the mic time,you have triple h who never puts any young guy over.Raw is basically a huge piss break.I mean seriously,you have stupid hornswaggle who has beaten a wrestling veteran chavo 5 times,thats pathetic and so disrespectiful.vince really needs to wake up because one day,vince will realize that all his fans are gone and then it will be to late

ECW-good show even though it's only an hour long.TBH,christian is the only reason why i watch ECW

smackdown-it's a good show but it's really ALL wrestling,the only storyline going on is hardy/punk and sorry,thats not enough to keep me interested

overall,WWE sucks BIG TIMES,if I was paying to watch every show,I would want my money back.TNA is waaaaaay better then this PG crap,i suggest all of you switch over to TNA,they have great action,great storylines,great young talent,it's perfect and I look forward to it every week
I will ride the coattails of Gotahn and concur on the point that he made concerning the lack of unpredictability. People seem to forget that was a cornerstone for the entertainment value of the WWF/E. I remember when a wrestler was put in a main event due to their chemistry with their opponent, which in turn would emit huge drawing power. Now, it's all about WWE Creative sticking the same main event bullets in the WWE revolver and expecting to blow away the crowd. "Click, Click...Creative"

I remember when the Intercontinental title guaranteed you a spot at the WWF/E championship. Now, folks can come back from injury and be put RIGHT in the title picture. (i.e. - John Cena's return at Survivor Series in '08) It would give the main eventers MUCH more credit if they would at least do what Triple H did back in '02 and WIN the Royal Rumble on return from his injury and THEN go to WM and compete for the championship the right way.

The John Morrison v Jeff Hardy Match on Smackdown the 31st of July was PHENOMENAL. I seriously though Hardy was going to lose. They finally pulled a surprise on the following RAW and had Triple H lose to Legacy. If this is the path that they are continuing on, then good on them...BUT the only thing that ticks me off is the fact that the Lumberjack match with Super-Cena was no shocker at all. We all knew that he would win, even with the fact that every Jack out there wasn't Pro-Cena.

About the RAW guest hosts, Shaq was by far the best because he brought charisma and real involvement to his part in the WWE. :banghead: Jeremy Piven and Dr. Ken annoyed me to no end. :banghead: They need to keep putting people that you would have no doubt are wrestling fans and are willing to bring flavor to the show. ZZ Top? :wtf: PATHETIC! Seth Green was okay, but nothing to bring up conversation on. If anyone cared to notice, Shaq received more positive attention from other TV networks than anyone other host. They really need to step there game up with the booking, the storylines, and the Guest Hosts. In short Creative....:yousuck:
WWE is what it is today. I think when people write stuff about Raw or Smackdown, they tend to write to much about the past. Please relax with when the rock, hulk, stone cold coming back. IT'S OVER!!! Lets appreciate the wrestlers of today. It's not that bad!! Raw is actually pretty good. Yea I know, with same main event. HHH v. Orton. This fead btwn Orton v. Cena is going to be cool. I'm hoping they build it up. These two guys trained at the same wrestling school and both got to the wwe pretty much at the same time. So I hope they build it up that way.
I love the direction Smackdown is going! CM Punk,Hardy,Morrison, and now Jeri-Show! IMO Jericho is the best heel in the business right now. He was hated at Mellon Arena when I went to the live event and I admired his arrogance. I went to a Smackdown Event and got to see 4hrs of wrestling! Smackdown,Superstars, and ECW! They even threw Orton in the Dark Main Event. Raw is more of a soap opera than a wrestling show. Who isnt sick of Orton and his two goons? Or Cena-Nuff winning every week, Main eventing with the Miz was bad enuff the first time. Can you say squash? I have mixed feelings about ECW though. Seems like they are working too hard on putting over the new kids. Sheamus,Rex, and the worst of all Yoshi Tatsu. Seriously, Goldust jobs to Sheamus two weeks in a row? C'mon now, Goldust is twice the wrestler his younger brother is and you have him jobbing to a rookie on your worst rated show? Even Paul Burchill deserves more credit! He dominated OVW and worked extremely hard to get his spot. William Regal should not be jobbing to Yoshi Tatsu, its embarassing! Regal/Burchill should fued, their styles will match up well. Ezekial Jackson is an absolute beast!!! He's bigger than Brock and Lashley with a devestating finisher (far better than Kozlovs), as soon as I saw him on ECW I said "Heres the guys thats gonna take out Kozlov." Kozlov sucks on any show, his style is boring and nothing I havent seen before. Kozlov/Jackson needs to happen soon, enough with the teasing. Main Event is in good shape over there though with Christian and Dreamer. Decent Extreme Rules match, which they need to do every week! I liked Christians innovativeness. Dreamer has made a career out of jobbing and does a good job of it, the only thing missing in that match was a table and blood. Christian belongs at the top in ECW, but so does Shelton Benjamin! Give this kid some credit, hes a bonafide star, he should be fueding with Christian for the belt soon, because quite frankly he deserves the ECW title due to his impressive resume`.
TNA is more watered down than Coors Light! Their creative team is about as good as WCW's was, actually its probably most of the same ppl. I have tried to watch TNA, it was like trying to watch Dirty Dancing, painful, and even I was ebarassed for the bad acting on that show! Booker T is a worse actor than Carrot Top. Putting a mic up to his mouth is like giving an arabian baby a bomb, its a disaster!
i'll try and make this short and sweet as possible

Raw-same old shit every week,cena vs orton or triple h vs orton,i'm sick of it.All the young guys are misused and jobbers to the main eventers,vince simply does not want to create new stars,he's stuck in the past.You have these guests hosts that don't know shit about wrestling,you have cena is every main event and never loses and hogs all the mic time,you have triple h who never puts any young guy over.Raw is basically a huge piss break.I mean seriously,you have stupid hornswaggle who has beaten a wrestling veteran chavo 5 times,thats pathetic and so disrespectiful.vince really needs to wake up because one day,vince will realize that all his fans are gone and then it will be to late

Cena and Orton are both in their early 30's/Late 20's so it's not like they're old-timers. They both are going to be around for the next 20 years, barring injury or suspension. I'll admit, Raw isn't as interesting as it was in the Attitude Era, but that was a different time. Whether you like it or not, the WWE needs money. If they don't have money, they don't have a company. Money comes from merchandise sells and advertisers. In this era of soccer moms and the FCC, kids are not going to be watching a show with nudity, middle fingers, and extreme profanity. No kids = Low Merchandise sells. That takes out a significant portion of the WWE's profit. PPV buyrates will go down from kids who ask their parents to buy PPV's because they want to see Cena kick ass. Now on to the advertisers. Companies don't want their product to be represented by the things that the Attitude Era represented. So they have to clean up their act.

ECW-good show even though it's only an hour long.TBH,christian is the only reason why i watch ECW

Fair enough.

smackdown-it's a good show but it's really ALL wrestling,the only storyline going on is hardy/punk and sorry,thats not enough to keep me interested

Kane/Khali, Ziggler/Morrison, Cryme Tyme/JeriShow, Melina/McCool, Slam Master J trying to fit in with Cryme Tyme, Morrison pursuing the World Title, not to mention that Miz and Undertaker will probably be arriving soon. If that's not enough to keep you interested, then too bad, because that's more than enough storylines.

overall,WWE sucks BIG TIMES,if I was paying to watch every show,I would want my money back.TNA is waaaaaay better then this PG crap,i suggest all of you switch over to TNA,they have great action,great storylines,great young talent,it's perfect and I look forward to it every week

Perfect? TNA is doing the same thing that brought WCW to it's downfall. Using old-timers as their main-event. At least WWE has Cena, Punk, Hardy, Mysterio, Orton, Christian, and Edge. TNA has Joe and Styles. Lashley could leave at any time if he wanted to prepare for a fight. TNA also has most of their main-event talent leaving in a year or so. Angle and Booker are really the only ones physically able to go. Throw any X-Division person at me and I give you Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Jeff Hardy, etc. TNA has improved greatly in the past couple of months, but it is nowhere near the level of the WWE.
TO be honest I havent liked Raw in years....I stil watched it but it hasn't been good since 2006...At this moment in time i read about it but don't watch it. I may watch the highlights on WWE.COM every now and then but that about it. Becuase without watching it you still know CENA, Orton, and HHH will dominate the show...

Smackdown is electric...i have always preferred Smackdown to Raw but this past year or so its totally blown Raw out of the water... I absolutley love it however I would get the Miz on SD soon...and get Taker back ASAP...then this show will be ever better.

ECW...good wrestling...younger talent ....serves its purpose...!!!
The WWE bores me to no end now. I used to be a huge fan of the organisation, I would not dare of missing a show. In fact, the only Raw I missed for years was one during Robyn's prom. Now If I catch Raw at the right time it is a miracle. Monday used to be broken up by having the best show on TV, now it is just the day I take out the garbage.

Could this be the summer? Possibly. I would much rather go out on the beach for the evening, and have a swim then to sit in a hot house watching a cold product. WWE typically cools off during the season, so that makes sense. Maybe if SummerSlam is big this year, Ill get back into it. I even missed the last pay per view, which is not like me. WWE either has to work harder on their product, and break up the same old events, or they will lose me as a fan.

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