What do the fans REALLY care about?

Wrestling fans are always very vocal about what they like about this or what they dislike about that. Well, I'd like to know, while watching a match, what do a majority of wrestling fans really care about? Is it the excitement, the chemistry between the wrestlers, the chain/mat wrestling, or is it the story being told?

I'd like to think that most fans like to watch do to the story being told, but we all know that it's definitely not what they look for. Fans care about one thing: Excitement. They care about the big spots, the highflying moves, the weapons, all that stuff. I guarantee that if you went up to a random wrestling fan that more times than not, they'd tell you that they like the excitement of the match far more. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing, but wrestling is so much deeper than that. To me it just seems somewhat superficial if all you care about are the big spots and stuff. Then again, a lot of wrestling fans are children as well, so they cannot be expected to look a little deeper than what is right in front of them. Is this a problem? Maybe, but I can't really tell you that.

So, what do you think - What do the fans really care about?
I don't know, I see the "excitement" being a combination of the other 3 elements you listed. I think that if you have solid workers, a good story, plus solid mat wrestling, you can achieve a level of excitement that far surpasses a few "high spots". Although a stellar 5 star match with one or two high spots (ala Kurt Angle moonsaulting off of a steel cage) can make it even more awesome, as long as the spots aren't the focal point.

As far as the casual fan goes, I would have to say a solid story would be the key to their interest. Sure, a casual fan would have an initial reaction to a high spot, but unless you string spot after spot together for the whole match they might not remain into it. Now, you tell a compelling story and compliment it with some good in-ring action, you might just turn a casual fan into a regular one.
What fans really care about in the longer run is the storyline. That is what keeps them tuning into the show week after week. Fans lose interest if the storyline is one dimensional no matter how good the matches are. People want to see that is unique and intriguing rather than the predictable "heel wins by cheating so the face gets a rematch" type of shit. That is why no one cares a damn about the Kingston/ Ziggler or the Kingston/ Swagger matches on Smackdown because they are just senseless matches rather than an actual storyline.

As far as good mat wrestling is concerned I would say that only smarks give a damn about it. As for big spots, I would say that crowds do love seeing it but its not something that will make them tune into the next show, in my opinion. I mean they might want to watch the wrestler who has performed the big spot for a few shows to see if he does something crazy again, but the fan interest will fade if the wrestler does nothing of note after the aforementioned big spot.

So its a great storyline that the fans REALLY care about.
Their favourite's winning or the guy's they hate losing? That's what the vast majority of fans who dont delve too deeply into wrestling care about I am guessing, of course to be liked or hated you have to have a character people can get behind or against and have matches that dont bore people to tears, but if people care about whether you win or lose most will overlook it if some of your matches are a bit shit.

Then you've got people like Bourne, who are quite exciting and people like him, but I doubt it bothers too many people that he gets pinned everyweek.

Things like mat classics and high spots add a bit more entertainment and talking points, also help fans get behind characters if they've had a match that they love or throw themselves off of ladders, which again leads me to believe that for most people it all boils down to the first paragraph I wrote.

Edit - Oh yeah, I guess decent storylines help. Decent fueds and all that, but you cant have those without characters that people care about either - Edit
For whatever most wrestling fans will say, what they really like is getting swerved. Most of the time, they will just complain either way. But the element of not knowing what is happening gets most fans the most excited. In the moment, anyway.

Afterward, for obvious reasons, they want it to make sense. But, in the moment, the shock is what they like. Be it through the moves, the violence, or the finish. It's the shock.
For me I just really enjoy great mat wrestling for to say. Guys like Shawn M, Kurt, Benoit, Eddie, Rey, AJ S, Daniels, and few others. Every time these guys came out you knew the match it self was going to be good no matter who their opponent was some time.

As I got older and rewatched old footage of Ric F, Hogan, Savage, and other guys from this era. They were better of telling story with segments and interviews. Now a day I couldn't watch any of their matches. As much as I like them they are better off leaving them alone.

Excitement, chemistry, and wrestling ability does help to tell a good story for sure.

WCW had some great story going on but if you went back to watch some of thoses matches today you be wondering why you enjoyed it soo much. Same thing can go towards some stars in WWE attitude eras. Most of the stars that were main eventing knew what they were doing and get people into their storyling that was going on.

Todays wrestling its just not easy to get over. To me if and when some new comes out in a video package or their first match. If you don't do anything crazy, exciting, or something that seperates you from the talent in the back then I won't care for you.

TNA has Robbie E and WWE has talents from Nxt (fcw talents) and for most of them I can care less because they don't make me want to listen or even watch any of their matches.

If you don't get off a good start then you just going to be lost in the shuffle.

Everyone remembers when the Rock debuted and then he got booed badly but he took and kind of ran with it. Now not everyone is going to be an Austin, Rock, HHH, HBK, Jericho, Benoit, Eddie, and etc.

You got to do something to make you stand out. If you don't then you will just be a jobber.!!

For me personally again good wrestlers that can wrestle is first. Guys like Jeff H, RVD, Rey, Styles, Red, Daniels, Evan B, Kofi K, and few others that can fly or do some crazy stunts time to time would be the guys that will excite me at times. The last thing I look at is chemistry on how well they work together.

I wouldn't mind seeing another Edge and Christiam storyline again. They did it in 2001 during the invasion. I think again before he left to go to TNA. Then a short feud when he came back I think. Now I would be okay with it.

Since we've seen some of the main eventers OVER and over again. Thats what I get sick of and WWE needs to try new things. I still remember the feud with HHH and Austin vs Hardyz. In some eyes it shouldn't had ever happen but at this time the Hardyz were over as a face and HHH and Austin needed to get over as heel. Guess what they did and also Jeff beat HHH for the IC title but of course got his but whooped the next day or so. I think that little feud helped them even more besides their feud with Edge and Christian & Dudleys.

Thats my thoughts and what I care about. You don't have to hit home run but if you don't even try or show me what you got at the first time I see you then. I won't waste my time on you.

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