What do you think about Edge's face/tweener turn?


Occasional Pre-Show
The last time he turned face, he was REALLY, REALLY fake. I mean it was basically "SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR!". I think this time it would work. He's like Orton. He still has that heelish gimmick, but he's using that on other heels. What do you think?? On a side note, do you think any of the kiddies knew who Paul Bearer was when he was brought back?
Edge is certainly looking like he is going face again and its about time. Im also with you on the fact that the last time he was face it felt false. Randy Orton does not need anyone in his corner to succeed and neither does Edge. This way he has the ability to be either good or bad in his matches and keep the fans and hiss opponents on their toes. They wont know how to prepare for his matches as they will be unaware which Edge will be walking down the ramp. on the other note, I'm glad Paul Bearer was brought back into the undertakers life. When the undertaker was at his best, Paul was always by his side with the urn. i doubt he will be around for long but hey, im gonna enjoy it whiile he is. Welcome back Paul!!!!!!!!!!
I seriously hope that this is a face/tweener turn for Edge b/c his heel role has been stale for god knows how long. I like the war against stupidity as it can maybe lead to a character change for Edge which was lacking in his last face run. I would like to see the Edge of 2001-2003 as that was my favorite wrestler during that period.
It's hard for me to decide really. I never liked Edge as a face, personally. I always thought it boring. When Edge returned at the Royal Rumble and started the whole "SPEAR_SPEAR_SPEAR"...I seriously just either changed the channel or fast-forwarded it if I DVR'd Smackdown...

But yesterday, things were a bit different. Edge was actually [somewhat] entertaining. The promo between Jack Swagger w/ his eagle and Edge was quite funny to say the least. It gets you to the point where you stop and think, "Could this tweener role work for Edge?"---In all sense, a tweener role for Edge could do wonders for him. He can still portray himself as the ultimate oppurtunist while at the same time "rid the WWE of all acts of stupidity"

There shouldn't be any dount in any ones mind that Edge has gone boring and stale in his last few weeks (or months) on Raw. Perhaps this tweener turn can give him the REFRESHER in his character that he drastically needs...Who knows....One things for sure, I think it's a great idea....
So, people noticed this too...

IMO, he's been acting tweener-ish since the whole Nexus thing. You can't argue against that. I gave an example in another thread; Edge goes against Nexus, he's cheered, Edge goes against Cena, he's boo'd = tweener.

I like this Edge that we saw on SD! and RAW last week. It's not Rated-R, it's not Ultimate Opportunist, it's...heel-tweener-ish-and-funny. Edge has been a filler on RAW for quite some time. But, he still sort of entertained me with his Julian and Zack Ryder segments. At least he knew how to make a filler work...

Heel-tweener-ish-and-funny Edge is a lot better. It's refreshing.
When Edge does his funny stuff I think its incredable like him doing his thing at the Raw Rolute and then on Smackdown with Swagger:lmao: Im looking forward to him being a tweener or even fullfleted Face and he'll prolly make it work this time :D

I was VERY glad they brang Paul Bearer back and I had a feeling they would since the begining of the Kane v. undertaker fued

That word has lost all meaning to me since the whole spear angle. But yes Edge has been getting a lot of cheers lately and for good reason. He destroyed that laptop everyone hates, his sketches with Ryder are pretty hilarious, and now he is fighting against stupidity (definitely won't be an easy task with how much is going in professional wrestling lately). This transition seems much more real than his last sudden change of heart so I can see this one working. As long as he keeps his heelish ways then we have a much-needed top superstar able to put over all the up-and-coming heels being pushed.
I've gotten sick of heel Edge, I definitely wouldn't mind him making this full turn. As a matter of fact, it would BENEFIT him more than anything. Edge can be a really good charismatic face, he showed that in his early days. Maybe he should branch off and head in that direction again and just have undertones of this "Ultimate Opportunist/Rated R Superstar" gimmick in his character. With the current direction in the WWE that would also be the best thing for him. I really enjoyed him on Smackdown last night, if he can keep that up I can definitely see him at the top of the proverbial ladder again.
I personally love it, and hope they go all the way with making him a full fledged face again. I thought it was a mistake when the drafted him to Raw in the first place and immediately turned him heel.

When edge first returned at the Royal Rumble, he was MASSIVELY over as a face. He was getting more pops then anyone, including Randy Orton. Smackdown was the Edge show. He was funny,(to jericho "we all have a girlfriend weve regretted, me, Vickie Guerrero, you The Big Show), gained momentum by the week in defeating Miz, Big Show, and Batista clean in a 3 week span, to just plain awesome in the way he had the crowd eating out of his hands with the spear chant.

Fast forward to the draft, and Edge is drafted to raw and immediately turns heel. He has a forgettable feud with Randy Orton and is soon relegated to a basically a lower main event role as sheamus, Jericho, and even The Miz surpassed him as heels. all the momentum he had gained as a face was quickly lost, to the point he was feuding with an effin computer on Monday.

So my hope is that this is the return of the face/tweener Edge. He doesnt have to lose the crazy mannerisms and trademark one liners that make him popular in the first place. He doesnt even have to play to the crowd like the typical face. Just throw him into a feud with a superstar getting major heat(like Swagger did last night) and Edge would be a perfect face to move to Smackdown with the move to SyFy, and would allow him to regain the momentum he lost in his heel turn and being drafted to Raw. The guy was getting bigger pops and was more over then Orton is as a face, in my opinion. If something works, and isn't stale(like his Ultimate Opportunist gimmick IS), why not go back to it?

As for Paul Bearer, unless they have been watching youtube videos from 10 years ago, probably not. But, I feel Matt Striker has been doing an excellent job the past two weeks of putting over who he is, and the importance of the urn to newer viewers, so it doesnt really matter.
No idea what Paul Bearer has to do with this, but...anyway.

I don't know what to think about Edge's turn..because I'm not sure he has turned. And if he has turned, what was he considered before?

Edge has gone through more gimmick changes in a year than anyone I can remember. He's a heel. He comes back for the Rumble, he's a face. Spears Orton, is a heel. Is a heel, but gets cheered half of the time. Now he's a face again?

It's all rather confusing, and he hasn't done much of anything since Mania. They need to settle on something for him, and make it work. The ultimate opportunist gimmick can work on Raw, especially in a feud with Orton. The Edge/Orton feud from this past spring was garbage, because neither man was clearly defined in what his role was. Also, they had no storyline..not at all. But as a face, he could have decent feuds with Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Miz, etc.

I hope they just decide already what he's going to be, because as much as I like tweeners, Edge is just plain confusing.
Edge was getting cheered in 2009 when he jobbed the belt to Hardy, and joined up with Jericho, as a heel he's good, but Edge can equally rival that with being a great face.
Look at his face run in 2001-2003 he was so over it was unreal, in 2004 the fans turned against him I don't know why nor do I care because we saw what a sleazy bastard Edge could be as a heel (take away his personal rivalry with Matt over Lita) Edge was one of the best heels in the business and his matches were fantastic.

Back at Royal Rumble 2010 people say his face turn was fake, I disagree it felt real & authentic the problem was he was getting into his persona perfectly then moved to RAW, now it made zero sense why he'd turn heel but when he explained he turned heel out of spite that he was in a world champion program then kicked to RAW I could understand it, now last night I don't know how many people noticed when he came to the ring he came to the ring with the Smackdown logo by his name the rest of the RAW guys had RAW, so if he's returning to Smackdown hopefully he'll resume his face persona or be a tweener.

For years now I've believed good guys vs bad guys was passe' and we needed more guys being tweeners their fresh and fans can get behind them in their own ways and wether you loved their heel side or face side it makes good business sense that these guys can go against ANYONE heel vs heel or face vs face, but ONLY certain guys can pull this off, Orton, Cena & Edge and HHH.

WWE should have Edge have a face run and see where it leads, if it's not working I'm all for having him turn heel on the right person (Undertaker maybe and build towards Undertakers retirement?) but the overall jist WWE needs to give Edge a chance of being a face his heel persona run it's course in 2004-2010.
This has been a confusing time for Edge. He has had as many turns as Big Show did during his first year or so with WWE.

Turns face at RR, turns heel after drafted to Raw, quickly becomes a tweener within the next few weeks, turns heelish again though and attempts to continue his feud with Orton, then becomes a tweener by Summerslam through Septemberish only to turn facish now.

I think what happened is Edge's face turn fell flat. However, his \heel turn was also flat. He tried to feud with Orton but it just didn't click.

I don't know if Edge should turn face just yet though. Once Undertaker is finished with Kane, he'll need someone else. Swagger might be a good opponent, but Edge might be good given their history and one more time for "old times sake".
I really want to know how different Tweener Edge and Tweener Randy are. People are complaining that when Edge was a Tweener before it was Spear Spear Spear but Right now Ortons gimmick is basically Rko Rko Rko. Im not saying I don't lik a Tweener Randy its just the point how is he and different then Edge? Ps about the whole Paul bearer thing Im sure the Undertaker fans knew who he was regardless of age.
I agree his last face run was nothing special, but it I think it was meant to come off like that. Since it was a short time before he turned heel again. I think he could definitely make this recent turn work if it's done right. If he's turning face I think someone will need to turn heel to keep it even. I think this would be a great way to turn Morrison heel finally, and feud with Edge to help boost him to the next level.

In my opinion Edge is a natural heel just like Orton. He has been getting more and more cheers lately. So I think it's only fitting to give the fans what they want and turn him face. However in the end we all know it wont last too long before he turns heel again.
I love Edge. He's my current favorite wrestler right now and has been since his first reign as WWE Champion. Edge, he is meant to be a heel. He isn't a very good face. The whole ultimate opportunist/Rated R gimmick is not a face gimmick. If you look at any of his 9 world championship title reigns, he won as a heel character. The heel thing IS working for him. He does not need to be face and cater to the crowd. HOWEVER, a tweener gimmick would be amazing. Over the past few weeks, we've seen Edge work as a tweener against the Nexus team and he's been getting some cheers ever since. Edge is perfect right now. A tweener gimmick is what he needs to refreshin his gimmick. He doesn't have to cater to the crowd, just kinda get them to wanting to see him and see his spear. This will give Edge more of a varity to work with. He can wrestle faces as well as have an extended feud with a heel and still keep his ultimate opportunist/rated r superstar gimmick alive. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few weeks...

Also, just so everyone knows, I'm pretty sure Edge was turned face because they needed someone to face Jericho for the world championship at Wrestlemania 26. I mean we all know personal feuds are the best, that's why he was turned face. I mean when's the last time a heel had a major return at a PPV like the Royal Rumble? That's probably why he was turned face, then immediately heel again in the follwing weeks (actually I think it was the follwing week) of being drafted to RAW.
At least he won't hopefully do the whole "SPEAR SPEAR SPEAR" chant again, I really hated that.

As for his whole war against stupidity, I guess it'll work, since he can't really be the Rated R Superstar anymore.

Hopefully he won't become completely face and he will just stay tweener, kinda like Orton is now, and Edge may eventually find himself a 10 time World Champion.
Also, just so everyone knows, I'm pretty sure Edge was turned face because they needed someone to face Jericho for the world championship at Wrestlemania 26. I mean we all know personal feuds are the best, that's why he was turned face. I mean when's the last time a heel had a major return at a PPV like the Royal Rumble? That's probably why he was turned face, then immediately heel again in the follwing weeks (actually I think it was the follwing week) of being drafted to RAW.

If you read what I put, I explained Edge was getting cheered for when jobbed Hardy and placed with Jericho, Jericho/Edge was the plan for Mania 26 all along, hence Edge getting injured and Jericho ripping into him to start the feud.

Same happened with HHH, got injured and when he returned at the RR he was a fan fav (tho he returned before the Rumble to hype it up (I believe he also had a match before Rumble with Booker T and/or Christian) when your a good heel and get injured and when you return the fans allow their emotions to run wild, they think it's cool you've returned etc etc.
Despite the fact that he is a great bad guy, I actually prefer Edge as a face. If you are not convinced, look at some videos from his feud with Kurt Angle in the early 2000s. He seems very natural there. I've wanted him to turn, well, ever since he became a heel earlier this year. He seems real as a face. Very few faces are.

He is constantly cheered on Raw, despite being a heel. Despite talking down to the WWE Universe, despite cheating and despite going up against some of the top faces (Cena, Bryan, etc). You would have to be frighteningly stupid not to change his character to capitalise on this. Edge shouldn't be a tweener, he should be a face. Just like he was with Kurt Angle but with a bit of "Rated-R" thrown in.

This ridding the WWE of anything stupid has a lot of potential. Not least because he has the WWE Universe on his side. But first to be dealt with is the situation with the Raw GM. I would imagine him being banished from Raw because he broke the computer and going to SD.
I missed a lot of Edge's heel work over the last few years, but even when he turned after spearing Orton, it was nothing special. He was very boring and it was visibly holding him back. The face run was probably better than his heel run, but it was still not that good, which says a lot about the heel run.

Now he is dealing with the anonymous GM. To the people who dont see this as a face/tweener turn, have you heard the heat that the GM gets? Putting him in an angle opposite the GM has gotten him pretty over as a face. For me, he still doesnt seem completely a face, so I think tweener is more appropriate right now.

I'm liking him as a tweener right now, but thats about it. Its nothing great, but I would call it an improvement over his last face and heel runs. He has me interested and hopefully this whole thing will take him somewhere.
I think it makes sense for him to turn face, or at least tweener. There's a desperate need for high level faces on smackdown right now, so if he moves there it makes sense. However even if he stays on raw for a while, it will give him something to do since as a heel there's no one for him to feud with that we haven't seen a million times already. As a tweener/face he could go against sheamus for a while and that would give them both something to do.

Reading through this thread I saw a lot of complaints about the whole "SPEAR SPEAR SPEAR!" but unfortunately, if he is tweener/face, it will come back. It was created, fans seemed to like it, so its return is inevitable. Similar to the "WHAT?" from stone cold, once it started and fans jumped on the bandwagon, it never went away again.
Okay so he's a heel, gets drafted, then he's a face, then goes heel again, and now he's a face.

... right.

Edge is better off as a heel. He's heelish. He looks like a troll. He's got them crazy eyes and he's just better fit as a bad guy. Turning him face will just water what good he had down, even though the only good thing about him is just that - how fine he is as a heel. He sucks in the ring, he looks like crap, and his spear isn't even a spear. It's like he wraps his arm around his opponent's waist and takes him down. Edge is CRAP if he's not a heel. A face Edge is no good to watch.
Those of you who have grown sick of Edge as a heel lets be honest here you are ignorant. Edge has been one the WWEs best heels for quite some time and its not his fault the creative team doesn't know what to do with his talent. To turn him a face is a shame cause lets be honest how many faces does WWE already have on RAW other than everyone but Nexus, Miz, Sheamus now that Jericho going to work the punt angle. So that is another reason he needs to be a heel other than he is more entertaining as heel anyways
First off I dont know why you didn't noticed Edge has been tweener ever since he was drafted to raw!!! he didn't turn tweener last night or on raw this week!!

Now, dont lose your time arguing about edge being heel or face to be successful, because he has already been successful, he's 9 time world champ, 5 time IC champ, 14 time tag champ, royal rumble winner, king of the ring, he's simply at the point in his career that he reached his peak, and is now coming down, Edge will never be that high once again, he already did it.
I don't think it's a full-on face turn, that's for sure. I do think that Edge should be moved to Smackdown though ASAP, especially as Christian is injured. Edge would make a great opponent for the likes of CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio, which could result in some very lengthy, but entertaining feuds.

Edge should go no further than a tweener...have him be Smackdown's equivalent of Randy Orton, spearing whoever he wants (faces or heels).
I think its a good move as for Edge as far as story lines go, I think its real this time. Also as far as the kiddies and Paul bearer, i think maybe some of their parents told them about it, so yes, i think a few of them knew who he was but i don't think most of them knew the detailed history between Paul and Taker.

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