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What do you think of the new ECW?

What do you think of the new ECW?

  • I like it!

  • Its good enough

  • An average brand

  • I dont like or dislike it

  • Its not good enough

  • I hate it!

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Getting Noticed By Management
We all know that the incarnation of the brand called Extreme Championship Wrestling is nothing like its former self. But does that mean that it's bad or isnt entertaining? i say no. The brand is very succesfull with 1 hour of tv time, even equaling in ratings with another wrestling promotion: Total Nonstop Action. A brand that has names like Kurt Angle, Sting, A.J Styles etc.

Ever since it's reincarnation ECW has received a lot of critism, most came from marks and old ECW fanboys. They accused Vince Mcmahon that he ''crapped over ECW'' to satisfy his own ego. They said this new version of ECW is an abomination and that it should be destroyed.

I disagree with these opinions because they are based on their personal dislikes about the new ECW. People who make these comments obviously have no idea what the wrestling business is all about. Its a profit business, its suposed to be making money. If the old ECW was so great then why did it go bankrupt? because nobody cared.

Dont get me wrong i enjoyed the old ECW vey much, but i enjoy the new ECW even more. The reason why ECW went bankrupt is because people got bored of it. If you see an true extreme match for one night, you wil have the time of you're life. But if you see it every week, you wont be intrested in that anymore. Paul Heyman was a genius, but because of his own shortcomings he failed to keep the promotion alive, something that Vince Mcmahon was able to do.

I know a lot of people will disagree with me, stating that the only reason the new ECW is staying alive is because of Vince Mcmahon is supporting it. That is absolutely bullshit. Do you really think if a wrestling brand isnt making money, profit or having any form of use, Vince Mcmahon the world's biggest wrestling promoter would keep it? no. So this means that ECW is making money for Vince.

If ECW ''sucks'' so much then why is this ''C'' brand of the WWE able to compete with a brand like Total Nonstop Action? People are intrested in the new ECW wether you like it or not, ECW has a purpose and is making money.So instead of complaining and whining why dont you try to watch the brand that provides more wrestling in one hour than the 2 hours of Raw. Maybe you''ll like it.

Anyway here are my two most important reasons why you at least need to give ECW a chance:


ECW provides a fair amount of wrestling and little promo time. The ECW superstars are relatively new, some of them have experience but most of them are green. Every week you will see talent that are trying to improve their wrestling skills in the ring and on the mat, that means you get to enjoy some good old wrestling matches without the fake moves.


You get to see people on the brand grow, and make a name for themselves. There is a lot of potential on the brand and in the future more new names will be added to the roster, so what better way than to experience the next big thing, than watching them move their way up since day one?

You will be entertained by the enthusiastic wrestlers, their new gimmicks and above all you have the chance to experience things that you cant on other brands. The reason is because ECW is a talent farm, making mistakes or screwing up isnt a problem for the wrestlers. The management on that brand isnt that strict, unlike on Raw or Smackdown. So you can expect some funny bloopers to show up.


So in the end you have to decide for yourself if you like it or hate it, but dont judge ECW before even watching an episode. IF you want to give you're reason you dont have to make a whole essay, just give me a good reason why you wont give it a chance or dont like it. And for those who have watched ECW give me you're opinions, what do you think of the new ECW?
I actually loved WWECW programming in the beginning. While not as "extreme" as the original ECW, the programming outshined both Raw and SmackDown in the period from when it started in June '06 to about February '07. It was a mix of slightly edgy characters, some new talent and some older talent got the chance to shine again and the matches were better than the ones on Raw and SmackDown (Hardcore Holly vs. Rob Van Dam Extreme Rules was one of my favourite 2006 matches) but it hit a stagnant point somewhere in February 2007. I can't really point out what it is...but after being completely buried in the Royal Rumble it seemed like most ECW guys didn't bother anymore, neither did the writers. It became boring. They had phased out most of the little "extreme" they had at this point. Also, Bobby Lashley as ECW Champion was boring as hell.

The guy who brought excitement back to ECW was one Johnny Nitro, now better known as John Morrison. He won the ECW Championship and when he transferred to the brand, he became its face for a while, effectively adding some much-needed superior wrestling skills to the brand. When the ECW Championship was dropped to CM Punk, another period of stagnation occurred until the subtle change in ECW's product in the first quarter of 2008. It went from a brand with few differences from the two others barring television time and overall talent, to a televised developmental show with room for older workers to rejuvenate and add some zest to their careers.

Now, ECW is the most consistent show WWE broadcast. Good matches, decent storylines and the best utilization of talent out of the three shows. More often than not, I find ECW to be a better program than Raw has been in recent times. ECW still cannot compete with SmackDown post-Draft but ECW right now is one damn good show. It was obvious change was needed, and a televised developmental show is just right for ECW. The new ECW rules. Need I say more?
I'm not a fan.

I just can't get into it. There's decent matches, yes, but the show just bores me. I can't get into something that has Matt Hardy as champion. It's just no good for me.

I agree with Hardcore Kennedy, though. It really become stagnant somewhere in early 2007. Prior to that, it was really good.
I'm sort of in the middle. I don't like it as much as when guys like RVD/Sabu/Lashley/Test/Big Show were on it, but there is a few things I really like. I like that it has became a development brand where new stars are made(Punk, Kofi, Miz) and where other stars are repackage and become more sucessful(Hardy, Henry, Morrison). I'm also a fan of some of the new guys like Swagger and Borune. I think it's obvious that ECW is the distant third brand and since the roster can appear on both Raw & Smackdown I think it should just become a velocity type show where the belt is made into a permenant midcard and maybe change the name(just so ECW marks can stop bitching). So like I said I don't really hate the new ECW or love the new ECW. I'm just neutral on the issue.
I used to watch it when Bobby Lashley was champ and the originals were still there then they made it into this big boring thing. I don't watch it anymore as no one on that roster except Evan Bourne interests me in the slightest bit. So I enjoyed the old ECW much more then this one. I really don't like this one.
ECW is still a great wrestling production, its entertaining to me and alot of other wrestling fans who enjoy wrestling and not bloody matches week in week out. Its a refreshing change from seeing blood and broken body parts which people found exciting and enjoyable. This new ECW is better, better performers, better promos and better athletic ability. With the new ECW being on level terms with TNA for ratings i think it shows how well they are doing, being WWE's "3rd" show and yet still being above TNA. In my book thats a great thing.

The thing that bugs me most is when original ECW marks complain about how crap this new one is, infact the new ECW is better for reasons i stated earlier Whoever claims Vince McMahon "Killed ECW" is obviously mislead, ECW went bankrupt, why? because it seems everyone was bored of the same old matches eachweek and the same old blood and broken bones being shown eachweek.What reasons would Vince Mcmahon have for getting rid of ECW? If it was'nt doing well then he had every right to kill it off. WWE is a business, not real life kids. Pro wrestling is just like a mini stocks and shares market, once stocks and shares lose profit and money, things have to change and thats what happened in WWE's and ECW's case.

I agree with the OP on the fact people do not realise that WWE is a business, like i said earlier ECW was gotten rid of because no one cared anymore and were bored of the same old crap each and everyweek.

I enjoyed the old ECW too, i enjoyed seeing extreme matches but i slowly got bored and wondered when are we going to see actual wrestling and not blood and gore everyweek. if we see an extreme match in todays ECw its like an early christmas present isn't it, its something will remember and talk about. Was the old ECW like this? to me it was'nt, we'd just watch it then forget about it unless it was a really good match that lasted a good period of time. Many old ECw fans should be happy Vince chose to inherit ECW as one of his WWE shows otherwise ECW would be no more.

Of course ECW is making money for Vince, if TNA gets about the same ratings and is able to keep there business alive surely ECW can do the same, If ECW was'nt making money Vince would have scrapped it straight away would'nt he?

The new ECW is for the new guys that come into the WWE , over the recent months we've seen guys like Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne appear and show how much ECW has helped them prepare for the bigger brands,like RAW and Smackdown. ECW isn't just about seeing brutality, its about nurturing talent and ability not that many old ECW marks notice that, they just see it as a watered down shittier version.

Anyway i agree with the OP on why we should give ECW a chance, like i said earlier, ECW is the perfect brand for new wrestlers trying to find their feet in the business and put on a show ready for bigger brands like RAW and Smackdown.

At the end of the day, the new ECW is better then the old ECW
I used to watch it when Bobby Lashley was champ and the originals were still there then they made it into this big boring thing.

I disagree, they made it into a better product. When the New breed Vs the Originals feud was going on every avarage smark was excited about it. But they soon tuned out because once again because of their hypocrisy they said it was too boring.

The reason why this ECW is a lot better is because you get to see much more good old fashioned wrestling. If you compare the roster of 2008 to 2007 in my opinion it has improved a lot. ECW is the only place where you dont see boring promo's stupid gimmicks, its just simple wrestling. And since you're a wrestling fan isnt that what you're suposed to like?

I don't watch it anymore as no one on that roster except Evan Bourne interests me in the slightest bit. So I enjoyed the old ECW much more then this one. I really don't like this one.

I also enjoyed the old ECW but i enjoy this one a lot more. The old ECW was all about violence every night, you couldnt see a decent NORMAL match and that's the reason people tuned out and it went bankrupt. You should try watching Jack Swagger i think he's a good up and commer, and when Henry and Finaly are out of the ECW title scene things are going to be a lot better for ECW

I'm not a fan.

I just can't get into it. There's decent matches, yes, but the show just bores me.

How can it bore you when there are good wrestling matches? the ECW roster is currently evolving at a rapid rate i expect Swagger, Bourne, Miz And Morrison to make it big soon. You should try watching these young talents, maybe you'll like it.

I can't get into something that has Matt Hardy as champion. It's just no good for me.

Why not? most people tend to think that Matt Hardy is a boring wrestler, but i think he's doing a good job. The reason you may find him boring is because he's feuding with the likes of Finlay and Mark Henry. Everyone would get bored of that. As soon as someone like The Miz starts feuding with Hardy, ECW will be a lot better.

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