What do you think happens when you die?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Whether your religious, atheistic, spiritual, etc. I'd like to hear your thoughts on what you believe happens when you die.

It's hard for me to think I will cease to exist at some point. What I would not want is to be some live nerves or aimless thoughts, living in a dream world never able to wake up.

I think after you die, your brain is still active for something like 8 minutes, because of this, I think I rather be cremated. If we don't have souls, I want to make sure that my body is completely destroyed. I don't want my conscious to continue to exist in a dead brain.

I would like for there to be an after life. Whether I am reincarnated or I go on too an existence I've never known before and couldn't imagine.

What I wouldn't want though, is to end up in some fucked up place - you guys know where I'm talking about.

Anyway, what are you thoughts on where we go when we die?
Business as usual, just without you in it. I hate this question honestly, I've tried to think about not being able to think often and it's a harrowing thought.
I've got two possibilities..maybe 3. Born a catholic, I always believed in heaven till I was about 12. 4 years later, I think either when you die, you're reincarnated (I'm not a buddhist, or whatever the hell religion believes in that, they've got all kinds of complicated shit added to it) I think you die, you're reborn, you don't remember anything, live your life, and you die again.

Either that, or you pretty much go into a never ending sleep. Either you dream, while you are dead, but it's a never ending dream, or your body is completely cut off from any thought, and there is no connection between anything, you are just a weight in the ground.

I don't believe in god, I don't believe in heaven, or hell. I think there was a Jesus, but that's as far as I'll go. Religion is bullshit in my opinion. I still consider it though, because if by some chance it is real...well I'm fucking screwed. It doesn't make sense in my opinion though, the bible is a huge contradicting mess. There is nothing I hate more then those over religious people, standing outside with picket signs with "GOD HATES AMERICA" it's stupid and pointless.

So you are either re-born, or you go into a never ending sleep.

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